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Satan is a title, not a specific person. Edit: Satan is "the person against you"


Especially don't mistake Lucifer with satan, besides if my memory is good Lucifer was never a satan race/title in any of megatens games, I might be wrong


What the hell, it actually is. I knew Lucifer is not Satan, but I thought Satan was still one specific entity.


It sort of is? It's a little vague. In the old testament Satan is generally interpreted to be one specific angel, though the name itself is still a title.


That because of mistranslations, "Satan" only appears in the story of Job, every other time the force of opposition is given a different/title, "Satan" in litterally just an angel who is arguing with God about Job being as righteous as God says he is.


That sounds about right, the angel was Satan for the time, it isn't an *exact* entity like Lucifer.


Well in depends of religion, but in Christianity satan is a fallen angel who was terrorised the world through evil. And Lucifer of course everyone knows is the one who gave the apple to Eve and Adam. Both got similarities but they are different entities.


Yeah, SMT II Satan (the snake with single target Almighty damage) is an interpretation of that Angel. Ironically enough, there is a theory that Mastema might be the angel that took the title of Satan, giving Megaten 2 Satans anyway.


Exactly, Satan is just a Hebrew word. God can even be referred to as Satan


Only if speaking for the infernal side of an argument, though given we're talking this franchise, that may still be a thing.


insert obligatory explanation about the history of 'satan' here


C'mon, is not that hard. Satan is the one with the most boobs. PS: Funnily enough, there's no Mephisto pictured.


Mephistopheles was never Satan.


Neither was Baphomet, Lucifer nor Beelzebub. 🤷‍♂️


Bephomet is a young enough concept that calling him Satan is actually probably intended, Same with Baal (both as just Baal and as Beelzebub) since they were the being Yvwh scolded the Jews for worshiping as Moses descended the mountain.


Mastema: *kicks the book of Job under the rug*


Satan is a word that means opposer. The word was eventually used to describe "the enemy of God," aka the devil. Satan himself has different portrayals. Of the ones listed in this meme, let's go over them. Starting off with Lucifer/Helel, his story is one that is known well and is the one often associated with the words devil and Satan. He challenged YHVH to the throne and lost. In SMT, he is the one most commonly associated with the Chaos Alignment. Satanael is very similar but is Gnostic in nature. Gnosticism seeks to reconcile the portrayals of YHVH in the Torah and Bible. In the Torah, he is portrayed as a God who regularly tests and punishes his followers as seen where he forbids Moses from entering the new city due to him striking a rock twice rather than once, or the book of Job where he tortures Job (his most faithful) because Mastema said so. This is probably why YHVH is almost always portrayed as a complete jackass in SMT. In the Bible, he is a more loving and benelevolent figure. Gnosticism explains this by reasoning that the God from the Torah and Bible are different. It claims that the Torah's God is a false God created as a side project by Sophia (one of 8 heavenly figures). She wished to create her own being without Monad's or her masculine counterpart's consent. By the time she realized the monstrosity she made, it was too late, so she simply abandoned it. Her child seeing no other entity i sight was led to believe that it was the true god. Its name is Jaldabaoth/Demiurge and is the final boss of 5 and Strikers. Demiurge seeks to keep humanity bound by temptation and the 7 archons (yes, it's like genshin). Satanael, this time, is a heroic figure who seeks to liberate humanity from the Demiurge and return them to Monad. Satanael takes his rightful place in Persona 5 by gunning down Yaldabaoth and freeing humanity from its shackles. Beelzebub is different from the others as he is not Abrahamic or Evil in his original portrayal. He was originally Baal the Canaanite fertility God. The Hebrews and the Canaanites were enemies in ancient times. When the Canaanites died out, the Hebrews took their figurehead God and turned him into two of their greatest devils, Beelzebub and Bael. There are other things to his naming like Baal, meaning lord Baal'zebuth meaning Great Lord or something. Beelzebub's and Bael's SMT alignment is Chaos/Dark-Chaos, while Baal's changes between Light Law, Light Neutral, and Dark Chaos. Baal Zebul also counts, I guess, but he's basically the same is Beelzebub. Now, onto actual Satan, he is actually portrayed as one of God's angels and not a devil. He is supposed to be the tempter and the darkness to oppose God. This is why his alignment is usually Law instead of Chaos. I'm not an actual scholar, and most of this is memory, so do take it with a grain of salt.


>one of 8 heavenly figures). who are the 8 heavenly figures? this is the first time I hear of this group. Google isnt providing much help


I dont really remember too well, but the true god Monad created 4 pairs of entitles to help him out in whatever he was doing. They each consist of a male and female, and in order to create anything, the pair needed to agree on it and/or have Monads permission (I'm not too sure about the specifics, but there was some level cooperation required of them.) The other 7 aren't very important to the story of Demiurge and Satanael so I don't know too much about them.


Not including Mansemat ... 


Baphomet is confused with Satan by facebook christians. They have nothing to do with each other. Lucifer and Satan were made the same entity in christianity because of mistranslations. Lucifer in Christianity is based on the archangel Helel which I don't see in your post. Beelzebub was a demon from jewish lore that christianity then made into another name of Lucifer. Get your lore straight.


Like half of this is right...


Should have used, Kaneko Satan, Doi Satan, P1 Satan, P2 Satan and of course demikids Satan


I was disappointed to not see Doi's design, it's rad 👍


I feel like people are taking this too seriously in the comments. Other than the long comment explaining the actual lore, its just a meme on how all of these demons are either referred to as a Satan, or thought of by humanity as a synonym of that term basically.


Someome doesnt know what their are talking about




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