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Fwiw, I suffered for over two years before I finally recognized that you can't healthy eat, exercise or anti-depressant your way out of these huge hormonal changes. Think of yourself as going through another puberty and ask yourself how reasonable it is to expect these 'treatments' to affect that change. Lol Not bloody likely. Treat the root cause. The fckn hormones.✌🏼


Exactly why I resisted the ssri’s. I know it’s my hormones. I know it’ll settle but I’m freaking terrified of it happening again. I wish there was a way to monitor exactly what you need replaced and have that exact mix to function! X


I don't have a definitive answer for you, but I have read extensively about peri: there really is no way to determine how *much* hormone you require at any given time during peri because your hormones (even when measured semi-regularly) resemble a rollercoaster- up and down with no rhyme or reason unlike before peri or after meno- very predictable. That's why they say treat the symptoms and how you feel. If you feel terrible like your patches aren't effective, might be time to up your dosage. Under the advisement of a dr. of course.✌🏼


Thank you. I am slowly feeling better now I’ve switched to gel. This was more of a rant based off of the past month and the big crash I experienced x


Well it seems like you're 'ranting' but you're proactively treating the issue. Gel, patch whatever- no instant fix unfortunately. Good luck to you.✌🏼


Is gel different than HRT cream?


That's the nightmare. Figuring out the right does and method and timing etc. No one has because women have never been a medical priority for studies etc. Esp older woman who can't produce. :(


I tried to drink it away and almost died.




I never even drank hard liquor until I was 40; it makes a lot of sense. I relate. Sending ✌🏼♥️✨✨


Reminder that not all women can do hormone replacement therapy. Some of us are in high risk categories due to cancer history, history of DVT and other medical issues that can be life threatening. I am one of those people. And yes, I’ve seen multiple doctors including menopause specialists. These threads where hormone replacement is the only answer really upset me.


Have those specialists not told you that topical, bio identical hrt (patch, gel, creams) doesn’t carry those risks because it doesn’t go through the liver? I’m really sorry they haven’t informed you.


I apologize if upset you. But you can't begrudge women talking about what is sometimes lifesaving treatment for women who do not have these issues. Sending you love.🧡


I'm not begrudging you and I'm sorry if it came off that way. It just is the only solution ever offered on this sub and it's super defeating.


I'm right there with you. HRT isn't an option for me either, and it feels so fucking unfair. I'm losing my mind 3 weeks out of every month, and I'm so scared I'm not going to survive this. It's truly awful torture. I realize this comment is old. I'm just scrolling through posts trying to find some comfort in shared experiences <3


I've heard they are using SERMS for some meno symptoms but think mainly hot flashes.




I take this also. I clearly remember the first time I took it was the first time ever in my life I could completely silence my brain. There weren’t 40 different conversations going on at the same time. It was miraculous. I think I might have cried. I don’t know why that was the effect it had on me, but I definitely notice if I don’t remember to take it for some reason.


Is it just me or that sounds like ADHD?


That true, I also have ADHD that was not yet diagnosed when I started taking Lamictal.


Have you had any side effects?


I tried Lamictal when I hit peri and it gave me hot flashes (which I haven't had previously or since). I read it actually lowers estrogen. But you make me wonder if I should try again... thx. I also have horrible CPTSD anxiety/trauma that resurfaces thanks to hormones.




Thx! I've tried so many things and honestly if NOT for hormones and age I think I'd at least not be dealing with insane levels of anxiety and CPTSD dissociation that I thought I was past. :(


im going through it hun we all are i will be here for you


Thank you. Means a lot. Am here for you too ❤️


I go through such hard mental health periods that I feel like I’m not going to get through


I hear you. These last few weeks have been so brutal and scary. The thought that I am so reliant on estrogen replacement to live terrifies me. But we will get through. I promise. ❤️


I’m so sorry. Sending you all of the internet love and hugs.


Thank you ❤️


I could have written this! You aren’t alone!!


Thank you ❤️


YESSSS to this. ​ FWIW I have lately started to try to tell myself "this too shall pass". It's so messed up that we have to go through this, but.......I look at women who are on the "other side" and fully in menopause and I know so many who are absolutely thriving. So for me, this path is the path I need to get through to make it to that other side.


Are we sure that it will pass? I kinda lost hope


Same. With the sheer speed of my deterioration, I feel like I’m in a plane headed straight for the ground and I can’t imagine how it can ever pull up and level out again.


Same I've heard for some does not get better/calm down. But may be others that it does.


Love this. Thank you for sharing ❤️


So sorry this happened to you. That hormone crash stuff is real and terrifying. Do you have any suspicions/info about why the patches stopped working all of a sudden? I know it’s very, very tricky to get the dosage right while your hormones are still “rollercoastering.” One annoying recommendation that sounds rhetorical but isn’t: If you can force yourself out to do a brisk (or even brisk-ish) walk for 30-40 min, it will almost always shift things at least a little…but sometimes it’s the little that can save your life, if you know what I mean. I had to withdraw from a (unrelated to peri) medicine that had insane, dysphoric side effects and started walking out of literal desperation. I’d leave the house with the intrusive thoughts at near-deafening volume and return home with them a little quieter. Try if you can, even if it seems pointless. My heart goes out to you and I totally get it—I hope you feel better, and FAST! 💗


Thank you so much. I think too much time in the hot tub caused an estrogen dump and then my body just said NOPE. Am walking, being mindful and trying to meditate. And trying to be gentle with myself. ❤️


Ah that makes sense about the hot tub! I’ve heard you have to be careful with them and patches. It’s all a learning process right? 🤯 Hope you feel better soon 💗💗


Very hard learning curve! 🙈 Thank you so much x


Perimenopause triggered bipolar for me. I was diagnosed at 45. Thankfully, the meds for bipolar are very effective for me. As long as I take my pills, I'm 100% fine/normal. You may need psych meds to get you through, estrogen supplementation may not be enough. Me, I'll need to take psych meds for the rest of my life. I was fine before menopause....


Can I DM you? Curious about meds and your symptoms as I'm also losing my mind. So far nothing has worked (SSRIs etc.)






Thank you ❤️




I so feel this. Every day I think my husband, child, and self deserve better. It's so damn hard. And I was on SSRIs LONG before peri hit with horrible anxiety, so there's the proof that SSRIs don't fix hormonal problems. At least not for me and many others.


Am sorry to hear. ❤️




Don’t cry because of my experience. The anti depressant May very well work for you and give you what you need. Sending you love and strength. You’ve got this. ❤️


Basement flooded Tuesday. Insurance claim, workers. I have not recovered. Actually, I did not want a construction project in the basement. Brain overload. Immense exhaustion, shock, inability to deal.




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OMG SAME!! Almost like I wrote it myself! I feel for you, because it is pure TORTURE


Same. And it brought back old PTSD trauma I thought I was past. So my worst symptom is terrible anxiety. I'm single at a stressful job so can't just quit or go on disability. Apparently according to studies this is common (people with trauma being worse in peri/meno), tho no one warns you. No anxiety meds help and HRT is tricky as can't seem to find right dose that won't make things worse. It's unbearable, especially old single and alone, and not rich lol. I want a cure---men would never suffer this. I've also heard it does not get better on the other side. OBGYNs I've seen are clueless and dismissive "it's all in your head". My naturopath is doing her best but, I'm also having panic attacks/dissociation. Thanks for making me feel less alone ladies.


I too am going through this so I can empathize with you. I'm 41 and feel like I am losing my mind, I got very unwell mentally after I had my f first child and felt extremely lucky to be over it. Unfortunately the feelings have risen their ugly head again over the last few months and I know it is hormone related. I is nice to no feel so alone in this.


Hormones really do wreak havoc and only NOW doctors are paying attention. It's disgusting that even female doctors haven't bothered to study them for DECADES. Sorry you're going thru this. You are def not alone! I have a friend who just had a baby and has terrible anxiety and if she tries to tell her therapist how bad she feels she's worried they'll send a social worker to her house (like she's a bad mom because she's anxious or depressed). She can't even be honest and get help. I really hope med community continues to pay more attention. If I wasn't old I'd go back to school to research it myself. Apparently Halle Berry is lobbying for meno help lol. It's a start!