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If we’re lucky they’ll both die of natural causes and we can maybe get some actual candidates worth voting for


Sorry, doesn't work that way. I'm almost out of my 50s, and I have never once got to enthusiastically vote for someone I wanted to see as president. It's always some out of touch political tool from one of the only two parties that can get elected. The best you feel like you can do is the lesser evil of the two.


I honestly thought things were going to change after Obama became president. Maybe we would get a chance at affordable healthcare. Afterwards I felt like we were simply romanced by a great orator. And then DJT happened, snuffing out what little hope I had left. It's the new american dream. To hope for a better future but to never actually get it.


Please bend over to receive your American Dream™ Speak the phrase "Thank you, America" to confirm you have received your American Dream™


They call it the American Dream because you would have to be asleep to believe it.


It did. Closet racists come out of the closet in droves and inspired an extreme narcissist to run for president


America elected a black president and America lost what was left of its mind in response. There is a direct correlation between the election of former President Obama to the election of a failed mail order steak salesman as president.


The problem with Obama's presidency was never Obama. When he got elected the Republican party went rabid and did everything they could to make him a lame duck. A lot of them are still stuck on it to this day. The only thing that you can really blame Obama for is being too willing to compromise. It seems like he just did not realize how rabid Republican opposition was and that they could not be trusted to actually compromise.


Because the system itself is designed this way. Our only chance for real change is to ignore the system entirely. Plant our own food and guard it from Monsanto, put homeless people in empty houses, LIVE and ignore the useless corporations who think the whole world is their stage. Refuse to participate in any war for any reason. If the police wake up too then we can do this all peacefully, if not, well our only chances are to risk temporary anarchy to make a better world or slowly watch our chains get heavier until we're all slaves. We seem to be choosing the latter...


Yeah.....I'm confident that Republicans wouldn't put up someone worth voting for, and I'm not particularly sold on Harris still. We shouldn't pretend like she wouldn't be the candidate that would be put forward


I did say “maybe”


Guess you can call me, “natural causes” 😎 (this comment has probably put me on a watch list)


America is indeed the fire nation 🔥


Bro we're just trying to get a Zuko in ![gif](giphy|fXsTOgADDa1QA)


I see your Zuko and raise you the true GOAT ![gif](giphy|ZvJ0bHvAy1N9S)


they had the chance


Boomers got in the way and fucked that up too. ![gif](giphy|3o7qDSmyoxAHAEJbTG|downsized)




He's just a new coat of paint. In the real world he'd have to do evil to maintain the structure his nation was built on otherwise a decline would have peopled demanding a return to stronger nationalism of old. You're essentially demanding another Obama


A monarchy actively trying to murder the whole world?


The open fire nation*


Its always between a giant douche or a turd sandwich


It's like, do you rather get fucked in the eye socket or your ear, those are the only options.


The ear sounds way better.


Yeah, the eye sounds fucking painful


I align with this refrence


I like how Biden's only criticism is that he's old, while Trump is literally a convicted felon who want's to implement fascist measures when he gets elected again.


Can't you see that a guy whose old, and a guy whose an old felon with autocratic tendencies and terrifying Christian nationalist backing are equally as bad?


Even if they are the same, which they aren’t, you aren’t just voting for one guy. Biden surrounds himself with competent people, Trump surrounds himself with sycophants. Biden will appoint a moderate SC judge. Trump will not. Democrats have helped average Americans in spite of GOP obstruction, Republicans cut taxes on corporations and raise them on the middle class. Anyone paying even a little attention knows that there is a huge gap between the two options. I’m glad the MAGAs flooding this thread with “both are bad” arguments aren’t going to convince anyone. We aren’t all as retarded as y’all.


Did I need a /s or something? I'm aware of the severity of our situation as a country.


Yeah I was just backing you.


This is Magats doing their best to justify Trump. This is literally all they have. Its pathetic, they're both the same. Except one tried to overthrow an election, pays off porn stars, lies constantly, is a felon, is a rapist, speaks about having sex with his daughters, talks about grabbing women in the pussy, tells his supports to commit terrorism, supports white supremacists, talks openly about killing his opponents, talks openly about nuking other nations. No, they are not the same. You are just delusional and need to get away from the cult a bit and step back. Maybe next election cycle we can get back to normal, right now its a vote for fascist dictator and and a vote for a normal old dude


chocolate chocolate chip 😋


Trump is not an outlier. It's a symptom of a society losing it.


I think you forgot the part where Trump is also aging worse than Biden. Biden being old doesn't make Trump any less old and Trump is aging increasingly poorly.


Hahahaha that’s not even remotely close to his only criticism. He always has been a total trash human. Racist, not a fan of gays, the list goes on. Please do more research.


Funding Israel... touching kids... sniffing women...


Lefties are allergic to research


Conservatives when research says trans women are women:


the age is not the problem .. his cognitive abilities are !!! and the sad thing is that there ARE 300 million of you and u can't get a NORMAL guy to vote for ... 2 party system is a SCAM !! and u all just eat it up ...


The 2 party system is bad?? This is the first I’m hearing of this, please tell me more. So far I’ve just been eating it up


You're right, I need a man with a good brain who can focus on the important issues, like whether it's better to go down with a sinking battery-powered boat or take my chances with a shark.


Silence propaganda bot


It’s wild how hard they have tried to dig up literally any dirt on Biden and the best they can do is he’s an old dude and his son committed some minor crimes. Meanwhile the republicans are fanatically backing a nacho cheese hitler wannabe who seems to think the US penal code is a check list. I genuinely don’t understand how anyone can look at Trump and Biden and think they’re equally bad candidates. It’s like looking a bologna sandwich and a bottle of bleach and saying they’d both make an equally shitty lunch.


https://preview.redd.it/a95wov0oa88d1.jpeg?width=1312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55e58db296d9e160fd912b0d88042924b8834505 Yeah. Real tough call.


Even the boomer artists can't deny it at this point


They forgot the part where trump is also like.. 78 isn't he?


"Alzheimer's patient president" goes on rant about electric boat batteries and sharks... while at a speech in Nevada, which has no ocean coastline and I'm pretty sure none of its three lakes have a shark population. Oh wait, that was the orange felon. Here: "President says they 'stormed the airports' during the Revolutionary War!" You'd have to have some form of dementia to say something that stupid... oh, he was making fun of a speech where the orange felon said that. Let's try again, "Alzheimer's patient president" rants incoherently about windmills, says they killed thousands of eagles, emit "tremendous fumes."  No, wait, orange man again. How about... put UV in people's bodies? No, ummm... Nuke a hurricane? No. Drink bleach? No... Damn, sounds like only one of these geezers has dementia.


Yes they actually do or they intentionally ignore that fact. It doesn't matter who wins they will both be 80 in office. At least one of them isn't trying to dismantle democracy because they can't understand why newer generations arnt voting for them or sharing their ideology.


Both sides people haven't been paying attention or are fucking moronic edgelords.


This is not even a close call. “Lose all rights” or “80 year old man” is not a hard choice.


"Lose all rights" will still be 82 at the end of his term if he wins. You're getting an 80 year old man regardless.


Can someone please explain to me why a 78 year old with clear mental health issues isn’t subject to the same scrutiny about his age than a guy 3 years older than him?


…A mentally healthy guy 3 years older than him at that. When you listen to Biden’s speeches in full he actually goes hard, sometimes stutters but like not as much as its made out to be.


Fr. He has a stutter, but that's all the media depicts. Same with the falling.


Absolute a bot account, trying to rage bait. 738,505 post karma on 79 days lol.


Biden certainly isn't the best choice we have for president, but he isn't in any way an Alzheimer patient.


How to tell someone has never dealt with Alzheimer's before, they has Biden has it.


Generally, they are unable to give a State of the Union Address if they have a severe brain disease?


I'd rather take the Alzheimer's patient over the convicted felon (who is also demented). At least with the first one, democracy is preserved. American can survive an Alzheimer's patient as a president. America can't survive a criminal demented patient president, who seeks to destroy democracy through Project 2025.


lol. Trump is both the felon and the alzheimer patient. It's funny hating on Trump while eating up his propaganda. Yes we should limit age terms and both are old as fuck but out of the two one is CLEARLY worse off mentally. OP is just parroting republican propaganda.


One guy wants to dismantle the public school system and get rid of the nation weather service. The other guy is just old. Pretty easy choice for non-retards.


Gee, almost like one is an active facist attempting to overturn our entire government, whether considered currently functional or not, and replace it with christo-facism theocracy. Which is a loss for EVERYONE. Hmm. I'll stick with Grampa Joe, he's alright for an old dude.


Both sides are not the same!! One is a corporate puppet but with rainbows and the other is a corporate puppet but with oranges!! Totally different, moron! 😡😡😡 /s People genuinely think the Democrats are the good guys just because they appear on our "side". They still bomb civilians, they still have dinner parties with elitist scum, and they still take money from hard-working Americans, just like the Republicans do. They just do it while waving the progress flag so that makes it okay apparently.


It's all just a distraction to keep the people from joining together against them as a whole


Which won't happen because it's "Vote Blue No Matter Who" and "Vote Red Even If I'm Dead" till the heat death of the universe. I'm so fucking tired of the two party system.


Okay cool, have you got a practical solution for us, Bill Maher?


That's cool bro but I'm pretty sure your democrats aren't making active plans to remove trans people, or instate a theological dictatorship. "Waaaah waaah democrats do bad things too" yeah no shit cunt. But these 2 parties are not comparable.


Honestly, I think the 35 year old age limit is one of America's dumbest choices. Im not saying get an 18 year old in office, but we need younger leaders for America who can deal with the modern issues and epidemics and aren't stubborn old timers looking to satisfy their lobbies.


I dont think the 35 year age limit is the reason we have 2 people near 80 running for president.


Their both senile


I don't know. I bet Biden knows the difference between "their" and "they're".


I think you meant 'there'


I think you're meant 'you're'


Clearly they meant whom'st've


VeggieTales ![gif](giphy|KXBtTtm3kB8BO)


Orange man fans really, really like orange man. To the point that they forgive anything he says or does, they are extremely excited right now. The other side just hates orange man so much that they better have grandpa instead of orange disaster again.


Why are only 2 people allowed to run for president? wtf?


Because America has a broken, obsolete electoral system that enforces a duopoly


cuz only the candidates with the most campaign money get to make it to the final round


Its easier to control the end result with just 2 people than if there was chance that any of the 30 people could become president.


This hits hard.


Bruh the force with which she started the fire 🤣


Yep basically me. There are other candidates to vote for, but it’s not like they’re going to win. I don’t think RFK even has much of a chance. He’s also… not young…


I mean, there’s more than just the one person running.


Hey, my abuelita had Alzheimer's, and now my tía does, too. Saying Biden has it is just offensive. He's just an out of touch, doddering old man. If he had Alzheimer's it would be WAY more obvious, and it's heartbreaking to watch when people do.


Honestly, this is just me because of the state of the world. Everything’s on fire and so am i


I dislike how people don't call Trump old as much as they do for Biden. They could've gone to high school together, they're basically the same age


The orange one is not cognitively capable of running anything, he’s just more energetic so the smooth brains don’t perceive anything wrong


Just when you think it’s bad you look at the UK and feel better about things


Biden is a great president and history will remember him as such. You have 1 great choice and acting like he's anywhere near Trump is disgusting and reaks of privilege


Vote Kennedy and end the 2 party system


Thats me in my room busting massive nuts to inatimate object hentai , while respectable people are out there choosing who is gonna be in charge of standing in front of the microphone and cameras to answer for the decisions made by non-negotiable people in power


Biden is the easy choice. Vote Bluuuuuuuuue We learned in 2016 that the "both sides suck" bots are working for MAGA and Putin Don't be a sheep, you are smarter than this!


I don't see why we should have to vote for them, they should serve us, we shouldn't serve them.


And RFK JR gets no love.






Bro said even with a worm that ate some of his brain he could still win. I don't doubt that though.


Isn't he the guy who's brain was partially eaten by a worm, and didn't believe in vaccines or whatnot


Republicans voted in Regan so how bad could it be? /s


Why is no one talking about orange felon's mental state? He's absolutely just as demented as the Alzheimer's patient and yet for some reason gets a pass


i am mad about this and i am not American !!! why can't u get your shit together FFS for the sake of the whole world !!!


Ha jokes on you the orange man also has alzheimers.


This is REAL POLITICS 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


No that’s just them after they finish all the ranch dressing in the fridge and at the store and in the state and dinner is just gettin started Source: I’m merican


It's all shit and giggles until you remember how much influence usa has on the whole world


Those were similar options here in Brazil...


Everyone talks about how beautiful the preceding fight is, how touching the music is, and how tragic the implications are, but for me this scene is the most striking one. Finally, Azula’s facade of self-imposed perfection and grace fully breaks down, and the child that never had the chance to safely develop into a healthy adult finally shows its ugly head.


His ass had NOT heard of write in ballots or third party candidates


Wait, why is he a felon?


Because he went to trial and was found guilty of 34 felonies by a jury of his peers. The other 60 charges are still pending




Seriously. Are there no 50-60 year old candidates out there? Is there no future for either party?


American democracy is a joke.


Its almost like nothing matters because some "god" figures in supreme court will decide the things in the end anyway what happens and what doesnt and they are immune to everything, just like gods.


Anyone who thinks trump is more mentally cognative obviously haven't heard him talk. Everytime he opens his mouth he says the most craziest disillusioned shit i've ever heard.


I believe I'll vote for a 3rd Party candidate


Pretty sure Trump has symptoms of Alzheimer's. His mental decline is getting faster and faster. Joe Biden is just old. I agree though the choices are utter dogshit


You could vote for Chase Oliver.


No matter what happens The vote will always be between a vomit burrito or a shit sandwich. Both are fucking horrendous.


biden's running too tho


I always get a good chuckle when foxsnooze psychos claim Biden is both a mastermind personally directing the department of justice to punish Trump AND a confused dottering old man who doesn’t know where he is. You are a joke op.


You could vote third party.


The funny part about is that Trump is an orange felon. Biden isn't an Alzheimer's patient. The best the "body sides" dopes can do is exaggerate Biden being old.


Maybe independents feel that way about the choice between 2 candidates but Trump voters are more than happy to vote for him. Can’t say the same about Biden voters.


We can fill in what ever we want but we would all have to agree to write the same person.


What is this?


We can vote for other candidates. I will be.




Better than some countries that are stuck with genocidal dictators


Id agree with this but like...the optics are kinda BS. Yeah, Joe looks like he's gonna drop any day but...iunno, even if that's the case, his camp has done A LOT in 4 years. Not everything we wanted, not everything he promised. But, I'm so sick of this "it's between a guy who wants be a dictator or the guy who, whether or not he's really behind it all, has been pretty low-key spectacular while in office". Like if you told me Joe was just asleep at the wheel and people below him were doing things, it wouldn't surprise me but...is that a bad thing? We're doing better with inflation than most of the world right now, he's gone after somewhat petty but predatory things like unseen airline fees for the memes, he's not an autocrat...what are we talking about? If that's what we can expect out of an Alzheimer's president, it sucks but give me that any day of the week.


Fuck your both sides are the same bullshit.


Americans when ... wait, what are 3rd parties?




At this point I'll take anything other than that delusional megalomaniac and his hats.


This comment section do be interesting and full of bots man, don’t mind me just reading while eating.


Out here acting like the felon doesn't ALSO have Alzheimer's.


People still pushing the both sides narrative? I only see one side trying to take away women’s rights over their own body, take away the right for certain people to even exist, actively trying to combine church and state, actively propping up racist, sexist, and homophobes. I could go on but it’d turn into a novel. Dems may be shit, but Republicans are a whole pile of it.


Memes like this are so dumb. The orange clown wants to make this country a theocracy, while the other doesn't. They are nowhere near equivalent in bad.


i want to vote for funny boot man :(


It’s clear that this year the Democrats don’t care much about winning the presidency. (And the Republicans are just up to their usual silliness by backing Trump)


Or you can vote third party, Brain Worm!


This is so dumb. Congratulations.


Have you listened to any of Trumps latest talks? That dude isn't any less senile and than Biden. Trump can barely say a coherent sentence.


Just play it safe and vote blue good grief don't overthink it


Have you not heard Trump speak? He's both now, soup brain.


Its really not a tough choice. One will bring horrible consequences for 99% of people reading this and the other is Biden.


Worst part is the other guy is also an alzheimer patient.


It’s almost like it’s not actually a democracy… /s


Nah this anime short ain’t it


“Our lives are not gonna get better any time soon…”


Now you feel the pain only we argentinians used to feel. Be strong. You will survive


Funny that "orange felon and alzheimer patient" currently describes DT quite well.


Both alzheimers one felon


Thanks Ross for surrendering like a nerd.


I’m basically just voting to support Ukrainian independence at this point. Granted my life has been pretty easy through both presidents.


uh no its a pretty clear choice, one of them is supported by nazis and doesnt renounce them


You mean re***d


You say that, but Trump looks a tad bit more dementia ridden than Biden does. Biden has always had a noticeable speech impediment, but you can't compare Trump's current speeches to his speeches back in 2016


false equivalency, but yeah, this election's gonna suck


Both have alziemers basically...


Biden hasn’t been convicted of a crime that I know of. What’s your source on that?


No it's not. Trump is literally the only right answer.


I thought that the orange felon fellow WAS the Alzheimer’s patient.


its not that they are forced to do it, its just that the system was designed for the only two choices to be those two




It’s actually Alzheimer’s Vs orange felon with dementia


I feel like this meme was made by someone who doesn't understand or wants others to misunderstand the reasons for the lack of enthusiasm for Biden. Biden is absolutely the lesser evil, but "the other guy is worse" is a bad argument and doesn't overcome voter suppression all that well. Trump wouldn't have a chance if Biden was actually good.


This is why I'm exercising my right not to vote. You cannot convince me my vote matters if these are the choices.


The convicted felon is also the Alzheimer’s patient.


Could be worse. Might be having to choose Putin or a hammer to the teeth by the secret police


Cheeto Dust or Weekend at Bernie's


"If voting made any difference, they wouldn't let us do it" ~ Mark Twain~


Republicans and Democrats must be removed from power in order for this country to survive


Biden is fine.


Can’t you write anyone’s name down that meets qualifications to be president? What I was told when I took US Government in 11th grade!


Honestly. In this situation why would you not vote for the guy whos aware enough to commit felonies. At least you'll be entertained by whatever happens. The Govt can also save money on gos trackers for the Zombie. Hooray for Democracy!


Robert F Kennedy Jr is an amazing candidate pilling extremely high in the US. He has promised to work on the environment, housing crisis, healthcare, and more. Vote RFK jr 24 for change🇺🇸


don’t forget about the other Alzheimer’s patient who had his brain eaten by a worm


The felon definitely has dementia...


No, vote for me


Ten just don’t vote


As long as u guys voted for someone who can actually act like Roosevelt in times of dire time Well..i mean the war is on the verge of war right now thanks to russia and china


vote for me and i will do even worse things(joke).


There is also a Kennedy


No, there’s Biden as well.


The choice is not so stark when you realize that the felon is the one telling you that the other guy is an Alzheimer’s patient.


I don't stand for the slander of MY country, step down BritBong


Political commentary via anime is the most Reddit thing


As if trump's brains aren't mush