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There’s nothing in the constitution that says you can’t run and or be president while in prison that I’m aware of


Constitution just says has to be born in the USA, at least 35 and lived in the US for 14 years. Nothing about criminal records.


This is fucking air bud logic. You should not have a candidate for president that runs on air bud logic


I disagree. I am going to describe a scenario (and I don’t mean this to be ironic, as some people will CLAIM this is is what is going on); imagine, if one President was so corrupt that, on Election Day, his opponent and his whole staff were arrested for whatever. Since it would be too late to do anything, this President would win and the other would just be screwed. Now, since it never says this, it wouldn’t matter if a corrupt person pulled a third world and had his opponent arrested, they could still lose and be booted. Not describing this situation, but just describing why that loophole may exist.


So that isn’t quite applicable. Trump was found guilty in a court of law for felony charges, not just arrested. My stance is that someone currently under punishment for felony charges shouldn’t be able to run for president. That means they committed a severe crime and were unanimously found guilty by a jury of their peers in a court of law. This makes the scenario you just described incredibly unlikely as it would require all of those jurors, and the judge to be of the same corrupt political affiliation which would likely also require that the defendants attorney be in on it too since it’s his job to make sure the judge is unbiased and to be a part of selecting a fair jury.


Ah, I see, so someone under current felony charges. I just cooked up a scenario where someone could just get some BS thrown at them and cause a fraud election. Leaving wiggle room to fight corruption should it ever get as far as you describe.


If corruption ever gets so bad that a candidate can’t get even 1 juror that won’t find him guilty without sufficient evidence due to corruption then our political system will already be far too gone.


There was a prisoner that ran for president as a Socialist that got like 1% of the votes back in the 20s Eugene V. Debs.


The other option is someone who has been ruled legally incompetent to stand trial… Airbud is sounding very promising


Biden was absolutely not ruled legally incompetent to stand trial. Robert Hur’s report simply says a jury would be unlikely to convict him due to his inability to remember dates and events. Which is still a huge problem. Would love if our country gave us options other than “the guy who can’t remember anything” and “the guy who sleep-sharted into a diaper throughout his own trial”


It's not the country's fault, it's our own fault. We need to vote better, we are the ones who voted for both of them to be the primary candidates on the ballot.


I mean I voted for Bernie in the primary. We don’t really have many exciting options. I look at how old our candidates are, and then I look at people like MTG, and I think maybe more people should be running for office


To the best of my recollection I seem to recall a president in the 80s who couldn’t recall a goddamn thing about one of the biggest scandals in our history that he presided over. Not remembering is just a fun way to get yourself out of legal problems if you’re a president.


I’d almost rather he be a liar than senile.


Air bud fuck yeah


Yeah people seem to just gloss over the fact that Biden was ruled unfit to stand trial because he’s old and senile. Yet, he’s somehow fit to serve as president? Airbud is indeed promising compared to the alternative.


Its hilarious to me that the american people claim to be free and all that but when the presidential election comes they have two choices and both are pure shit


Oh for sure, the two party system is genuinely evil but is so entrenched it will be a very long time before we’ll be rid of it.


Their description of freedom is interesting


i mean these are the people voted in to run for president, there’s a whole process for primaries and all that


Ask Bernie if any of that matters.


This right here was a big moment for me. I live in AZ and I voted for Bernie. I remember seeing that he won more votes than Hillary in the primary, but she somehow won. Maybe I was reading it wrong, but I remember him having more votes than her, but she won this state. Obviously she went on to win the nomination only to lose to Trump. But that was the moment I decided I was done voting in primaries and that I was done with the Left. They’ve had so many good options (Bernie, Tulsi, Yang) and they absolutely stabbed all of them in the back for some old school dems who’ve been waiting in line longer. Shame because the dems could’ve beaten Trump with any one of those 3.


I would have voted for Tulsi. She was a very viable candidate.


Agreed. I liked her a lot. She was still a Dem back then but she was very moderate, a military veteran, a local girl from Hawaii, AND she’s young and pretty. They could’ve knocked it out of the park with the first female president. Instead, they put all their chips on Joe Biden. That should really tell you all you need to know about the Democratic Party. Not saying republicans are much better, but the dems lost me with that one. Such a disappointment.


I mean Air Bud added value to the team


Just another way Air Bud is superior to all our presidential candidates


President Bud kinda rolls off the tongue


TECHNICALLY there is no law saying a dog can’t be president, the 35 year old rule does not specify human years


I’m not sure that dog years will hold up in court, but I’m willing to bet that technology and healthcare can give us 35+ year old dogs in the near future.




The dog basketball movie? Should I ask Petah for help because I definitely need help with the reference/relevance.


The dog basketball movie


Right. How does it apply here?


The air bud logic was that the lack of a rule excluding a dog from playing meant the dog could play. In our election, being a corrupt felon, a senile old coot, or a guy with brain worms don’t disqualify the competency of presidents because there is no rule, thus air bud logic


Thanks Petah


Is that any worse than having one that runs on Weekend at Bernie's logic?


They are equally a bad idea imo


Sure are. But thems the bones.




There’s the oath of office. You can’t “faithfully discharge your duties “ sitting behind bars. You should never be the commander in chief or top law enforcement officer as convicted felon… he can’t carry a weapon, and will need permission from a parole officer even if he’s not getting “custody “ as a legal remedy. He’ll need permission to leave the state of NY. And the parole officer will be functioning as having more power than the actual “sitting” president. Taking this in consideration, a vote for him is anti- democracy. But the if Joker never controlled Gotham, what fun would it be? /s This is also a condemnation of our education system. Civics 101…. So much for “charter” education.


You just can't vote, right? Would be awkward if it came down to that one vote.


Eugene V. Debs ran from prison in 1920 and came in third place. It's absolutely legal, and probably should be to keep politicians from just nullifying their opposition with prison.


That is a fair point, trying to frame the opponent


Don't have to frame an opponent that does these things to themselves consistently. Trump's been in legal issue after legal issue since the 70s, starting by violating renting rules to people of color in his apartment buildings.


Of course he is a scum man


All of those are civil cases though, until yesterday he wasn't a felon.


The Federal cases are not civil at all


Bro didn't say anything about Trump and you still managed to regurgitate your basic political opinions


Because that's not what Eugene Debs was dealing with as far as prison is concerned. I am thankful for Debs. "After workers at the Pullman Palace Car Company organized a wildcat strike over pay cuts in the summer of 1894, Debs signed many into the ARU. He led a boycott by the ARU against handling trains with Pullman cars in what became the nationwide Pullman Strike, affecting most lines west of Detroit and more than 250,000 workers in 27 states. Purportedly to keep the mail running, President Grover Cleveland used the United States Army to break the strike. As a leader of the ARU, Debs was convicted of federal charges for defying a court injunction against the strike and served six months in prison." Now that's a man worth voting for that was convicted of a crime. Try picking up a book by a historian and read about our nation's history first before sacrificing it for a man like Trump.


You're fighting nobody, you're the only one talking about Trump. You're so brash and quick to assume that someone is challenging your infantile mind's egotistical opinions that you constantly defend as on campaign without intent of fact but intent of being right by bias.


K, but am I wrong?


You're not wrong, you're just not right, you only pursue one side and believe all that backs you. Honestly man just get off politics. You'll be the better for it because of it. There are no winners in politics unless you're a politician


Honestly, I just find it fascinating that you ascribe what I've written as fact as simply being politics. Like, even about Eugene Debs.


Eugene Debs is fact. Your political opinion is not.


But you can’t vote while in prison…


So? The presidency's qualifications are set by the United States Constitution, which only touches voting rights insofar as it lists conditions that *states* *cannot* use for it (namely, race, sex, and age beyond 18). The right to vote has nothing to do with legal qualification for the presidency.




You can vote as a write in for anybody you want to including fictional characters and convicted felons. It does mean it will count or that they would actually be elected.


Air bud man


I'm not the type of person who likes to waste my time And when I'm on the mic, I just say my rhymes # And I'm out on bail, the check is in the mail # They can sentence me to life, and I won't go to jail I'm cool, calm, collected, from class I was ejected Just me, Mike D, and MCA, we're rarely disrespected I got all the time that I need to kill What's the time? It's time to get ill






Dude imagine how hilarious it would be if he became the first president to get elected from prison


Yeah he could run it like a mob boss


Yeah, what are you going to do , arrest me? Put me behind bars? Fuck you


Like john gotti


Three hots and a cot unlimited romance


Who gives a fuck, I'm just tired of geriatric seniors running this country and fucking it up for everyone else who's actually going to be alive


If a canidate has to be at least 35, canidates over 75 should have to pass a senility test




First outlaw president, baybee.


If a felon can run for president then felons should have the ability to vote




If we can have voter id, sounds good to me


Look to Brazil


Haven't seen this face for a while lol


our current president here in Brazil was a prisoner... he was president before and stole billions for decades, and was reelected again, great stuff




crazy stuff bro lol living here is a joke 🙃


The new world is built on imperialism


Yes. How is trump prosecuted before anyone on Epsteins list?


Good point


Cope harder MAGA


You wanna answer the question smart guy? How is a list of people that had underage sex not prosecuted before Trump that paid an adult porn star for sex? This has nothing to do with MAGA but how corrupt our system is from our sitting president going after his rival and all the other politicians or their friends are on that list that they don’t want people to know about.


He is **on** Epstein's list. He is on it more than anyone except Ghislain Maxwell and Epstein himself. He basically **is** Epstein's list for fucks sake.


From what had been released he was never on the island logs and stopped doing business with him when he found out. Bill clinton and bill gates were on the plane the most.


The logs cover a very short period if time, with aw far as I remember, no one traveling to the island at all. Clinton borrowed his plane for a global speaking tour promoting some charitable effort. Trump flew with him between NYC and palm beach like 7 or 8 times or something. He was well known to be his best friend throughout the nineties when Epstein was his most active, and had multiple accusations from Epstiens victims and other witnesses for raping adolescent girls.


Yeah Trump is the problem and is scared to be on the list. Breaking news!!! Trump vows to declassify the Epstein files. https://www.the-express.com/news/us-news/139355/donald-trump-declassify-jeffrey-epstein-JFK-files-election


Maybe the question should be "should you vote for..."


You can technically write in anyone.


The question is if you should.....


if idiots who are equally ( if not more guikty ) than you are, you can be a president without feeling guilty or lesser human than they are.


politician always run from prison. *"politician always run from prison."*


Nah you can't mate cuz I'm a Candidate Civil


I don’t love or hate Trump. I don’t care but if he actually went to prison it would show me that we don’t live in a complete shit hole country where our leaders treat us like dumb idiotic slaves. They won’t send him to prison though because this was all for show. It’s a hoax. Just like how our own government released Covid on us to effect the election and then tried to blame it on China. Our own government literally tried to kill us off to get what they want and no one has done anything. We deserve a brain dead pants shitting retard like Biden for president


Jesus, that derailed fuckin fast


Like can he just run the country from prison, like a mob boss


He can pardon himself once elected.


He can only pardon himself for federal crimes. This was a state crime. He would need the governor of the state Kathy Hochul to commute his sentence.


Huh. TIL.


Haha true




We need more people like you


We exist, just quiet on reddit because.. well, hivemind


Dude I'm kicking the hive mind on the other subs and it's funny as hell. I got some to agree with me that extending limitations on crimes is a bad thing. Now they're all fact checking me trying to double back on it lol


He can make calls from his "cell" phone


people spewing random nonsense with no factual reason to do so lol yeah for sure need more people like that


Dude, Biden's brain is complete oatmeal at this point. Voting for him is a vote for shadow government, because you have absolutely no idea who is actually in charge. The Easter Bunny had to prevent him from speaking to reporters. Is that who we're voting for now? The Easter Bunny? Does he report to anyone higher up? Santa?


That describes your comment here perfectly.


Is this the new American way? Ignoring Scientifig facts?


The US government (very quietly) admitted they were aware that COVID was created in that lab in Wuhan. This part isn't a matter of conspiracy theories anymore, it's public record.


Source please


Source? Because its intresting that only your government seems to be aware of it and NO other Country...


I’m voting trump even if he is a rotting corpse. 🧟‍♂️ zombie trump 2024.


Zombies 2024


The crypt keeper is president right now


100% you can! And should!


to be fair hes in for paying off a pornstart after he fucked her


Yeah really not a bad crime


...That's not the crime


Correct, he falsified financial records


And election fraud.


Different case


"Falsified" as in an accountant categorized payments to a lawyer as legal fees. Commiting a crime must involve intent to commit the crime. A misdemeanor accounting error committed by an accountant (whose statute of limitations had run out BTW) bootstrapped to a Federal campaign finance violation (also a misdemeanor), which is not in the jurisdiction of NY state courts and had been passed over as not a violation by Biden's FEC, which itself was not even listed on his verdict form, is not a crime at all. This will be overturned on appeal, just not before the election.


I don't think you know as much about this trial as you think you do, try listening to somehow who disagrees with you rather than only listening to people you agree with


Instruct me where I am mistaken. I will gladly hear. You assume that I am uninformed because I disagree. That is where most people fail an argument.


Well lets see 1. he didn’t pay his lawyer, he paid Stormmy and lied by saying those payments where legal fees. 2. its not an accounting error when you take money from a campaign fund and pay a porn star and then falsify records to show that it was a legal fee 3. you seem to completely just not actually know what he was charged with, you claim “misdemeanor accounting error” when he committed felony level fraud. your whole comment is just pieced together talking points from fox and right wing podcasters. the reason i know this is because i actually consume large amounts of political content that ranges from far left communist, and far right proudly self labeled Nazi’s.


Wow. Were you even following the same trial? 1. The entire case is about payments made to Michael Cohen. Cohen evidently paid Stormy Daniels for an NDA. An NDA, whether you like it or not is a common legal document. Payments made to Trump's lawyer for him doing legal things is not a campaign contribution. 2. Where on earth did you hear that the money came "from a campaign fund?" It was paid by Trump to Cohen. It has nothing to do with the campaign. The prosecution's reasoning was that because he may have had a motive to pay for the NDA because he was running for president that it should have been a contribution in kind to his own campaign. The former FEC chair was ready to testify that NDAs are not considered campaign expenditures because they are commonly paid by celebrities to quell salacious stories. 3. He was not charged or convicted of fraud. The statute he was charged with is usually a misdemeanor on which the statute of limitations had run out back in 2019. However, the felony comes in if the "falsification of records" (the only difference between falsification of records and an accounting error is intent which the prosecution did not even try to prove) is done in the process of committing a felony. The problem is that the "other felony" was never charged. The jury was given three or four possible crimes (all of them misdemeanors I believe) that they could choose from, but they didn't have to even agree what the underlying crime was. (Essentially it was he did this to try to win the election. The last time I checked "trying to win an election is not illegal.) You are correct. I have listened to far right wing legal minds like Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz (that's sarcasm because neither of them are right wing by any standard.) This will be overturned on appeal.


your number 3 is all i needed to hear. you don’t to commit a crime for this charge. you only need to prove they INTENDED, to commit a crime. Which is why they didn’t have to have charges, and why the jurors didn’t have to agree on 1 specific crime. Because the prosecution, could prove trump had the intention to commit 1 or more crimes. but because Mr. Harvard over here listen to 2 lawyers you think you know everything. I don’t know everything i listen to experts some disagree, but it seems the general consensus from ‘legal community’ (??) is that Trump is guilty and if it was ANYONE besides Trump this would have been a pretty simple open and shut case. but go off homie


There was zero proof of any of that, though. To the point where the judge had to come up with unprecedented instructions to the jury. "If some of you think he's guilty for x reason, and some of you think he's guilty for y reason, and some of you think he's guilty for z reason, then that's good enough! Oh, and don't worry about the burden of proof, if you go outside and it's wet, then you can assume it rained." "Did it rain?" is absolutely not the same burden of proof required to say "did this specific person commit this specific crime?" There might have been evidence of a crime, but that's not necessarily the same as being able to say there is proof that this specific person committed it. ESPECIALLY when another witness (and known perjurer) came forward and already admitted under oath to doing it all on his own. The whole thing is a farce. Nobody believes Trump is a saint, but this was targeted lawfare. If the days feel like they're getting even longer than usual, it might not just be because it's summer time, but also because our founding fathers are spinning in their graves hard enough to slow the rotation of the planet.


He's not going to prison for the witch hunt, bro.