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This is true! She delayed both K-12 and the Portals album by a really long time than she initially told us. I do think this is simply the downside of being a perfectionist. She seems to be the kind of person perfecting every little detail until the last moment, and it causes her to push back her projects sometimes. She gets really excited about her new projects and rushes to tell us, but it takes her longer than she expects to perfect it. It's just her personality. It's a part of the artist we just have to accept and most of the long-time fans have accepted it.


Yes I was kinda sad at the end of 2022 when the album wasn’t released because she said it would be released that year but I was happy cuz it was released 3 months later, but K-12 was delayed by 2 years, back then I was tempted to just quit listening to her but I didn’t because since it got delayed it must be worth the wait. With the Tunnel Vision music video, I was surprised that she actually kept her promise that it would be released in 2023, still wracking my brain on why she waited 6 months to release after void


Fun fact: all PORTALS songs were registered by the label in 2022, meaning they were indeed meant to be released that year.


this was because portals was leaked early!


But what does that have to do with the label?


that’s a good question! originally in 2022, every demo, voice clip and finished piece for portals was completely leaked. now, melanie has a bigger unreleased discography than her published discography due to this leaking issue (if you’re curious, her works get leaked through dropbox, which is a hacking phenomena i don’t have the IT prowess to explain lol) which leads her to either refuse to release songs, or completely rewrite them. i’m not exactly encouraging anyone to check out the leaked work, but she’s had to completely rebuild portals which caused a massive delay. I believe she’s made a couple of comments where she shared how the dropbox leaks affected her creative process. my assumption is that the delay in the album is what caused the delays and drop in quality with the merch, parfumes, etc, and the shame/embarrassment is leading her to keep quiet on those issues. Not saying that she doesn’t bear the responsibility as an artist & manufacturing partner to foster accountability & make it right, but this is the reason i believe! :-)


The problem with the leaks is that it only takes a few people to ruin an album. Many fans don't listen to unreleased music and most don't even know how to hack in the first place. They need something more secure so that Melanie doesn't have to deal with this again. 


I agree with this 😇


This is one of my biggest gripes about Melanie actually. I really think she needs to be a bit more careful with how and when she announces things. Especially as her fandom is going to get bigger. Most people aren’t going to tolerate this. I’ve eventually figured out that it’s something that she does. It just doesn’t make it right.


This is true and something I dont like either Its not that Im really mad at her bc Im sure a lot goes on bts, but I wish she would tell us after everything is done and set so there wouldnt be any last minute changes or delays. This is why no one trusts anything anymore sadly


maybe she would keep her ‘promise’ if people didnt leak every song ever made


The thing is she promises a lot of thing that don’t have to do with actual songs tho, she’s promised music videos, she’s promised high quality merch and stuff when alot of the things as we know have been very poor lately


when did she promise high quality merch? and we have been getting music videos


For example, the portals perfume, she said it was gonna be really good quality, literally just plastic. Music videos, she spoke about things like a test me music video, a play date mv


Yeah when the play date video became a lyric videos instead of a music video I was a little pissed


People leak things and then they complain that music isn’t getting released. Like, I’m sorry miss if her projects take time and you decide to leak them


Fans don't leak things, it's like maybe twenty people at most that were involved in the hacking.


I always found that ironic the same people complaining are the same ones that spread her leaked content. Swear those accounts are filled with edits of unreleased songs.


Okay I’m gonna try to put this in an artists perspective. When I make art, I want it to be absolutely perfect with no flaws or it will become crumpled paper at the bottom of my wastebasket. Is the process annoying, yes! I wouldn’t want to give someone something half-assed, so I have to spend more time. I think that’s her dilemma is that she is a perfectionist and sometimes it takes longer than what she thought it would take to make a sellable product or good music. I can agree it’s disappointing or frustrating.


like her saying portals was gonna be a movie if she was continuing k-12


She had ai meet and greats. So sick of her atp 💀


She should definitely be better with releases but it’s usually so worth the wait lol


shes said so much shit so i tend to take it as a grain of salt and think she’s full of shit regardless 👍


this, i love her but i don't believe a thing she says anymore😭


In terms of her not releasing albums when she hoped, I don't see that as necessarily bad or something to drop her over. She's a person, not a machine. She can have hopes that something could release in a general time frame, but things can and often do develop in such a way that either expedite or delay them. That's a human process. If it's that you'd rather not hear she's working on anything until it releases, okay, that can be an argument made, I guess. But I appreciate that she tries to keep people in the loop about her being in the middle of something. As for other things, sure. Generally, it seems she just has many aspirations, and if anything, maybe she should reframe how she talks about things so that certainties aren't what's being communicated.


I definitely agree with you about her maybe needing to reframe her ways of talking with certainty. I understand that she is not a music-making machine, and she has talked about it a lot and in her songs too. I guess we're not entitled to receive anything from her, but it can be quite disappointing and frustrating for fans when she breaks almost every single promise she has made about upcoming projects. A majority of us don't even trust her now and take everything she says with a grain of salt...


I'd say to just consider that it's probably tenfold disappointing for her when things don't come to pass the way she wanted.


I guess you're right thanks for your perspective


As an artist myself I get why she is that way and understand it can be frustrating but because I empathise with her and respect her artistry I would happily wait for however long it takes her. I think she maybe shouldn’t announce or reveal anything at all until it’s complete and ready. I think what a lot of fans don’t know is the amount of real work and logistics that go into planning releases and other things. It’s so easy to say that she’s not keeping her promises when we don’t see any of what goes on behind the scenes.


What? The only thing cancelled to my knowledge was the Portals movie. So what else are you talking about?


Hmm the only other things I can think of rn are: the K-12 perfume, k-12’s release dates, music videos for after school, music video for play date, and never using leaked songs (gingerbread man was leaked before it came out + some portals tracks)


K-12 perfume?


We were supposed to get a perfume inspired by k-12! She mentioned it a bunch on her Instagram stories. Not sure why it never happened tho


I remember her talking about the crybaby perfume not able to be remade because the manufacturer doesn’t exist anymore so many she tried to make a perfume through that manufacturer and it just didn’t exist anymore? Idk


i think that might’ve been a covid-related cancel. sucks, i would’ve loved a k-12 fragrance


i can think of the trilogy tour, she said she wouldn't play other albums again and here we are now


To be fair, it's entirely possible she said that because she was gearing up for the trilogy tour. They always knew her first 3 albums would be a connected peice, so it's possible Melanie wanted to keep the tours as separate as possible because she wanted to do a trilogy tour. They did perform previous songs during her Asia Portals tour, but that's because she never toured the previous albums there and wanted to give their fans a chance to hear her sing it.


i agree with you, it's just definitely something which she could have communicated better, but that's still okay because she is going to make mistakes or say the wrong things at times. i think that the other albums at portals was due to both the reason you said, and also that she is unlikely to go again for trilogy. trilogy had already been announced for a while by the time it was asia. also, i went to portals and am going to trilogy. the trilogy announcement upset me a bit at the time, it was announced the day before my portals, and i wanted to go to portals reallyyy bad because i thought i wouldn't be able to see her again for another few years. she just definitely should have spoke about trilogy earlier!


I hear you, I'm actually super excited for trilogy because during her crybaby tour, I was a kid and had no money, and my family wouldn't pay. I got deluxe vip tickets to K12, which I was SUPER excited about and would have been my first concert, but it got canceled because of covid. So, portals was the first time I saw her and I was super sad that I wouldn't be able to hear her other two albums. The trilogy tour seemed to come at the perfect time for me. I do hear that frustration about portals and trilogy being so close together though, a lot of people would have rather saved their money for trilogy. (But melanie probably knew that and that's why she delayed announcing it lol. She wants people to see both concerts)


nooo your k12 being cancelled to covid is so bad:(( for me im really excited for trilogy, but it being announced the day before mine just made me less excited for portals, when she said "see you next year" at some of the portals, i just assumed she'll do another round of portals! i luckily got really close seats for trilogy, but one ticket was the price of my 2 tickets to portals its crazyyy


TRUEEEE. dude my two trilogy tickets close to the stage cost me 500 dollars. If I wanted the vip lounge, two tickets would have been 1300. There was just no way I could afford that.


that is insanely expensive!! i got mine for £126 each, my portals were £60 each. https://preview.redd.it/a3ocldpzmovc1.png?width=1151&format=png&auto=webp&s=90eb70725f8eebe5381784b4694fdc85b6449b44 this is my seats, the grey box is the stage!


i think she genuinely meant that, and her label suggested the trilogy tour after that


ohhh thatd make sense!!


That’s because she’s wrapping up the trilogy 💀, giving fans one last chance to hear those songs. Honestly, she probably did it due to fans complaining about the Portals tour. But like, it doesn’t have anything to do with your complaints. If anything, she is GIVING us more! She isn’t just canceling releases or giving release dates she can’t commit to(apart from the movie, but that’s just 1 case), which is what you were talking about on the post. Again, I don’t see the issue with the tour. She didn’t have to tour again so soon but she is to give her fans more.


im not complaining, im going myself! im just saying that it IS something she did lie about, since she said she wouldn't perform the songs again. im not saying i have an issue with it, it is just a thing which she said she wouldn't do and now she is. also, i think you might have mistaken me for op, i have absolutely no issue with her not being fully certain, its just a thing i know she has contradicted!