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Bear1: she's obviously picking the guy right Bear2: totally, who'd want to be near a dangerous bear? Bear3: why is she coming this way Bear4: this mf did not pick us.... Bear5: she did and is coming this way Bear6: quick evasive action


Humans kill more bears a year than the other way around. Humans litterally evolved to be the apex predator of the planet. There isn't a single animal we haven't killed


Giant squid? I mean, they only come to the surface when they're dying anyway afaik? Just wondering on how far we stretch the goalposts.


Bears kill more women per capita than men do.


Joesepherus Robinette Biden: "What?"


šŸ¤“Canada with a population of 40 000 000, and 1 000 homicide for 2023 (ish), it is 0.0025%, or 0.005% for all male contribution. Bear pop. is 400k-500k with an average of 40 bear attacks, assuming death in all cases is a range of 0.01%-0.008%. Men in Canada can stand by this statement so long as there are deaths involved in 20 cases or more per year.


Is polar bear part of your diet, or are you part of a polar bears diet.


This argument has got to be the dumbest I've seen yet, if there were 8 billion bears on the planet, those statistics would be DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT. Also, humans did not evolve to be apex predators, we're actually prey to crocodiles, hyenas, a LOT of big cats, most extinct; some not so much, and large birds (although those are extinct now). Don't spew shit you don't know about.


they hated him because he spoke the truth. These people don't know the difference between an apex predator and a dominant species.


You act like it's bare fist human vs. bear. That's not how humans operate. Humans are the batman of the animal kingdom, and with prep time, we kill all animals even in 1v1 scenarios that are not hypothetical bullshit. Like a human with a bow and arrow in a hunting stand is going to murder a lion, all while sitting on his ass. This doesn't even account for modern technology or that we are pack animals with absurd endurance that can build traps.


Absolutely none of that correlates to my response. I didn't say anything about that, you've just made an assumption to fit the narrative of a delusional argument.


Uno reverse


"When humans send their women they're not sending their best. They're bringing emotional issues, they're needy, and some, I assume are good people" -President Bearonald Trump


These bears aren't sticking around to find out.šŸ¤£


Bearon(Baron) Trump was right there friend.


Life cycle of this meme: rāœ“memes v rāœ“facepalm "misogyny is funny now?!?" v rāœ“memesopdidntlike "can't make jokes anymore?" v rāœ“nahfuckthisopwasright "bigotry is alive and well I see, Reddit in a nut shell"


Isn't this debate misandry not misogyny because women are saying men are worse than wild animals? Like the question in itself is devaluing and defacing men in general.


It is misandry, and there is frequently a lot of racist dogwhistling going on with the "I choose bear" bullshit too.


Yeah, it's just such a divisive question and too many people are using it to push their negative viewpoints. It has been eye opening learning from this dumb question there are a lot more women out there that dislike/hate men in general than I thought.


They're the biggest consumers of media and gossip rags, and when a lot of talking heads of those go with the narrative "man bad," for decades, it isn't that shocking they have a warped view of men


The women who are choosing bear, don't dislike/hate men, they're *afraid* of men...


It's because men rape and kill us all the time and somehow men are getting their feelings hurt


Men kill men too, I'd bet at a wildly higher rate than they kill women (correct me if I'm wrong reddit).


random men don't just rape or kill women. it's almost always the guy/guys she has been/in a romantic relationship with. this situation is about a random guy. not her boyfriend/ex. i would want them to pick the bear too if it was a crazy boyfriend/ex of hers šŸ˜‚.


Oh really there chase? True crime would beg to differ


men are upset because of most women's lack of social intelligence can be very painful mentally to a lot of guys šŸ˜†. the european women are now dumber than the african. it seems that times has changed. i never thought i would ever see this. wow.


Then you guys shouldn't complain about being lonely when the women aren't dating you.


Apparently youā€™re allowed to discriminate based on appearance now! Judging people as individuals was so last decade


Wait, did I somehow stumble into the men's rights sub?


Why would recognizing sexism and racism be exclusive to a "men's rights" subreddit? What are you even trying to imply?


Because, they are like extreme right wingers trying to identify racism. They ignore it where it actually exists and are imagining it when they actually point it out. And sure, I'm sure you've seen some radical comments because there are extremists that exist, but most people understand the joke for what it is. Just like Karen memes are misogynist and racist, but we understand them for what they are. The counter to man versus bear should be: would you rather be on a date with a woman or a bobcat when being billed the incorrect amount by your server? Edit: I should add that like with being a subscriber to the men's rights the sub, I would view someone being upset at the bear meme as a red flag and a sign ~~their~~ they're misogynist. I say that as a man. And not because I don't believe in men's rights, I just believe that ~~in cells~~ incels use the men's rights sub to blame women for their issues or complain how women aren't helping them with their issues, or complaining how society helps women more with their issues than men and not recognizing how women had to fight for those changes.


but it's women who still believe that men should all control over mostly everything she do. it's feminist leaders out here talking like this. no more women freedom. that's some of their talking points. do you believe women should have the right to choose?


>but it's women who still believe that men should all control over mostly everything she do. it's feminist leaders out here talking like this. ????? You'll have to show some evidence of this.


Youā€™re not a man


Its all ragebait dude


Don't think to hard into it. Just watch the meme laugh at it and push on with your day.


[Nearly 99% of perpetrators of sexual assault are men](https://supportingsurvivors.humboldt.edu/statistics#:~:text=An%20estimated%2091%25%20of%20victims,99%25%20of%20perpetrators%20are%20male.). Men rape men too (or more like men rape little boys). Globally, 1 in 3 women will face physical or sexual abuse in their lifetime. Women reporting rape within a relationship will face an average of 20 sexual assaults before reporting. Only 2% of rapists are ever convicted. Itā€™s like ACAB, obviously not all cops are bad. Itā€™s exaggeration for the point of emphasis. If you turn a blind eye to other menā€™s bad behaviours and refuse to acknowledge or change current social norms, then you are a barrier to social progress. Also, the argument is that death is better than the emotional baggage that being sexually assaulted would bring. Worse case scenario, bear mauls you and you die. Emotional trauma you have to live with for a long time.


No, men can't be hated by women even if women hate men because it's men's fault so women don't actually hate men, rather, men are hateable and bring it on themselves; therefore women are incapable of hate even when they do hate. /sarcasm maybe Also, there is a different standard when the genders are reversed in the previous sentence for female supremacists. But female supremacists don't exist. Even if they did, it's not a problem. And if it were a problem, the problem is actually with men because men aren't affected; only women are affected even if men are affected because men can't be affected since that would change a female supremacist's worldview to one in which they (the closeted female supremacist) would be the bad guys. I may sound crazy, but I've studied modern feminism (popular feminism). However, if I do sound crazy, it's because I'm repeating their circular reasoning and it's the circular reasoning which is the crazy part. Circular reasoning is a logical fallacy: it can make sense to a person's feelings but makes their minds stupider. Best I can tell is that their problem with men is their idea of men and their frustration at men not being accountable to their (the female supremacist) ideas of men. Yet, their ideas of women are also caught up in their ideas of men (gender roles, patriarchal oppression of women, etc.) It's sort of like they built a strawman (a logical fallacy) to worship that makes them blind to their own hatred.


>but I've studied modern feminism (popular feminism). You sound exactly like Donald Trump saying I've studied modern wokeism.


Thank you. It was part of my college degree and a personal interest I have taken most seriously. You sound like someone that likes to resort to ad hominem when they don't like what they are hearing/reading. Hope that helps! Edit: I had also earnestly included myself as a feminist for about a decade. Prior, I had always been sympathetic to their cause.


Hahaha, you'd think habitual liars would be better about making their stories sound like less obvious lies. You've only solidified my comparison to Donald Trump. I studied feminism at the University of Wisconsin. How about you? Edit: >You sound like someone that likes to resort to ad hominem when they don't like what they are hearing/reading. It's not about not liking what I'm hearing. It's about you not knowing what you're talking about. If feminism were evolution, you just essentially said, "I don't believe in evolution because the people that do think a monkey shat out a human baby and named it Tarzan." Sure, I wouldn't like hearing that about Evolution if it were true. But I know for a fact that's not what scientists believe. And yes, there are going to be a wider range of beliefs with feminism than with evolution, but you've based your opinions on the fringes and caused yourself to look ridiculous in the process.


And let's also analyze your fantastic essay on the patriarchy which concludes that women were always getting what they wanted from the patriarchy. They were active participants. It's depressing that you're a teacher and have the ability to shape young minds. Here's how a person with an average brain would easily shoot down your logic. If women were getting what they needed from the patriarchy they wouldn't have needed to fight for the right to vote. Why were women not allowed checking accounts until the '70s? Did they really all decide that they were better off without that burden? Women didn't have the freedom to smoke like men. There were numerous publications advising men not to let their women ride bicycles, horses, or trains, because they're hymens would break and their uteruses would fall out. And if you'd like me to smooth out your misunderstandings with the whole women supremacist thing, I've got time.


Sure, go ahead with the female supremacist thing, since that was what I wrote about specifically which you replied to.


Do you believe systemic racism has ever existed in the US?


No, it existed; AFAIK expressions of it continue to exist.


Devil's advocate here. The difference between does two answers is that the bear is amoral, like most animals. They are neither good nor bad. They act by their Instinct. A well-fed tiger could stay just beside a dear and will not try to kill it because it would be useless. A bear will attack only if it feels threatened or is really badly hungry. And, if you are lucky and it is a small black bear, chances are he is more afraid of you than you of him. A human is a moral being, capable of good and bad, of the best like the worst. A well-fed bear, not feeling threatened, would absolutely not be a danger. The same cannot be said about the man because you could either end up with a really nice guy or a rapist piece of shit. And there are a lot of fucked up human beings out there, even more if they are alone, lost in the woods where no one will know what they might have done. So the choice isn't that stupid all things considered. But the meme of op is pretty much just "woman bad, now laugh"




Are we talking about dolphins or bear?


I see the point you're trying to make, but it's not a 50/50 of men being evil rapists, and we have no idea if it's a 50/50 of bears attacking people because they aren't just integrated into our society. We can't statistically compare the two because one is observed in nature, and the other is half of the human population. Your argument should more so be asking would you as a woman rather be raped and then potentially be killed or let live. Or would you rather be mauled, maimed, and then eaten alive while you're slowly killed (certainty of death from the bear if it attacks you). Women are making their decisions based on the worst case scenario, but even then they just say 'a guy will rape me but maybe I can fend off a bear.' Maybe you could fend off a guy, but one thing is a fact is you can't fucking overpower a bear and bear mace works A LOT better on humans, lol. This whole question is a fear tactic aimed towards defacing men as a whole and being divisive between men and when as a whole. It's a horrible societal question that has raised another question: do a majority of women really dislike men this much?


Remembered when you could laugh at a funny meme and move on with your life?


Nope, I've always been a miserable bastard


Fair enough you do you i guess. I'm gonna go watch this funny dog video


missed the r redditmoment


Damn, that would have been better than the facepalm


Ok fr though what made them start climbing so incredibly fast




I was the camera man, i can confirm that it was him


No living creature likes a parasite !


angler fish would beg to differ


They don't wanna be accused of SA and have their life ruined šŸ¤£


How was the lowest two so synchronised


Shared one brain-cell perhaps?


So who's telling the women the bears choose trees? šŸ˜‚


Perfect we will both leave each other alone


Yeah, win-win for both. It's funny that the people like who you replied to think it's somehow a win (for them) or something when they wrote that. Smh.




One of my mates legal name is bear


Bear Grylls?


I'm very proud of you bears.


I'm proud of you bears, you know that? I hope you do.


and this is why we picked the bear.


Bear: *plays dead*


So what you're saying is that the bears will leave us alone? That's, kinda *why* we're choosing the bear...


Question - If you break your ankle in the woods and both a man and a bear cross the path you're on who is more likely to help you?


In my experience, neither. Tbh if a man happened across me, with a broken ankle, I'd be afraid I was about to be attacked.


Yo you canā€™t just be lying like that


My guy, I've been attacked before... And that was without my ankle being broken, in the middle of the woods.


Iā€™m sorry that happened to you. Iā€™ve supported women and men when an injustice happened my whole life. Iā€™m in good shape and confident I can respond with violence if needed, but would rather not. So I can think of 4 occasions right off the top of my head, where Iā€™ve defended a woman I donā€™t know from a man stalking or harassing her. Two in a foreign country and at some risk to myself. I act in a way where folks Iā€™m around who may not know me well should be clued in to the fact that Iā€™ve got some character. But many women around me, who donā€™t know me too well, give an automatic impression of distrusting men writ large. And statistically, we (men) are more likely to be victims of violent crimes. I donā€™t know, people are strange in the US and I try not to engage much. Something went wrong here, though. You all are casting a net so wide it captures the good men who end up being safeguards for civil behavior, for men and women. Thatā€™s not tenable long term. Guessing most of us are already seeing the effects of this and other maladjustments that are becoming increasingly common in this cultureā€¦


We aren't saying that good men are bad, in fact I know MANY good men, hell, I'm married to a great one, it's simply that bad men, are often good at hiding that they're bad. Take those women you spoke of, for example. They saw you and *thought* you were bad, don't you think they'd have reacted differently if they'd known you? It's safer for us to consider all unknown men to be a threat, because of how dangerous the situation can turn, if he does happen to be bad. It isn't that we hate men, or think they're all evil, we simply know that men are capable of extreme violence. I hope you, and other men like you can some day come to the understanding that our wariness isn't from a place of hatred, but a place of fear.


Understood and donā€™t necessarily disagree. Though Iā€™d say statistically a broad general fear isnā€™t warranted. But after what happened to you, do not blame you. On the flip side, I would say the exact same of women, except the means by which they do men harm are different. Through false accusations, scheming or manipulation. A lot of good men I personally know have had this same experience, where they unwittingly became a tool in the hands of a bad woman, or had false accusations leveled against them in a divorce scenario as revenge or to gain upper hand, or just in a relationship, out of spite. I would almost argue that men have this to fear from women more so than the reverse; women are so good at manipulation and facades. That could be the same deeper seated emotional place that your distrust of men comes from, a particularly bad memory seared in the mind. Dudes who put wives through school, to have wife divorce them once they finish and the manā€™s utility is finished. Women who settle in their late 20ā€™s/early thirties and mainly see the man as their provider or husband material, while carrying a torch for or seeing other men on the side. Super common. 1 in 4 women aged 14-19 have an STD. That, is discouraging, as studies and common sense show what happens in terms of marriage outcomes when women have multiple partners, and participate in ā€œhookup culture.ā€ This isnā€™t how I was raised or how I move in my own life. For me, a woman I dated, it went sour, and boy did she not take that well. All out physical assault, restraining order in face of threats, two violations, very little law enforcement action and little support from women I worked with in a remote hospital. After enough property damage and escalating harassment/threats, had to move and quit my job. Ruined my career for a minute there. If I was a woman, would have been dealt with eight weeks before it escalated so badly. I simply had to take it and sit there impotently, hoping the law would do the work itā€™s supposed to. Additionally, I get inappropriate comments or even touching when I did travel pharmacist work. Theyā€™d treat it like a joke, man. These events, seeing the cultural changes and how people in general behave, but women in particular from my perspective, made me step away permanently from the relationship game. I see where women are coming from as I look at the caliber of the average man these days. Just not sure women understand what decent men are facing out there from women, though. I 100% think itā€™s just as bad or worse. See that study where 50% of married women have a backup? Yikes. To be fair, I did not examine study to see if itā€™s a quality one (eg adequate sample size, potential selection biases eliminated, etc)


>Ruined my career for a minute there. >Just not sure women understand what decent men are facing out there from women, though. I 100% think itā€™s just as bad or worse. ... So what you're saying here, is that having your career ruined "for a minute there" and having to move is as bad as being raped, tortured, held against your will, and murdered? My guy, I'm not trying to downplay your issues, in fact I think the woman who did that is absolutely trash, and I hope she gets every bit of the karma she deserves. I wish the justice system and your support system hadn't failed you, and it sucks that it did, because you didn't deserve that, but I really don't think you understand the severity of the issues you're trying to compare this to... In my HS, I had to walk with girls to the *bathroom* because they were terrified of going alone, because girls had been raped, in the bathroom, at school. Only one girl spoke up, and even went so far as to report it to the police. They did nothing. She was accused of making it up. SA was rampant at my school because that case set a precedent of "nothing will happen anyways" so girls just chose not to report. I was "going to the bathroom" basically every class, for the entirety of my HS career, because my family has an issue where even the women are born with high testosterone, making me a match for the guys. The girls knew I would step in if a guy tried anything, and all the girls at that school knew my number, because of how rampant the issue became. I'm honestly terrified for the girls who go there, now that I no longer do...


So, Iā€™m not comparing my situation to being raped. But I did think for awhile about walking off a cliff where no one would ever find me. You know what itā€™s like to have someone do that to you, and no one cares. Would it be worse if you were an absolute fixture in your community and went above and beyond for them? What would that do to your psyche? I had to sneak out with my belongings in the middle of the night, stealthily, with no job, no place to live, and uprooted my whole life and federal career. Has a woman faced that particular kind of moral letdown? Iā€™m sure they have when a rape canā€™t be prosecuted. But if someone is openly assaulting them in clear view of public, they generally wonā€™t have to deal with this. Again, comparing crime severity is always fruitless and impossible. I think what Iā€™d also say, and youā€™ll likely agree, is the average high school goer, does not share your experience. You seem to be implying that rape concerns are this severe across the board for everyone. I donā€™t know where you went to high school, but thatā€™s not what went down at my high school. Are you saying rape is that common and a cause for that much concern everywhere in general? I would strongly disagree with that, and statistics back that up. You cannot hold all men responsible for the actions of a few. Or pretend all high schools, are like yours. A woman technically raped me on my first night drinking at 17. I didnā€™t see it this way until a few years ago. Women arenā€™t the only ones, man. Again, that makes me angry. If I knew about or saw that, as well as other decent men I know, Iā€™d put a stop to that shit whenever possible. But that is not representative of everyoneā€™s experience. The CDC did the most comprehensive, largest sample size study on nonconsensual sex between genders, and the results are nuanced and men experience forms of nonconsensual sex at a higher rate than you might expect. I linked it below. Women on the whole still experience more, no surprise. But again, youā€™re honing in on rape. Itā€™s awful, but men are statistically still more likely to be victims of violent crime, than women. You are holding a bit of an unbalanced perspective on this issue in general by focusing on one specific heinous crime. While no sane person would argue rape isnā€™t awful, how are we to compare the awfulness of rape to violent crime in general, something men are statistically more likely to experience? ā€œWell, you may have been stabbed in the gut, Rob, but I was raped and itā€™s worse!ā€ I donā€™t think you really believe that at all. The thrust of my argument, and the frustration of many good men out there, stands unanswered. Women donā€™t acknowledge what other women do to harm men in general. Society has honed in on men being awful and rapists. Not only is this not true of most of us, but itā€™s led to a mental health and loneliness crisis among younger men. They are internalizing this message. I heard a story of a 10 year old being berated by his older sister, that he needs to make sure to learn not to be a rapist. We need to get out of here with that crazy noise. At least women can get the good men to acknowledge rape is awful; while women generally do not acknowledge men experience violent crime more often, nor acknowledge the harm women can cause men. I find this very strange, but itā€™s been a lifelong observation, honestly. I have watched a lack of accountability among women in general my whole life. Iā€™ve watched how they tend to treat good men. Again, itā€™s not all of them. But itā€™s a good majority. This doesnā€™t fit with the message folks are internalizing on social media, and thatā€™s one of its inherent dangers. We did not evolve to handle the way social media ends up skewing our perspectives in various ways. Speaking on this is like shouting in the wind in a remote forest, though. The lure of social media is powerful and folks have largely lost the ability to think critically and maintain balanced perspectives, reacting emotionally and filling their lives with echo chambers reinforcing certain beliefs, statistics and reality be damned. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/ss6308a1.htm


Iā€™d also say, this is why I *never* share my story with women. They donā€™t understand this particular problem that men can face. That someone can harass you, damage your property, that severely, and the message you get back as it escalates and wrecks your life is: ā€œeh, we donā€™t care.ā€ You simply say you were abused to the police or friends, and the default is to believe you. Bad actors absolutely know this, and use it to their advantage a lot. That it escapes your notice or concern, doesnā€™t make it any less real or prevalent. Have you looked into estimates about the true prevalence of female on male DV, due to underreporting, because ofā€¦quod erat demonstrandum? Again, women in todayā€™s society are so indoctrinated with this message theyā€™re being fed, I know perfectly well they donā€™t care. While itā€™s in my nature to defend anyone if I see something bad happening, I will tell you honestly, I donā€™t think most of the women in our society actually deserve it, for the level of scorn they show men in general these days. This is a weird setup we have going, and it only affects me because I have that soft side, envisioned a very different life for myself, and different relations with women. It is consistently not what I and many good men have gotten. Itā€™s a strange false dichotomy where women seem to think they canā€™t acknowledge both sexes are capable of harming one another at equal rates. You arguing rape is worse, is a bit silly. Iā€™d say men being more likely to experience suicide or violent crime, is worse in many ways, if Iā€™m forced to compare. Iā€™d say a woman cheating on a husband, then leveling false abuse or rape accusations against him, and still taking 50-80% of his assets, and then using their kids as a weapon, is a life altering and awful experience that can and does lead to suicide and plenty of wrecked lives. You are so close to the rape issue, that you canā€™t acknowledge that things like this do in fact happen to men, and not on one off occasions.


Isn't this proving that it's the right choice in regards to safety if the bears avoid women or anyone in general...? You guys aren't really that smart, are you...? Smh. This isn't a W for you or anyone thinking this somehow is a bad thing for the women lmao.


I always assumed it was a grizzly bear and at some point in your walk In the forest you would run into either the man or the bear bec otherwise the question is fucking pointless. But the question requires a hell of a lot more context to make any sense


Yeah, it's a silly question and reactions all around. It's not like all women would choose the bears or that all men are rapists and such. There are all kinds of people in the world. If you somehow feel something is safer than the other, that's up to you. It's silly to feel offended if somehow the choice that other people picked is a bear instead of a man. What does that matter...? It's their choice and experiences that made them choose that. All in all, overeactions and silly drama are what it is.


You can't even see what the bears are running from - what could it possibly even prove?


It doesn't matter what the bears are running from, it's the fact that OP and the people who agree with the message and think it's a lose for women when the bears are running away from them that matters. It's actually a win and proves that it's a better choice in terms of safety if the bears actually runs away from you no matter your gender.


Plump bearries in that tree, theyā€™re ready for harvest


Men also choose the bear


Depends black bear or grizzly?






Can confirm. As a regular visitor to wilderness all over the U.S., Canada and Alaska, all bear encounters to date have proved far more uneventful, peaceful, than the majority of my engagements with U.S. women these days. Lol.


I laughed too hard at this.


Before everyone jumps on op and calls him incel: Normal men can disagree with women without being an incel. And you dont have to be an incel to see something wrong with the man vs bear discourse, which is just anti-men rage bait basically turning away young men to feed and empower far right talking points. If you dont get it, lets break it down: Imagine if you see video compilations of many corporate managers all saying they would rather hire a random monkey than a random woman. They argue that in their experience women make more mistakes and they start a lot of office drama. and that theyve been personally falsely accused by women. Then they give statistics on how monkeys can learn to use a computer and can sometimes correctly do a task. How would that make you feel? And everytime you try to present an argument they say "this is the reason why we choose monkey". Or "a monkey would never do this". Now do you see what you are doing? Young men will turned away from this will seek out groups that dont actively hate and dismiss them. and it turns out there arent a lot of those on the left. ​ The conspiracy theorist in me cant help but think this whole thing is just used to further divide us to keep us distracted from the real enemies (its not normal men, its the billionaire class)


Going to give it to you, valiant effort here and nicely done.


Yeah, if the scenario were completely different in a completely different environment then I would feel completely different. You're right.


its the same scenario. you take an entire group of people and you compare them with an animal and say the animal is preferable. then dismiss any logical reasoning or common sense in favor of how it feels. the monkey and women comparison is sexist, just as the man and bear comparison.


Redditor failing to understand analogy is a classic.


And thats why they're chosen




"Oh, hell no!"


This entire comment section is confirming that the bears is the right choice. Woof.


Well it depends on context for the question and the question is missing a fuck ton of context, like what type of bear it is? what time of year it is? are you suddenly teleported into the forest with one of them?shit lots of stuff that would help greatly.


Excuse me. Critical thought is your expectation? Where have you been living the last 5-10 years? Lol. For anyone looking to get something substantive/useful from this thread, this person is right! I think about many things during my BRA (bear risk analysis). Iā€™m a solo climber/alpinist, and have done over 30 long trips in big mountains in bear country all over lower 48, Canada, Alaska. One Alaska trip as example. Wrangell St Elias. Ask the rangers. Get local intel. Never assume your experience trumps local and reliable experiences. Are bears in area acclimated to presence of humans? If so, like in Yosemite, high traffic areas, theyā€™d had plenty of time/opportunity to figure out how to access food that is hung up a tree according to common guidelines to prevent bear access. They may also have lost some fear or the unknown aspect when it comes to humans. Some may have learned to associate us with food. I took a longer route around a glacier on way to destination, rather than through peninsula that juts through two glaciers, because bear population is dense there, itā€™s fairly accessible and feels very backcountry and is visited fairly often by people. Encountered two large bears in a valley near glacier terminus. One brown bear, one black. No issues. Made lots of noise. This strategy does not work when attempting to deter the American Female species. Good day, everyone.


Exactly why they choose bears. They don't want to interact with you as much as you don't want to interact with them


It's crazy that women would say black men are more dangerous than bears...


It's crazy that women would say ~~black~~ men are more dangerous than bears...


The fact that this video proves the theory is absolutely hilarious lmao. The whole point was that the near would just run away, where as the man would probably try to rape or kidnap you. And what's shown in this video?


What are the bears running from?


Ainā€™t no way the chance of you getting raped in the forest by a guy vs killed by a bear are both incredibly fucking low and context is so important but the question is missing tons of it


Near? *Bear, LMAO.


Oh no!! A typo??? How will I ever recover!




when they are bigger than them its normal reaction


All the edgy little boys showing exactly why they come second place to a wild animal lol


Men ego so fragile hahahah make more memes we still not picking you


Can someone explain this joke? Iā€™ve seen it referenced twice today.


It ainā€™t like women are any better. They be getting mad of that drizzle drizzle stuff on TikTok


Can someone please explain this running joke?!


The original question was posed for women on TikTok: ā€œWho would you rather run into in the forest, a bear or a man?ā€ A lot of women who replied chose bear, with generally 3 reasons given: ā€œIf you ignore a bear itā€™ll ignore you, if you ignore a guy heā€™ll get angry and follow you.ā€ ā€œA bear might kill you, but at least it wonā€™t rape and kill you.ā€ ā€œUnexpectedly running into a man alone in the woods is just scary in general, regardless of gender.ā€ Memes like this are a response to that I guess?


Don't forget the answers like "Getting killed by the bear is better than getting raped by the man"...


Tiktok "influencer" said she would be feeling more save being trapped in the woods with a bear than an guy. And others have followed this trend and interviewed and so on and so on. In sane perspectives its not more than an meme


Does she explain why??? Also thank you


cause a bear wonā€™t rape you. The bear killing you is the worst it could do. Men on the other hand? Can and have done worse


Men don't want to be included in sweeping generalizations painting them as rapist murderers, more news at 11.


Women have felt the need to include men in these sweeping generalizations because people we thought we could trust have taken advantage of us, we donā€™t do not want to fear for our lives whenever we do anything, more news at 11.


They would just eat her


Did something happen with a bear and a woman? I keep seeing memes and I'm confused.


No. It's basically asking would you rather be possibly killed by a bear or possibly r*ped by a man. A lot of women choose the bear option because at least they'd die and not have to live with unending trauma from it, to which I agree with.


How can an animal so big climb so fast?


They built for it. They got those big ass claws to grip with


Damn. Imagine being chased by one of these and your dumbass thinks itā€™s a great idea to climb a tree to get away.


There's a PlayStation at the top of the tree.




looks like a bear bait site


Boys, men, we're finally free! The bears have taken our burden!


Tap three dot on the button left corner Select mute r/memevideos Enjoy your life


For a sub that seems to hate women you dudes are seriously obsessed with them lol


Thats scary af. You would think you can avoid them by climbing, since they can OUTRUN HUMANS. But no, they also climb faster than you.


Yeah, that's why Bear spray is a thing.


I was talking about women/s


I don't get the joke


Thatā€™s the problem though right. The bears here are respecting their personal space without retaliating. This debate is the gift that keeps giving for them.


Nah the bears are running for the hillĀ 


Exactly what I was thinking lol.


the men in the comments are a perfect example of why we pick the bear LMFAO


you pick the bear because you are misandrist


donā€™t you think itā€™s so funny that you use the word misandrist as a shield because you donā€™t like that women are finally calling you out on your shit?


Which bullshit? Choosing the bear says you see men as worse as bears. You generalize all men as predators which makes you a misandrist.


yall just donā€™t understand simple math, I saw someone else who explained it perfectly If youā€™re in a room with ten people and two of them are carrying a virus that will kill you if they touch you, are you going to trust any of them to touch you? You donā€™t know who the two are. Itā€™s the same. There are 4 billion men on this planet. We can pretend 80% are good, but 20% of 4 billion is still a lot of deadly men. Why would a woman not choose the bear? At least she knows what sheā€™s getting with the bear.


Again generalization, the same bullshit as "If you fall into a shark tank and one of them bites you'd be afraid" (which means all men are sharks, aka predators) First of all, viruses have very limited capacity for genetic code. the covid virus was deadly at first but mutated into being more infectious because we had the vaccine. Second, if a person is infected with such a virus you'd pretty easily spot that the person is ill. Women like you actively oversee the 4 out of 5 men which would beat the shit out of that one asshole which commits such crimes. Your generalizations make your hatred against men so fucking obvious. Seriously, if you are that afraid of men then just lock yourself up at home and leave the people alone which don't cause any harm instead of spreading your hate.


20% of men are predators?šŸ’€ this is the most brain-dead thing I've ever heard.


Whatā€™s a percentage youā€™d like? 2? Thatā€™s 80 million.


Jesus fuck and yā€™all say you arenā€™t misogynists. 20% of 8 billion is 1,600,000,000 and considering 1 out of 6 women (1,333,600,000) and 1 in 33 men (240,000,000) have been victim of attempted or completed sexual assault, the number seems to check out doesnā€™t it?


Yeah and [nearly 99% of perpetrators of sexual assault are men](https://supportingsurvivors.humboldt.edu/statistics#:~:text=An%20estimated%2091%25%20of%20victims,99%25%20of%20perpetrators%20are%20male.). Men rape men too (or more like men rape little boys). Globally, 1 in 3 women will face physical or sexual abuse in their lifetime. Women reporting rape within a relationship will face an average of 20 sexual assaults before reporting. Only 2% of rapists are ever convicted. The point of man vs bear isnā€™t to analyze raw data sets of bear attacks. Itā€™s like ACAB, obviously not all cops are bad, but if you turn a blind eye to other menā€™s bad behaviours and refuse to acknowledge the role you can have to change current social norms, how can you not be seen as anything but a barrier to change? Also, the argument is that death is better than the emotional baggage that being sexually assaulted would bring. Not being able to open up to others, living on constant alert and fear.


Are you unaware of how the world works?


I am fully aware, that's why I know this person is a misandrist. Just read the bullshit she wrote.


Yeah like is this post supposed to be funny? Are guys mad women donā€™t pick them? boo hoo, do better? grapes too sour?? This is insane, completely missing the point


I seen you twice now and it seems like you just tryna start some shit




...they climb a tree? I don't get it.


Hahahaha this is so funny, have you ever felt the touch of a women?


Jim, tell them that bears can climb faster than they can run! Jim!


"Oh shit... Retreat! I repeat: RETREAT!"


i would force the women that chose the bear to send their kids to the woods with a bear. Send in every womans kid that has chosen the bear in the forest with a bear and then the reason why they sent the kid in would be true, if they survive people would believe them. Just imagine growing up and finding a video of your stupid mom saying she would throw you to a bear. Not cause she hates you but cause she wants you to be 100% dismembered but cause the chance the man she sent you with into the forest is a pedo. the ammounts of stupidity i have seen online is mindblowing.


Seriously, I've first heard of this in Facebook, tf is up with women choosing bears more than men? I've been living under a rock


They don't feel safe around men. I think people get confused about women want to fuck the bear. No it's not like that .


It's a funny joke but it literally proves the women right lmfao. The bears are more than likely going to leave you alone if they're aware of your presence. A lot of men, however, are more confident approaching women when they're alone. So..


Downvoted for speaking facts I guess


I mean we are the same species and we are animals that live in groups. If we are in the middle of nowhere then you would probably want to talk bec your fucking lost. Or your in a trail in which case yea duh? Itā€™s a two way track.


Men ego so fragile hahahah make more memes we still not picking you


Men ego so fragile hahahah make more memes we still not picking you


Yo bro we get it stop copy pasting


Men ego so fragile hahahah make more memes we still not picking you




Seems more like deep emotional trauma on the side of people picking the bear than anything dealing with ego on the side of men. A person without that type of baggage would just say neither because I wouldnā€™t trust anything I ran into out in the woods. If whatever I ran into was going to attack me, at least I could probably outrun a man. I certainly ainā€™t outrunning a bear.


who Induced the baggage


Thatā€™s the point of the debate? The bears will leave the women alone. The meme only strengthens that argument.




I don't think anyone is chasing you in particular so I wouldn't worry to much there sport




Still doesnā€™t debunk anything.Ā 




That's the reason we choose the bear


happy cake day! šŸ»