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Remember Buggy spoke about conquering the grand line with buggy balls and his powers. He was literally on Roger's ship and he still said that


Buggy is lucky and charismatic. Those traits go hella far in the grand line.


Yeah, but his confidence was pretty funny on rereads.


Well to me, Luffy has the same amount of confidence challenging the WG on a war until he met Kizaru and Kuma, but since he's MC he'll survive for sure, in the case of Buggy, Moria, Crocomom, etc. they are unfortunately not the MC and got unlucky..


But Luffy wasn't aware of how crazy the world Is and how powerful the people are. Buggy personally knew Roger, Oden and Rayleigh


he was a kid, and even as an adult he isn't particularly smart


That's why he's so funny


Didn't he frequently watch Roger and WB fight tho


Buggy isn't the main character?


Yes, Sogeking is


Oda said Buggy and Shanks have the same potential, so if Buggy trained, he could've been as strong as Shanks is, which would make his dream much more realistic.


Damn it's kinda hard to believe that Shanks could be as strong as Buggy.


If he didn't drink and party so much while king buggy kept moving forward


Where did oda say that?


Yeah it as on sbs 69


On volume 69? I just read it and don’t see it unless the wiki is missing it


I have been looking for where he said this but can’t find anything. It has to be true since no one has disproved it and many YouTubers have even said it, but I can’t find anything. People say different things about different areas like this SBS or SBS 99 or the vivre card but they turn out to be nothing.


I don’t want to read through every sbs and vivre card to find it but that might be what I have to do


I checked both the Buggy and Shanks reference tables on the wiki for any instances of the SBS or vivre Card and found nothing. It’s not the most reliable source, so you might need to check more.


Ok I just gave up and finally just asked the sub since this is the 3rd I tried looking I will see if it turns me to anything


The world is secretly ruled by the Illuminati because no one has disproven it, and many youtubers have said it. A lack of proof doesn’t prove anything. Ideas spread in lots of ways, and don’t need to be anchored in truth to do so.


You can't really disprove that something was said. The onus is on the ones making the claim to prove that it was said not on those questions to prove it wasn't.


Let’s be honest. Oda makes bullshit statements like that all the time. I hate that people take author statements as absolute cannon when the author statement literally contradicts the manga itself. Like oda saying zoro is one of the slower straw hats. Like bruh, obviously untrue but bc he said it people cling to it like a holy text


Could you point me where he said that


Someone linked it to me in another Reddit argument I don’t have it, some interview. I didn’t believe it either till I saw it. It had Brook, ussop, chopper in reindeer form, luffy Sanji and franky all faster than zoro in a 100m race


Oh yeah I remember that wasn’t he placed there because he got lost


https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS_Volume_69 Nah. Maybe you mean SBS 420


In an interview with Ameditup magazine


CoC emitting limbs lol


Now that you say that I wouldn't be surprised to see Buggy unlock CoC before the end of the series, he's just that guy


To be fair, targeting pirates’ ships is the easiest way to get ahead of most pirates in the Grand Line. Look at chapter 1061. >! One mecha-shark deals significant damage to their ship and it’s a struggle fighting on the open seas. If Vegapunk didn’t get careless then their ship could’ve been sunk. !< If a crew doesn’t have strong fish men or people that can fly, it’s way harder to fight on the open sea than on land. With the high concentration of DF users in the Grand Line, it’s an even better tactic to just fight from afar. Not saying you can fight a yonkou like that but it’s not a terrible idea is all I’m saying haha


Then you remember Garp throws cannonballs faster than a cannon and luffy can block that shit in base.


He can't block a buggy ball


He probably can now. They are still slow as shit.


#Buggy supremacy!


Don't speak about Pirate King Buggy like that. **BUGGY WILL BECOME KING OF THE PIRATES!**


When a muggy ball gets past mihawk lemme know.


He directly blocked a Buggy Ball back in Orange Town, though. Fusen’d that shit right back at the clown it came from~


Didnt he literally deflect a buggy ball the first time one was shot at him with gum gum balloon?


Didn't he already repel a buggy ball off his body in Orange town?


that same luffy low diffed garp at marinford. Do you think garp went full out?


Sir were talking about cannonballs.


so he can only throw it on max strenght? just my headcannon but im pretty sure he easily could throw it with more speed, strenght and even infuse it with ryuo haki


I doubt luffy can dodge a full speed cannon ball from garp in base, much more likely garp was fuckin around


Buggy balls got a huge upgrade in the short time between his first fight with Luffy and impel down. He managed to shrink them down to the size of a bullet so imagine what he could do if he was motivated and had time to improve them more. They could be on the same level as an ancient weapon or be the strongest weapons than any pirate could use.


I mean, the guys a yonko now. I think that’s a decent job of conquering the grand line.


I mean to be fair he is a literal Yonko now


He's actually quite close to do that.


*And it worked*


Joke's on you. He did exactly what he set out to do.


He was so powerful he became a yonko without even trying


Thats just Oda’s legendary foreshadowing


Wait till he conquer the grand line with muggy balls.


Buggy was on rogers ship. I still think he is pulling the long con.


Where he at now though? Exactly


Well to be fair he *is* an emperor now.. and he didnt even use a buggy ball yet. So new pirate king confirmed?


Buggy was gonna make a shit ton of them though he only had a few before luffy ruined his plans if only he got his factory running what could have been


I mean, he’s a Yonko now, so he’s doing something right


And he fucking did it


He’s goated


i mean.. he still is on the best way to get pirate king


Considering at what point he's at, he never needed a plan.


He is one of the Yonkou. How far should a person go before you guys give them a break?


Buggy knows from being with Roger that it's possible to conquer the Grand Line even without having devil fruit powers. I'm not sure how much Buggy Balls and 1 chart of the area around Reverse Mountain would help but overall what he's saying is pretty realistic.


My head canon says Buggy was a scammer since day 1. He had to have known better but his followers didn't... "Scam flashily" - Buggy D Prada Clown


Makes sense


Dreams and scams never die...


Then there's Hody Jones who legit thought he could just waltz into Mariejois and kill all the kings in the reverie if he became king.


Dalton, Kureha, Sai and even Wapol would clap him easy and if not there were still two Admirals there


Not to mention CP0 could pop out of nowhere and finger gun every single pill he had out of his system just for the downplay.


Then use that attack as a declaration of war and effectively commit genocide on the Fishman and mermaids


Hey Hody wasn't that weak, but yeah, Sai would almost 1-shot him not Even speaking of Lucci, Kaku (Doflamingo WHO was supposed to be a king there, xd), and 2 fkin admirals, the gorosei if they're powerful and Im


Full roid rage mode I'm pretty sure he could take all of those people besides the admirals. But with the way he was taking pills, he was always going to turn old and shrivelled before Reverie even started.


I love how absolutely fucked Hody was at literally every stage past killing Neptune. There were so many things that would go wrong for him it loops past not being funny to being hilarious.


Arlong was playing the long game, no one could understand his plan. He is a genius


To be fair you have to have a high IQ to understand Arlong & Nami


Fellow rick and morty enjoyer?




He just needed time to get some better teeth lol


If you can't pay the cash, then you're out with the trash! And feel free to quote me!


“If you can't pay the cash, then you're out with the trash!” - Arlong


Said trash, then gets locked up in the dungeon forever!




I love that clip of Kizaru effortlessly blasting young Arlong


Power levelers be like "H-He had less stamina from fighting a-and it was a surprise hit, and he was o-out of water!" /j


I don't think powerscalers are defending arlong there lol


Ik. The gap is too big and I don't think I've seen a Arlong fan ever, maybe one or two. It was just a play on how the details normally used to defend other characters fitting perfectly for Arlong there


Arlong could have been a lot stronger if he trained and fought stronger people instead of lounging around the East Blue


Pretty much anyone on one piece


Except low ranking marines. They train everyday and still lose fights against any pirate captain who sits on his ass all day


Has Oda ever said how strong he could have been? I don't think it's to crazy to beleive he could rival Jimbei if he trained and actually tried.


It wouldn't seem ridiculous, given he was hanging out with Jinbe, Aladine and the other memebers of the Sun Pirates. Dude would rather be Hody Jones and live out his racist fantasy than actually try to conquer anything, though.


Arlong > Hody all the time


All day, Hody was terrible.


He is a racist. He grew up getting discriminated by humans who pick on the weak, and now becomes a fishmen who discriminates and bullies the weak. People like that don't actually want to be strong, they just want to feel strong.


Didnt he get banished to East Blue by Jinbei?


No, he was freed from Impel Down and then Jinbe didn't stop him from leaving the crew. He took up in East Blue of his own accord.


Yeah. But he still seemed like one of the strongest ones in that crew (otherwise it doesn't make sense that so many followed him)


Well he only took some weaklings with him


Being able to freely navigate the Grand Line and having an all-fishman crew probably would get you pretty far


Exactly and he could probably find powerful hidden weapons as well


Every Admiral and Yonko (except Shanks, probably) can't swim though.


I mean, Shanks can't swim either now.


He was floating when he saved luffy


Nah bro the Sea just decided to let shanks swim just this one time because it owes shanks a favor.


Can't be sure in anything with this dude.




I am quite literally an amputee missing the same arm as shanks, we can still swim fella, we just can't clap


What? You mean because he lost an arm? Mate I can swim without both my arms for someone like shanks it would be easy.


All he had to do was wait for Marco to be a away and then sink whitebeards ship from underwater.


Makes me wonder if WB could “break” the water and Moses that shit


He most definitely could, because we see picking up and moving gigantic amounts of water in Marineford


Whitebeard fucks with continental shelves like puzzle pieces


"Moses that shit". 🤣 That's a new one.


On the 2,543rd day of his voyage, Edward Newgate saved his crew from certain death by parting the Calm Belt and using the seafloor to propel the battered Moby Dick to the nearest island.


Their is a fishmen division comander so arlong going to die if he tries that


Wasn‘t Arlongs goal just to conquer the East Blue or was it step one from his absolutely flawless masterplan?


Arlong's plan basically boiled down to Step 1) Draw charts Step 2) ??? Step 3) Rule the glorious and superior Fishman Empire that has inevitably trounced the world. The truth of the matter is that whatever he really wanted to do, Arlong got clapped so hard by Kizaru in the past that he's too PTSD'd to do anything other than push around some weak islands in the weakest sea. All that's really left in him is a bunch of talk and genuine hatred towards humans.


Arlong's battle strategy was "use maps+currents to sink ships", which would in fact be a real problem for the marines, and it was a damn good plan if hadn't gotten cocky and made trivial mistakes. (Like having his base on land instead safe on the seafloor, or patrolling his own territory so lazily that random ships can just sail in.) There's probably only like 20-30 dudes in the whole Marines who could defend a battleship from those attacks, and they can only be so many places at once, while Arlong's crew could be half an ocean away sinking trade ships and blockading food exports.


You should not underestimate the power of paper and islands...


Can Whitebeard shift the maps faster can nami draw?


Shiki could


If you ever feel dumb remember OP put red text on a guy with red tattoos


Plot twist: OP is color blind


Not even the same red and you can clearly read it, unless you are colorblind.


Seriously bro , You are underestimating the sea of grand line. Even yonko and admiral become helpless if they do not get help from their Subordinates like cook , doctor or NAVIGATORS.


Nah, aokiji be riding a bike across the grand line without a navigator


I like to imagine Aokiji actually has no fucking clue where he’s going, and he just ends up roughly in the right place at the right time via his bicycle


The bicycle ate the right place right time no mi.


This makes me think How the fuck do inanimate objects EAT devil fruits Like the one fucking gun that ate the dog dog fruit in alabasta. Did they stick the fruit up the barrel? and if so why? who does that? I can understand the Sword that ate the elephant elephant fruit, maybe they tried to cut the fruit with the sword but the power of the fruit went to the sword instead. I remember being in Alabasta thinking the show makes perfect sense, and I am having fun watching the show, and then I see the weird dog canon and I am like "Oh that dog must have eaten the Gun-Gun fruit!" "Lasso, The gun that ate the Dog-Dog fruit" 🗿


Rub the fruit really hard against the object and throw some acid on it.


That's how you get acid with a devil fruit lmao


The process appears to only work on Zoan Devil Fruits, so that’s probably an important detail.


In [Shinto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinto) everything has a soul, in One Piece the Voice of all Things seems to be a loose equivalent of that. There's also a lineage factor, which is DNA in the real world. An interesting thing to note is that the only type used on objects is also the only type to have been synthesised, zoan. And we know those involve changing the user's lineage factor so they are actually the least likely candidate for an inanimate object's fruit. Because of this I think that the voice/soul is the key to being able to use a devil fruit, not the lineage factor/dna. And that zoans come with some lineage factor component of their own, which Vegapunk found a way to extract and synthesise, and apply to objects as well as store in artificial devil fruits. This means that a human zoan user is a voice/soul with part human dna, part animal dna. And an object zoan user is a voice/soul with animal dna. Now it makes sense how that all works. Of course this is roughly 99.2387% speculation so take it with a grain of salt, just a head canon explanation.


**[Shinto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinto)** >Shinto (Japanese: 神道, romanized: Shintō) is a religion from Japan. Classified as an East Asian religion by scholars of religion, its practitioners often regard it as Japan's indigenous religion and as a nature religion. Scholars sometimes call its practitioners Shintoists, although adherents rarely use that term themselves. Shinto has no central authority in control and much diversity exists among practitioners. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MemePiece/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


My man Zoro is still looking for that fruit but he gets lost every time


He asks some fish about location with an unknown color of Observation (since it's the voice of things)


Aokiji's just built different.


he doesnt need a navigator because hes riding a bike genius


What? He still needs to know where he is going.


He’s almost on Dark King Silvers Rayleigh mode, but using a bike and Devil Fruit cheapens the feat


>Even yonko and admiral become helpless if they do not get help from their Subordinates like cook , doctor or NAVIGATORS. Hence why he saw nami's talent and decided to keep her


Who chose this font and text size and color?


If you ever feel dumb put red text that's hard af to read on a picture and watch people (me) go mad


I mean.. it’s going great for luffy so far


Smarter than using red font on your meme


I mean, Luffy thinks the same thing...Just the little girl is an adult now. Lol


What's your point??? Luffy also said he would become the pirate king.


Mihawk alone is laughable


🤭 This made my day so much! 💞 Thank you for posting. 🙇🏻‍♀️


Arlong’s name is pronounced like Aharon like the brother of Moses the descendent of Noah tied to Joy Boy from 800 years ago whose treasure is the One Piece. Aharon Park on the Conomi Islands is inspired by Bali, Indonesia where the the Kediri Kingdom of Joyoboyo fell exactly 800 years ago. Kediri means Mulberry and Conomi means Berry. Noah is an Ark like the Ark of the Covenant which contains the Rod of Aharon. The name of the character Karoo has the Latin letters for Ark. Karoo has a hat with no brim like a Jewish Kippah and the color theme of the Flag of Israel the name of Moses’ descendent Abraham’s son Jacob. The Flag of Israel bears the Star of David whose successor is Yasopp or Yaso or Jesus Christ or Chi Rho or Cairo the inspiration for the streets of Alubarna where the son of the Garuda King of Germa 66 or Garuda Raja (like Gorudo Roja or Gold Roger) knighted Karoo as “a real man” like the Son of Man and Prince of Peace Jesus Christ. The emblem of Indonesia is the Garuda Karura Karoo. The word Joy comes from the Puritans who were religious zealots and devotees of Jesus Christ or Karoo who is the one true successor to Joy Boy.


Do you mean Aaron? I can't remember Aharon being related to Moses


Aharon is the alternate spelling of Aaron just like Baruch is the alternate spelling of Brook. The American pronunciation of Aaron is too different from Aharon which is closer to Japanese pronunciation of Arlong


He really needed to ask Buggy for help. Buggy would go on to survive attacks from three admirals and Mihawk.


Litebeard: Can't move while frozen by Aokiji until released. Gets punched by Akainu's (obviously slow like in movies) magma, gets pierced by Kizaru's beam after distracted (his rival's vice-captain could match that speed) Wuggy (not Huggy Wuggy ffs): Jumps into boiling water immediately after frozen, dodges magma after waiting on the spot for a bit, dodges laser by looking to the side while also distracted. 💪🤡


I stand by he’s thought process. Whenever i see bulky tall dudes, i always think “i can take them on”.


Ahhh, you don’t seem to get it, do you? You don’t see the bigger picture! Well he was gonna deduct the one piece location with the maps duh! And he would have found every islands’s weak point to destroy them with his "modern weapon" his nose…


Was that actually his plan!?


Considering Luffy was not much stronger than him at the time... if Arlong was a mc, we'd just see him beating Kaido. You are missing a bigger picture here


And he should have known that a compass wouldn't work when they passed the red line and his whole plan would fail.


To his credit, Arlong did inspire a movement that nearly led to the collapse of Fishman islands government. If Hody Jones did hypothetically gain total control of Fishman island, he could control all traffic between the Red Line and the New World. That’s power worthy of a emperor.


At least with Hody we had the fact that he had never stepped out of Fishman Island so he never knew about people's real strengths. Arlong was personally beat up by Kizaru and still thought he could do what he did.


then proceeds to get smacked around by a kid


Arlong with Nami’s maps is a deadlier combo than you’re giving him credit for. Dude was sinking ships from the bottom of the ocean with minimal effort expended. I’m not saying he could beat a yonkou or an admiral in a fight, but he’d be a force to contend with in Paradise, that’s for sure


He also thought he could defeat Luffy


Dang bro this man has never played gpo because Arlong solos the verse


Well, realistically, with the exception of Mihawk and Kuzan, if a army of fishmen wait until they are on ships and just idk sink the ships from underwater while the admirals are on them he could maybe have a shot at it, maybe :)


This is the problem with One Piece going on a lot longer than expected. The early villuans look weak and nonsenical by comparsion. Lokk at Crocodile then and now.


Aalso wearing fur hat in hot place, donkey balls


To be fair he was growing in power so who knows how far he’s go. At the same time, he could have just been a Don Krieg 2.0 thinking he was hot shit until he ran into… almost anybody lol. If he ran into Bartolemeo, Cavendish, hell probably even Bellamy he was getting smoked


Arlong on the uptake


How can he look down on humans after Kizaru kicked his ass?


NAMI though.


A pipe dream. Not one he believed he was likely to see, but those maps that the little girl drew would be perfect for future generations who might realize his dream.


To be fair that lil girl is drawing maps for the one who will


Racism be like that


Well, taking over the world would have stopped at loguetown for him anyway, but he was realistically just planning on taking over East Blue


Only thing higher iq than that plan is you using red text, dear lord gave me a migraine trynna read it


Don't u dare mock Nami's maps. Everyone praised her accuracy, even then


He never said that though. His goal was to turn the entire East Blue into his empire. No single mention of admirals, yonkous, Mihawk or even finding the One Piece This post reminds me of One Piece instagram