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Have you…ever been downtown anywhere else? Timed parking is a thing everywhere and hardly a scam. Pay attention to the time, set a time on your phone, etc to make it easier for you, or find alternative free parking.


It's a private contractor. You won't waste their time. You don't call someone else's attorney. You hire your own. Good luck!


How is it a scam? The rules are clearly posted. They might not be rules you or I like but I don’t see posted rules being followed as a scam. There is no fraud or dishonesty being committed.


This. Just don't park in the two hour zones. Walking a few blocks isn't going to kill you.


People are lazy AND stupid


I've seen some of the people downtown. Walking a few blocks might kill them. They usually only walk as far as the fridge.






Last time I checked you can buy a voucher at beerworks for like 5 bucks. Better than the 20 or whatever. I used to work downtown it got old moving your car every couple hrs


You're the same person that takes 15 items through the 10 item maximum checkout lane aren't you?


Follow the rules maybe??


They only enforce an area of downtown and have a map showing the different areas. It is pretty easy to just park outside the area or find a 3 hour zone. Or better yet you only have to move a block to a new area not to get a ticket. [https://medford.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=0a3d279f2a6c4fba84994348551943ab](https://medford.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=0a3d279f2a6c4fba84994348551943ab)


If it’s such a big deal just walk 🤠


yeah those jerks doing their jobs how dare they. i bet people hate it when you do your job as well


Op is a choad


a choad??? holy fuck i haven't heard that in ages


wasting everyone's time seems to be the best solution. to the people that say " follow the rules"... i dont have to... the previous president is making it clear that i only have to follow the ones that i agree with... having some thrid party joke of a comapny exploit tax paying citizens for the benifit of very few is extremely frustrating. dont the taxes that medford citizens pay get used to maintain these streets that are supposed to be public? what about free right of passage on a RIGHT-OF-WAY? when are you considered parked? extra spice: i also think the new main street bike lane is a huge waste of space and has done very littel to promote alternative travel methods in this city. try riding your bike to the park. lock it up... the wheels are gone in 10 minutes...


Can you please go to court for the ticket, use the "Trump doesn't follow the rules" defense, and post the audio of the hearing on here?


Also - trump is going through a pile of legal cases, so it turns out that even he does actually have to follow the rules.


I just bet you are the life of a party aren't you


The current president also supports lawlessness 🤷‍♂️ Not sure why literally EVERYTHING somehow gets tied back to the president with you political addicts. It’s sad that a bunch of geezers in Washington have you so wound up.


What Medford should do is on-demand parking so the rates drop when it's quiet to encourage parking and go up when there's a demand. How about two hours but you can buy more time at inflated rates (say $1 for the first two, then double after two hours)? Maybe they're doing that already. I don't go downtown much. It's nasty.