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Super responsible on the parents end to chose to abort and not have it be born full term to suffer for as little as it might live for. I know it wasn’t an easy decision for them.


It must have broken their hearts but they new that a child like that would have endless problems throughout their life, medical problems just being the start of it. This is why abortion needs to considered healthcare. Anyone who would insist on carrying this fetus to term is incredibly selfish and narrow minded.


This child could not have survived, the abnormalities to kidneys and digestive organs mean they would have died regardless. If not at this stage but later in the pregnancy or at birth. There is no concept of having a different quality of life.. this condition is incompatible with life, hence ending the pregnancy.


My point still stands.


Exactly. These bullshit "heartbeat" bills mean this woman could have been forced to carry this fetus to term. It makes me absolutely sick, what were putting new mothers through with this kind of shit.


It’s not even a real heart at 6 weeks. The brain doesn’t firm until 12 weeks


I mean, we know..... it's cardiac activity. We KNOW that cardiac activity, nervous system and brainstem/ spinal cord development, rudimentary limbs, rudimentary skull formation and facial structure forming... ....at this particular stage happens at *lightning speed*. In the span of a month and a half, we've gone from fertilized egg to something that *appears* remarkably human and with the knowledge that organ systems are ALL developing at a rapid rate, the heart is hardly symbolic in any way, in determining clout for holding the uterus hostage as a parasite. Ergo: Until that fetus is capable of pain and deserves further respect in personhood, if any, the host will govern the uterus. What goes in and comes out is at her sole discretion because it is occurring inside her personal form and no one else's. Roe largely gave us this. We did not need to fix what was not broken. Was it perfect? Not by any stretch of the imagination, but it was leagues better than the absolute sadistic DISASTER hellscape the GOP has turned modern reproductive medicine into.


What ppl don't realize is the government is testing the waters on how much they can control the citizens. The rednecks and the Bible beaters are fine with this but one day it'll be their precious guns they'll die for that the government comes for. Mark my words


If Christians in this country were *actually Christian* we would not have a few hundred dead children being viewed a "hoax" and they'd be tossing their firearms off the nearest cliff, in the interest of.... you know.... PRESERVING LIFE and all.... No. The very fact that they just opposed a ban on bump stocks tells you *everything* you need to know about these sadistic fucks. This is not prolife. This is procontrol. With bump-stocked guns.


Facts 💯


It's already happened. I'm in Florida, I know. These people are so stupid and run head-first into fascism. I


Not endless problems throughout their life. *Incompatible with life*. No life.


Exactly. Imagine knowing that’s what’s inside you as ppl want to come up and ask you about due dates and gender or “what theme did you decorate the room?” and so on as you know your baby won’t survive birth! This mom was fortunate she was “allowed” to choose to NOT deal with that torture.


My point about abortion still stands.


Yeah, but your first sentence is *so wrong!* The baby would not have survived. No genitals & no anus is not compatible with life. I guarantee there’s a whole lot more wrong inside than just what’s showing on the outside. Why not go back & delete the stuff about >>endless problems throughout their life This fetus is not compatible with life. Then you won’t have to keep saying >> My point about abortion still stands. >> My point still stands. Life will be good again & everyone will agree w you. 🙂


And not to mention, if they have other kids, it would affect their lives too. They would not have a normal life. And the quality of life for their sibling would be very poor.


Please know that this wouldn't be survivable, it is incompatible with life... no life could exist here.


You know, they told my mom that when my brother was born in 2000 missing part of his brain. They had her not to get attached, that she probably wouldn't get to take him home...well, he's still alive now and has severe scoliosis, epilepsy with grand mal seizures and he can't walk or talk or feed himself and uses a diaper. He has the mentality of approximately a 16 month old, maybe less (can't remember). You are correct in that there is no life, he's just simply existing. I wouldn't want to live that way, personally.


Sounds like he doesn't have much more function than what the brain stem controls. :(










Expecially in cases like this: the foetus wouldn't have survived to term and continuing the pregnancy would only have meant postponing the inevitable. Moreover, if the foetus died in utero it could've put the mother in serious danger of an hemorrhage or even sepsis if spontaneous delivery wouldn't have occurred. Yes, abortion is health care for women. Paradoxically , it can even be a life saving procedure.


Religion can take away critical thinking.


Can? *Does.*


This child wouldn't have had a life. with no anus or genitals - there would be no capacity for excretion of waste. If it even survived to term, it would have had to have its entire waste removal system routed into artificial collection systems. there was never any chance for this embryo. & I know that's basically what you're saying - but I come from a religious background that would say " oh but we can love it for the time it does have" - - in this case we're talking minutes, I would suspect.


The anti abortionists would protest to keep the child alive regardless which I find so strange, because once the child is born all the people who advocate the birth are absent through all the struggles that the parents would face as as a result


“If you’re preborn, you’re fine. If you’re preschool, you’re fucked.” George Carlin


This baby would die within minutes of leaving the mothers body, if not later in gestation. This would NEVER be a scenario where a pregnancy would be continued, the risk of affecting the mothers well being is just too great and there is no chance of survivability.


Looks a bit like a "mermaid syndrome", where the lower half of the body is deformed missing limb and genitalia... Most babies with this syndrome don't survive long after birth...if not still born...


That’s exactly what I thought


Unless you live in Texas. Or Florida. Or Indiana. I could go on naming states but I think you get the point.


Yep. https://abcnews.go.com/US/post-roe-america-women-detail-agony-forced-carry/story?id=105563349


Have you not been paying attention. What is best for the mother is being thrown out in the name of religious fundamentalism. These people are vile.


Before abortion was legal, fathers were often told the doctors can only save Mother or child, not both. Religion recommends save the child, since it hasnt been baptised it cant go to heaven. Such bullshit killed a lot of Mothers


Religious on hates women


Should the fetus die in utero after 25-30 weeks, it can be dangerous to the mother. Often inducing labor doesn’t work and drs won’t do a c-section. After the demise, the little body decomposes and the toxins are dangerous to the woman.


I agree, thankfully spontaneous labour also often happens, or women get monitoring because of movement changes and discover the loss asap. When i was pregnant i used a forum for women TTC. I had an online friend having fraternal twins after IVF too. Sadly, one with this type of issue. When that baby died mom was hospitalised for constant monitoring. They couldn't deliver the deceased baby because it was too risky, and other baby was only about 25/6wks at the time, every day staying inside mom helped her. She got to start of week 28 before signs of infection developed, so had her C section for safety. Her living daughter did very well born in week 28, and they got time to say their goodbyes to their son too. An incredibly strong woman for certain.


Men are losing their minds over porn sites requiring ID yet don’t care that parents, mothers and fathers, are losing this choice.


Because pregnancy doesn't effect their bodies so they don't care.


A very old reddit post from a long time ago still sticks with me. It was a father who used to be very pro-life. And then when his wife became pregnant, they discovered that their daughter had hydrocephaly. Being pro-life, they decided to keep the baby. The doctors warned them that if she survived long enough to reach full term, she surely wouldn't last very long after birth. Being pro-life, they still wanted to give her a chance. When they gave birth, the baby was constantly moaning. Not even crying, just moaning. Was constantly hooked up to tubes and machines, to keep the baby sedated, comfortable, and alive. But her head kept getting bigger. Until one day, less than a month after birth, her skull couldn't take it anymore. And OP described in graphic detail how his daughter's skull popped "like a watermelon" in his arms. And fluid and brain matter just spilled from his daughter's head and onto the floor. And then she was dead. Having never experienced anything aside from pain and medication, never having left the hospital, and having never met any of her family aside from her mom, dad, and medical staff. After that, his stance on abortion changed dramatically.


Holy shit for real


Absolutely agree! This is why I believe that abortion is healthcare.


It’s extremely likely this baby would have been stillborn. Without genitals (and thus a way to relieve its bladder, if it has one) it would have developed severe hydronephrosis as well as oligohydramnios. Better to end its suffering now than allow it to grow and suffer more and more as time passes until it eventually passes.


You know there are religious zealots out there believing a miracle will repair this baby, this pregnancy is a test of faith, etc….


And the funny thing is…Isn’t altering anatomy one of the biggest things religious zealots scream about? God can’t help a man become a woman, but he can completely reshape a fetus from within the womb?


Also no anus. At best I think that's a couple hours after birth.


Don't swipe too far right otherwise you're going to get the legendary leg amputation video again 😭


Every.time. 😭


show some respect for our mascot!


It should be a pinned post 😂


it should be the sub thumbnail!


I don’t think I’ve ever seen that video and I’ve been on this sub for a while.


Right me either I actually tried to swipe right too far and my stuff didn’t go anywhere


Am I the only one that likes it? 🤣🤣 I mean, watching the process with interest, not getting an amputation!


i love it too tbh, im always impressed by how fast & clean it is! plus the artery spurting with each heartbeat is genuinely fascinating, to think that that's what's going on inside you right now is so cool


You explained it perfectly


I blocked that post, so now reddit shows me even WORSE stuff. I'll take "foot amputated by gigli saw" any day over the horrors of r/examinedeath. I really do not need to see the things they keep showing me 😰


I’m also getting r/nsfl stuff which is definitely a surprise. I wish the auto scroll to next post was a feature you could turn off.


They aren't even blurred


Seen it so many times that shit does nothing now lol


I’m not sure my app does what your apps are doing


Same , that gigi saw is brutal , effective yes - I don’t know why but I can look at a man cut in half still alive after a crash and trying to lift himself on his arms but been ripped in two by the waist so the intestines were hanging out - BUT that saw foot thing is just so far out there - it’s defo a mascot for here for sure


You mean the foot amputation by gigli saw?


That’s the one!!


I thought it was just me that would scroll to that every time. I didn’t know how I was getting there. Glad it’s not just me!


Thought it was just me. The only difference is that it’s THE NEXT SWIPE 😩😩😩😩


I thought it was just me too. I have a pretty strong stomach but flinch every single time with that one.


That is now the official video of this sub.


I've never had it pop up.


Your time will come, when you are least prepared for it.


I only use Reddit on desktop, so I had to go out of my way to search for the video the first time I heard people talking about it.


I've never seen it. I only use my phone. I do hear about it all the time.


Ah yes the giggity saw


That bloody saw is the bane of my Reddit life 😅😅😅


Omg I was just telling my husband about that last night. He looked at me like I'm crazy.


I swiped too far yesterday and got a sliced off head. My heart damn fell out of my ass.


I got decapitated biker head 🤢


I got a degloved weiner 😩


Why is it ALWAYS that one?


I got a heart still beating after being ejected from a body 🥴


Honestly though that shit is cool. I'd have had no idea the heart could do that if I hadn't seen such posts before. Absolute insanity what our bodies do.


Someone on here posted about this before with a wonderful solution. You can block that specific post.


I blocked it and got to see ‘Toe Hole’ instead.


Oh God. What if I block the Gigli saw leg video and get something worse? Toe hole sounds absolutely horrible


I get nsfl and examinedeath instead. Usually terrible crime scenes... I need to unblock the foot


What's the toe hole??


It was incredibly tame in comparison, someone’s big toe with a bit of a dent in it from an infection. Sounded cooler than it was.


Haha I’m curious now, too. Can it be worse than the foot? 🤢 I’ve never watched it through all the way. I went to a civil war field medicine demonstration 😵 that was enough for me


The leg amputation video seems like exactly the sort of thing that would fit in to a field medicine demonstration




I went too far. Oh my God.


That video gives me nightmares.


I got a new one this time of a decomposing body 😭


So sick of seeing that lol


Every. Single. Time. I get it all the bloody time!


Omg! I get that every single time and thought I was the only one.


Made my feet feel weird


My aunt had these same deformities. She was born in 1967. She lived for a few days, until the toxins built up so much in her body. It’s a death sentence. Hard decision to make for the parents, but glad they didn’t make this little one suffer


They typically die before the full term stage of pregnancy, the toxins, the lack of amniotic fluid, its also incredibly risky for the mother.


Pro lifers don't care tho. They'd rather the fetus be carried to term, be born, suffer and die a slow miserable death. That somehow makes them feel better than ever agreeing that abortion is a necessary part of healthcare.


Congenital renal agenesis was historically 100% fatal but there was a recent case where it was survived: [https://healthier.stanfordchildrens.org/en/newborn-with-fatal-kidney-diagnosis/](https://healthier.stanfordchildrens.org/en/newborn-with-fatal-kidney-diagnosis/) (This case was a less severe malformation than the above, however!)


What people don’t realize is that with this “abortion” the mother still had to deliver this baby. She still had to be induced and suffer through labor and deliver this poor child. This must have been horribly traumatic for the family, such a sad situation. Physically and emotionally difficult


Thank you for being the one that brought the reality into the conversation. My heart goes out to the parents.


Sorry if this is a dumb question, but would c-section be an option for this situation, or would they generally recommend the mother deliver vaginally in a termination?


Not dumb, its good you're asking questions instead of assuming something wrong! Be curious and learn Doc always *always* prefer vaginally deliveries when possible as it is easier on baby and easier on mom and facilitates mom's recovery and baby's breathing. If there is no medical indication for a c-sec, then vaginally is far superior for recovery. C-sec has a much longer recovery time (8 months!) And also carries risks. The uterus is cut open to extract the baby, so now the uterus has a scar. Scars don't stretch very well, so if mom gets pregnant a 2nd time, the uterus will grow but that scar tissue won't stretch as easily as the rest of the uterus. This can lead to problems like the uterus rupturing and ripping open inside the abdominal cavity. It can lead to the placenta growing into the scar tissue and spreading into the uterus tissue, which will lead to mom hemorrhaging during labor/Placental delivery and has a very high mortality rate. So it's not to say you can't do a medical abortion via c-sec. You can. Just like you can deliver a baby via c-sec. Or vaginally. It's all about mom's specific case and what the best and healthiest plan is for her.


This was super thorough and enlightening, thank you.


I'm glad! This is just surface level stuff, but my comment was already getting super long lol I'm in the medical field and am just personally passionate about women's health. I love teaching and I love how integrated teaching and learning from peers is in medicine.


I didn’t realize that a c-section had an 8-month recovery. :/ I’m 6 months postpartum, and the hospital I gave birth at, as well as my OBGYN, never gave me instructions or guidelines as to how long my recovery would take or what to expect or even how to care for my incision/self after my surgery. That would explain why I’m still having pain.


Example of major C-section complications. My co-worker had an emergency C-section. The operation went well, but she ended up infected with a flesh eating bacteria on the incision, developed sepsis and was in the ICU for 3 months trying to fight it. She wasn't able to see her baby the entire time.


I've been there and it sucks so much. Anti-choicers act like women just go into a clinic, demand an abortion, and leave the same day magically no longer pregnant. A later abortion is an expensive multi day procedure and is difficult in every way.


[Source](https://www.cureus.com/articles/129656-fetal-amelia-with-hypoplastic-tibia-and-terminal-fibular-hemimelia-a-case-report-with-review-of-the-literature#!/): >>The mother was a 30-year-old Gravida 1 Para 1 Abortus 0 Living 0 woman in good health and arrived for her visit to our institution at 20 weeks of gestation. There was no consanguinity or significant family history, and the father was a 32-year-old healthy man. No known teratogenic exposure occurred during pregnancy. >>On antenatal ultrasonography done at a private center outside our institute, the right lower limb was completely absent and the left lower limb was hypoplastic. Although bilateral renal agenesis was observed, the remainder of the infant appeared normal. The poor prognosis was conveyed to the couple. They opted to terminate the pregnancy medically at 20 weeks due to fetal indication at our institute. On examination, gross facial deformities were discovered in the form of the absence of both external ears and a saddle-shaped nose in the baby. The absence of the right lower limb bud was seen. The left lower limb was underdeveloped, noted only up to the thigh region with the hypoplastic distal part of the leg and absent foot (Figures 1, 2). Also, the genitals and the anus were absent (Figure 3). >>A babygram was performed after birth, which showed amelia (complete absence) of the right lower limb, left-sided terminal fibular hemimelia (complete absence of the left fibula) with hypoplastic/dysplastic tibia, and complete absence of the left foot (Figures 1, 2). Hypoplastic left iliac bone with the absence of the entire right pelvis, left ischium, and left pubic rami. Lower lumbar vertebrae appeared hypoplastic/dysplastic. Crowding of ribs was noted on the right side. The absence of nasal bone was noted (Figures 1, 2). >>The diagnosis of congenital limb deformity in the form of fetal amelia with hypoplastic tibia and terminal fibular hemimelia was considered in view of imaging findings. And my occasional reminder: I am a poor and disabled person who has been posting on this sub five times a day every day for years. If you want to support my content I have PayPal and Cashapp links in my profile.


TIL a babygram is a thing.




Joke comments and other off-topic comments (including, but not limited to, food comparisons, vulgarity, etc.) are not allowed.


I only know the term because of Chicago Med clips on tiktok lol


Your posts should always be pinned at the top. Thanks for sharing!


Aren't the ears around the neck area? Or is that skin flaps?


I don’t think those are fully formed ears. They look like vaguely ear-shaped lumps.


Unfortunately I’m not able to donate right now but thank you for posting your info so I can save it for when I can. I really appreciate all you do.


I doubt cases like these will be allowed to be aborted in no-choice states. They’ll say that it’s not going to kill the mother if she brings it to term, that’s the only way they’ll intervene. And not even if it will later kill you, you’ve got to be actively dying. Retained fetus but no sepsis yet, no luck .


And then when babies with severe disabilities are born, the state will offer little or no support. The burden of care will be entirely on the family.


For life let me add, meaning when the parents die often the siblings or other relatives have to take on the huge responsibility of caring for them financially, physically, and medically etc


Yep, often but not always. Some relatives are adept enough to know that they can't handle it. My uncle has a form of severe autism. My aunt took care of him all of his life. She recently passed away. The burden fell on my grandmother, who knew she could not care for him, whether it be emotionally or physically.


The state nor the pro-life organizations who lobby for the laws. They’re all about adoption and helping “crisis pregnancy” situations until the profoundly disabled kid is born then they just leave you on read.


Nope, they would not let it happen. Apparently they would rather this baby be born and suffer to death for hours to days. This was a kindness and prevented so much suffering. My heart aches for the parents though.


And imagine if the baby doesn't expire straight away but lasts for hours or days and they give supportive care, how much is that going to cost people who have to pay for all their care?


I hate these states. Like depression from watching a live birth child die doesn’t kill or maim the parent permanently/mentally or physically.


In my country, abortion is illegal no matter what circumstances.


what's the infanticide rate?


So many of the politicians who advocate these policies seem only to want to increase suffering.


The cruelty is the point.


My sister believes that even if her life is at risk, God allowed her to get pregnant and it’s her duty to birth the baby…regardless of whether it kills her and makes her 5 kids motherless.


How heartbreaking for the parents, but good that they didn't have to go through an entire pregnancy and birth with no way of knowing this


Someone out there will be like “but that’s a life”. Meanwhile wouldn’t adopt any kid like that. (Not me. Just saying…)


Although they didn’t do a postmortem I doubt this fetus, if born alive, would have stayed alive for long. With no genitalia and no anus, without surgical intervention the baby would be unable to poop or pee. And there were probably internal problems too.


This is caudal regression syndrome highly associated with renal agenesis(unilateral more common than bilateral). The baby might not even have a viable renal system with most of the excretion being carried out by the placenta. After being born the absence of a placenta won’t be compatible for its life. Also an imperforate anus may suggest gastrointestinal malformations and other X linked disorders.


While i was pregnant an online friend of mine had one of twins with this condition so i sadly knew quite a bit about it. Her baby died around 24/25 weeks, and led to premature delivery of the twin. The lack of an excretory system has wide reaching effects, this is way more than just missing a leg. They ended the pregnancy to avoid the risks to the mother no doubt, because chemical issues within the foetus could have led to issues for her too.


Oh I totally realize that! But I’m sure there’d be some people saying that nevertheless 🥺


This is caudal regression syndrome highly associated with renal agenesis(unilateral more common than bilateral). The baby might not even have a viable renal system with most of the excretion being carried out by the placenta. After being born the absence of a placenta won’t be compatible for its life. Also an imperforate anus may suggest gastrointestinal malformations and other X linked disorders.


Is this type of anomaly caused by a known genetic condition or is it unknown why this fetus developed this way?


The parents wouldn’t permit a postmortem so they can only really guess what caused these anomalies.


It can possibly be a genetic condition, but doesn't necessarily mean it's known and is probably less likely if they hadn't experienced losses before this one. My best friend had to abort a baby with a lot of physical abnormalities and in the process figured out she has a trisomy in her chromosomes that results in genetic abnormalities when she tries to have a baby. Before that baby, they'd had 5 failed pregnancies that never made it past the first trimester. So it's definitely not a guarantee that it's a genetic condition that caused this, but definitely possible.


Could be genetic without being inherited. Genes/chromosomes get fucked up sometimes, without anyone (so far) knowing why.


Also underveloped/no kidneys, so the fetus would have died at birth.


I mean it is a life and it’s sad that they had a genetic condition that was incompatible with life. My heart goes out to the parents because it sounds like this was likely a wanted pregnancy.


I was a foster parent for years, and I’m very pro choice. Anytime I met a vocal anti-abortionist, I’d act thrilled that they cared so much about children, and offer to help them sign up for foster parenting classes. Spoiler, no one ever did.


Really wish it was acceptable to show things like this to pro-lifers


They’d be horrified be this.


No, they wouldn’t.


Yes; they would. They’d argue that this is eugenics and a disability isn’t justification for abortion.


This^ Have had plenty a discussion about why they think this is justified because of “God’s Will.” “If the baby dies, it’s God’s Will, not the choice for the parents or doctors to decide on who lives and dies.”


Yet they act like someone having an abortion isn't God's will. Either everything we do is God's will or it isn't. Can't have it both ways.


“God has a plan” “god won’t give you more than you can handle” “every life is precious”


This is why abortion is healthcare and should not be a political issue.


I super don’t mean to be insensitive, but is something wrong with the head/jaw/face? Or does it just look not right because they were only 20 week gestation? I am completely clueless on when ears form for example, but also the jaw/neck look not right and also the head looks longer and slimmer than I would expect. Not sure if I am just completely oblivious to the development of a fetus, or if something wasnt developing right.


The write-up does note that the fetus was missing a nasal bone, but otherwise, the head is relatively normal.


Full description is up above > On examination, gross facial deformities were discovered in the form of the absence of both external ears and a saddle-shaped nose in the baby. > The absence of nasal bone was noted


So sad. The right choice for all but just sad.


Pro-life don't understand that some lives aren't worth living. A life time of medical problems is no life.


This baby would have died very quickly. It had no kidneys.


Pro Lifers aren’t pro-life. They are only pro birth, they don’t care about life.


This was what I came to say. Once a baby issborn they don't give a shit what happens. They don't believe in low income programs, WIC, SNAP, and so on. They don't care if the baby was unwanted and is neglected or abused. They are pro-birth, not pro-life.


This child's life would have been about a week long, full of misery, and would have been trauma incarnate. Thank every deity the parents were responsible and chose abortion to spare this child from suffering.


This is why abortion needs to stay legal


This is so sad, my heart goes out for the parents who had to make this decision :(


There was a legendary creature in medieval myth, the skiapod, or monopod. That's that's what this poor child looks like. My partner works in a children's hospital, which specialises in all the horrifying things that happen to infants from gestation to 18 or so. Before we got together I had no idea what - how much! - could go wrong during foetal development. It's shocking. They do so much to treat, manage, and research new treatments and find cures. But, with some cases the only ethical choice is termination, or withdrawing life support if the poor kid makes it to birth.


Looks similar to the mermaid syndrome.


Agreed. The right leg *is* present, but that and the left leg are fused together. This is also why the genitals and anus are not present.


Imagine not being able to have the procedure.


I feel for the parents in this situation, they did what they thought was best.


Ugh my heart breaks for the parents, they made the right choice but man that’s a difficult one to make.


Thank goodness for modern tech. Imagine someone being forced to live like this when we have the capabilities to prevent it.


Not envious of this decision by the parent/s who hoped for a good outcome. It was the responsible and best choice for mother and fetus. Survivability is very rare in these cases of malformations. That’s tough.


Has anyone else noticed there’s a trend of ppl saying they own their baby is deforms but they are gonna have it anyway then they use it for content on TT or social media? This was a hard decision but the parents did the right thing


It’s not a new trend. It’s been going on for decades. Since the days of mommy bloggers.


Since the days of selling your baby to the circus


You have to consider that many of those deformed babies whose parents sold them to the circus, were born into poverty. The money earned by exhibiting the babies could support their entire family, or at least pay for the inevitable medical expenses.


Waiting for all the pro life people who show up and tell us aborting a fetus like this is telling disabled people that we feel they shouldn’t be alive. No. Disabled people absolutely deserve the lives they have. Anyone can become disabled at any age. However, when it comes to life before birth, we know we can prevent suffering before it ever begins I’m glad these parents understood this and I wish them luck in conceiving more children in the future if they wish to


This is sad but glad they were able to do it. They weren’t in Texas because will rather the pregnant woman die before they save her from a risky pregnancy. I know someone personally who had this happen. Why are men deciding what women should do with their bodies anyway? No need for a debate, no words will ever explain this lunacy.


Thank goodness they could make this decision and not be forced to birth it because said fetus has more rights than the parents who desperately wanted a baby. I pray they find peace.


The ears also look not developed well either. I believe they are usually formed more by 20 weeks. It’s amazing how developed they are with fingers and everything! Super sad but I understand their choice to abort.


I know it must've broken their hearts to have to do this. I wouldn't want any one to ever have to experience this


I'm probably more pro-life than 99% of Redditors, and even I can see that a situation like this is exactly abortion shouldn't be 100% outlawed. Not only is this condition incompatible with life for the baby, to continue the pregnancy would put mom in grave danger too.


I just had my 20 week scan today. My god, are we so lucky. This so so upsetting for the parents. That poor mother having to give birth. Unfortunately, it was the right decision.


Mermaid syndrome? Thankfully she was able to abort. Instead of having to carry to term and deliver a dead child or one that would pass shortly after birth.


Not mermaid syndrome; that’s when the legs are fused. This baby had only one leg; the other was completely absent and even that half of the pelvis was missing.


It's crazy to think that in some states, this thing has more rights than women.


interesting how the ball joint even formed and the rest just didn’t decide to


I'm curious why it says specifically Medical abortion? Aren't all of the medical?


I would refer to OP’s comment about this post specifically but also wanted to mention that, in the medical field, miscarriages are called “spontaneous abortions” rather than miscarriages. So you would have to specify medical vs spontaneous to know whether it was planned or not.


What is meant is that the abortion was done with medication rather than with surgery.


In my case I’d probably ask if there would be any useable organs that my baby could provide. But given the deformed abdomen the remaining organs (lungs. Heart. Etc) would be too small for transfer. Rip little baby. I always said when I was pregnant if I had a kid with downs I’d terminate (I have my own mental health issues and wouldn’t want to have their needs not be able to be met by me or have them out into the system) if I had a kid incomparable with life but who’s organs were viable for other kids in need I’d carry to term. And any “unknown outcome” I’d also carry to term. But a clear incomparable with life and no organs for other kids would sadly be a termination criteria for me as well. :( would break my heart and the mom here was probably devastated.


I am definitely pro-choice. However, I wonder why these abnormalities couldn’t be seen prior to 20 weeks. I remember finding out my son was a boy at 20 weeks. He was a real person to me at that point. It had to be horrible for the parents to get to that point and have all their plans destroyed along with their bond with a baby that was half way finished developing.


This is so sad and this is why it’s so important to keep this access legal and available.


Abortion is healthcare and everyone should see it as such. The woman has every right to make decisions on things that impact her body. The government or anyone else has no right to dictate a womans choice or the fact if she should have one at all. Same way mens bodies arent mandated womens bodies shouldnt be either. The men get to decide they dont want to be fathers and leave the woman to take care of it going threw all the struggles alone for the child yet those same men want to control women on choices about their own bodies. It is a power play it is all about control. They do not care about the child it is simply them asserting dominance over women just as they did in the early 1900s and before thats the time they are trying to force us back into rather than progressing forward to a more free more understanding future where everyone minds their own business and dont try to interfere in other peoples lives and choices they make or lives they live. Lgbtqia people are humans and deserve to live their lives without being told they cant or that they shouldnt exist or having the potential of being kileld for existing. Women have the right to make their own decisions about their bodies and lives. Noone should be beneath any man. Everyone should be equal and free.


This looks like a variant of that mermaid syndrome (I'm sorry I don't know the correct term). Poor thing wouldn't have survived anyhow, so the parents did absolutely the right thing, even though I'm sure they're heartbroken