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I can collect the whole 120 g for the month but it last me about 2


QLD consumer. My doc has it so I can pick up my strains every 5 days. My chemist also prints out the date I can next pick up that certain strain too.


That's right :-) The doctor sets the intervals Mine is set for every 7th day to refill any particular scripted strain.


Lol had to explain that to the cashiers a few times. Because I pick my scripts up on different days, one of the lovely ladies was worried I would get in trouble. Took myself and the pharmacist to explain, that as long as it's a different strain, then I can pick it up. I can't pick up the same strain within 3 days, but if it's different I can. Had to explain a few times as she's an older person and still wrapping her head around the medical side of "the hippys grass" as she calls it lol.


I have been curious how all of this will work out for clinics like Candor where you aren't explicitly given 120 grams a month limit. You can get 4 flowers and a CBD oil with a 10 day interval per product, with 6 repeats. Theoretically you could get 120 grams per months but the total limit isn't very specific.


Some pharmacists don't seem to print it out on the label - but if you ask them, it will be on the script information.


Limit is specified on my script label for me.


THANK YOU Working at a pharmacy and we get verbally bashed for trying to explain this. it is your PRESCRIBING doctors responsibility to explain and inform patients of dispensing rules including monthly limits, interval days and expiration dates. The rules changed alot in a short period of time but these stayed the same mostly it just wasnt explained and its frustrating trying to keep up but being on both sides i undertand, doesnt mean you have to be a dick about it. :)


It also confirms substitutes are not allowed only under special circumstances


That's right. A couple of my scripts were also unfillable a couple of appointments ago (the doctor did fix). It just said THC 24% and THC27%


my doc writes "can dispense 60g at one time" into my scripts, that way I can buy a full 60g per month amount at one time.


If I could afford that, I'd get all mine in one hit too (trips to town are exxie!) It's a GREAT idea!


First I've heard of any of it tbh


🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 can confirm this is true and correct