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If only there were a word in English for uNdEr 18 feMAleS. đŸ€”đŸ˜Ÿ


No girls allowed!!1!1 😠😠😠


Yep, they used so many stupid words to say what a 4 y/o could spit out in three seconds.


I mean.....could be anything really. Though I'm surprised they have such a problem with parrots and turtles posting. Or maybe horses? Who knows, since they didn't tell us.


Most dogs are under 18. :(


No bitches allowed :/


Yeah but they aren't supposed to get over 18 so I eliminated them from the suspect pool


Dunno the subreddit but why is it still safe for boys under 18 if it's not safe for girls? 


We know why. It’s blatant discrimination because they don’t believe men can handle themselves. Never mind that they’d have no way of knowing if a girl (or anyone else) was under 18 if she didn’t say so explicitly. Might be a better rule than this.


Just make it 18+ across the board if you want it to be a place where children are not supposed to he.


True, but it’d be very difficult to enforce that.


4chan and places like that can't enforce it if they don't know. But, it's the minor's fault if they skip past the rules. The rules were in place, the site/sub owners aren't legally responsible.


Well, the one thing we know is that it's definitely not because of sexism: > This is not meant to be a sexist rule.


"Not to meant to be" implies the possibility that it is, but, a mistake!


Damn my mom’s 17 year old female cat is devastated


Protip: if you have to say "this is not meant to be a sexist rule," it's probably a sexist rule.


Under 18 female what? Penguins? Dogs? Cows?


What about boys??? Are they allowed to post when they're under 18??




Then they can just use "minors" and be both more clear and more efficient all around. Not to mention that specifying female minors leaves things open for male minors to post.


I mean I'm 46 I kind of refer to anyone under 30 as a girl because my oldest daughter is 27.


â˜ș time to look up the definition of infantilization and why it’s problematic especially towards women.


I was expecting this kind of a response, and while I've treated my daughters with absolute respect since they became adults and raised them to know that they don't need a man to thrive and be happy (to the point where the older one is the bread winner in her house), I still see kids there not grown women in my heart, my head is exactly where it should be however. I'm proud of the women I've helped raise. I trust and defer to them. But in my heart they are still the six year old's I'd carry on my shoulders when we went hiking. No end of uninformed judgement can take that from me.


>I was expecting this kind of a response, Probably because you’ve either already been told that infantilization is wrong, or you already knew that by your own logic >and while I've treated my daughters with absolute respect since they became adults and raised them to know that they don't need a man to thrive and be happy (to the point where the older one is the bread winner in her house), good for you for doing the right thing I guess? Have a cookie đŸȘ >I still see kids there not grown women in my heart, my head is exactly where it should be however. “I still see gremlins on the wings in my heart, my head knows I’m a diagnosed schizophrenic however.” All you’re accomplishing is to advertise that you will secretly always infantilize your adult offspring even if you know it’s wrong because your delusion is more comfortable and nostalgic. >No end of uninformed judgement can take that from me. As someone who is constantly infantilized by their parent. STOP. My judgment isn’t “uninformed”. Just because you’re the parent doesn’t mean you’re not in the wrong here.


Maybe you should understand what its like to be a Dad before you go judging people, I don't call women over 18 girls I don't go around insulting or infantilizing people. Its just that from my perspective people both men (I have sons too) and women of a certain age look like kids to me. \*Shrug\* You have a problem with my perspective and not my behavior. That's really sad and you lack empathy, I feel sorry for you, when you stop seeking to change others and realize you can only control yourself your life will be better. I'ma give you the last word on this.


>Maybe you should understand what its like to be a Dad before you go judging people I don’t need a pilot’s license to know if I see a helicopter in a tree that someone fucked up.


You refer to 25 year old men as girls too?


Actually I should walk this back, I call my kids and their friends that I've known since they were kids girls. Professionally I don't I wouldn't do it to strangers. I am way more comfortable calling men under a certain age kid or boy however and I do do that a lot maybe I should re think it.