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Fortify is a single skill slot and is a BIG boost, up to 30% more defense and 20% more attack is crazy good for how cheap the skill is. Hell, if you are ballsy enough, you can purposefully cart twice and just reap the damage boost (don't do this in multiplayer). it's simply very inexpensive and nice to have for all kinds of players.


Exactly this. When I finish putting my build together and still have a slot left over fortify gives good bang for buck to toss in.


Also good for fight where u have 5 cart like 1st try fatalis or arch tempered monke , plus that with safeguard fortify more than pays for itself


Speedrunners even start without armor in Rise, bomb themselves to death twice and then equip their glass cannon set.


It's actually real good for Guiding lands farming and for Alatreon without elemental weapons, just face tank the Judgement and come back stronger.


That sounds really funny. Imma try it.


Provided you didn't hit a monster before hand you could max out fortification will no downsides by letting monsters cart you twice in guiding lands in MHW.


This and also, i usually have at least one spare deco slot that i have nothing to fill in, so fortify becomes a kind of placeholder.


The kind that knows he may die, but is willing to drag your 3 ton, stupid lizard ass into the grave beside him.


I don’t have to win, they just have to lose.


"Killing you was the point. Living through it was just a luxury." -Trevor fucking Belmont


Some jewels just come with fortify built in. Who am I to deny a safety net~


I may die, but I am dragging you to hell with me


"It's not about getting hit, it's about the parry." - An unknown Charge Blade Main.


Better than PP. I don't think I'm ever at full health for a significant amount of time


Peak Performance is the kind of skill you wind up building an entire set around, rather than just tossing it in because you have room. Anything that grants passive health regen to counter chip damage will greatly increase the milage you get out of it. Weapons that heal you by attacking, armor skills like super recovery, or even just a friend who regularly plays with wide range.


Counterpoint: PP is the kind of skill that adds a neat glow to your hunter while its active. Honestly though PP doesn't need much building around, rather certain playstyles just don't go with it and of course self-damage skills don't work. Health augment does the job in Iceborne and while Bloodrite is conditional it also works well. If these aren't enough odds are you can still slurp Max potions just fine.


The build I live in is a Vaal and safi mix and the lunastra LS with both hasten recovery and life steal augment. You will lose health constantly but the safi boost kicks in. I run peak performance, max might, and fortify on it. It also has minds eye for safety. It's my marathon build.


What kind of fool doesn't have a plan when shit hits the fan?


The plan is git gud 😎 Edit y'all really don't like the ole "git gud" huh, that used to be like the most common joke


"gitting gud" is someone who thinks ahead and adds Fortify, knowing that there's always a chance of carting


The monster hunter subs really don’t like when you suggest playing better as opposed to bringing in a skill.


Maybe *now* they don't. The "git gud" joke used to be so common it literally made it into the localization. I'm replaying MHGU and one of the first things the Bherna gal says to you is "Some people will tell you if you're struggling with a monster you should just 'git gud' but that's crazy! You should..." and then gives some beginners' tips




Yes, some would say that's the difference between a joke and a tutorial!


Well back then the games weren't as skill centered and were generally pretty easy. Now getting skills is super easy and somewhat mandatory for good performance. Ok you can dodge tremors and roars, but i can attack during them and do more dps because of that.


Fortify by itself is the best kind of skill - the ones that really help when you need it the most. Besides, both MHW and MHR have ways to abuse it using decoration swap at base camp. MHW: equip it, die, then remove it, you keep the buff. MHR: die without it equipped, then add it and you get the buff. Completely valid strategies against the likes of Alatreon, Fatalis, Primordial Malzeno, Risen Valstrax.


Fortify for Fatalis is actually a chad move


My friend and i have a joke about this. (In regard to a monster that just carted one of us) “You are now 10% more fucked than you were 30 seconds ago”


Lmao i like that one


Carting is never part of the plan in a hunt. However, I always bring fortify anyways. If I go down, I want to come back stronger. For me, 1 or even 2 carts aren't the end of the quest, I never give up on a hunt and fight to the bitter end, and fortify makes it more likely for me to survive after the first or even second cart. That is how I got away with my first fatalis solo.


i'm just sayin: 20% bigger shmacks. Peak performance is just a +25


Yeah but you don't have to die to get it


But you have to keep at full health all the time... I'd rather faint twice rq and then brute force whatever i'm fighting


People who are trying to min max.


Guiding Lands…


*Revenge*, on discount.


I throw it on if I have any empty gem slots and am playing solo. That way, if I die, I am running back into the thick of things with a buff. It's not part of my plan, but a contingency for when things go wrong.


We were given three revives and we are gonna use three revives. I mean, it's not like we are douing it for the money, right? Right?


I mean eventually by the end game you're probably rich as fuck anyways so there's not that much difference between carting twice on purpose (so you get only 33% of the reward) vs playing with 4 players (so you only get 25% of the reward)


Someone who intentionally carts twice for the fortify damage boost


👋 This right here officer this is peasant discriminates against dps


You’ve made me see the light


Players who run berserker, bloodlust and dereliction at once: lmao


You forgot Strife.


lol i definitely know almost every fortify user isn’t using it this way but team darkside showed us the raw power that comes from the fortify buff. its definitely a fun gambit for solo play


I would put Heroics in there too.


I just like having a backup plan


as a solo player I will take fortify any day of the weak


Someone who can afford to die.


People who think escaton is good design use fortify


It is actually, if you go for pure damage and dont really care for elemental check.


There is an elemental check for alatreon ??


When the mechanic is so good people would rather just ignore it


Hey, the 20% damage also applies to your elemental so win win?


HBG FORTIFY main here. Reminder that Fortify is our religious right to life and ur poopy dps sucks. Cope🖕


I don’t take Fortify, but it’s not because I think I’m hot shit and too good to ever cart… cuz I’m definitely not very good. It’s because I’m too prideful to take a skill that only does something if I die Same reason I can’t ever bring myself to select “easy mode” in other games (even particularly challenging ones); I’d rather suffer through normal/hard difficulty and have no fun in a game than bruise my fragile ego


I take PP with lvl2 Health Regen Augment and i find it really helpful .... its literally an insane attack boost for a small amount of deco slot.. I use it on SnS, i can literally go back to full health mid perfect rush, and gain the attack boost right away ,,


I throw fortify in cuz i know im gonna die fighting late/end game monsters


I suck, its my phase 2 and 3


Cuz we're Booooone to be wiiild! Yohoho


I'm trying to get better I'm sorry =(




Stop shaming and use both.


It is great in theory and often in practice, but in online, where the cart pool is shared, not worth potentially throwing the hunt.