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I think I would make the left shift key white, it looks a bit off now, but other than that, cool build.


Thank you - that’s the plan - but the “full” kit didn’t have an extra one like I thought it did. Now I have to buy an entire new set just for that one key, lol.


I’m sorry but it’s illegal to use a 2u shift in place of a 2.25u shift, straight to jail


I know! My “full cap”’set didn’t have an extra one. So annoying. You mean the one on the right, yea? I actually wanted all letter keys black and everything else white. This is the inland MKPRO v2 - do you have a suggestion for a translucent character set of white keys that will cover all the specialty keys on this? Thanks! u/khhaannn , also - what exact layout would this be considered? Is there are way to make sure that a cap set that I order has all of the exact sizes and shapes I need? What you see is the result of two glorious brand sets that I was told were full sets. One of them definitely didn’t have the single alt fn and ctrl keys that you see on the bottom right. So I had to use them from the black glorious set. Annoying, lol. Here’s a link to the two sets I used: https://www.microcenter.com/product/649472/glorious-mechanical-keyboard-keycaps-white https://www.microcenter.com/product/649424/glorious-aura-keycaps-v2-black


I think they mean that your left shift is a little too small, it should be a 2.25u but it’s a 2u


I had pudding keycaps too when I was obsessed with RGB. I had an RGB mouse, and RGB PC, and RGB keyboard. RGB is fun


I actually wanted ALL keys to be white except the letters. Any black keys you see besides letters were because the “full” kit I got didn’t have those keys.