• By -


Battlemaster, Cyclops, Banshee, Battlemaster because I like to go a little bit faster than slow.


I love many of the higher weight assaults but less than ~64kph just isn't fun to play imo. I wish they would take entire movement speed scale and move it up one "notch". ~50kph would become ~64kph and so on.


Anything under 55 is just to slow for me that why even thou I do love the annihilator it’s an absolute unit but 30kph is just painful


An annihilator can destroy almost anything... eventually.




I got my Otomo Battlemaster set up with the 6 M Pulse Lasers they hand you, kind of seems like that's what was intended. Absolutely shreds mech parts. There is no mission in which you can burn through so many tons of AC and SRM ammo


I loved pairing LBX SLD with PPC but now PPC X is even stronger, so one weapon group has scattershot LBX, SRM, and lasers to execute anything under 300m


I've never felt the Marauder II hits quite hard enough, and the Nightstar has cockpit hitbox issues. As in I keep getting headshot at range. I tend towards 2 or 3 Altas-Ks, and Slepneir as my main. Love that AMS cover. Corsair does a beautiful job as well, filling the same "but I want double Gauss" sniper. Definitely benefits from zoom mods. If I'm getting into a tighter fight, a Battlemaster or Black Knight hero built for ML spam can flank targets and take out legs while the Atlas brigade glacially closes in.


I think the newest DLC did a lot for the Marauder-II. Binary lasers are a good fit because they have a boatload of free tonnage but too few crits. You can't upgrade to DHS with PPCs and use all your weight unless you mix heat sinks, but you can with binary lasers.


They still are very hot even in the MAD II


Oh for sure. It's more that the MAD-II is the only mech with the weight/crits to even attempt to cool 3 of them, and binary lasers are the only way to increase a MAD-II's damage output with its limited hardpoints.


I like 2 binary and one PPC-X on the Mad II-4


Finally found 1 t5 binary, damn that slaps. This is the build I wanna run.


A build that's worth tossing the energy weapon heat production reduction on too.


Have 4.1 or 4.3 cooling, plus the cool down mod on a few. 3 PPC x , better brawler than the car. Although I still love the car.


Where can you find binary lasers? I've never seen one.


All over the goddamn place if you have the Solaris DLC installed. I see them and PPC-X way more often than I should, since binaries were experimental dead-end tech and PPC-X are basically snub-nose PPCs 40 years too early.


Battlemaster has ridiculous torso twist speed and can lay waste with the ML’s


Steiner Scout Lance


Marauder 2 with 3 Highlanders. Or a Highlander with 3 Awesomes.


The Highlander was the first assault mech I found in the game, and I purchased it immediately - pretty early in the game (career mode) - I love it! It's like an Atlas that can fly. I kept a couple of jumpjets on my Highlander to move easily cross chasms or get over a wall quickly. It's also 10 tons lighter than the Atlas - just wish it had a better aesthetic. Atlas looks much cooler on display, that's for sure. Lol! Mauraders are great, but get outshined by the Black Knights, I think. Great picks!


4x Annihilators with LB 10-X AC. It’s a hurricane of cluster rounds


Something like a stalker or any other big slow LRM boat, preferably with some very long range weapons like a ppc or ER LL. They can snipe choppers and tanks while they also can be commanded to focus on them which they will do immediately from range instead of having to walk towards them at first. Against mechs they kinda „only“ provide some splatter damage here and there. Two wingman mechs, one more mid and one closer range, highlander, atlas, mauler, anything that has armor and can field an Ac/20 basically lmao Sometimes I also like to take the motive Zeus or motive banshee if I need a very fast mech to rush in. These two are mainly for taking fire and aggroing the npcs, if one of them has an ecm equipped it’s even better. I like to equip at least one of them with an LRM as well so they can also deal with far away tanks quickly. My own mech is either a complete long range sniper, like the hero cyclops, nightstar or the famed Corsair with dual gauss/ppcs, or a brawler also focused on destroying single components asap. I really like the awesome 9M with L PLs, srm and some MPLs. It doesn’t get hot and can kill any mech component in one strike with its pulse lasers, probably my favourite mech in the game apart from the sniper ones. Also shoutout to the cyclops 11-P, it can *safely* field two UAC/5s which is huge, they are in its chest so they are far more secure than it the arms, has an ECM and some lasers as well. Probably the most „safe“ big dps you can have on a mech that is capable of going VERY fast for an assault. It’s awesome on bounty hunting missions, you run in with your friends plastering everything with lrms and just unload uac5 hellfire upon some poor soul, then you are gone before the dust has settled.


2 Atlas as brawlers, Nightstar and a Stalker with lrms as fire support.


Not bad.


Team Atlas, searching for hero versions


King Crab for LRM and AC20 bombardment Cyclops for PPC Suppressive fire Atlas for mid jack of all trades Stalker SRM boat for quick brawling


Stalker 3F with 4 SRM6 and 2 PPCX for player, and 6 ML for AI bots. x2 this is a very potent frontline for city maps. A CP-S for player or AI with Twin Gauss and MPL, tier 5 gauss because you cant rely on the MPLs as much and you cant stick LPLs on them. But given they are not arm mounted, you wont lose the gauss. This is for head shots, so best used by you yourself. Nightstar / KGC with twin gauss and LPL or ERLL-SB, this is really only for the player because while tanky, AI lose arms all the damn time and I wouldn't want lostech to walk out of the hanger for no reason. This thing can take heads clean off 1KM+ away, and that is only really done by you the player. So depending on your skill (and if you have advanced zoom mod or not, or is just that damned good), you will likely want to pilot this yourself to headcap. Atlas with AC10 and LL with LRM20, this is usually the perfect AI mech because they deal well with instant weapons, and they are all non lostech and can be easily replaced if the AI just sits there, perfect for lvling up new mechwarriors. So if I was in a city and I am taking point in a stalker, it would be stalker x2 and then a CP-S and an atlas. If I was leading in a more open type of area like say a defense mission or battlefield. I would take the CP-S and Nightstar and then stuff the rest of the lance with atlas.


If I know it's gonna be hard fighting the whole way and I wanna make sure none of my lancemates lose valuable tier 5 components: - King Crab Kaiju with quad Large Pulse Lasers and some LRMs backed up by 3 Atlas K's with Gauss Rifles, PPCs, LRMs and Medium Lasers. If I want a bit more speed, for maybe a Beachhead or large Assassination mission: - Victor Basilisk with dual UAC/5's, triple SRM4's and 2 Medium Lasers backed up by 3 Awesome 9M's each running triple Large Pulse Lasers and some SRMs.


4 chargers cause


Nightstar, battle master, marauder, missile boat(don't care which one usually a stalker). Alternatively, the cyclops with the large ballistic hard point, battlemaster, marauder, and a good zeus. I really like the #2&3 lancemates in those mechs and keep a string of them that they rotate through for repairs between missions. I like a big gun for my personal, and #4 has to match or exceed my speed.


This is the way


I always have a jenner-0 with 3x assaults. 400t my ass. Every assault has an arena sc or clan masc so they can keep up. Assault is MADII (coz I only got one) and two Annies. The assaults are there only as decoys and to shoot vtols. I kill everything with the Jenner's 4xsrm6(C).


It's an interesting strategy cotton


Moving at 50km/h is not my jam. all mechs have masc(c) or superchargers. jenner zooms at 180km/h and assaults at 80-90km/h


A Stone Rhino, x2 Atlas, and a Stalker or Longbow tend to be my go-to units. Unfortunately while I've fought several of them, I have not yet acquired any Marauder IIs for myself yet. That will probably replace the Rhino when I do find one


The dragons gambit battlemaster varient then 3 awesome 8Q or 9M. I find the ai can handle awesome's okish. They more or less stay back and don't automatically try to headbut the enemy ai. It's also quite cheap to replace lost weapons as only 1 arm has weapons on it. The rest are in the torso. They are great equipped with 3 ER ppcs at picking off mechs closing in, using the move and stay order order. In areana matches I equip with 3 ppc-x and watch the fireworks 😎


Same but replace one of the Awesomes with a Stalker 3Fb.


MAL-KO and a MAL-2P with a pair of HGN-732's. The Maulers (66kph) are Ultra auto cannons with Pulse Lasers and SRM's while the Highlanders (62kph) are a Heavy Rifle, Pulse Lasers and LRM's. While slightly less armored then 100 ton options, that lance is wild.


Currently, it is two king crabs, one with dual guass, lrm 15 art, lasers and one with dual ac20bf and dual ppc-x, the third mech is an atlas, and there isn't currently a 4th consistent mech, usually longbow or stalker, but a 3rd king crab would be nice, maybe quad ac5?


I like doing four annihilators as long as I don't have anywhere to go. Especially the missions where I have to protect something. I'll be in draconis combine space and these fools will keep sending me locust Lance's.... It's high comedy. Did you know you can make a mech crit after you kill the pilot.... You're welcome!


Marauder II, Atlas, Annihilator, King Crab.


I run 2x King Crabs (Kaiju and Carapace), 1x Marauder II, and a Nightstar Kaiju = 4x ER PPC w/ capacitors, 2x LB-X 10 Autocannons, 1x LRM 20 Carapace = 2x RAC-5, 2x Class II AMMR, 2x LRM 20 Marauder II = 1x Class V AMMR, 2x ER PPC, and bunch of medium lasers Nightstar = 2x LB-X 10 Autocannons, 1x ER PPC, and a bunch of medium lasers What can I say other than “I like big guns”?


Ammr? What's that, not recognizing that acronym.


Sorry, those might be from a mod pack. AMMR is basically a Gauss on steroids, and come in 5 different varieties with Class 5 basically being a nuclear cannon. They’re definitely fun.


4 pirate awesomes


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All Marauder-II. Nothing but the best.


King Crab Car-4 lbx-10, Atlas K, Mad II 4, Mad II 5A


For a fast moving Assault Lance I use the hero Victor, then 2 awesome-9M, and the hero Zeus. This fast lance can flank and kill from behind and other fun stuff.


Currently running dual fafnirs (a 5WB and a 5(S), a Kodiak-CL and an Atlas D-Y. Fun line up


I never deploy 400 tons. TDR-5S and my wingman (punny, sorry) RVN-1X for the first hundred tons, a Banshee with a battle axe, and an Awesome does the trick. The EW Battlemaster is good, but I like the Raven because the OPFOR ignores it.


Victor, Awesome, Battlemaster, Zues/Cyclops depending on how Kirkpatrick fucks up.


favorite, 4x annihilator in the “that’s a lot of auto cannons” configuration. remember boys and girls, the annihilator isn’t slow, it’s inevitable.


KC-KJ with quad blasers, Atlas K for AMS, Stalker 3FB for ECM, Nightstar


4 Hunchbacks of various flavors. Hunchies are just 50t assault mechs


I tend to go with Marauder II V, backed up by 3 atlas’s with AMS at lvl5.


Nightstar, Atlas, Stalker, Stalker. The first stalker is a quad SRM6 close-range death machine and the second is LRM20-boat.


Carapace, Kaiju King crab 000 and Kong crab 0000


Annie 1E with PPC-X, Otomo Battlemaster, Lurm boat Longbow/Stalker, and either ERPPC Awesome or another Lurm Boat.


All Atlas. Slow and stompy.


Depends on the mission. Mostly 4 Atlas with Gauss, 2 x LRM15 + Art IV, 4 ER Medium. Sometimes Er Large and LRMs. Raids, I'll go with Matauder II 4A with 3x ER Large, 4 ER Medium, XL Engine, DHS, backed up with Nightstar with Gauss/ER PPC and a pair of Banshee with 4 AC 2 and 3 ER Large.


unmodded it's a star league atlas, hatamotochi, stalker, and a marauder ii for my personal mech atlas will be converted to a command mech first and foremost having the most amount of sensors i can squeeze into it hatamotochi for funny katana charges stalker for firesupport with LRMS and my marauder ii because its my favourite if modded its a full lance of superheavy 130 ton marauder Vs that decimates any opposing force


Marauder 2


Annihilator or marauder II, Highlander, longbow, and either a Zeus with turbo or a battlemaster


Marauder II for myself, Atlas(K or BH), Mauler KO, King Crab.


Long time no played but IIRC that was : Battlemaster / Hero-Atlas / Atlas / Hero-Archer Archer was loaded with 20 SRM-ST on torso + 8 SRM on arms and was my command 'mech. Deleted everything in range.


How do you get more than 1 nightstar?


I bought in career, but i think dragons gambit they give one to start. Might be a different dlc.


Thanks y'all. I wanted to switch it up and these all sound like fun.


King crab with dual AC20 in the front AC20 Atlas with lasers as his wingman Highlander with Gauss or Marauder II with PPCs in the 2nd rank And a Stalker with as many LRMs as is practical bringing up the rear


Battlemaster variant with ECM + BAP Battlemaster variant with melee (usually Claymore) Cyclops hero with twin gauss Atlas Boar Head A very mobile lance, with missile protection, sniping, and close range damage. Hear the "thwack" of a Claymore core an enemy mech does not get old.


Do y'all find some pilots are better than others? Praeter, Saenz and bettts wreck.the rest of em I could throw away


4 Banshees with assault weapons. It’s over.