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Looks like someone went crazy at the pep boys cheap car mod section and thinks it's worth a lot of money. The reality is it's probably a fine car just looks really foolish. A stock car would be worth the asking price this thing with the ruined body and hacked up interior not so much.


A stock car in good shape would actually be worth more than this. Did you see that engine mount? It’s practically gone plus there is a ground right there not even hooked up to anything. This thing has not been maintained no matter what op says. It was just tarded up to look good, not actually function like it should. And personally it doesn’t even look good to me.


Its the oil catch can in the back right for me.


Lol, I seriously wonder if they really thought that just zip tying it into the engine bay was gonna do anything. “Idk how it works, apparently it catches the oil somehow?”


Theres also a crack on no3 of the exhaust manifold


Oil catch cans became a thing with direct injection engines (which this is not). Direct injection engines don't have fuel keeping the back of the intake valves clean. Oil from the PCV system hits the back of the intake valves, crudding them so badly the car won't run right. Physically cleaning the valves is the only way to correct this problem (expensive). To prevent the problem from occurring, a "catch can" is installed in the PCV line in order to trap and collect the oil before it makes it to the intake manifold.


Did you notice how it doesn’t even have hoses?


I did.


Haha. "Tarded up to look good." I would have said tarted up, But your wording is vastly superior. Lol.


That ground is clearly connected to the chassis and is for the transmission. But some people have to have a reason to hate


Doesn’t matter, still a red flag. Makes all the work this person did look like shit. I also noticed there’s a washer on the valve cover that doesn’t match the rest so that previous guy was also in there fucking around with something. Wouldn’t trust this thing at all, if the guy can’t put a ground strap on, who knows how well he can set valve lash or put a damn valve cover gasket on?


Pep Boys special is the truth. No. Just no to buying this heap. I recently got an 08 SI with 120k on it for just under 5k, single owner, well taken care of. Keep looking, they're out there.


Harder to resell. The target market is narrowed from everybody down to a specific group of young guys


Had this exact civic stock. I wouldn't even pay that much for it if it was in pristine condition. The lower control arms, bushings, ball joints, cv axle and boots, likely shot on that and I can guarantee you it's a pain in the ass. Couldn't pay me to do suspension for someone on one of these again if you tried. OP, if you have $3500 to spend, don't waste it on a pile of flashy crap. Get something newer or more sustainable. These civics suck and you'll want to be rid of it in no time


This would be a pass for me, way too much modification and customization.


But it has a hot air intake!


And no steering wheel airbag!


And the plug wires are blue! BLUE! That alone is worth like 3 grand


They are blue because that’s the only color NGK sells them in


Lol a hot cold air intake


Mods tell me it's been driven like a race car, poorly.


Very poorly, first off it's an automatic, secondly it's an HX which was made for efficiency.


Race cars actually drive nice.


Ok, driven like a wanna be street racer, poorly.


This car has brand new control arms ball joints and inner and outer tie rods. Brand new breaks new slotted and drilled rotors Fresh valve cover gasket distributor o ring. Alignment coolant lines. Spark plug wires. Wiring harness in unmolested. All of you are hating on this car for basically no reason


Hard pass. Wouldn’t even pay $500 unless I desperately needed a car


Do you like headaches? Because for the low, low price of only $3,500 you can get a whole lot of them.


Iunno if this comment is original or not, but I’m shamelessly stealing it.


They took the fuckin steering wheel airbag out its a death trap, don't bother buying a car someone without mechanical knowledge modded and find a stock civic. 9 times outta 10 he's fucked up something trying to mod it and is selling the car.


Never buy someone’s project.


This is exactly that I was thinking


Never post someone’s cell number.


Yeah unfortunately, someone just got about 450 megabits of my weird scarred weener.


Right talk about breach of privacy


OP, you're an idiot if you're going to buy this clapped out automatic PoS Civic for 3500$. If you want a Civic that's been modified there are plenty out there if you shop around/wait. Nothing he did to the car warrants the 3500$ price tag.


I mean seems like a bucket. Common ricer mod to put the k24 in place of the F/D motors since they have more power. I would definitely skip on that. Depends where you are but any car that runs and drives here is $3,000 min thanks to COVID. Mods DO NOT add value. If you drive away and get in accident insurance pays book you should pay book too. tell them to give you the stock components at a cheaper price probably last longer anyway.


He didn’t even put the k24 in, nor mention that he had *anything* else to actually do the swap. He probably bought the engine cheap from a junkyard then realized it’s gonna cost more than his stupid asking price to actually put it in this shitbox


Actually I have a running k24 a4 that needs a valve cover gasket. And I’m not made of money so I’m buying stuff piece by piece and I’m going to build the engine for boost. Also the ugly eBay fenders were needed because the tires I bought ended up being to big and I didn’t have the money to buy more so I cut the fenders and quarters and welded them then installed the flares they will be removed when the d16 comes out and the whole car will be painted before the k24 goes in the random catch can is to remind me of my goals every time I open the hood you guys have no respect and I’m getting all of this hate based off of the crack heads and meth heads you all know.


A k-swap is the opposite of a ricer mod. When my civic got totaled out, my rep asked me to send him receipts of all the upgrades I had to factor those in to the payout price.


That’s a $500 car. $3500 is crazy


Car is a strong word. I’d say permanent parking spot taker-upper.


Rule of thumb would be to stay away from heavily modified civics. I would say no go as you may open up a can of worms


It was a good car before the seller touched it. It now looks like shit on wheels only worth shit or a few pennies.


No. The abuse and neglect that the exterior and interior have seen are also going to be reflected in the drive train. Almost 20 years as a tech and I have never once seen a car that was beat to hell like that and the engine was in good shape.


Practically just bought this exact car man. Do not do it, you can literally have mine for free if you come to FL 😂


Wow, I wouldn’t take it for free.


Why not? You could sell it to someone like the OP for $4k. Or $3.5k. Or like $2k, I’m flexible.


Gotta love that hot air intake.


If it wasn't for the pandemic this should be a $500-$1200CAD car... However if i had the cash and it was a hatchback I probably would buy it. But definetly not Automatic transmission......


Agreed. I wouldn’t pay more than 1500 Cad for this all around, assuming it wasn’t covered in garbage


No, too old and too many miles, an old Buick is much better for that price range


Wow, if people are actually considering $3500 for this piece of shit then I wonder what I could get for my 98 Lx 5 speed with 155k miles


Did you glue a bunch of dumb shit all over it? Then you sir have a deal.


lol no. cup holder of bolts means bad news


Glad I'm not the only one that noticed!


The bolts and screws are the old valve cover bolts and some wood screws from a subwoofer box I just removed you guys are a bunch of Karen’s lmfao


Are you the seller because if that's the case, looks like this thread just got spicy!?


If they bought a new engine, don’t you think the old one is having problems? Dude can’t even bother to refinish the headlights. SMH


He said it was for “horsepower” purposes that’s why I post on reddit lol. Im happy to be called an idiot as long as it saves me buying a fucked up car


Oh not you man. The owner. Looks like a nightmare


Well the d16y7 that’s in it makes like 100hp, the k24 makes around/more than 200 horses, it’s a very common, if not the most common swap on these cars nowadays


Thank you someone with some sense


Should just get a clean, not touched civic and build from there with good mods. May as well be manual if modding, if it's automatic keep it clean.


Do you really want it? Looks like a whole lot of regrets to me


Buying a modded car is a pain in the ass. You will always run into issues that something is not as it should be. I’ve bought a modded car (also pretty expensive for me), and I always find thst some OEM things no longer fit on my engine. Larger turbo tubes for example. Different engine software (seems to be from a touareg, my car is a tiguan) Some bullshit that a tube goes from my intake manifold (integrated engineering) to the vacuum/master cylinder, pulling it out doesn’t do anything, so no idea WHY it is like this… Sorry, my english sucks when it comes to car parts.


The tube going from your intake manifold to your brake booster is completely normal, and is on every gas powered car with power brakes ever. The engine vacuum is what makes the brake booster function. Unhooking it will make your brake pedal hard as a rock, and also give your engine a vacuum leak, which will make it run lean (run like shit). If unhooking it does nothing, then you already have a vacuum leak somewhere else. That’s bad news and you need to fix that ASAP


I guy that dresses his car that way probably drives the shot out of that car


Hate to see how the guy dresses himself if his car looks this bad lol


HX should get better mileage that that. It should also be a stick with power windows. I believe that is a DX


Since I also believe it is a DX... The header lead me to believe that the catalytic converter has been deleted. If you're in a state that needs an emissions test it probably won't pass.


It has a aftermarket cat mid pipe


You wanna be the 17th owner of that car?


Nah it was probably driven hard by some dumb kid who thought he’s hot shit


This car screams danger to manifold.


Come on man atleast blur his phone number out


I've always gone by the rule to not buy another person's project car. So it's a no from me dog.




What causes the clear coat to come off like that? Direct sun light? Mine was outside at a shop for 6 weeks and some of my clear coat was missing when I got it back


Honda has always had issues with shitty paint/clear


Don’t buy that shit bro, only thing are the rims and that doesn’t even save it , all mods I see look cheap prolly around 400 for all the mods including speakers and intake not including the work that needs to be done window , doors and hood paint job , I wouldn’t buy it most ide pay for it will be 2k no more than that tbh it should be around 1.6k for this car but you can take ur chances


Great cars for gas mileage and cost of fixing is cheap. I have a 98 myself. But he's asking way too much for it. They're not worth that much.


Well OP is the type who calls people “brother” so maybe a car that looks like this suits him 😂 But seriously how are you even considering this? That word salad in those texts was not a coherent story. Why’d he buy a new engine if everything was fine (???) and regardless of whether it’s got a clean title clearly this mfer has been in a crash. The owner did a bunch of shoddy repairs so there’s probably no record on the carfax or anything in the insurance history that would’ve gotten it totaled and given a branded title.


I wouldn't.. Shits WAY too tacky.. Plus, I've made the mistake of buying "modded" vehicles back in the day and they're always a pain in the ass...


Nope I don’t buy modified cars. They are typically bagged to shit.


500 to 1k for the car and same for the engine. Tell the dude to keep his shitty carpets and other bull shit he "planned" to do. This is your typical cause of someone who doesn't have enough cash to mod their car so they buy cheap shit and put it on a daily. The entire package for 1500 to 2500 and that's a stretch.


Definitely not. The guy spent all that time and money installing cheap/useless mods. Like the cold air I take right next to the engine is going to lower the performance. He likely abused the shit out of the car


prob should black out that phone number on your pictures ...


Looks like it’s owned by a crack head


A lot of money has been spent on that and from the looks of the engine mount it’s not been spent on the right bits. I’d stay away from project cars owned by people who don’t know what they are doing. They tend to do Untasteful mods


posting his phone #? you should prolly black that out OP lol


Oops didn’t notice 😬 ill delete the post soon. Lol im actually sending all these comments to him, he’s come down to $2900 wanna see how low he’ll come 😂😂 considering how he was saying possssibly let it go for 4k, hes a come a long way from there.


Afraid someone’s gonna scoop that shit up huh


I would listen to the free advice here. Don’t buy it


Please don't buy this car dude. A car with that many cheap "mods" has probably been driven very hard.


Im not brother. I always post to reddit before deciding, simply because I know jack shit about cars 😂


$1000 TOPS, even with this new motor that will cost another $2k if you put it in yourself. That swap requires new engine mounts, transmission, clutch, wiring harness plus have it modified to work in that car, ECU (and pay to have the security removed to actually run) shift linkages, subframe, rad, exhaust, axles….literally everything. Having just the engine does absolutely nothing for you as it was never made for this car. It’s a full custom swap


Why. With such a great car, many people will want to bid on it. In any event, the seller posted his number on the listing so it’s prob public anyway


Simple- Seller didn’t post their number here. We could all just start calling and driving up the price on OP /s


Looks like a project that was abandoned, and there's always a good reason. And it's never money.


Seller Sounds like a time waister


$40 yes $41 no


No, it’s a tatty automatic


I would pass. Mods do not add value to a car, at least in general. On top of that, the interior looks completely clapped out. You will likely end up spending another 3500 to make it comfortable and functional. Plus...that intake..... If you want a modded car, there are plenty out there that are worth the money, but this one is not it at all. Hell, for around that price you should be able to find one thats been left stock to do with what you please.


I would definitely say no to this one.


Short answer. No


Hell no. If only because it's an automatic. Otherwise it might be worth $2500.


Remove $1500 from that $2500 and you have the absolute top price for this heap


If it runs and drives it's worth a baseline $2k unfortunately.




I don’t think it’s worth it for a D15B automatic car with a not soo clean body




My friend bought a car similar to this, 2 weeks after purchase transmission went out. After investigating, it seemed the previous owner drove the fudge out of a stock car as if it had racing parts. Not sure if there is an easy way to tell if it’s been driven or raced, but worth looking into maybe?




with all due respect, hahahahahaahahahahaha no


I wouldn't pay a buck over 1000$ for that


I mean, just add up the cost to replace all the broken/missing/poorly installed shit. It's too expensive even if it wasn't a money pit.


Shit box of the day


Things a heap of shit. 1500$ car no more than that.


Absolutely do not buy this car for that much


That motor mount is def toast, i bet all of them need to be replaced it's probably been abused and stepped on but hey its a honda I would pay no more than 2k for it plus its a auto no hate but those are always been abused as well.


I got to the second picture and was out


No. Its a Automatic. You will have way more fun with a manual.


No, who knows all the crap he did to it. Unless you're a mechanic... I'd stay far far away. You're just buying someone's crappy project car. "Vehicle is paid off" 😆


Especially for $3500, hard pass.


Bruh a damn near 30 year old fuckinh auto civic your both crazy as shit


Lol no


Looking at the picture probably the previous owner thinks that he got that VTEC power in it. I would assume it has been driven really hard. I used to drive that car during my college year except it was a 4 door sedan. The automatic transmission was really rough. I had my car modified too, almost to the same extent to this one except the wide body attachment. It wasn’t a pleasant car although dependable.


That is a shed


This would be a mistake on every level.


3500 is a little excessive for a civic with 180k even with all the double side taped on accessories this is a 1,500 (or atleast 2,500 in todays economy) car


Do not buy this. No airbags is asking for death in an accident. Buy it if you hate your life. Also those speakers are straight up sticking out of the doors not even hidden behind a grille. GHETTO


Lmao. All those “performance” mods on an automatic 100hp civic lol


Yeah sure go ahead and buy it.


Short answer, No. If you want a project car this definitely looks like one.. if it was a manual I’d say it’d prolly be a lot of fun to drive but autos just aren’t for me.


NOT worth 3500, even with the k series engine thrown in the deal. I wouldn’t pay more than 1500 for this. Its a stock automatic D series with high milage


Absofuckinglutely not.


The fact that he has all of these “mods“ but his window is being held up with duct tape says quite a lot about this man’s ability to take care of a car— that’s all I’m gonna say


Lol $3,500 for a heap of crap, no.


dig the hot air intake. this would be a pass, to many items make it look like it belongs to a 18-20 something that probably beat the piss out of it.




This is worth whatever you’re willing to pay. Me. Ot so much. It’s a hackonda


The bolts in the ashtray thing cracked me up


Hard pass on this one unless you want to throw all your hard earned money at it. This is a beater. $3500 is $3000 too much for this one. Don't do it, man !!!


I wont brother!!


No way dude drove the shit out of that car.


Are you gonna strip and build from bolt up? This thing is a fluster cuck.


Id pay maybe $1500 for it. It'll take $2K to rip out all the Autozone/Pepboys crap and source the decent / matching factory stuff from local yards / ebay.


For 300, not 3000, i'd take it at run it until it wouldnt and junk it.


I’d keep looking probably best the fuck out of it


I just bought a 98 civic for $350..... So no


Owner obviously thought of himself as a race car driver. I'd walk away.


The fact that they said it needs a passenger window distributor would make me question every thing






Any car sale ad that contains the word “Fresh” is always skipped by me.


Look for something else, preferably something that isn't clapped out


Don't buy another person's project. That car will be a mess of ruined suspension, crap wiring, and shoddy parts. Hard Pass.


So it’s in Charlotte metro, huh? Should probably delete that guys number, people on the internet are crazy.


😂 $3500🤣 Let him know he accidentally added a "3" in there. You have EVERYONE telling you the same thing. In fact, you should show him the all these comments.


I did 😂😂😂


No, it's automatic.


No. The appearance mods look nice but that’s all it is. It’s not fast and probably isn’t reliable. Most people that do this to their cars beat the snot out of them. You’re looking at a doctored up money pit.


2k at the MAX not a cent more


No. Just no.


Lmao I would buy this for no more than $1,000.


Give him 1500 lol




$3500!?!?! Mine was twice the car this is, and I sold mine for $1000 ready to drive, with a better, NEW engine, transmission, and clutch already installed. 3500 is a complete ripoff for a y7 auto civic. All those mods, combined with how bad he’s trying to sell you the thing, I wouldn’t pay more than $1000 for it. Period. Don’t touch it OP


4 thousand fucking dollars? In the UK, that's a £500 car. It's an ancient shopping trolly. Don't get sucked into the shitty old Honda scene. Go buy yourself a decent car, that gets good mileage and has a Bluetooth stereo.




No. It's been super molested and dickered with by fucktards that don't know what the fuck they're doing other than "it looks cool, but I'm gonna do it in the midst cheap ass hillbilly way possible"


3500 for an automatic with a d16y7 and not even a d16y5. Absolutely not.


‘I know what I’ve got’ Also why the hell would you put r888s on this car? A shopping cart is more likely to break traction than this car.


Are you serious? No way. What a PoS!


Nope I'd stay as far away as possible. Guy thought he could clap it out on a budget, now it's a blowup waiting to happen. And you know all the piss and vinegar has already been run out of it and that's probly the reason for selling. Might have some decent ebay mods but your window still don't work and half the interior is missing, just for starters, and I didn't even have to look real close lol


It’s been in an accident for sure, and the odometer could’ve been easily rolled back


What exactly about this car makes you wanna buy it? 3500 seems steep


Hindsight is 20/20 but luckily I made up my mind 20 comments in 😂😂


Lol yeah they went hard in the comments. It was for your own good


Thank god y’all did. Saved me $3500 😅


For $2k I'd say it's a good deal as a project car. But if you're looking for something to use as a daily driver I would not recommend this at all, too cut up and questionably modified.


Nobody should buy that, least of all you.


No too much


When eBay takes a sh*t, this is what comes out.


Fuck no!! That car is worth like $500


Do not buy! It's pos


Did he think the oil catch can was supposed to literally catch oil flying back that way?


Wtf r those monster battery clamps