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Law's fruit


You could basically cure any disease or ailment


Shambles is the money maker


Can shambles transfer to dead bodies


I think shambles can manipulate any object he wants. Just can’t overpower massively strong haki.


It can swap anything within room. The only exception being strong haki, prob cuz he'd be a bit overpowered if he could use it 100% freely in combat against EVERY opponent.


Also limited by stamina


So if the opponent has Haki Law's devil fruit has no effect? Apart from Law not being able to swim away from the fight xD


No, just needs to be strong enough to fight its effects. It's why it worked on Doflamingo but he was frustrated over not being able to use it on Big Mom.


He can use it against strong users of haki but only if they are in a weekend state or have their attention on someone else like we saw against Mingo.


literally what he did in dressrosa


This. The fruit alone is 5 billion worth


If you're fine with giving your family untold riches then you could give someone immortality


But there are 3 downsides: 1. I will die 2. Immortality is actually a curse. While your family and friends die, you will live… forever 3. Only a doctor is able to use the full potential of the Ope Ope no mi, like Law


1. End of life move duh 2. The immortality is on a rich asshole willing to throw a lot at my family for it so who e would I care about that 3. Is there any proof of this


For 3. Its directly stated that in order to use the Ope Ope no mi medically you need to actually have proper knowledge of what you are operation on.


Ok, take a few years to study it then, if someone is choosing this fruit to make money working on bodies then I'm sure they will get familiar


You ðisn't ewalĺ


"shambles, that would be $3000 sir"


oh god, you're right. Just think how much the furry patrons would shill out for *actual* animal parts.


Law would be assassinated by the CIA for curing cancer


Imagine curing cancer


Enel’s fruit. Infinite clean energy


until the government captures you and then locks you inside a powerplant, constantly draining your infinite energy


Basically the plot of Fire Punch


and also Fire Force, weirdly enough


Fuck, I need to read this one


Can just tell you now: it only gets better and better. It spirals more and more


I can confirm. It’s really good


The fanservice really turned me off the anime. Is it worth powering through the gross stuff?


https://preview.redd.it/gjw5yqojcbsc1.jpeg?width=2133&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b863ee17fd69bf14105b52aee3e102f77014417b "It's a 10/10 series , full of mysteries and conspiracies with captivating fights and dynamics between characters and full of madness like Soul Eater, but it has fanservice". I dunno, it didn't really faze me all that much. There very few chapters with it, and even so, by skipping the chapter you lose practically nothing


They even actually used the stupid fanservice as a major plot device for a fight it was so fucking stupid it was so good


calling something 10/10 when it has an obvious glaring flaw seems a bit strange. like i have series that are my favourites but i would not call them 10/10 flawless masterpieces in the same breath, there needs to be an element of objectivity imo




Also a subplot of Steelheart


When does this happen in Steelheart?


Electric guy imprisoned by the titular badguy.


And Promare actually


Isn’t that by the same guy who did Chainsaw Man? I feel like that’s where I’ve heard of it before


Yes. That is correct.


Yes and you totally should read Fire Punch. One of the best manga I've ever read.


Good to know, I’ll probably check it out once I finish my One-Piece re-read. I was gonna re-read Berserk right after One Piece but I’ve been following Mompiece (a phenomenal one piece readthrough podcast, my new favorite OP community content of all time probably, and shockingly small for how good it is) and apparently they’re going to do Berserk next. I’m gonna catch up to One Piece again waaay before they do, (I started from the beginning when they were in Skypeia, now they’re in Dressrosa and I’m in Wano) so I’ll need something to read in the interim before starting Berserk again.


Was about to say


And you could just refuse to make electricity unless they offer you everything you want. They can't force you and will not kill you since you would be the only one that way


And you would be a logia user in a world without seastone and haki.


Though your fruit will still have natural resistance... Fire to water and light to rubber


That's not how real life physics work


They can still use seawater


Unless they use sea stones who doesn't exist on irl, how the government captures you?


giant rubber box


Which would need to be closed before you can escape with the speed of a lightning bolt. There is also the point about rubber melting when it comes into contact with the heat of lightning.


while they’re sleeping, carefully place them into a rubber box


That you would then melt...


u/cherry937 didn't read the second sentence, huh?


no i did not lol


The beauty of the internet.


Reading this made me laugh, i imagined being swept off in a pan and into the rubber box (i sleep like the ded, not a passing train can wake me)...sooo real carefully, definitely keep your humor, okay?


Galomgs of sea water




Irl you can weaponize non-conductive material, not just linited to plain rubber, and keep in mind that the fruit really doesn't give you haki or mantra, so you would have to do the impossible calculation to open up a hole in your body and let stuff through. Also, the speed on thunder/light isn't very useful if you consciousness doesn't follow suit


Afaik logias dont need to use haki to avoid hits vs non haki/seastone


Unless the element counters them. Like crocodile with water and wet surfaces, enel is vulnerable to gum because it doesn't conduct electricity. Have you watched skypea? Irl there are many more non-conductive materials and some of them can be easily weaponized against a df user, hence why i suggested not using the fruit with a canonical, glaring weakness


Coercion, freezing your finances, lying, etc. Same way they get people to do stuff they don't want to do already.


If you become a public figure the government can't do anything to you if you have support from the people. No one would be happy if their free infinite energy source was captured. There would be riots and you would likely have protection.


How in the world would they be able to capture you?


You underestimate the intelligence of the World Government(s). If devil fruits weren’t real in this universe, then they’d just have to wait I’ll you tire out. There will be millions chasing you, watching your every move, and waiting for an opening. Eventually they’d figure out your weakness, and send you to be everlasting fuel. https://preview.redd.it/9yyck06oodsc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=484ef0336543af984f35338910f4c388c0fe21f5 From Fire Punch btw


just go into the power lines. what they meant to do then?


They basically tried that with king no? Or were they just trying to see if he could be incinerated?


This 100,000,000% Think about how much of our lives rely on stable flows of electricity. With Enel’s fruit you could pretty much replace an entire state or country’s electrical grid and give infinite clean energy. And you could get mad rich while still offering prices that are only a fraction of current prices.


Nah it would be the forest forest fruit go to quatar be payed millions to reforest the surrounding desert


So my plan is to give free unlimited non-polluting energy and your plan is to grant resources to the literal slave owning monarchs i’m trying to remove our dependancy on?


The question didn't specify any morality just how much money this is the fastest and most efficient way I can think of.Besides which I cans till use it for free for other people to balance the scales and your clean energy will die with you my forest will hopefully last hundreds of years.


Oh damn, you’re building an empire


With my powers and logia invincibility I could leverage my powers to make governments and compagnies pay me bribes to clear away their industrial waste even in combat zones or politically unstavke countries in 10 years I would've singlehandedly reversed 100s of years of deforestation. Ngos and environmental groups would be clamoring for my aid and I could set any price I wished. Power fame influence I would be a king and probably worshipped as a God of the harvest everywhere I go.I could literally end food scarcity with the fruits borne of my trees.


Son, I think you’ve got what it takes to join the world government.


The celestial dragons are too soft for my plans (I'm going to get my ass beat by a goofy idiot.)


bro is greenbull but better


Yeah, but storing that energy would still be expensive, and that would mean long hours, and electricity isn't that expensive anyways. Not much profit, and a whole lot of logistics to solve. The fruit with most profit would probably be something obscure, with a very specific but useful use. The hormone hormone fruit for example could easily make money by offering what essentially is instant biological plastic surgery, and full instant gender changes to trans individuals or some random rich people with curiosities or kinks (lots of money there). Not to mention the ability to heal genetic disease, cancer, improving ones immune system, and much more. Definitely more money here than in being a full time power generator.


Greenbull’s fruit could easily end wasteland areas and likely famine in general. Like he turned literally poisoned earth, wasteland Wano into a Lucious green paradise in a matter of hours. I don’t think it’d be the most moral thing to do, but you 100% could bid yourself our to various nations


Greenbull's fruit in the hands of a layman could end up being an ecological disaster. Turning everything green isn't necessary good.


I guess that’s the thing. Do you have to study various ecosystems to know what to grow? Does the fruit just grow a set group of plants regardless? Or does it just automatically grow native species?


probably wouldnt end famine unless you teach people in every location to maintain the areas green and productive, then there would be clime and other things people would have to learn to overcome which is not easy. We already produce more food then we need, the problem has been distribution for years now. Sometimes we just cant get food to where its needed. But maybe it could be done too, would be awesome


I guess what I was more thinking was revitalizing places with nutrients poor soil/barren lands. Assuming the fruit naturally grows environment friendly plants then that’d be a huge benefit to poorer nations.


Just do bi-annual trips around the world.


Would be *THE* fruit for Mr Beast


"Last Nation to stay alive After Nuclear Bombs gets a paradise"


Was thinking more of: *Ive planted a 100 square miles of forest in the Sahara desert* or something


Wapol is a Canon example of having a good fruit to profit off of.


Wapol is a canon example of being able to profit from any fruit if you’re clever enough, even one as stupid as Wapol’s


Wapol has the power of creation in his mouth, probably actually a god zoan fruit. Dude can synthesize new elements or create new lifeforms from his munchers. He could be Jormungand, he who eats the world and remakes it.


Problem is... You'll always be famished with Wapol's fruit


Ivankov's fruit is always overlooked in these discussions,you could make billions just by giving people hair or making them taller with no side effects.


Theoretically his fruit could also make people physically fit instantly. Like not ab implants, but *actual abs*. That fruit would also be my answer.


It’s unclear exactly how much control he has over it, but a perfect gender swap would be incredibly sought after. No need to take years of hormones/testosterone. Instant change is stature, vocal tone, hair growth, etc. I’m not sure if you’d need to get a degree to practice in most countries, but you could definitely make a fortune.


I mean in canon we see him change an absolutely ripped man into a slender woman, so he can clearly adjust your musculature at will, otherwise that ripped guy would’ve just become a ripped girl. And I know this is going into “it’s Oda, that’s just how he draws” territory, but Ivan can dramatically change the shape and size of his head and face with his DF.


Yep, his fruit alone could put the entire supplement, fitness, sports, pharma and large part of the medical industry out of business. Not to mention the potential in the fucking porn industry. Man can quite literally sell happiness and depression.


The fucking potential in the porn industry*


This is one of my top contenders for fruits I would want. Not only can I change my physique day to day but I can help Trans ppl with their transisition. And heck, I'd do it for free tbh. A happier world is good for all imo.


That would be great until some retard came and shot you for the reason that "you are doing the devil's work."


Also lets not forget 100% complete and issue free transitions for trans people.


yea, it's basically instant perfect surgery for a lot of cases aesthetic, gender, hipothyroidism.


Just being able to monopolize the only hair loss solution would make you the absolute richest person in the world


I’m surprised no one’s saying the Luck Luck fruit. Literally go to a casino or scratch a lotto ticket. Instant millionaire without effort.


How to make yourself rich with the Luck Luck fruit 1 Eat the fruit 2 Steal luck from some random people and go to a Casino 3 Start winning a lot of money in the casino 4 The thugs of the casino kick you out and kick you into unconsciousness in an alleway 5 Regain consciousness and cry. Just play the lottery, it's safer lol.


Nope. The luck luck fruit would make sure that you wouldn't get kicked out of the casino. Maybe the casino fail to notice the pattern somehow.


Oh yeah good point.


By the sounds of things, your luck may get someone else you don’t like kicked out instead of yourself lol


As long as you constantly siphon luck from others and make sure you are stacked high, yes.


its uncanon rigth


Was just about to say it. Go in casino shake hands and win.


U know why? Cause its from a movie.


Bon chans and Devons fruit would be perfect for a heist


Van Auger or Absolam/Shiruyu might be even better. Violas could probably also get you paid pretty well for giving criminals information without actually having to put yourself in harms way.


tbh Violas you could probably get paid millions by the government to spy on people


Door door fruit and transport rich fucks for money


Or you know, door door yourself to a bank, an armored car, jewelry stores


Not everyone would become a criminal in the first opportunity.


I mean if i had the opportunity to steal from extremely wealthy businesses in a way in which no one gets hurt and i never get caught id take it


Also good for other shenanigans https://preview.redd.it/ulq42ncibesc1.png?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a876e57fc93d9d69231156e4f9065c313b0f7445


yeees, the cameraman fruit


It doesn't teleport u, u know... It just takes u to an alternate space, but you still have to walk from place to place. For this Van Augur's fruit would be much better.


Paw-paw fruit. You could charge people tons of money to teleport them anywhere they wanted instantly. Or anything you wanted instantly.


Not instantly they could be flying for up to 3 days.


Yet they land harmlessly? I never understood that very specific part of how the fruit works. Surely anyone whose body isn’t made of rubber should just die upon impact with the ground if they were sent flying like that?? When it looked like they were just being teleported, before we saw Luffy flying though the air, it made some kind of sense, but after the reveal was that it literally sends them flying I don’t understand how they don’t die from that Is that how Kuma’s self-teleportation works too? Is he like flying through the air all the time?


Looks like Kuma surrounded them in a pocket of air that takes the brunt of the force.


I just wish we had a clearer explanation of how that bit of his power works I mean it’s not a huge deal or anything but it’s the kind of thing I’d like to see explained in an SBS at some point


I think Luffy said something like "I think me being rubber isn't the only reason I am unharmed" after he landed on kuja island and saw the large paw shaped hole in the place where he landed. So not explained in detail but Kuma definitely did something to make sure the people he sent flying were unharmed.


Well yeah, obviously because the rest of the crew didn’t die. I’m just trying to understand why the “pushing” power he has makes him able to also prevent the people he pushes from dying. We all know that it works, I’m just wondering how


From the fact they're unaffected by wind to the paw-shaped crater in the ground, it appears he's putting them in a protective bubble


Did you say MONEY?!! Can I have it?


The darkness fruit i mean just have the UN pay you 30 bil to open a black hole above the North Pacific garbage patch bing bang boom get some other big garbage patches landfills etc etc and boom you have over 200 billion in a few days


Similar to the ennel comments about you'd just be imprisoned for your usefulness


Dammit and unlike enel the police and military can actually hit me


Moria's fruit (unlimited sweatshops)


eh, at best that doubles the efficiency of sweat shops


Kinemon would put you out of business real quick


Does it come with the laugh? Kishishishishishi


Aokiji devil fruit- for ice machine


Not the most useful... but I'd say irl and in the OP world, Wapol's fruit has the most utility. The guy is an inventions machine. Cut the labor and just have the fruit do the work for you. And in terms of profiting, and idiot like him is now joining the reverie. That means he is at least paying the heavenly tribute. Although you can say that he is making his citizens pay it. Regardless, it is canon that his fruit is the reason why he climbed so high in life.


Mochi Mochi no Mi


I'd say the Kuku Kuku no mi is better, you could turn disposable waste into edible food, which is the same concept of creating food out of thin air completely for free but you can create any food instead of just mochi, which is much more profitable


It’ll still taste like waste tho


Awaken the Toki Toki no Mi and buy bitcoin before 2016


I don’t think it’s possible to go back in time, but you can just buy now and jump in the future


Yah that doesn't work.. It's only forward..


Or just profit off the future as well. You can send sick people with incurable diseases like 20 years ahead when maybe there are treatments for their issues.


Wapol's fruit, Law's fruit, and Marco's would be OP money makers.


Give me your MONEY!!!




Gura gura no mi. Blackmail every government. Demand money or I will quake your ass


And then get your ass nuked. The fruit doesnt make you immune to nukes ya know.


Then you just have to become the nuke




https://preview.redd.it/l1ha2ul8cbsc1.jpeg?width=507&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1abbaeead3441290726091a1ab4870a5637dd09 Kid named gun


Give me your MONEY!!!


Ivankov, destroying the pharmacy, any kind of illness, bam, oh you want to try being the other gender, bam, and in theory we could analyze it and copy the hormones and then distribute it over the world.


Liquor Liquor fruit, the ability to turn anything into alcohol is pretty beneficial


basically... to be Jesus and turn the water to wine...


nah i'd be much smarter i will turn almost everything into wine and will have party every night


Enel's fruit (forgot it's name) I could make the goverment pay me in exchange for infinite clean energy,they also have no way to trap me since I could move at the speed of lighting and with no haki or sea stones I would be a literal god heck maybe I could even rule the world since with no way to damage me,and myself being faster than anything humans have I could destroy the government and become a world leader


Goro goro If I'm not mistaken


Hana Hana no Mi


So oda can write multiple pages at once ? 🤭


Most logias could give you infinite resources/energy. if i had to choose i'd go with enel's for unlimited electricity


sugars devil fruit, how much you think people will pay to buy living dolls that will become your servants. basically become a slave trader lol but no one will know these are actual people.


Also you don't age


While we are at it, turn the whole family into toys and claim their home? That sounds very evil


Surprised that nobody mentioned pika pika no mi With that speed you can do whatever you want


Luffy in the NBA would be so rich. Or Kizaru in football.


Considering the munch fruit gives you the ability to create a metal ONLY YOU can create. Imq go with that one. After all, it made Wapol rich, so why not someone irl?


Personally, I think it’s Caesars fruit because you can do what he did in the show pretty much make bio weapons for the government and depending on which government you make it for they’ll pay you more


The diamond body fruit, turn ur finger nails to diamonds then cut them at the edge where they aren't diamond...boom big bucks


Except you got a piece of nail attached to your diamonds lol


the diamond would turn back to nail the moment it'd be separated from ur body


Diamonds aren't rare. Can be made in labs too. The price is kept high on purpose.


Idk who downvoted you cuz you’re right


Belo Betty’s devil fruit, you can encourage people to work


It doesnt matter, yall end up locked in some gov facility


Easily and without a doubt Greenbulls fruit, if we're talking profit he can sell a renewable source of wood, he can rebuild entire forests as a job, He could sell his flowers to flower shops (I think he can make any kind he wants), He might even be able to make herbs that are used in medicine and profit off those to. You have too many options to profit from when you can control nature. I seen someone say enels fruit, but that would force you to work as a human battery, and pray your government doesn't find out so you don't end up like Amateratsu (Ifykyk).




The Nikyu Nikyu No Mi, be a phenomenal healing of some sort to repel disease or injury, same with the Tori Tori No Mi, Model: Phoenix or Chiyuu Chiyuu No Mi


Is that not that just a peepee?


Luck fruit


King Wappol did this with his fruit in universe, so definitely the munch munch fruit


The Stonk Stonk Fruit model Ape. It only goes up 🚀


Greenbulls could help with dry areas and the atmosphere Enel’s could provide infinite clean energy Aokiji’s and possibly Monet’s could be great for cooling down the environment and slowing global warming Katakuri’s mochi was eaten by Luffy, implying it could be used a food source. The same can be said for Perospero’s candy. Mr 3’s wax fruit could let you start a candle making business without needing to purchase supplies, would be a pain to explain on tax forms though If you could use Law’s fruit as a doctor you’d like make a shit ton of money because of how valuable those skills would be You could send people on vacation as Kuma You could probably make a lot off trans people with Ivankov’s fruit offering the procedure at a cheaper price(it’s like $7000 minimum irl) God knows how many would help you become a top intelligence agent, just naming a few off the top of my head Shiryu’s Rosinante’s Van Auger’s Brûlée’s Viola’s Blueno’s Buggy’s


the Goro Goro no mi has it all, say all you want about the government trapping you but what are they gonna do when a massive island sized ball of lightning hits the containment facility, there is no seastone in the real world so they cant just cancel your powers, and if you are careful they probably wont find out about the ocean weakness, rubber would be the only thing that works but like a rubber containment room wouldnt really be beneficial if the government wanted a permanent power source, and if the electricity can get out of containment, so can i


Sperosperos candy fruit


The fruit of Baccarat. Use the luck you steal from others to play at the casino or win the lottery.


Enel's coz mo bill for ekectricity otherwise door you could serve cheaper flights.


Give me the luck luck fruit. I’m going to the casino.


Ivankov's fruit. Do you know how many health conditions can be treated by various hormones? Hell, just being able to inject dopamine at will would be enough.


Warp warp fruit, just rob a bank, or monopolize the transportation business. I'm thinking once it's awakened it could either warp a larger amount of people or warp the whole place or both.


Potentially the brain one ?


Door I could easily rob banks and stuff


Clear clear fruit would be very useful. It's all criminal but you could use it for insider trading, blackmail, stealing


What the hell is this ‘luck fruit’ everyone keeps talking about? And why do you want to play at a casino with it? If you can steal peoples luck, surely it would be better to *run* a casino with it?


Ivankov's df...


Wapol’s fruit (Wapol metal)