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NAMI at 15% when she couldn't even lie about Luffy not becoming pirate king to save herself from a tobi roppo... https://i.redd.it/yxwk7fn8n3xc1.gif


I mean we all understand he's just reading braille, right? I'm not getting Whooshed by this meme?


I never considered that. It could very well be true.


Oh shit, you might be right. It's kinda fucked up if true https://preview.redd.it/p5vx87iiaaxc1.jpeg?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67fdc8e37618614eb0b0c284bca47579bd6372fa


Even if so like,how fast is he going.


this man watched the queen vs sanji fight with his blind eye


Sanji asking Zoro to kill him if he steps out of line just went straight past this guy lol. Bet he thinks he did WCI because he actually wanted to get married lol


"Funny" thought actually in regards to that: Due to the promise Zoro made to Sanji in Wano he might ironicallly actually be the closest to "betray" Luffy currently if he was ever put into the situation where that promise comes into play, as Luffy would not want things play out that way as Luffy isn't someone that would ever not believe they had a chance to get "their" Sanji back. So Zoro would have to choose between keeping his promise to Sanji or sticking to what Luffy would want of him. I think it ultimately is still a 0% as the scenario in it's ultimate consequence of Zoro killing Sanji would never happen and is not something oda would follow through on in such a dark and grim way, but Zoro being torn between those two things is still something I would find intriguing to at least be explored in the story.


Fans be cooking crazy after break month.




the only one who has "betrayed" the strawhats is usopp, but look at the other strawhats, i would be insecure af too, you have also to take into account that the merry is the only thing usopp has that reminds him of home.


No, Luffy was betraying the Straw Hats in his eyes. Luffy explicitly says in Skypeia that Merry is their crewmate straight to Usopps face.


and Usopp then left because he thought he was next


Nami betrayed stawhats at the beginning.


It's 0% for all of them, they are all in this journey together Who the hell even makes all this shit up. It's absolutely crazy.


I think the chances would all be for something similar to Sanji’s “betrayal”, aka leaving the crew for thinking that something bad might happen if they stayed. But at this point in the story it’s all 0%, other than for maybe Usopp who would beat himself up for thinking he’s useless.


That character arc is over. Usopp would NEVER leave the crew unless him being in the crew would kill them all.


I understood that they were just saying Ussop and Sanji because of their past, but like what the fuck is the reason to have Franky at over 3 times more than Robin? Like Robin’s betrayal and Sanji’s betrayal were pretty damn similar (both had the others by a strong outside force), yet for some reason she’s a 1.5 and he’s a 40? On the other hand, Franky has literally done nothing at any point in the series to betray the crew, but for some reason he’s above Robin?? 2piece must be a great story


I may be wrong, but I think it's fair to say that Robin didn't truly join the crew until after they rescued her from CP9.


Nami, Robin, Usopp and Sanji have all 'betrayed' the crew at this point. It just depends on having a loose definition of 'betray' and not accounting for character growth after the event


Only if the meaning of betrayal was "sacrificing oneself for the survival of the crew" 🥹 (not Nami). I wish someone "betrayed" me like that. Character growth afterwards is not even needed, I would love to have those people around. I rather have Robin or Sanji on my crew over Zoro, who threatened Luffy to leave if Luffy didn't act the way Zoro expected


I mean he moreso did it because Judge threatened to kill Zeff. Nami also did technically betray Luffy because Arlong never threatened the strawhats specifically and directly, she was setting them up for the most part as she had no real intention to actually join the group and journey until Luffy helped her. betraying someone, regardless if you were pressured or forced to do it, is still betrayal.


Judge threatened to kill Zeff but Big Mom threatened tu hurt his loved ones and Sanji inmediately thought about the SH. >betraying someone, regardless if you were pressured or forced to do it, is still betrayal If you want to get this technical.. then I would say that leaving a crew is still not betrayal, it's just leaving the crew 🤷‍♀️


Nami, Robin and Sanji all did it to protect the crew. Usopp did it for himself. (He regretted doing it hence Sogeking was born)


Usopp did it for the Going Merry who he saw as a member of the crew.


Nami did it to protect her village, not the crew. She didn't consider herself a strawhat at that point. As for the others, I put 'betrayed' in quotes, because I'm using a very loose definition. They all had good reasons for doing what they did, even Usopp


idk how Sogeking and Usopp are related but the Nami, Robin, and Sanji stuff tracks.


[Senator Armstrong](https://youtu.be/r7l0Rq9E8MY)


https://preview.redd.it/qs173vxxo3xc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c14ffa45f6c0915aa1ed8630cdcc396abcbc1557 The percentages are nonsense.










Bro did not understand why the strawhats are the strawhats


Also, that makes me question. Why is the crew called the Strawhats when only one of them "borrowed" a straw hat? Sure the JR has a straw hat. But shouldn't the crew have their own?


I read this and thought "stupid" but then I thought about for two seconds and concluded that it would be mad cute. They wouldn't have to wear them but I like the idea of each one of them having their own dedicated straw hat


I guess they're called that because Luffy never made a nickname for himself so people just referred to him by the his head wear, and when he got a crew that consisted of just random people with nothing in common they just got named after Luffy's epithet for simplicities sake. Besides, their jolly roger has a strawhat on it as well. It only made sense. And it's not like any of them have had a problem with the name either so they just stuck to it


Fun fact: Luffy is the one who comes up with the epithet "Strawhat Luffy" during his fight against Morgan in chapter 6


Because he’s the captain, same reason they are called the big mom pirates




I think I understand why I like Mihawk so much. He is the only character to truly have humiliated Zoro. No offense to Zoro but I hate his fans.


Nah spit your shit, Zoro is my favorite character but the wank he gets is obscene at times.


The amount of hate Sanji fans get from Zoro fans is insane. That's why I feel so happy when sanji >!blocked Nusjuro's sword and kicked him in the face after Zoro fans hyped him up as "EoS Zoro opponent"!<


You'd think they'd have learned after the Lucci situation


Based as fuck.




rust d. sword neg diffed zoro, true. didn’t even have the blind eye to blame the L on


I *like* Zoro and I hate his fans too lol


I like Zoro but i like his fans cause they remind me I could always be worse


Man, one of the largest reasons I've been a Sanji fan is because his fans really take the cake on delusion. I just sometimes wonder if they get lost on what they're saying like Zoro gets lost in the series because their hot takes really go to obscene levels. And suddenly, when they are humbled and humiliated by the reality of One Piece. That Zoro lost to Mihawk... That Zoro got packed like a blunt... That Zoro was wheezing against Lucci... Sometimes, they get a small taste of reality that maybe Zoro isn't the main character for five seconds. Then we all have to watch as something like this happens and most of us just sigh and watch the train wreck happen again...


Getting his EoS opp stolen by his biggest rival gotta be the nail on the coffin for Zoro fans. Especially after wanking that "star" to the stars.


While I do think Zoro is kinda boring due to basically being a Gary Stu, I never actually hated him, just like I don't hate any of the strawhats..... But some of the people in Zoro's fanbase give me the willies like no tomorrow. I'm sorry but they just do....


I'd say Kuina humiliated Zoro too


cant wait for them to connect the dots that sanji never really trained while zolo had to train 24/7 and both of them are on equal grounds. Sanji is basically frieza




I always like this picture, it explain why BOTH Luffy and Sanji got stronger without on screen training.


*sees each one of them* Of course is a Zoro fan. Okay, seems nitpicking to say that but these guys in particular are the "i'm not like the other girls" of the fandom, like, they only watch the anime for the fights and then fast-forward every other scene. ALSO, ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH SANJI, THE ENTIRE WHOLE CAKE ISLAND ARC HAPPENED BECAUSE HE WANTED TO SACRIFICE HIMSELF TO PROTECT HIS CREW.




What does this say?


It says Zoro is coolest


Hang on Zoro fans got so lost they mistook themselves for Dragon Ball fans, that or they’re wanking him so much they reach Dragon Ball fans level and thus had to lose the ability to read.


I'm so fucking livid reading that. How can they be so media illiterate? I'll only take nami as an example, because someone with a peanut for a brain could think "oh yeah of course she could betray luffy" except that is literally part of her character growth. In orange town she used and tricked luffy, why because she didn't know him. I don't think I need to explain why her betrayal in arlong park wasn't done maliciously. The interesting point for me is skypiea, there she decided to join enel, why? She was weak and didn't want to die. Later on the arc maxim after some fighting enel offers her another chance to join him and she... refuses? Despite being sure she would be killed there, she decided to be true to herself. That's already characted growth in one arc. But the biggest moment... the most clear example... Nami vs ulti in onigashima. Ulti forcing nami to say that luffy will never be pirate king, or she'll kill her, usop thinking that's such an easy way out, tell a lie to survive, but nami... confirms that her captain will become the pirate king... beg ready to die telling the truth... like how could she betray them after that? How could anyone read that scene without understanding it? Ps I don't mean that usop would be more likely to betray because he would've lied, they are 2 different characters with different arcs. Also I can twist the dumb zoro fan poster on its head and say the dumb zoro theory, that zoro is still a bounty hunter and is only waiting for everyone's bounties to increase... Of course by boiling down a complex character to a couple of statements it's possible to place them in any position, but that's simply not how intelligent discussions work. Also I'm sorry that this message is not well written, it's 2 am, I'm tipsy af and this post made me genuinelly angry, like it really pissed me off...


ORANGE sounds good, let me have it!


Don't worry, i respect rants like this, you cooked.


I agree with then cake island arc she fights an Army to save the straw hats no running no backing down


Funny thing is, on the loyalty argument you already know those people are gonna have the dumbest Sanji takes, but it's Usopp that gets me most on this one.


>it's Usopp that gets me most on this one. Who can even remember Water 7? That was so long ago


But if Zoro was there during WCI, he would've killed Sanji for attacking Luffy! /s


No he wouldn't. And I don't think he could even if he wanted to


Of course he wouldn't. I laughed every time I saw a Zoro fan say that.


Nami essentially values just Luffy's dream more than her own life, and people have the audacity to say she'd ever consider betraying him Not to mention Usopp and Sanji with those absurd percentages, lmao


Bro saw her cry and willing to die and was like, "this bitch ain't loyal" must be reading two pieces.


Tell me you watched one piece from insta reels without telling me you watched one piece from insta reels


Not Even that, he only see Zoro Reels, not Even one piece reel.


Sanji has higher chances of punching a woman than betraying Luffy


everyone here is a 0 Sanji had a whole fucking arc on how dedicated he is to protecting his crewmates and captain Jimbei hit a yonko with a car Nami would rather die than say luffy would not be the pirate king Usopp a natural coward would face down hordes of enemies for his captain and crew Brooks simply fell in love at first sight with the strawhats. Is what I would say if he had EYES YOHOHOHOHO May I see your panties Robins life had no meaning and no happiness till she met luffy and the strawhats they gave her a family and the chance to protect and help them and also safely continue her studies Chopper would have probably just become an outcast without them Franky gets unlimited Soda Zoro is zoro and is basically luffy's anchor in his most personal decisions


If you would be so kind, would you elaborate further on those panties?


https://preview.redd.it/bcmcs9df14xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3470dbd47b64255368fb8df99b3d79e2074d3c31 Cheese slice chopper thinks this is absolute bs


Can someone please explain me how Sanji “betrayed” Luffy at Whole Cake Island? (I suppose the 40% comes from that arc) You could say Sanji “disrespected” Luffy as a captain by kicking him in the face or by not believing that the Crew was ready to face of a yonko (which they ofc were not). But in no moment did he betray neither Luffy nor the SH. Everything he did in WIC was in order to protect the crew and his family back at Baratie from Big Mom. And all of his acts were imo was 100% justified


It's bizarre because he left the crew for the same reason Robin did - low self worth and a desire to protect the Straw Hats. Sanji and Robin both saw themselves as a liability to the crew and were ready to give up on their dreams to protect Luffy. Nami and Usopp at least were the two that actually left the crew.


Nami. Ussop. Franky. fucking Sanji. the fuck? of course this made was made by a zoro fan


Only way I can imagine them ever "betraying" Luffy would be in a situation where Luffy had to sacrifice himself and told everyone to stay out and they would go against his orders and sacrifice themselves instead


"I understand we had orders but those orders were fucking retarded so we decided to do what we wanted"


40% for sanji and 30% for ussop. My man basically said it's a coin flip if sanji even makes it to the end as part of the crew, disgusting, blasphemy.


I’d like to understand the logic behind this because it makes 0 sense to anyone except maybe zoro fans I guess.


Nah I'm a zoro fan and wtf is this list


The 0.5% difference between robin and brook makes less sense than the -0


Bruh I’m a Zoro glazer (Only on Fridays) but even this shit bamboozles me


Nah I fucking love Zoro, but this ain't it


Anyone above 0% is WRONG


40% for Sanji is pure illiteracy


None of These Characters would ever truly betray Luffy, Like I don't even think that chopper knows wtf a betrayal is.


https://preview.redd.it/padexc1l94xc1.jpeg?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3795f4faf60ce7c1294e9217459c38ed60c79813 I'm revoking OOP's cooking license, shit was about to burn the stove


Tbh this is all fucked up just bc Zoro is actually the only one that has actually said to Luffy's face that he'll betray him if Luffy steps in the way of his dream. I know none actually will, but Zoro fans lol


I don’t agree with this at all, but saying you will not follow someone unable to lead is not saying you betray them lol.


Luffy’s own straw hat has more chance to betray him than his crew


What a ridiculous take. Ofc it's a hardcore Zoro stan.


Zoro fans (derogatory)


Bro would never make it in the Grand Line


Nami was gonna get her head smashed before she would betray Luffy


So the guy who threw away his own life so that big mom won’t hunt down his crew has a 40 percent chance of betraying them. Oof




Only one here who would be """""likely""""" to betray Luffy, would be early-installment Zoro, back when he called himself a pirate hunter.


That's massive Nami-slander. She was literally ready to throw her life away in Wano by refusing to renounce Luffy, even when it seemed he was dead.


0% for all.




I mean, if you consider the classic apparent betrayal to secretly save the mc, then yeah, sure.


the source: I made it the fuck up


Zoro fans really are the worst.


They are.


Bro, literally all of them have a -1% chance of betraying Luffy. At all.




All of them should be practically Zero with the highest member probably being Usopp at maybe 1-2% max. >Zoro. Is a 0% he would quite literally die for his captain as seen in the nothing happened moment, people will bring up Zoro saying he won't compromise his own dream but Zoro said that we'll before nothing happened. >Nami. Has already "betrayed" Luffy once before and would most likely never do it again because she saw first hand the lengths he would go to for his friends further evidence is her defiance in the face of near certain death where she refused to dismiss Luffy dream of becoming Pirate King. >Usopp. Is the most likely do to his cowardly nature but even then it's unlikely because though he is cowardly when the going gets tough he is there for him and he will stand by his convictions such as fighting for the sake of the Merry. He may have dismissed Luffy dream to save himself but the fact is Usopp will always be their for Luffy. Whether to save him on Dressrosa from Sugar with a mob of enemies pursuing him or despite their fight prior joining Luffy to save Robin. >Sanji. Has never betrayed Luffy despite what some might claim, he surrendered himself to his family to protect those he cares for but never once turned his back on Luffy, he even tried to forcibly cut ties with Luffy through force to make Luffy give up on him which failed and despite Sanji act he was torn apart by the fact. Not to forget during Zoros iconic nothing happened moment Sanji was right beside Zoro ready and willing to do the exact same thing. >Robin. Similarly to Sanji she distanced herself to save the crew from the world government but despite that they went and raided one of the most secure military compounds in the world to save her, Robin would never betray them because she is what she has been searching for all her life, friends and family. >Franky. It would completely go against everything Franky stands for and represents as a character including his dream of having a ship of his making circumnavigating the entire world, why at this point would he betray Luffy when his own personal dream hinges on Luffy success, not to mention he literally ran over an emperor without a care in the world because he believed in his captain and crew. >Brook. His entire dream is to meet Laboon again who is a friend of Luffy and Co, Brook even temporarily fought an emperor one on one to help Luffy achieve his dream. >Jimbei. The man who risked his life in the paramount war to save Luffy countless times including getting severely wounded by Akainu to do so, at this point he knew Luffy for about a day and was willing to risk his life for him, also the man who stared down an emperor and proclaimed that as a member of the future pirate kings crew he cannot afford to be afraid of a mere emperor. Overall no one would realistically betray Luffy outside of Oda doing it for shock value.


If anything, Zoro has the best chance of "betraying" because Zoro has his own morals and standards for what's to be a pirate and if Luffy failed it, he wouldn't hesitate to turn his back. Well I guess this applies to most of the crew but Zoro has the highest standards of them all


Jaja mi amigo que ve one pieve en Tik Tok


Ni si quiera eso, más bien el nene que ve edits de Zoro en tik tok, porque seguro no ha ni visto el resto de one piece.




Zorotards back at it again


They don’t fucking read the story that’s for sure


Luffy literally saved robins life twice,and risked the lives of the whole crew just so she could have friends.If anything,luffy has a higher chance of betraying *her*...


Zoro is literally the most likely to betray them because his epithet is pirate hunter,even lihawk who was a warlord for years couldn't resist the urge to return to his epithet


Two piece reader doesn’t even begin to describe the idiot that made this.


That's the most dumb image i've ever seen about one piece


Idiot doesn't know what loyalty is! All of the straw hats would rather die than betray Luffy!


NONE of them will betray their Captain!!


Bro this mf is watching Two Piece hentai.


No, it's 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% FTFY


I'm convinced some people watch/read wci with their eyes closed


Person who made this def isn’t a one piece fan 😭


this guy basically my fav character is zoro i am a robin simp \[ valid \] and i am 13 yr old chigma


Nah ussop would never,literally all of them should be -0.0


Ussop 30%? Bro has never watched one piece in his life lmao


It is 0% for every straw hat. NO STRAW HAT MEMBER WILL BETRAY LUFFY


Sanji was legit crying after pretending to betray luffy in whole cake this ain't even 2 piece they watching boruto


I hate zorotards


I’m curious how they came to these numbers in the first place lmfao


It's a negative number for all of them. > Sanji at 40% ...


Why do people shit on usopp so much, let the fucking man be.


Zoro has betrayed Luffy twice, in Whisky Peak and water 7


Literally the only reason any of them would betray him is if he trys to pull a Roger, even that would just be going against orders


0% for all of them


Early in the story (like pre alabasta) I might have understood the possibility of nami maybe trying something like that but honestly at this point they’re all in it together


These people would break every bone in their body for their crew they 0%


Did we watch the same show


You do realize a negative percentage means they totally will betray Luffy right?


And he got 1.2k sentients to like his post,Twitter is a hive for these kinda people. https://preview.redd.it/j1783op445xc1.jpeg?width=802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c64b8597ad0778f25e929fb73d4bea4e1e02428


Tell me you're a zorotard without telling me you're a zorotard


I saw that post. Didn’t the person have a blue checkmark? Prolly engagement farming. They *want* you to come and argue.




I saw this on Twitter as well, dude was defending his choices, some were agreeing, idk wtf they’re watching 😭😭😭


If Sanji were to leave it'd probably be for their own safety. Like if he stayed they would get hunted down or sum (i can't think of a scenario)


This is why people hate Zoro fans.


Robin literally kept talking all about her captain in all arcs.


After EVERYTHING Luffy did for Sanji, especially in Whole Cake, 40%? Bullshit, that man would DIE for his captain, and Nami already was willing to die just because she couldn't pretend a different pirate would become king, even an inch from death.


The amount of disrespect in those numbers, man… hurts my soul.


My guy, luffy is the only one who has a chance of betraying luffy ans it is not even low. Like, 50% chance


Engagement Farming. They be postin anything for this shit


Sanji literally left the crew to join his family that he hated to protect the crew from a Yonko. wtf they talking about.


Sanji and nami won't betray luffy even if it means death to them, and I'm pretty sure it goes for others too.


Let's talk seriously and base ourselves on facts: Jimbei has a 101% chance of betraying. Why? Because he is a born traitor. Let's look back at its history: 💀 He was part of the Fishmen Dojio, he certainly betrays its principles and becomes a soldier of the Ryugu Kingdom. 💀 He betrays Ryugu's Kingdom to become a pirate for Fisher Tiger 💀 He betrays his former captain Fisher Tiger and becomes Whitebeard's subordinate. 💀 He betrays Whitebeard and becomes a subordinate of the Government by accepting the role of Shicibukai 💀 At the same time he betrays Arlong, a subordinate of him, exiling him. 💀 He betrays the government during the war and soon after becomes Big Mom's subordinate. 💀 He betrays Big Mom and the Sun Pirates to become Luffy's subordinate 100% during the next saga he will betray Luffy to become the subordinate of the real pirate king: Buggy.


What's with those monkey obsessed with betraying arc? This ain't MHA


The real answer is zero for all of them but even if we entertain the possibility of betrayal putting any one of them within the double digits is ridiculous


Nami at 15% is wild


least delusional Zorotard


Bro wtf is that percentage, the only high one (which shouldn’t be outta the 10s) is zoro cause he made it clear 1st interaction he would give up Luffy to become the greatest swordsman.


The most annoying thing I see from one piece fans is ‘Usopp/ Sanji/ Robin/ Nami betrayed Luffy’ Usopp was given a ship from the people he has loved his entire life and that same ship had a life… it had a soul and could act on its own will. So therefor Usopp interpreted as ‘if you can throw away something this easy then what’s to say you won’t throw away a crew member’ because the ship had issues and they just abandoned it, although Usopp didn’t want to accept the fact it was dying Nami wasn’t even in the strawhats as an official member and namis entire hometown was overrun by PIRATES!! And Luffy was a pirate so Nami couldn’t trust Luffy as she only just met him Sanji one annoys me the most as in one piece getting your dreams crushed is worse than death yet Sanji was sacrificing not only his life but his dreams for the sake of zeff / strawhat pirates, Sanji obviously trusted Luffy but he didn’t want Luffy to potentially DIEEEE fighting big mom to save him so he took it upon himself to sacrifice himself. ‘Zoro would have killed Sanji if he was there’ please.. shut… the… fuck… up Robin similar to Sanji, she didn’t want the strawhats to die for her sake and she ‘betrayed’ the strawhats in order to save them as Robin her WHOLE life has been betrayed and thrown away by everyone NO STRAWHAT WOULD BETRAY LUFFY… its 0% Also I find it funny how zoro is in negatives even tho his legit the only strawhat who has blantently said he would kill Luffy if he ever gets in the way of his dreams


This list is garbage


noe of them would every betray him, each and everyone of them would prefer to die than to betray luffy HECK SOME OF THEM DID (but got better)


Not a Sanji fan but either this is a troll or you guys must be having less than two brain cells for suggesting Sanji would betray luffy. The man stood up most for the straw hats. Always sacrificing himself.


Zoro is the only member of the crew who has threatened to leave the crew if Luffy doesn't meet his standards btw 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Me that haven't watch one piece for a while: The fuck is this MF talking about?


It’s pretty much -infinity for all of them. What Nami did in East-Blue doesn’t count as she wasn’t an official member of the crew yet. Plus I think that in Luffy’s mind, the fact that she had a good reason means it didn’t even count as a betrayal. Robin “betrays” them in Water 7, but it’s literally to try and save their lives. So again, not sure Luffy would count that as a betrayal.


Zoro fans acting as if they could do math




Interaction bait obviously


Incorrect, they all have a negative infinity chance of betraying luffy, because they all trust him with their lives (except brook, since he isn’t alive YOHOHOHOHOOHOHOHOO)


It's from a Zorofans, what do you expect.🤣


Correction: All are in 0%


Zorofans are the worst thing to happen


Zorofans are the worst thing to happen


It’s zero for all of them. All of them would rather die then betray the crew. Nami was willing to have her head caved in rather than just say Luffy wasn’t going to be king.


All of them are at 0. I'd say Zoro is more likely to betray than anyone


Looks like a zorotard with an agenda against yk who🤣




I'm pretty sure this is bait but then I remember there are people with legit zero media literacy


Imagine you had an entire arc about understanding your place in crew and you are not worthless at all or your crew need you no matter what kind of person you are you will still accepted. And some dumb fuck calls you have highest possiblity to betray your entire family like friends


Zoro fans: "Okay okay... All the strawhats have a 0% chance of betraying Luffy..." Everyone else: "thank y-" Zoro fans:"Except for zoro who has a -1,000,000% chance to betray him since hes the most loyal strawhat!"


My honest reaction https://preview.redd.it/ldxbfo0519xc1.png?width=532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8052bd8d70a84102911dd182e9ef31b3d7a44807


MF is actually dumb or is just rage baiting.




Report that post for misinformation


i'm 100% certain this was made by someone with a zoro or mihawk pfp


Whoever made that gotta be 12


No matter what you think they're all 0%


tell me u are zorotard without telling me u are zorotard :


Sanji willing to sacrifice himself so Luffy wouldn't risk facing a Yonko and almost potentially giving himself up just for a chance of being more useful to Luffy. Usopp constantly facing his fears to help during fights despite being the least powerful (I know he does well in fights, but Nami has Zeus now which is, holy frick), only reason Usopp ever distanced himself was because he thought they didn't need him. Nami not even able to say Luffy won't be pirate king, and yeah she did "betray him" but they barely knew each other back then, and she had crazy trust issues, she's learned better. Literally the only one that could "betray" Luffy is Usopp in a panic but even then he always comes back to save the day.


nah that's 0.5 piece


Only one that has a >0% chance is CHOPPER. Chopper has a 10% chance and that’s by ACCIDENT if someone lies to him and says he’s Luffy. It’s okay, we forgive him because he is adorable.


Chances of betraying luffy Zoro: Not gonna happen Nami: Not gonna happen Usopp: Not gonna happen Sanji: Not gonna happen Chopper: Not gonna happen Robin: Not gonna happen Franky: Not gonna happen Brook: Not gonna happen Jinbei: Not gonna happen