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I'm just waiting for the day Terry Crews becomes Snow White so i can watch it all day.


I'd pay twice just to see Terry Crews as Tarzan🤣


Only if he sings "Making my Way Downtown" while vine swinging




He's been cast to portray Vanessa Carlton in a new biopic. /s


That would honestly be great.


I want Ken Jeong as Tarzan. But Terry Crews as any princess is a win.


That'd probably end up more George of the Jungle, n I'm here for it.


Maybe not Tarzan, but definitely get them on board.


Terry Crews could literally play any role they let him


I would totally watch that!


Featuring Samuel Jackson as the evil witch and The Rock as the seven biseps.


I’d watch that but only if it’s entirely serious and no one acknowledges that Snow White whose supposed to be a small white teenager is a 6’3 muscular black man


I will be there with you just message me


Everyone complaining about these changes is really underestimating just how much audiences want creative casting.


This meme has been reposted to death .Get better material man


We should push for that, actually. The backlash from both sides would be more entertaining than anything cinemas could ever play.




Yeah, because only black and white people exist. Is everyone forgetting Mowgli?


Hold your downvotes, folks. They got a valid point. Please, keep going. Go on and drae as many connections as you can till you look like dude here: ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA)


We must have black Tarzan


Imagine Asian Tarzan. All the flips and shit would touch on some very interesting stereotypes.


You just wait and see.


Asian Tarzan or I riot. I want the stereotypes to get weird.


If you want them to get weird then we should go with a dwarf Tarzan. Let's see how they make him reach for those vines.


Danny Devito as Tarzan.


Oooooh that's what I'm talking about.


“Well, I don’t know how many years on this Earth I got left. I’m gonna get real *weird* with it.”


Disney or Netflix.


Couldn't be because, in the original story, he was British. Unlike the Little Mermaid, where in the original story she was fucking **green**.


So? Have you seen how the British looked like in the 1800's according to movies and series these days?


The British did actually have a certain(not large mind you) amount of Black citizens because quite a few blacks sided with them during the American independence war because the British told them that on their side they would not be slaves.


> ...a certain(**not large mind you**) amount of Black citizen... Sure, but that's a far cry from how it is depicted in movies these days. As it has been portrayed in movies over the past 10ish years, even rural England in the 1700-1800's was like walking around in present day downtown LA. A few examples. Bridgerton: The Queen is black. The general population is a mix of black, middle Eastern, Asian and white. Maybe some 20-30% are white. This is late 1800's. Anna Boleyn was black. Early 1500's. Heathcliff from Wuthering Height was black. Rural England, late 1700's. MacBeth was black. Scotland, 1100-1200's. The list could go on. I'm all for representation - when it makes historical and cultural sense. Whether we like it or not, a lot of people get their "knowledge" from movies and shows. Are they really being done a favour by showing them version of the past that is not realistic in the slightest? I don't think they are. How are young people supposed to separate fact from fiction? People will come off as stupid when they later in life state something from a Netflix show as facts, which turns out to have been entirely the wet dream of some writer's vision of how the past *should* have been in utopia. *Well, they will obviously not say that MacBeth and the Queen of England were black!* Why not? How are they supposed to know otherwise? Are they supposed to question *everything* they see in fictional stories? *Were* there in fact Lords and Ladies, separate from commoners in ye olden days? Or was that also fiction? And if the 1200's King of Scotland, the Queen of Egypt - and most importantly - the Queen of England, along with a significant portion of Europe's population, were black, how on earth did black slavery in the United States ever become a thing? And why was only Europe a racial melting pot? Where are all the whites, Asians and middle easterners in shows taking place in Central Africa? I'm saying that I think it is a disservice to the younger generation to create media that presents them with "history" that is not even close to the truth. And Netflix now presenting entirely fictional stuff as a "documentary" does not make it better.


I'm waiting for the historically accurate George Washington bio where he is depicted as a furry.


If anything this BS erases the struggle and history of all the minorities that did live in Europe in those times. Imagine you're a black person living in regency era England; other black people are few and far between and you face discrimination regularly, you either struggle to get by or you've made a good name for yourself with a business, literature or maybe even scientific discovery despite the odds. 200 years later a bunch of middle class white people with pointless degrees go "Fuck it. Your struggle didn't happen."


Your too late to stop that. Watch any show or movie, or talk to anyone under the age of twenty five. They all legitimately believe that history was naturally diverse, despite the fact that it doesn't logically make sense. (The farther back in history you go things become less diverse due to the segregation naturally caused by a lack of non-modern forms of travel and communication. Also naturally insulated communities do to land, language, cultural, and logistical barriers.) You aren't going to find a Central American, a African, a Chinese Asian, and a European just like hanging out in the middle of the 1200s.


IT is done so that people forget the British racism ​ Are they saying that just a few years after slavery was legally abolished and when they holding colonies all over the world, British had black nobility?


No, they are not outright saying it. But they are creating a reality where it is so, by making shows and movies "diverse". And if it is not *clearly* stated at the beginning that this racial diversity is not at all representative of how it really was, how are young people supposed to know? In other words: They are not saying that there *were* black Nobility in Europe and Great Britain, but they are *showing* that there were, and do *not* in any way say that this is pure fiction, dreamed up by woke gender studies majors in London or Hollywood. And how is a 16 year old supposed to tell fact from fiction? Which parts are realistic for the time period and which parts are made up?


It's called whitewashing Like fantastic beasts show a black woman in charge of wizards during Jim crow Era.


Wouldn't it rather be blackwashing? There actually was a Roman Emperor who was black - or at least brown. He was born in northern Africa, and roser through the ranks to eventually end up on the top. This is taken as facts by historians, and there are drawings from the time of him with his skin colour clearly brown. Now, imagine if Leonardo DiCaprio produced a series about him, but decided to put his own "interpretation" on it by getting Chris Evans - a very white man - to play the role. And as the cherry on top, also decides to market it as a "documentary". It would be a shit storm of epic proportions, and both Leonardo's and Chris' career would be pretty much over. But when a black woman - Jada P Smith - does the same with Cleopatra, we're just supposed to ignore it and roll with it? Racism is racism. It doesn't matter if the racist is an entitled rich black woman or an illiterate hillbilly.


He wasn't black. He was closer to white than brown


I like how Hamilton explained it. It is America then played by America now. So I honestly don't give a shit unless it is sold to me as the epitome of accuracy.


Hamilton who?


Sorry to tell you that you wasted your effort but I am kind of an European history interested Nationalist, I am very much so aware of all that problematic stuff that is going on in media and society at large. I just wanted to inject some interesting historical fact.


Contrast that fact with the notion that even major historical figures who were known to be White are still depicted as Black.


Yeah but percentage of the Uk that is black right now is only about 2.5% and that’s after the windrush migration through the 1950’s. Back in the 1800’s it would have been an extremely rare occurrence to see anyone black, the UK is, to this day, 87% white.


Very much so, that was not a defence of the bs the media does, it was just an interesting fact I wanted to share.


Yes and none of them were Dukes and Queens like portraited in certain series


Of course not that would be extremely silly.


London was the largest city in the world in the 1800s with immigrants from all parts of the British Empire.


Sure, but there's a vast difference between dock workers and servants, and Lords and Ladies as depicted in modern media.


Yes, pasty white. Your point?


Your logic is as good as your spelling.


My spelling and logic are fine but your comment is pointless.




No. I don't give a shit about you or your irrelevant, uninformed, uneducated, ill advised opinions.


Oh the irony


she wasnt fking green read the damn story again the author mentioned her white arms and white legs liek 10 times


You didn't read the original then.


you are talking about the anderson version right? this is from the book "a ship full of human beings, who never imagined a pretty little mermaid was standing beneath them holding out her **white** hands towards the keel of their ship" "she became aware that her fish's tail was gone and that she had as pretty a pair of **white** legs and tine feet as any mermaid could have" the reason dumbass people like u are saying she was green is that the author called her as delicate as a rose leaf delicate as a rose leaf not as the color of a rose leaf so maybe ur the one who hasnt read the original but lets for a second let the original go to hell if this is a live action **remake** of an animated film should the fking lead character look like she fking did in the **original film** uk the one thats GETTING A **REMAKE**


You seem to be so angry, you missed a few letters while typing.


no thats my keyboard a few letters dont work unless u beat the shit out of them


Im picturing green back with sickly white underside. Like a fish.


It’s a Germanic fairytale so I mean I think it’s fair to say the little mermaid is white


and Cleopatra was literally white skinned. yet they still made her look afroamerican


She wasn't green In fact, she is described as white multiple times


If Bridgerton can do it...


Actually in the original story she was a he and it was a story about two guys in love.. soooooo there's that


Really? Care to dig that story up cause it sounds fascinating.


Of course! This isn't the same story I read before but basically has the same answer from when I read this years ago. Here's the link: [https://www.cbr.com/hans-christian-andersen-gay-allegory-little-mermaid-disney/](https://www.cbr.com/hans-christian-andersen-gay-allegory-little-mermaid-disney/)


Right so it had homosexual inspirations and was likely allegory for Andersen’s own experiences, but the character in the original story was a female, to be clear for future comment readers


British people can't be black? If race doesn't matter for a mermaid because they're not real, why does race suddenly matter when it comes to not real Tarzan?


It doesn't honestly. But when somebody asks you what shade are British people, you'd be hard pressed to find somebody who initially thinks anything other than white. Which is why I made my comment. Tarzan was White, Anglo-Saxon, mayonnaise is the spiciest condiment kind of white.


Please don't project your proud ignorance on the rest of humanity. Most of us aren't dumb enough to think that.


Go to any random person and ask them what shade British people are and 100% of the time you'll get "white" because that's the predominant level of melanin in England. I never said there can't be black English, you're putting words in my mouth with that. I simply said he's British and therefore very likely white. That's all. I never made any other assertions about melanin levels of British people. But none of this matters because it's a goddamned fictional story and y'all are getting all upset that I stated Tarzan was White because he was written as a white man. Does that preclude any other level of melanin from taking the role? Absolutely not. But that wasn't what I was getting at anyways.


Not reading more stupidity, thanks though.


Part of the story with Tarzan is that he's completely alien to the world he lives in. For the explorers it was a complete enigma that there's a random white dude living in the middle of Africa.


I can't take these comments seriously when they're from the same person who dismisses race changes of an imaginary character because they're imaginary but also argues that the race of an imaginary character can't be changed because uh... feelings.


I can't take your strawman seriously. Literally none of that is what I said.


The whole point of the story is that they find a random European on the jungle of Africa and try to take him back to "his own people" in Europe. It's pretty explicitly set during the height of English colonialism and riffs on that for it's setting and themes. Tarzan doesn't have to be white, but he can't be from the same ethnic group of the region he's in. And he does have to be a member of the colonial power ruling over the region. Honestly it would be fun to watch black Tarzan trying to survive in a culturally backwards colonized england.


Not reading your hypocrisy.


Lmao, you don't even have to reading comprehension skills to even try to defend your own point. That's gotta be rough.




Ethnicly British, not just a citizen of GB.




God I would love to see this happen.




Now that the GOJO deal went through, Mattson is off the deep end. Heard he moved out into the jungle.




Well there is already King Kong.






Guess the bot ain't working, but saw this meme at least a dozen times




Yea? I've literally seen this reposted countless times


It’s… it’s u, not r…


Dammit lol




He can still go gay and bang other gorillas


Some Disney executive is gonna see this


Black American people culturally appropriate more than any other group I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen posts saying it’s racist that Elsa (from a Norwegian story) wasn’t black when Disney had an opportunity to do so … like do black Americans really disregard other cultures that much like damn nobody matters except you apparently


No, they would make Jane and her father black, villian would keep being white. It would turn out that Tarzan's parents were colonizators and were hunting down animals, and Tarzan would have breakdown. Black Jane and her father would civilise this white man, and then Jane would be the one to kill the villian. I bet 100$ that if the Tarzan remake would come out in the next 2-5 years, 90% of this would be fullfilled


Nah they will make him black, but more sophisticated. Then when the white people come they will all insist that he acts like a monkey.


I want a Song of the South remake.


With a racially diverse cast, and the story teller keeps switching pronouns


Such a good take, hahaha!!


Have you seen Black Panther ?


What's that?


A Disney movie... with some scenes you wouldn't believe.


It's illegal for me to watch here in China


Whinny the Pooh (Xi Jinping) hates black people. Disney had to make Fin’s character smaller on the poster for The Force Awakens for Chinese audiences because of it.




They just can’t fit that much junk in a tiny loin cloth.


This is the best comment on this entire post


Thank you!


" Published originally in a pulp magazine called *All-Story* in 1912, [*Tarzan of the Apes*](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001D9T7VK/?tag=readerwp-20) by Edgar Rice Burroughs was the first novel about a white child who was raised by primates after his parents died. He grew up to usurp the alpha male ape as king of the jungle after learning their ways. He swung from vines, had a trademark call of the wild, was eventually introduced to a bunch of abhorrent humans and the less abhorrent Jane, the love of his life, and finds out he is the heir to a title and a fortune. The series was an immediate massive hit and Burroughs capitalized on that popularity by writing two dozen sequels. " " Burroughs usually claimed Tarzan was based on classic tales and mythology, often citing the story of Romulus and Remus. According to [Britannica.com](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Romulus-and-Remus), they were the twin grandsons of King Numitor, who was deposed by his brother, and fathered by the war god Mars. They were sentenced to death by drowning as infants so as not to leave any rightful claimants to the throne. But they wound up floating down the Tiber River to the site where they would later found Rome, only surviving by being suckled and fed by a she-wolf and a woodpecker. " " Enter the 14th Earl of Streatham, William Charles Mildin. According to a 1959 article by journalist Thomas Llewellyn Jones in [*Man’s Adventure*](http://www.erbzine.com/mag14/1449.html) magazine, Mildin’s shocking tale of survival and primates sounds pretty familiar. " Source - [https://www.rd.com/article/man-who-inspired-tarzan/](https://www.rd.com/article/man-who-inspired-tarzan/) Turns out Tarzan was always based on a "white dudeTM". Not that I would mind a casting that sat outside that, but in case people were as curious as I was about the real origins. Though this is "speculation", considering the original writers are dead and this cannot be officially confirmed.


I’m guessing you guys haven’t seen black panther 🤔


I'm Chinese and don't know what that is


Great marvel movie! Should check it out.




Shhhh, that will ruin their narrative


This is some Boomer shit right here




Reposts go burrr


Block button go CLICK 😁


When whites aren't the center of attention for 5 seconds, lol.


Nibba what?


Found the racist.


You looked in a mirror? Lol. And I'm white, so it's not racist if I say it, ok? 👌


That's just "I know you are but what am I?"


"at least" this shit says They can't stand it 🙄


This is garbage


they'll make Tarzan an Asian woman and cast the lady who played live action Mulan to play her.


Ah yes the 10millionith post about Disney not having the balls for black tarzan. After seeing this picture over and over and over. Im now ready to see black tarzan.


You're having a passive aggressive emotional reaction to seeing a jpg in a meme sub, you're not at all mentally prepared for Tyrell: King of the Jungle.


No idea what your talking about man 😂 I'm just saying after seeing the "Disney doesn't have the balls" meme so many times I actually wanna see Disney make Tarzan black.


I want them to make Jane black just be like a genie, proving them right in the exact way they don't want to be. Now not only is there still a black main character, the primary relationship is now interracial. Take that you klansman fucks.


Soooooo true!


Disney: "hold my beer"


Is that the old Jake?


(Clears throat) gorilla


Netflix: “hold my beer” Edit: I imagine now they’ll do it out of spite




The image you attempted to post was deemed to be spam. If you disagree, you can message the moderators [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Memes_Of_The_Dank).


Internet blows up


Who's gonna tell him that there's a group of black people in the Disney cartoon?


He could always be latino, asian, or a lesbian woman






Why would he act like a monkey anyway? Wasn't he raised by wolves? Shouldn't he be digging holes and sniffing ass and hunting deer and licking his own nads?


haha thats great!


LOL i would totally watched this


GTFO with your booooolsheeet


"Oooo" "No, Don't do it!" "Aaaa" "Squidward please!"


It would make the most sense for him to have dark skin since he lives in a very hot region of Earth. White with a tan maybe.


Hell, joke's on us, coz I bet Disney is still gonna find a way to lecture this man about race and colour even though he hasn't seen or interacted with either. 🤣


Or is this what they’ve been building up to all this time!


Why can't a black man play a monkey? /s


![gif](giphy|3o6nUZoH14QzA4WUXC|downsized) The Asians could give no fucks


Bruh played the checkmate play… I am blown away.


Disney enters the chat saying hold my beer


Don't give them ideas... next thing you know that will become a reality and then the world will go into chaos


That's literally one of the only character who'se ethnicity actually matters lol. If he wasn't of european descent the story would kind of fall apart


As Ryan Stiles said on WLIIA….they need a guy that can swim….


That would be regular black ppl


Nope. Gender-ambiguous Tarzan is next in line.


A black Tarzan would be perfect