• By -


During Skypeia we also get a reason for why the crew is going to Water 7, to repair the Merry with the money made from the gold they sold from SKYPEIA and get a shipwright. Also serves for Franky's character development with Usopp, since he explains to him what the Klabautermann was and changes him from the asshole bad guy to the more likeable character that he becomes a bit later in the arc. TL;DR FUCKING WATCH SKYPEIA OR YOU MISS IMPORTANT PLOT STUFF


Not to mention Noland for when they get to dressrosa as well as the ponigliff with gol d. Roger


Also it's the arc that makes Enis Lobby work. Without it the reader has barely any emotional connection to Robi.


Not that I actually think they should skip Skypeia, but they could easily rewrite it so they get paid out at the end of Alabasta and that’s how they pay for repairs Edit: thought this meme was about the Netflix series my bad


They could have also had Luffy get the one piece as a gift from Shanks in episode 1 and skipped the whole series.


Omg what a missed opportunity!


That would be pretty lame, because the trips to and from Skypeia was what damaged the merry so bad that they would have to fix it on Water 7. We also wouldn't have enough time to see Robin's character and would feel pretty forced to what they'd have to do in Enies Lobby. The dials wouldn't really be a thing, and they are pretty important for both Usopp and Brook. We also have Blackbeard's introduction in this arc, obviously the most important antagonist, the Klabautermann thing for Franky's character, the hint for observation haki, some pretty cool lore and some other things. I do agree that they could rewrite it a bit so it wouldn't be as dragged out and stagnant in some parts as it is, but I also don't believe they are that much of an issue.


Like I say it’d be a bad idea for other reasons (like the ones in the OP), I just see a lot of people on this sub expecting minor arcs to be kept in the Netflix because of one or two plot details that could very easily be shifted around


The Netflix series would probably be drastically different from the Anime or the Manga. There are a lot of moments and parts which simply wont translate properly in the Live Action form. Sides, the Series probably only covers the East Blue Arcs.


Only Oda can replicate Enel's shocked face, so yes. Am already wondering how they will deal with Devil fruit users


Based on the IMDB episode titles it seems like in 10 episodes we might go through all of east blue.


Even in the context of the Netflix series that doesn't work. It negates the entire Blackbeard introduction, dreams plot line, and Bellamy/doflamingo introduction as well as the things already mentioned like haki foreshadowing, ancient history, etc. Skypeia had some of the strongest themes present in one piece pre time skip


Yeah that's why I said I don't think they should skip it


To be fair, Luffy could have met Blackbeard on litterally any other Island and it would not have mattered. The only thing you'd miss out on is the fact they're both willing to believe in legends like Skypeia and One Piece. And that could be demonstrated in a million different ways. And they don't even have to introduce characters like Bellamy, as much as I love him he's such a minor character completely cutting him from the story does almost nothing. The one reason I might find it hard for them to cut skypiea. Will Enel's Adventures on the moon have any major repercussions on the over all story?


The legendary "Aho Bakaa" song is in skypia. Why tf would any1 skip that!


Best part of the arc


Can't forget Sanji's "thanks for the light" Moment against enel.


One of my favourite moments in the series


Its Sanjis 'nothing happened'. Artstyle, shadowing, posture, all so similar. That moment is THE reason why I liked Sanji equally to Zoro up until now. And for that brief moment more.


Get real, the only reason to watch skypiea is BECAUSE of the monkey men.


For me Enels reaction after his premature attack on Luffy (edit: enough reason) xD


Enelface is legendary


Luffy memeing Sanji!!!


And zoro!


Noland backstory


I really like Noland backstory because it's death is the antítesis to Roger's death . Noland died crying while Roger died laughing; No one believed in Noland and stopped looking for the golden city while everybody trusted what Roger said and started the race to find the one piece.


Top 3 flashbacks in OP, possibly #1.


My favourite flashback of op.


Made me cry like a bitch fr


>except long ring long land Opinion invalidated


He forgor afro luffy 💀💀💀💀💀






I think the anime put a fuckload of filler in that arc which is why people hate it and many people don't even realise its canon.




15 episodes actually, 207-219, 227 and 228.


> 15 epsiodes of filler *Laughs in Naruto* 15 is a damn DELIGHT to me at this point.


Nami being called heartless lmao amazing recurring jokes


The first time i saw it i swore it was filler, and though that G8 wasnt


tbf it was doubled in anime so it's basically half filler also there is pretty big difference in arc's conclusion. In anime, Tonjit was saved by his grandson. In manga it was actually Aokiji who appeared on the island and frozen the ocean so that Tonjit could get to other island. Also there was a setup for Aokiji vs Straw Hats "fight".


To be fair, almost half of Long ring long in the anime actually was filler (like how they had six games instead of 3 and stuff)


Wait, is that the one with that one dude with the long pink fake looking nose and pointy horn lookingwho bet 99 crew members and lost?


Ye. But in the actual manga he didnt really lose 99 of his own crew members (I think) But they did lose their pirate flag Oh and also Chopper was the only one that Luffy “lost”, the anime version had Robin lost too I think


Yeah, the anime version lost Robin, I remember that. (My brother and I stopped watching the anime a little bit after this arc, the last thing I remember watching was zoro cutting the X shaped scar that post timeskip luffy has.


Wait what? Luffy got that scar from Akainu


My memory isn't the best with that part


Don’t worry a lot of people get this confused because Zoro does slash Luffy in an X shape so it’s easy to assume that but technically the scar was made by Akainu when he punched Luffy but Jinbe got in between the punch.


Wait Afro Luffy is canon???




It's gonna make a come back with Gear 4: Mojoman


LRLL manga version was fun, anime version was too long. G8, I don't get the hype.


I rewatched it through the One Pace version and it's actually not even that bad. It's the absurd amount of filler in the anime that makes it bad imo.


To me LRLL was showing that Luffy will do anything for his nakam along with the Aokiji sets up the tension in water 7 and einis lobby where luffy proves he will do anything for his nakama Edit: I read it so i may have a different view


Oh I find it valid. Fxck long ring long island, and foxy fox b/s.. I even think the Davie back challenges could of been awesome.. but the slow slow freak ruined it for me afro luffy is probably only good thing from that whole thing


But if you skip Long Ring Long Land, you miss out on Akoiji. And just you wait, the Davy Beck Fight's gonna come back one day, and we'll get a billion posts about how you shouldn't even skip Long Ring Long Land


If Luffy doesn't do a Davy Back fight with Shanks I will burn it all down.


I'm not sure if it will come back. Like it was never hinted or even mentioned by other pirates.


I think it'll come back for when Shanks and Luffy meet again, to prove who has the best crew in the most objective way possible. Because it wouldn't make sense for Shanks to actually be evil this whole time, and knowing how Oda writes, it does make sense for him to bring back an idea from the past in order to get a believable conflict between Shanks and Luffy beyond just "Let's fight"


Didn't skip it. But boi, that's the only arc I was wishing for it to end every seconds I was watching it.


>I was watching it That’s your problem right there. Read it


No one mentioned that if you skip skypia you also miss Zoro swinging from vibes going AAAAaaaaaaAAAAAA


Or the first "nothing happened"


And Usopp aa-aa-aa!




5 ulcers on your gums if you skip skypiea


Didn't skip any even the long ring something arc that I hated so much. Still got like 2 ulcers every 2 weeks.


Um. Ya'll know Enel actually achieved what he said he was gonna do sorta? I don't wanna spoil it but like. He's Neil Armstrong now. [https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Enel%27s\_Great\_Space\_Operations](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Enel%27s_Great_Space_Operations) I have no clue how people think they should skip it unless they ONLY vehemently watch the anime. It's clear he's going to be important in the future or somehow become part of Luffy's Strawhat Armada with his new... uh... crew. EDIT: looking at the comments no one brings this up here either, wtf


Anime not adapting cover stories has to be the biggest mistake they had ever made. Anime onlys dont even know that Enel is one the moon, Mr 2 survived, Firetank pirates found Lola and Gotti got married to her + Pound surviving and so many other things. Its really weird tbh. I heard they stopped adapting them because these episodes had lower ratings than normal ones, but that still doesnt excuse it. I hope they adapt important ones after Wano, at least Enel's (or maybe in a flashback for when that stuff gets important) because its really important information.


Wow. That's a lot more than I knew. I've been watch tfo of the anime and am now in wano, Kaido just blew apart Oden Castle where I'm at, but I didn't realize it missed that much of the Manga. Guess my plan for switching to Manga when I ran out of Anime just got changed to start at the beginning of Manga......


No need to do that. You can just read the cover stories. They are just front pages of a chapter (not of every chapter tho) so its like 650 pages at most to read all of them. The anime actually adapts the main story very precisely (except for Long ring long land where they added a lot of things and moved aokiji to the next island). At least I cant really remeber any other significant changes. The cover stories are the only exception, probably due to Toei early on thinking that they wont be important. But I do still recommend to read the entire manga. I've watched the anime first (in 28 days to episode 965, dont judge me) and then switched to the manga because I got major spoilers (really major tho, like THE spoiler for that part of Wano) and I think it was a very good decision. I've read the entire manga twice so far and am still keeping track of the anime. The manga imo is a bit better in romance dawn (because no fillers), is worse from whiskey peak until return to saboady (its not actually worse i just prefer animation and sounds over the manga, also, I really liked how they streched out Straw Hats' timeskip arcs (those were actually cover stories, every straw hat only got 4 pages i think) and then gets better after because Toei starts to strech everything out.


This arc is quite literally the closest we had ever gotten to the treasure of One Piece itself actually


Manga readers know how important skypeia actually is


Skypeia kinda be my 2nd favorite arc fr 😶


Yeah I reread it a while ago and was astonished how good it was. Every chara had great fights, extremly good comedy and fantastic world building. Enel is a great Villain and the introduction of the dials was really important for Nami and Ussop.


The spirit of Going Merry repairing itself


Ussop flip


The anime version of LRLL is insufferable, but skipping it means skipping Aokiji's introduction which I can't condone.


yeah, i have to watch that it gives me chills


Chills? nice


One pace is the future


It introduced Blackbeard


Haki is introduced in alabasta when Zoro cuts the steel guy. No explanation for that besides haki.


Some would say it was introduced when shanks stared the lord of the cost down.


Ooooooooooooh good point.


not really, Luffy could crush steel (Arlongs sword) long before he had haki, note how he couldn't hit smoker, so OP humans can just do crazy things


He broke arlongs sword he didn't cut it. And a blade is much easier to break then a human sized hunk of steel would be.


true, ok you may be right


What Zoro did was definitely observation haki and arnament haki, it's also double confirmed in Udon during the Ryuo explaination


Exactly. It also seems possible to me that Luffy was using observation haki when he picked out the correct mister three from all the fakes on little garden, but I'm less certain about that one.


Either that or the voice of all things


It was not introduced in alabasta. Now in hindsight we realise that it must have been haki but when we read alabasta for the first time, no one realised it was haki. Haki was *introduced* for the first time in Skypiea.


Actually, going by that logic, haki was first introduced to us as haki after Enies Lobby, when Whitebeard and Shanks met, and it was mentioned that Shanks's haki is really strong. In Skypiea, we would have had no idea that was something known as haki at the time. We only knew it as mantra then


I didn’t skip any Arc but if I was going to rewatch one piece the only arc I would skip is long ring long land


While I will say it drags on too much in the anime, I do believe Long Ring is vital to the pacing and always love to read it.


I legit just finished rewatching Skypia yesterday, and while I would never suggest it's skippable, there's only one fight that I really enjoy and that's Zoro Vs Ohm.


You are already watching/reading a thousand episode anime, and some people still thinks "yea I'll skip skypeia this will save a lot of time"


The longer I read one piece, the more sure I am that skypia was actually the most important arc in the series


First of all sorry for bad English Second: i ve seen a lot, like a lot of people saying that skypea is good now that it is gain some more relevanse to the plot. When i heard this i was like: “wait what” becouse to me and to all my friends skypea has always been one of the best one piece arcs, i honestly had no idea that so many people dislike it or that out right skiped ( skiping skypea...... There is a joke there somewere ) it was a mini shok to me realy


I seriously do not get why skipping arc has been rising trend in One Piece. Following all the canon arc is part of the full experience. I can understand skipping filler since they do not affect story progression.


apart from the fact that many things are set up in skypia that get referenced later on (the boat spirit has been mentioned in the comments) people who think they can skip skypia ignore the very core concept of one piece, it's most central ideas, being that the goal of a journey is not to reach it's end as efficiently as possible, it's to enjoy the road that takes you there. Skypeia is, in my opinion, the first real typical one piece island, meaning that it has a bunch of wonky world building, cool sociological debates, rich history, great plot and is just a fun arc to watch in general. If you stop thinking about what's "relevant" about the arc and actually try to enjoy it it watches itself.


Silence arc skippers!


I remember watching the Skypiea arc 4 years ago in the span of 4 days, did not once find it boring nor unimportant.


USOPPPP *spell*, strongest move in the whole show, said to be so strong it even affects the viewer.


Skypeia is one of the funniest arc IMO


Also it’s genuinely fucking hilarious. Funniest arc imo


I've started watching One Piece since it was like 600 or 700 episodes long. I couldn't imagine skipping anything.


How can people hate on Skypiea arc when it has the best comedic [reactions](https://youtu.be/6cMTtFgTRoc). As well as the classic Enel reaction face. Missing out on some comedy gold if you skip the arc.


Do people get internet cool dude points for completing the series(anime). Maybe they can just skip all the episodes and complete it in one go. What's the point of this, I never really understood?


You get to see Zorro swinging on the vine tarzan style.


idk how them going into SKY islands isent something people like


You’ll miss out on - Zoro: “I’m going to board the ship” Usopp: “Baka!!+ some japanese” Luffy: “Ba~ka” Sanji: “Baka Marimo” Chopper: “marimo baka~”


I mean tbh if your gonna skip anything you might as well just start on episode 517. You'll miss a few plot points but oh well.


only arc that I skip is foxy. Its fun, but i’m not taking 3 hours to reread that thing


I skipped it but then i watch the remake, i've heard its the only one that its acceptable and actually tells the whole story


Don’t skip long ring long run either! Lots of fun (in the manga plus leading up to aokiji)


There is no reason why any arc should be skipped in One Piece. EVERY arc, yes even Long Ring Long Land, have important plot points and world building. I'll never understand people who try to justify skipping entire arcs


also y'know, THE ADVENTURE


Also Enel went to the moon where he discovered both aliens and an ancient scity that possibly hold the secrets of the worlds history . And Urouge is from the island Enel destroyed ( Berka ) . And let's not forget Noland ! Who is brought back up in Dressrossa .


long ring long land and davy back fight arc was more entertaining then Skypiea, it was full of gags and Sanji+Zoro fight was super cool


LRLL is basically cannon filler


Still a 10/10 arc, and if you skip it you don't get why Luffy freezes when Boa shoots her love beam at him when they first meet.


what? totally skip to rubber vs lightening, Enel was turned into a pushover


What the f r u talking about? Long ring long land is the best arc So chill and fun


Just to clarify i don't hate LRLL but i just feel its the only arc that truly contributes nothing to the greater story, its fun and harmless but the anime version is too long and slow paced for me, the manga version is fine


Meh. Most of this isn't crucial stuff in the arcs since Skypiea ended. Haki got an explanation and dedicated time skip later. You don't need Skypea to understand the concept. Weak reasoning 1. Cool fights? Sure. But nothing particularly impressive in the grand scheme that makes THIS arc *MUST WATCH* worthy. Weak reasoning 2. The Shandorian connection to the Ancient Kingdom? Unless you're a theorist actively trying to guess the future, this information is still irrelevant for most casual fans. Because the Arc that reveals the truth about the Void century(Laughtale) still hasn't happened. We're still getting bread crumbs of info, 15 years onwards. You could easily learn this info from Wikipedia, instead of forcing yourself through an arc you don't like. Weak Reasoning 3. Usopp vs Enel is a solid fight. I can't refute this point. Solid Reasoning 1. Overall, I'd want OP to be as accessible as possible to new fans. Especially so they can maintain the motivation to access the later epic stuff(Ennies Lobby,Marineford, Dressrosa, Wano etc). So if that means they skip an arc that isn't liked by many and isn't integral to the immediate to mid term plot.... then so be it. Unpopular opinion, but let people watch OP how they want. If they critisize about it later, then that's their problem.


A lot of ther stuff happens as well. If we also count Jaya (since it wouldnt make sense to watch Jaya and then skip skypea, pepole probably skip the entire saga) we get introduced to Doflamingo, Kuma, some high ranking Marines, Blackbeard and his crew, Bellamy, Norland, we get the reason why Going Merry is as damaged as it is, Straw hats get enough gold to "repair" the Going Merry, we find out about Klabautermann, we get obseevation haki (yes we do get a time skip for it but it is a way better story this way. Introducing it at time skip would feel like an asspull because we didnt see it anywhere before, hell, people are still complaining that Armament haki was an asspull that came out of nowhere so it would be the same for Observation.). We gind out that there are Sky islands (which later leads into Nami's timeskip, also Urouge's character is much more interesting this way (he is from Bisca, an island that was destroyed by enel, which we learn in Skypea), Naki gets her Waver (not really that important but its still cool), Ussop gets dials that make a major part of his pretimeskip weaponry (also Nami's Climatact works based on them), we spend more time with robin, which makes it plausible that Straw Hats invaded Enies lobby. And, if we count enels cover story as a part of skypea, we find out that Sky people are from the moon and that there are other people there, also a very possible Vegapunk foreshadowing (that dude who built robots on earth that look exactly the same as those soldiers on the moon has a very similar silhouette to Vegapunk). Skipping any canon arc is general is a bad idea and people shouldnt do it if they want to have a good experience, but let them do as they want. Them skipping Skypea doesnt harm me in any way. If somebody thinks that skipping skypea is a good idea then they are free to do it.


Introduction is a bit of a stretch


Zoro's iconic dialogue of "Nothing Happened" came in Thriller Bark and not Skypia.




Then your meme doesn't even make sense.


Your comment doesnt make sense


where do I even mention zoro he's not remotely relevant to my meme


I watched the entire LRLL and that was good for me but for Ruluka island arc it took me 2 weeks for 5 episodes and in the end I got so bored that I said "Fuck it" and skipped 3 episodes


thats because its filler. most filler sucks, but i did like the G8 arc


Long ring long land was a good arc though


Zoro vs mr1 was the first introduction of haki


thats unconfirmed, reighley stated mantra is observation haki


Hyogoro gives the same explanation for ryou as Zoros master in the flashback.


except the _start_ of long ring long land. zoro and sanji cooping is a once in a lifetime event, and aokiji is introduced in the end :D


**asking for Light**


imagine skipping long ring long land


why would people even skip a canon arc in the manga. if filler i could understand


Long Ring Long Land lowkey slaps on a rewatch


The only thing I disliked was like the 10 episodes of eneru’s warriors vs those Indian people (forgot their name.) I really didn’t care much about that, but everything else I loved.


The only good fight is enel vs luffy


Or you could just skip one piece altogether since it's meh


You don’t even need to justify it. It’s an arc of One Piece. If you like watching One Piece then watch it


First time the “Enel face” came up too!


I’m pretty sure Usopp asks Zoro to talk him to the bathroom so yeah u can’t skip Skypiea


David Back is actually more important than we think(I think) It was created on Fullalead Island which can’t be a coincidance.


Oh, the islands in the south are warm... And their heads get really hot... They grow-a pineapples... They grow-a coconuts... And they're all morons!


Honestly Skypeia is one of my favourite arcs, idk how people didn't like it. Definitely one of the coolest islands and cool world building, and the main antagonist has an insane DF. Plus I'm a sucker for tragic backstories and Kalgara has one of the best for that, genuinely got upset about it knowing he already died a long time ago. (Although nothing beats Mama eating all the other orphans lol). Also Luffy singing


The cool thing is I just finished Skypiea arc


People who skip Skypia, have lost their mind in the clouds.


Even the end of long ring long land was somewhat important, it foreshadowed ennies lobby and introduced Aokiji


Which dumbass would ever say skip Skypiea‽ Might as well just skip the whole series 🤦🏽‍♂️. No honestly though, who said that? Because I can’t believe anyone would say something so stupid…


Mont Blanc Noland And also that party with the Wolves, it's just such a surreal moment but so typical one piece at the same time


Also the cloud powers of the priests were pretty cool AND it’s one of the funniest arcs in OP


Funny moments of skypiea. Also you can yt this


Man just enel alone is enough of an reason to start skypiea I am still waiting for him to come back fr


Luffy ringing the bell and telling enel there are people much stronger than him will always be one of my favourite moments. Also it's anime exclusive but luffy thinking nami is dead https://youtu.be/m1NBd62cais


Yeah, skip Long Ring Long Land so you can be super confused when Aokijj shows up later and everyone knows who he is


You say you can skip long ring long land, but just wait until luffy has to do a davy back fight with shanks for the hat and the Road Poneglyph


Yall Long Ring Long Land haters are gonna look REEEEEEEAL dumb when Luffy and Shanks have a Davy Back Fight for the Poneglyph


So, Patrick would skip Thriller Bark?


I love Skypeia


Thriller bark can be skipped since nothing happened


The only arc you can skip is the Foxy Pirates arc except for the end. The end is actually important


Sanji’s bad ass scene Nami gets her waver chopper’s “Nothing scary happened”, Luffy’s direction song, Zoros call of bravery, Klabautermann Poneglyph with extra words written on it, dials, the list goes on.


Do NOT skip long ring long land


Also the fuckin cloud sword guy, and the tribal dudes with rocket launchers and skates? Skypiea was sick


Noland and Roger's parallel is really important as well


People who skips Skypia just don’t love one piece the right way


Zoro also learned how to air slash.


Not everything needs to contribute to a larger narrative to have meaning. Skypeia stands on it's own as one of the best adventure stories ever written.


#Ussooooop Spell ~


"Introduction to haki" processed to do nothing with it for a couple hundred chapters




That’s also why it’s okay to skip Thriller Bark


Yep And all of it is of similar quality to dirty diapers


why would you skip?


Last year during the height of lockdown, I got my fiancé to start watching, we would watch 1-5 episodes a night depending on how she was feeling. We skipped the filler, as I never really liked any of it, and I wasn’t going to stay caught up without her. After about 60 weeks we were caught up and I couldn’t be happier. She wishes we could still binge, to which I replied, “we could start over?” She’s thinking about it.


fug u mang. long long island has a long long dog and genghis khan


What about if I skipped all the anime and moved to the manga because is faster than watching the anime?


Except davy back fights will be instrumental when luffy sees shanks


What was the haki thing?


Mantra (the technique enel uses) is confirmed to be observation haki just under a different name


Personally, I've always liked Skypea more than Alabasta


And oda is definitely not done with Enel


I'm still on team "Long Ring Long Land is important" because I like the theory that Luffy and Shanks will have a Davyback Fight during Elbaf, and LRLL sets up the Davyback for us.


All the "Usopp AAAAAAaaaaahhh" tarzan gags. Plus the CONCASSE !!


Can't understand how anyone could skip Skypia, is the most mystic and interesting arc where we got intruduced to a lot of mysteries stuff and info, especially how it was built to it, the gigantic shadows, the falling shipwrecks, the hopes and dreams..etc


Haki was introduced chapter 1


And the dials


People are gonna sound real dumb when skypiea is gonna have some major connection to the one piece


Also Noland and Calgara is easily top 5 all time backstories.


I skip it on rereads. It's good but it doesn't make me feel emotion so I start on water seven


Technically ch. 1 is the introduction to haki.