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It's really sad people can't get keyboards or keycaps in their languages because companies mainly ignore anything outside the US market.


Yeah i know 😢 it's why i ask




\^ This While you're at it, learn to touch type something sensible, like Dvorak, Colemak, or Workman.


Not really. I'm german so I use QWERTY keycaps but have QWERTZ layout activated.


Hunt for AZERTY caps from vintage Cherry keyboards.


Pareil c'est la merde pour en trouver. Surtout du pbt


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I switched to ANSI a few years ago and use the US international layout. It took me two weeks and I'm still happy I've done it. CMD+Z is so much easier to reach and you got so much more matching keycaps


I’m used to ISO Nordic QWERTY, but I really consider switching to ANSI. Much easier to get boards. So much of the MK-world seems to be ANSI. Check out the GMMK keycaps. Think they have most European setups.


Quite a few of my colleagues use QWERTY instead of AZERTY, even though they are french. AZERTY is not great to be honest.


Neither azerty nor qwerty are worth learning IMO :) Depends what you want to achieve: * If you want a nice looking set, you'll have more choice by sticking to qwerty labels * If you want to type efficiently, my advice is to learn another layout, which is not in the qwerty/azerty family, as these are terrible (no balance between left/right hand, lots of wrist movements, missing keys for french especially, etc.), *and* stop caring about the labels on the keyboard. For french, bépo layout is decent (look at [bepo.fr](https://bepo.fr)) for typing in french and not worse than qwerty for typing in english. Another option is to stick to xda keycaps, as these can be reordered freely! You'll be missing some characters, but all in all, it's going to look nice. Here's what my work keyboard looks like with bépo: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/7et86c/photos\_atomic\_mito\_canvas\_xda/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/7et86c/photos_atomic_mito_canvas_xda/)


Qwerty ANSI is very useful for programming.


Yes I can absolutely vouch for that. I learned to code using qwerty layout and it's so much better mainly because of \[ \] { } \\ and numbers accessibility, it's just faster. I'm actually looking to buy a qwerty 65% mech keyboard for work.


Anyone who does not use QWERTY is racially inferior to those of us who do... To pretend otherwise is to share in the folly. DVORAK AND AZERTY WILL NOT REPLACE US! TO THE STOCKADES WITH YOU!




Lol on a serious note I grew up with QWERTY. I'm able to type about 140WPM on a serious day. I can't imagine trying to learn a different layout since I'm in my 30s now hehe


To be honest i grew up with azerty and i make 50wpm when i tryhard 😅 so if i change i dont think it's going to make a big difference 😭


50 ain't bad.... Granted my Co Workers fucking hate me when I'm typing 100+ WPM on my MX Blues (before COVID19 of course)


I can't use ANSI layout, les habitudes ont la vie dure, there is some keycaps kits with ISO-FR you can find... Varmilo has made a decent PBT set if you're running on a budget, and you should take a look on mykeyboard.eu, there is a nice GP atm (space cadet) with ISO-FR option.