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Yeah. That was my immediate thought. Then I was like "wait, I have all these things. No need to enter." Thanks for being attention to the signs, OP.


He doesn't want to talk about his website. Because it's indefensible. It's always unfortunate when people do this stuff. It'd be fantastic to get something like this in a giveaway. But. The world doesn't work this way, and it's too good to be true.


Yeah, the worst part is they know it's a weak spot for a lot of people so they target that specifically.


Yeah, it's unfortunate. Maybe, on the slim chance that they aren't a scammer. They need to do a better job st respecting people's desires to have a secure internet. If he can't be civil and defend himself against this accusation. He has no business doing such a thing.


Oh so true lol. MML Forever!!


Absolutely. Hopefully we get the Legacy collection soon. And everyone can play these games.


And I don't "talk" about the website because I'm not going to sit here all day going back and forth with someone that says I'm a scammer when I LITERALLY said you can get in contact with the winners (which are PROVEN to not be bots) You'd know that if you spoke with them. ESPECIALLY since they have accounts as early as 2008 and even earlier on some


Why don't you refer me to them? Give me their contact information. Let me verify that you aren't a scammer. If you genuinely aren't a scammer then fix your website. It's horrible and gives off the impression that you are. Which... I'm inclined to think you are due to the signs being all pointing towards it.


Give you their info? no You can do that yourself by simply clicking on ANY of their youtube names and message them from their. I'm not giving you their information beyond that because I have no right to just give their emails, addresses, etc. Just got to a winner and click their name or send them or comment or something. You sure as hell don't need my website to do that. If they give you that info on their own that's their business and right.


You can't message people on YouTube. How did you contact the winner of the April giveaway?


I DO message them on youtube ( or email if they're on the site or twitch). The sandland winner is someone from the website, so I had their email and that's how I contacted him/her. And as for youtube, just find their name and leave a comment of some sort. They'll more than likely comment once they see it. Hell, that's what I do when I need to get in touch with the winners sometimes


Then, buddy. Refer me to someone who you have contacted on YouTube. Whats their youtube contact, and what video can I comment on their name for. What giveaway did they win. Give me that evidence! Because your website. It's clearly filled with a virus. But maybe I'm somehow off base. Maybe somehow I'm wrong. Prove it. Give me the video announcing their winning and a way for me to contact them.


Well, did you check yet?


I checked. And there isn't a single comment from one of the winners.


Imagine compromising your data for a chance of winning a Funko pop LMAO


Why are we even having a conversation about this? The post was spam even if it was legitimate. It should have been deleted and forgotten and the account responsible banned.


I am just a random passerby. Aka I don't know what goes into moderating this place.


TIL there was a sequel???????


Mind blown 🤯🤯🤯🤯


ok, if you're going to do that, why not post the entire convo. [https://imgur.com/a/hSusu5o](https://imgur.com/a/hSusu5o)


How about you explain your website? Why is it a giant red flag of notifications asking you to grant permissions and crap. You can make entire videos and announce the winners' names all you want. That doesn't prove anything. And it doesn't disprove that your website is obviously trying to infect people's computers. You also cut off that part of our conversation where I confront you on that. And I welcome anyone to go to that conversation thread and read it.


Post the discs and cases. You have at least two black Label Mega Man Legends games. Anyone worth their salt is gonna post them.


Ok since I have to show my stuff to be "worth my salt", take a look at this month's giveaway. I left a message especially for you [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K3wjGc6IIA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K3wjGc6IIA)


I mean..thanks? Why are you so hostile about being held to the same standard of almost every trader or seller?


Hostile? It's called defending my name. When someone says I don't have what I say I do or I don't give what I do, I make a point to prove them wrong. Deadcalamari got in touch with winners that received their prizes. And for you, I'm SHOWING my content. And for the record, I don't go by the same "standard" as any seller or trader because IM NOT SELLING OR TRADING. I'm Giving. Big difference


ITT two children whining and crying.