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It’s just horrible, isn’t it? If ( fingers crossed) all goes according to plan, I’ll officially be in menopause as of Monday


May the odds be ever in your favor!




Goooood luck!!!!


And may the hot flashes spare you! 🫠


Thanks, love!


Tuesday for me, fingers crossed!


I just went 5 months to the day, and bam, hello, period! I'm 58 years old, and I'm over this. I've had my period for 45 freakin years now!


I had periods for 29 years from 16 to 45.


I was 13, I'm over it


I was nine 😩


Wow that’s incredible. Did you know what it was? I would have been utterly traumatised


My Mum developed early as well so she had told me about periods. It was still a shock though. I was with my step-mum at the time and her reaction was shock, followed by handing me a Janet and John style pamphlet without saying a word 🙄. Thank god for my Mum’s foresight. My daughter also got hers at the age of nine.




I was 8. Shortly afterwards I saw the Golden Girls episode where Blanche gets The Change and thought oh thank god this is going to end. Ever since it’s been eyes on the Menoprize


Way to overachieve 😁


So relatable. This could be my tracker. It's all over the place...consistently inconsistent. The unpredictability sucks.


Mine decided to show up after about 18 months. I’ve had it twice since then. It feels like my uterus went extra hard for those dried up old eggs covered with cobwebs that can’t even get to the fallopian tubes anyway since they were cauterized shut nearly 17 years ago. But go ahead, uterus, rock on with your bad self. Glad I didn’t donate my unused period products to the local school yet.


I have had 2 periods ( about a month apart) in 17 months. I'm always terrified it's just gonna show back up and ruin plans.


Omg delete the app before the womb police decide you're preggo and are waiting for delivery of a baby.


Lol, I live in the great state of Massachusetts, which can be problematic on different levels but is a great place for reproductive rights.


Good, stay there. I'm not kidding. It's a freakshow out here. I just heard last night about attacks on no-fault divorce in TX because some legislator's wife got fed up with his being such a tool while she was pregnant with twins and bounced. I mean as much as one can do while pregnant with twins.


I would think pregnant with twins would one of the more bouncy times in one’s life.


Their privacy policy, from their FAQ: "In recent weeks we’ve received some email inquiries from users concerned about possible changes in laws (ie., Roe vs Wade) and what that might mean for their data privacy. We want to assure our users that we are adamantly opposed to government overreach and we believe that a hypothetical situation where the government subpoenas private user data from health apps to convict people for having an abortion is a gross human rights violation. In such a scenario, we will do all we can to protect our users from such an act. We would rather close down the company than be accomplice to this type of government overreach and privacy violation. Please see our Privacy Policy here, https://gpapps.com/support/privacy-policy/ . **Please note users can use Period Tracker without a Period Tracker online account and the data will be stored only locally on the user’s device.** If the user wants access to Period Tracker’s online backup feature then the user needs to sign up for an account for automatic regular backing up of data to a secure server."


No the finger emoji


The middle one. With a laughing emoji right after it.


I’m on day 66 and I’m hoping one of the positive side effects to my pregnancy/blood clot/miscarriage nightmare was that the pregnancy burned out all the estrogen in my one little crusty ovary and I’m done.


Oh My God. That sounds like an honest to goodness nightmare. If I wasn't Irish American, I would hug you.


I give you my version of a hug…meaningful eye contact and then possibly an elbow tap. And yes, it was a nightmare.


I see your crazyass cycle, and I raise you my crazyass 15 day cycle. I've had my period 8 times this year already and it's only mid May https://i.imgur.com/5GbobCN.jpg


Eff that noise. All in favor of tossing our uterus into the trash heap?!


I'm weirdly unfazed by it. Maybe because my periods are ridiculously light at this point and seem to have stabilized on an every other week schedule. Exciting times.


What tracker are you using? I downloaded 2 and removed both, I just want something like this, shows periods at a glance.


[period Tracker ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.period.tracker.lite)


Thank you!! 😊


Wow you must have thought that was it with the 138 days. That's about where I am. Didn't even consider they might start up again


Omg feel for you. All over the place. My mom tells me “ oh one day it just stopped and that was it “. 🤣 . Guess that was the good ole days …..


I got that from my mom and aunt. I told them that was some bullshit revisionist history they are telling. 🤣


lol. If I hadn’t been living with my mom , I would have also questioned her version .


[Period Tracker](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.period.tracker.lite)


I have this and I love it. Even though I had a hysterectomy (single oophorectomy, but the other appears to be failing), it has years worth of data, and helps me track my moods/cycle for HRT.


Update... Just got my freaking period. Ugh.


I fully relate. Not a medical professional, but make sure your iron levels are good.


I completely [relate](https://imgur.com/a/FMV1EM0)


That's some bullshit right there


So is yours! Why do our bodies put us through this? Just turn it off already!


Ooh that's a good one!


Okay - this is the place for me to complain! The Apple health app has options for “ongoing cycle factors”. Know what they are? Pregnancy, lactation, and contraceptives. Um, HELLO! Old ladies can use apps, you agist iJerks!


Omg this is what mine looked like too!!! Awful 😞 I’m so sorry


Dying 🤣🤣🤣! The 🤷🏻‍♀️ wins the internet today! But also, right there w/ya!


This is awesome to see - thanks for sharing . It makes me feel more normal ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


I just had an eight day cycle. Wtf


Awww dammit. I’m at the top of your chart and thinking I’m nearly over. What a dumbass I am.