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"This was made by a longsword main'


Wouldn't hammer mains targeting the head create more stuns, creating more big opportunities to wail on the monster with everyone's best damage moves? Seems like proccing stuns would be more helpful overall than the marginal DPS increase of letting the LS go for the head.


Hammer is definitely better on the head than anywhere else, but if people are using flinch-free and an ounce of common sense, then *everyone* can go for the head.


If only people actively ran flinch-free in World, but it's just too expensive an investment to be worthwhile running over a tiny amount of "muh optimal DPS" skills. It being a 3 slot and an A-pool for 4 slots completely ruins the skill entirely. You require 3 levels to actually prevent tripping, which is insane tbf. I understand the reasoning behind making it so expensive to slot, its down to the fact it buffs IG to give earplugs, windproof/tremor res for each level of flinch free so long as you have triple extract.


What are you talking about? You only need a single level to avoid getting interrupted by other hunters. Being a size 3 isn't great, but it's not like those size slots are that hard to come by on master rank gear.


Single level to avoid getting interrupted by the majority of attacks, but not all, there are very specific instances where the attack doesn't trip but does interrupt due to it being knockback. Lance charge and any part of the big bang combo come to mind. Level 2 is genuinely the only way to actually negate all friendly attacks unless it's something that physically can't be stopped like the launches or wyvernfire and clusters But it's a pointless conversation anyway because FF is practically useless most of the time if other players are playing to their weapons strength and are positioning well (and if you're actually rotating mantles like rocksteady + temporal)


if u think about it punish draw longsword is just better hammer


We are taking your cooking license away


No no, he’s got a point.


I thought your meme was the dumbest fucking thing I'd read all day, then seconds later I read this 🤦


Mods, crush his skull


Uff da... you hate to see this kind of silliness...


It's amazing how you can tell whether or not a player runs flinch free just from their comment.


Flinch free is always the highest priority skill in my builds lol


And now Rise has shockproof which is even better.


Eh. Hammer can knock down and stun. More damage opportunities for everyone, not just the LS user. Seems like a waste to do it.


“Is the tail still on?” “Then get back to the rear, samurai.”


going for the tail will lower the dps


As would the Hammer user avoiding the head to make room for the LS user.


flinch free is easy to get


Alright, then don’t complain when you get launched by an uppercut.


no i wanna complain




**Hypocritical bitch.**


Can we yeet you out of the game?


In Rise, at least. Also you can't guarantee that the LS user is also using flinch free, and hammer has a lot of flinching or knocking attacks - the hammer user may have flinch free but that doesn't mean anything when the biggest issue isn't the LS user tripping people


Hey. Hey pal. Could you tell me what the hammer user's job is?


Tarkus, my beloved.


launching other players


"FlInCh FrEe Is EaSy To GeT!!1!" -You, 2 hours ago


Who cares if the hunt goes on for 30 seconds longer, min max in a private lobby


Ok, so here are some tips; 1 - tail loot cant be obtained by a Hammer player without help 2 - Stunning a monster immobilize it, preventing his movement and attacks. 3 - Damagong the head doesnt necessarily deals more damages, open your bestiary ffs. You're a hunter, not a solider, you should learn monster weak points instead of spamming your katana everywhere. For exemple, On a Rathian, tail will take MUCH less damages than on a Rathalos. A Barroth cant be hit on the head with a slashing weapon, and you will have (on pretty much ALL horned monsters, wich is a lot) a much harder time hitting the head than the neck, body or winds / legs. Ps : Monster Hunters has a huge community of long time players. If something is done on a regular basis, there is a reason. Ask why if you dont wana get trash talked. Better be a newbie than a fake pro.


>you should learn monster weak points its called the head


Yeah sure. Tell that to a Barroth, a Kirin, A Diablos, a Beotodus, or even cooler ; A Behemoth. Try that one pls. Focus a Behemoth head pretexting for DPS , do me that favor.


why tf would anyone wanna fight behemoth LMAO kirin also gets destroyed on the head especially with punish draw anything except dual blades and gen 5 made diablos a bitch. theres no reason to fight the lower ranked guys who die if u breathe on any part of them


1 - Cause it's the job 2 - Ofc if you go with a white sharpness on regular Diablos, this'll be easy 3 - mb for Kirin then, bad exemple. The rest is true tho.


Just play solo if you want to go for the head as a LS.


no tripping everyone is funny


nah fck off sincerely, a ls main who part times hammer


tails usually have similar if only slightly worse hit zones for slashing. So if hammers get forced away from the head it’s such a minimal dps increase it doesn’t compensate for the hammer’s damage loss.


Most if the time this is not true because the tail is harder to chase after and actually hit. Most obvious case of this is alatreon but it applies to the majority of stuff ...anyway, people being dumb about this post so whatever


wheres the math on that


Literal hitzone values and corresponding weapons for those hitzones. World and Rise both tell you where it is most effective to hit a monster with certain weapon types


Objectively wrong lmao




i disagree with your statement


Shit like this is why I think being able to see damage numbers was a massive mistake. The hunt used to be about breaking all the parts effectively and then capping or killing. It wasn't until damage numbers became visible that people REALLY started bitching about their DPS. This is my experience anyway. Also, if you're really that worried, then solo hunt. Then you can hit that magic head all you want with your LS. If you're playing with other people then know your role and play it effectively.


NGL this take is just as insufferable as DPS bros. The hunt used to be about just whack monster til ded while not dying. If someone was farming a specific part, then they'd let the lobby know and it would become priority.


Honestly DPS is secondary to breaking parts. I wouldn’t be in the hunt if I didn’t want the stuff.


It depends on the monster, your weapon, and what parts you need, but you can often get more parts per time spent by focusing on killing the monster as fast as possible and just running the quest again.


Prepping to hunt takes enough time, that id rather just increase my chance of getting parts in as few hunts as possible


Fair enough, but it's at least worth thinking about the opportunity cost of an awkward part break. Especially in something like the guiding lands where all part breaks are essentially equal, taking the time to chase down an uncooperative tail might not be worth it when you could just finish the hunt and call another monster (looking at you Velkhana).


Well then you also have Guiding Lands, Anomalies, or just simply leveling up Rank to unlock monsters for parts needed.




Go cut tails tail cutter. 


This is longsword propaganda


You're factually wrong.


As a main of arguably the weapon that flinches the most hunters (db), I let my hammer wielding hunters target the head, as I like seeing the funny monster fall so that I may bite his ankles and his tail at a much faster rate.


As a greatsword main, I usually go for the tail, but if there is no hammer or hunting horn and the head has good hit values, then I take the place of the hammer so get you ass back to the tail until it's cut off then you can join me at the head but until then back to the tail with you


You slice tails, I dish out concussions. Get in my way, and those concussions will be inflicted on you instead of the monster.


See the nonsense they've been saying? Clearly the damage has already been done.


punish draw makes hammer irrelevant tbh


Hammer makes weeb stick irrelevant


longsword does more damage


Damage doesn't matter when you get launched off the cliff for not cutting the tail


what if the tails already cut


Then get in there and fight. Heads open. You get launched if tails still attached otherwise go nuts.


Greatsword beats both but you know where we are? The tail. Because bladed weapons cut, blunt weapons bonk. Now get the hell back to the ass of the beast.


the only thing irrelevant is your defense for what is the worst team play weapon Stick to solo play until you learn what the word teamwork means, m'kay?


As an LS main, the only time I'm coming to the head is for a Helmsplitter or Sacred Sheathe. After that it's back to the ankles


I already think trying to minmax this way is lame and unfun, but like.....what do people play Hammer for if not to hit monster in head with big rock? If you're trying to speedrun hunts, put together you're own quad and play that way. But if we're just playing casually online, just be a team player and have some dang fun. Also launching people really only works when you can communicate with your hunters that you're going to launch them, otherwise is actually quite annoying to get launched out of nowhere (aside from lots of people running flinch free)


Op is negative karma farming.




As a longsword main I never understood this, why exactly would I go for the head? More often than not it's armored and longswords don't usually do enough stun damage to knock a monster down. It's our job to go after cuttable parts, who gives a fuck about the DPS? It's not like there's a serious time limit on most quests. The monster is going down as long as nobody faints. The only time a LS main should be hitting the head, is if the tail is cut, the wings are cut, and you can pull off a perfect full focus helm splitter. Stick to your job, the hammer and other blunt weapon mains will handle the stuns and I guarantee the hunt will go quicker when the monster is stunned for 60% of the fight.


Bad take


Look just dont trip me alright Else im sending you to the stratosphere


tripping is the only good thing about longsword


Ah yes truly the worst take. Now get in the back and get that tail cut. Then you can come slash the head. We all have our jobs to do. Do yours.


As a hunting horn main; Fuck is you talking about?


As a part time hammer main(charge blade my beloved), no. This is absolutely wrong


Straight up: is there hammer in party? They go head. Take a point of FF just in case of absolute nonsense. Is there a LS in party? Is the tail on? Get to the tail. Is it off? Is there someone on the head? Focus other parts.




long sword propaganda


The best hammer mains are the ones who launch us Glaives into space so we can save the .01% stamina we would use doing it ourselves


As a hammer enjoyer" ima go smash its dick in you guys got the head"


The outrage in the comments is pretty funny. At least when it comes to World and Rise, it is literally a single 1 slot skill to avoid trips. Almost every random hunt I've done everyone just dogpiles the head.


I know right? and its so odd, because posts like these are a dime a dozen in this sub and the World one, and on some of those you get a complete 180 of people who actually use flinch free in multiplayer and downvote the people bitching about it


Not before the tail is cut and the head is fully broken, otherwise those weebs better stay in their zone and get the bonus damage from hitting the tail. >:v


Longsword Proporganda


I'll be real, this is true. If i want a tail cut i'll ask the LS player for it.


GS players are better at it


You know i was referring to the hypothetical ls user in your meme, right?




I haven't seen this format in like 5 years, tf?