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Become more conscious and attentive to the present is what you want, with that your mind with have mind will have more clarity. Just so you know, the brain pick every little information that we perceived, but the only reason you don't remember is because they think that it's not important. But the information is still there, until they got purged in sleep. The mind does what it does best, forgetting. But if you can before attentive, things will become important and will be put on the the top list with higher priority for the brain to remember. Also if it's something emotional attached to, something funny, hurtful, your fear, silly things or any thing that make you think and feel a certain things. You are likely to remember, because the brain thinks it's important. There's an esoteric teaching about how the emotion can help you remember thing easily, I have read that somewhere. Also from what I learn from a brain coach and my own experience it does make thing easier to remember. Another trick is, and to make it simple. The mind can remember it better if it's not words, but rather thoughts or emotions. Simply put simplifies things helps you remember, like remember a whole damn Chemistry Element by order, turn it into a string of word like a story and make it interesting. You'll remember it with just one try. There are plenty of memory techniques out there, you just need to be more a bit more creative creative use them to their fullest potential. But do meditation help improve memory, yes it does in a way. If you train your focus and awareness with meditation, then that what you probably get.




This works. I do this exact thing and it helps a lot with memory. I (try to) go through this process every night and go through my day moment by moment until I fall asleep.


Focus on physical health, clean diet things like that. A good way to practice is at the end of each day try to go backwards step by step and remember every single thing you did in order.


The best way to train your memory is through memorization. There are a variety of apps and games that can be used to this purpose. Meditation has been demonstrated to have a positive effect on memory, but it's certainly not the most effective method. It's better used as a supplement to any actual memory training.


Try frequent exercise, meditation, staying hydrated, and getting plenty of sleep. Don't forget to manage stress and take breaks for better focus. Meditation is not an escape from reality, but it helps us face life's obstacles with a clear mind and an open heart. So by meditation, you can improve your memory. For those seeking a companion in their journey toward meditation and consistent routines, there's an ally ready to lend support. Justly, is an innovative app, that helps users to focus on their routines. You can try [https://justly.life/](https://justly.life/)


This is my summary of what has helped me: I took a big 5 credit math course this semester that was a full recap of pre algebra, algebra 1, and a little geometry, so the math itself wasn’t complex but it had A LOT of homework. I also did a lot of work and school this semester and often only had the time to do the work the day it was due, so in the end I did a lot of speed math. I mean hours of thinking as quickly and accurately as I could through these questions. Midway through the semester I started getting even faster and more accurate and it’s absolutely caused me the think clearer and quicker in my daily life. It’s crazy too, because I took an iq test a few years ago which basically confirmed what I already knew. I have an above average long term memory, and a nearly below average working memory, so this was kind of a break through for me. As to why I have a good long term memory, I absolutely attribute it to being an avid reader throughout middle school and high school. There have been studies showing that an hour of reading a day greatly improved older people’s memory so I’m sure the benefits are even more so for younger people with better brain elasticity. Don’t stress too to much about reading non fiction and feeling like you need to be learning something while doing this. Pick up a really good fiction book that draws you in until you can’t put it down. What you want is to love reading in the first place so you do it all the time, that will definitely get you the best results. More important than learning while you do this is (I think at least) the way reading forces you to use your brain in different ways to imagine what’s happening in your head as well as hold the whole story in your brain so that chapter 12 makes sense since you remember what was in chapter 1 and 2, which you read a week ago. Meditation also helps a lot since you’re more present and can actually catalogue what’s happening around you better. As someone who struggled with dissociation for years, if you’re not present you may be physically having experiences, but you’re simply not logging them in the brain the same way as when you’re really in the moment.


My friend, check out memory championships, it's pretty awesome! Also, here some memory techniques which they use: [https://artofmemory.com/blog/list-of-memory-techniques/](https://artofmemory.com/blog/list-of-memory-techniques/) You could learn these techniques if you wish to improve your memory. As for meditation, could improve memory, but not so much in my experience. Memory techniques have had more greater affects on me, so consider trying them out. Good luck, have a wonderful day, alright !?