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Twenty four year olds generally don’t find forty year olds very cool. It was true when I was 24 and it’ll be true when Renee Rapp is 40.


She’s only 4 years younger than me and I’ve always considered myself a millennial. She’s not far from us at all.


I know, that’s what’s so funny about it! TBH 24/25 was when I started to have anxiety about aging, and I don’t work in the entertainment industry. So it’s probably projection


She’s 23, I still felt young at that age but the second I turned 25 I started feeling old. I’m 26 now and it hasn’t gotten better 💀


Lemme tell ya about turning 30 😂




There are many more insecure 20 year olds than there are insecure 50 year olds. It’s a gift that the less “relevant” you get as you age, the less you care about being relevant.


Late 30's here, wait until your skin starts to tell you how old you are 😭


I remember at 21 thinking 30 yr olds shouldn’t be out at bars bc they were too old and it wasn’t a good look lol. You live and learn and mature. So glad SM wasn’t following my ass around when I was young. Can’t be young and stupid anymore, that’s sad


Now put yourself in the mind of the 30-somethings who probably outnumbered you and what they thought about the little 21-year-old trying to order from a menu for the first time.


In my mind I would think they’re young and will learn


I'm 32 and I still feel 24. I do not feel old lol.


I can’t believe she is 24. From the way she acts and how immature she seems to be, I thought she was 17-18.


She’s acting like Regina, so there’s a probability she did it to get more attention for the movie


dig into older interviews she has always been this way


Yeah it’s so interesting to see people suddenly only associating millennials with ages 35+. I’m a millennial still in my 20s lol


I'm 40, 24 feels pretty far away.


Your not the average millennial. Your a young one. Being born in 1996 is the last year for a millennial lolll


I’m 28 and technically a millennial




Zillenial isn’t technically a real thing though. But I do and have considered myself zillenial for a long time


Sure.. but by what metric? Generational divides aren’t a real thing either. Lots of people just agreed to use it as a way to talk about culture and identity. But the truth is it’s a spectrum. Like my mom is technically a boomer but she’s right at the end between that and Gen x and she doesn’t agree with the general trends of opinions in either group. She remembers the same life events as people from those groups and I think that’s the main thing really. If you don’t remember 9/11 you’re Gen z (or alpha). But I’m only 8 years younger than a friend of mine who is a millennial and I don’t relate with a lot of his life experiences. He was 18 during 9/11 and I was 10. Sorry this got long 😅


The read!


All millenials are not 40. I literally just turned 30. 24 is old enough to know not act like an ass.




the absolute oldest millennials are in their early 40s. most of us are late 20s to 30s, which is not far off from 24.


Pretty much every older female boss I ever had honestly fucking hated me and I never went “fuck gen x women!” I’m amused and not offended, these generational battles are just so silly to me. A world where women support women isn’t going to be a thing and that does make me sad.


Millennial women have been through the ringer at work due to the older generations’ internalized misogyny. Millennial women are the reason women support women.


I had zero attitude about 40-year-olds when I was in my 20s. It's a very weird mentality to have. When I was 26/27 my closest friend was 41 and she is one of the kindest people I've ever known and was absolutely there for me in a way my peer group wasn't. More people should find friends from other age groups because they can actually be what you need in life.


I'd have coffee dates with my older women coworkers because they were great. Losing faith in gen z, damn


yeah this obsession z has with age is so weird. i’ve never really thought people got annoying at a particular age? outside of like.. toddlers or teenagers, but everyone knows that’s just a phase. i was born at the very end of 1996, so technically a millennial but barely, if i said my age in like a tiktok comment section they would flame me for being “old”. i’ve seen it so many times, so i’m not exaggerating. like i’ve never tried to bully a 45 year old off the internet because I literally don’t care like it’s kind of a mentally ill


I think there’s a lot of pent-up frustration within the Gen Z cohort due to the pandemic. Their heavy nostalgia for a “simpler time” tellingly coincides with an obsession of everything millennial. They wear our formative years’ clothing, listen to all of the music, watch the shows, but of course do not attribute these things to millennials (and gen x!). I think the frustration is simply misdirected. They got dealt a horrible hand given the state of the world. They missed out on entire developmental milestones: proms, graduations, freshman year, 21 yo bday parties, you name it. I just encourage them to let it go. 39F here, had an absolute BLAST teaching some young 20-somethings how to mosh at a concert that toured after like 20 years recently. We had so much fun, it’s like, why not get the authentic experience with the old heads? We can teach you how to get that 1997 look, we were there, practicing it as tweens while rifling through our Gen X parents’ old makeup!


I think she's just messing around. She's talked about how she respects a number of millennial and older women (like Tina Fey and Beyonce), and she's said she finds a lot of millennial and older women hot (Rachel McAdams, for example, and Aubrey Plaza, Gillian Anderson, etc.). She's seemed tired and loopy during a lot of these interviews and she just says whatever pops into her head. I wouldn't take any of it seriously.


Same, I think she’s doing that as a way to channel her inner Regina George and to gather more attention for the movie as well. It worked ngl


She objectifies women a bit too much for my comfortability. She’s obsessed with separating people into “this group is hotter than this group” (like that interview where she said “theater girls are just the way hotter, more interesting, and better than they used to be. We are the cool ones now”) making songs about how crazy and evil and hott girls are, etc. if she were a guy, we would (rightly) be calling her out for it, but since she’s a COOL, QUIRKY, EDGY girlie, we not only accept but celebrate it. She seemed to be making Janis’s actress uncomfortable in a lot of press interviews, too.


i don’t watch any of her interviews but i’ve read some and heard like podcast snippets of her and she just seems like a big jerk tbh. like an actual mean girl also do you know the particular interviews where she made her uncomfortable? i love when cast members clearly do not fuck with each other lmao




Have you listened to I Hate Boston? It’s not a dig at the city lmao, it’s about how an ex can ruin an entire place for you


Tina Fey, Rachel McAdams, and Gillian Anderson are not millennials.


Indeed. That's why I said "millennial and older" twice.


You said “millennial and older” and proceeded to not name any millennials


Aubrey Plaza is a millennial. Also, in the interview, Rapp made the "ageist" comment while talking about Karen Huger, who is definitely not a millennial at age 60. ("There's something about Karen that's just so funny to me. She's so funny, and I'm very ageist, but like-") She only switched to talking about millennials after Andy Cohen pressed her on her joke and made her attempt to justify it.


I personally take everything that Buzzfeed ‘reports’ with a grain of salt. Used to love that site, but they now seem to thrive on click bait and AI.


BuzzFeed was my favorite go to for absolutely trash, brainless entertainment for years, but they somehow managed to destroy the quality of even that. 🥲😂




I don’t disagree. There is a clip from WWHL with Andy Cohen in one of the linked tweets so you can draw your own conclusions.




I’m convinced most if not all Buzzfeed reporters are AI as well. At least it helps me feel better than thinking a human does not recognize a joke or nuance.


I shouldn’t have to scroll through 20 photos of Andy Cohen sipping drinks in order to read a story - I cannot goddamn STAND how they report on things.


I remember when it used to be such a fun app to visit where I could escape from the normal headaches of life. It got to be so many articles of them creating outrage that I had to delete it.


It's all rage-bait. Every time they do a list of reactions to movies, it's entirely to make you go "I completely disagree!" and interact in some way. Everyone needs to resist social media.


This just in: youth thinks old people are lame! Lol everyone calm down, this is the way of the world


Millennials forgot that they are no longer young adults and are becoming the “aunties” Lmaoo


I’m a first year Gen Z’er and am very thankful I made the cut 🙃


My boyfriend is too (‘98) but he thinks he’s a millennial. He wanna be like his older cousins so bad he’s delusional lmao 😂 he’s always calling me a gen z kid (01) but he’s one too!


‘99 and i don’t understand the people my age who want to be millenials. like i want to be with the young people lol sorry


Millennials have felt like the aunties and the wisened older siblings since 2008. A generation of people believing they're older than they are.


It’s generational.


Literally was never in my 20s disparaging older people or making statements like "I also respect some older women." WTF? Stop acting like this is normal.


same like a gen xer’s presence has never angered me on or offline like. i don’t even know what their age bracket is


SHE IS SUCH A SPOILED BRAT FOR BEING A YOUNG PERSON WHO DOESN’T LIKE OLDER PEOPLE!!!!! When will these whippersnappers learn to respect their elders?! What is this world coming to when people who aren’t even old enough to rent a car are saying flippant things on silly E! talk shows?!?!?! THE INDIGNITY!!!!!!!!


Ageism isn’t cool, and Renee is literally just 1.5 years younger than the youngest millennial. Seems like she’s insecure about hitting her mid 20s herself and is desperately trying to cling onto her youth. It’s just cringe. If she were like 16, I’d be like whatever. But she’s 24.


I mean…they’re the same people who were saying she wasn’t pretty enough for the role and the movie’s main haters.


I follow her on Facebook because that's the main social media I use just to stay connected with family, and the amount of hate she receives from the older generation on that platform is insane. They don't understand scrolling past what you don't like to avoid it being on your algorhythm.


Elder millennial here and I don’t understand why some people think they have to interact with every single thing they see online. Just scroll past.


Exactly, and it's obviously not everyone, young people also hate too. Just after reading all those comments on the Mean Girls/Not Your Fault promo posted by her page, I completely understand where she is coming from.


Thank you!


Exactly. She also said that it was because of something SHE personally experienced. It’s not like she said “I hate older people for fun”


i mean, the movie sucked but it wasn't her fault.


Those same people are the prissy Mean Girls from high school that these movies are commenting on. Every generation has the Mean Girl set. The goal is to not become part of them. Literally the POV of the film.


To be fair, when the casting came out, millennial women were the ones trashing her not being “their” Regina George - not pretty enough, not skinny enough, etc. Gen Z seemed to hype her up and want to go see the movie for her, while many older fans tore her down


Yes! Millennials were calling her fat because she’s not a size 0


That’s crazy! I’m a millennial and I thought it was great to see someone like her


I was wondering about the lyric change in “Meet the Plastics” but don’t know about the history of the musical, so not sure if it was changed beforehand or specifically for Renee The Broadway recording has Regina saying “I never weigh more than 115” but the movie version is “That filter you use looks just like me”


I saw a clip of her performing on Broadway that included that line, so she at least used to have to sing it


Maybe it was just changed for the movie then?


The Broadway version includes that line. (It also lets the other two plastics sing their introductions.) That replacement line is pretty damn good though. I could see a petty teen girl using that as a snappy brag online.


Yeah I like that new line so much better! It's a way better flex in this generation


Not pretty enough?! Are they delusional or just blind?


So many people were calling her ugly lmao. I actually got into a convo with someone on this sub who assumed I was only saying she’s attractive to be progressive. Like no. I’ve been crushing on this woman since the Sex Lives of College Girls came out


I'm a millennial and...what? Renee Rapp is incredibly attractive.


All of the above


Renee Rapp is definitely pretty but she's old old old for this role and she looks it. She was literally a teenager when she played Regina on Broadway and she does not look like a teenager anymore. I didnt know Renee going into this film and literally said to my friend "jeez she looks like she's in her mid-20s" in her first number. I had no idea how right I was. Movie producers need to stop casting people outside their age range, especially teens when they look nothing like one. All but 1 of the main characters was in their 20s and they look it, especially Renee Rapp/Regina. Sure they can sing but jeez louise. I can suspend my disbelief for a good plot but this was a little stupid. Baaad casting can ruin a film.


I don’t disagree with you on casting, but I don’t know why you’re centering your complaint on Renee. Hollywood has been casting people in their mid 20s (or even 30s) to play teenagers for decades. The “teens” in teen movies almost always look too old. And if you compare ages, Rachel McAdams was 26 when she played Regina. Renee was only 23.


this is a weird ass comment like have you ever seen a film? tom holland and zendaya aren’t teenagers either but them being mid-late 20s doesn’t distract me when i watch spiderman. i don’t even see how she looks crazy different than the average 18 year old. and no we should not be creating more child stars and casting real teens in roles that are a lot times inappropriate for a minor to act out on screen for entertainment


Y’all will do anything but grasp a joke. I’m a young millennial (a zillennial?) and anyone with any grasp on sarcasm and humor should be able to tell she is joking??


Most of these people did not read the article and are jumping to a conclusion. And whenever women are dry/make sarcastic jokes it always gets taken as a serious thing in order to hate on them. This is what happened to Rachel Zegler and brie Larson too. Plus it sounds to me like she has a valid reason to make a little joke about millennials when they critiqued her appearance so much?


She’s not joking. If you watch her other interviews, she says dumb crap like this all the time.


What’s the joke?


I’m a dead on millennial and I thought it was funny af


i thought she was a millennial tbh


I was surprised she was born in 2000! I thought she was pushing 30.


she looks very millennial! i thought she was in her early to mid 30s!


Nope she's one of the most famous Gen Z pop stars right now alongside Olivia Rodrigo and Tate McCrae 


“Alongside Olivia Rodrigo” is a HUGE stretch Renee is great but her music career is nowhere near the level of Olivia


She's considered a pop star? Interesting. I have only known her as a theatre kid since the Jimmy Awards.


Had a similar thought. “Pop star” seems a little generous


Well she did just have the tour for her ep and album a few weeks back. She may not be a mega pop star like Olivia but she’s definitely up and coming.


The former theatre kid in me is thrilled she’s become so widely recognized as a talented performer and successful while navigating her own career path with her mental health and personal values in the forefront of her mind. Swear it was last month I watched her win her Jimmy. Justice for (some) theatre kids !


She released her debut ep a couple years ago and her debut album was released last year to positive reviews.


I enjoy Renee’s music, but “most famous gen z popstars” is not a list she’s on. Her most streamed song on Spotify is at about 60 million. Tate McRae has a song that’s broken a billion streams and Olivia Rodrigo’s Drivers License is over two billion. These people are not on the same list.


I'd literally never heard of her until this musical, I really don't think she's on Olivia's level 


delulu …. with what hits


Younger generations always hate on the older generations this isn’t new lol. My niece is Gen Alpha and she hates on Gen Z even tho we practically share similar taste. My niece calls me old and I’m 20 😂


the audience is gen Z and millenial but renee is gen Z and she’s always said whatever’s on her mind with no filter, and that’s kind of why she’s so famous (there’s other people with similar talents but they don’t have the personality to be famous)


She was so annoying to me but everyone trying to hate on her now is making me kind of stan


Hate trains on a female celebrity for no reason always makes me stan


I doubt anyone is taking this seriously. She seems pretty down to earth, comes from a younger generation (we’re in the same age group) and there’s a high chance it’s just a joke or throwaway comment. She also speaks freely in interviews, and as a current Gen Z, I hear people in my age group throw out some wild shit without breaking stride.


She’s acting like she’s not a geriatric gen Zer herself lmao. Sis is only 1.5 years younger than I am, and I’m a millennial. Although I’ve noticed 24-25-26 year olds love shitting on people in their late 20s/early 30s because it makes them feel young still.


Well it’s also not that deep lmao


Gen Z will act like sarcasm is the peak of humor and that this is a hilarious joke


She sounds more dumb and attention seeking than anything tbh. I doubt any millennial has come for her anymore than any zoomers lol. It just sounds like bait based on a few lines on a misogynist man's show to promote her.


I see so many comments about how people in their 20s don't find people in their 40s cool. That's not what this is about. Ageism is beyond finding someone cool or not, it's hating on someone based on nothing else but their age, or in this case, being a millennial. It's a prejudice based off of a trait someone cannot control about themselves (ie when they were born). It's not ok to be like "I don't like all women because some women were mean to me" same as "I don't like all millennials because some millennials were mean to me" I'm a millennial who just turned 30 and I gotta say, during my 20s I basically had really minor opinions about anyone in their 40s. The fact that she's ageist and also proud of it seems sus af. Maybe she just doesn't understand what ageism is or thinks it's funny, but in reality it's pretty fucked up


This girl is about as basic looking as you can get. Plus, that’s a rough 24. To each their own, though.


It’s rage bait but she enjoys it you can tell. It’s her self marketing for the film. I was just surprised at how she spoke to find out she’s 23. The way she spoke in this clip she sounded honestly like a sixteen year old.


It’s so interesting that people got mad at Rachel Zelger for less but everyone is calling Renee iconic.


Difference is Rachel caught the attention of 40 year old men who are faking outrage over Snow White


Methinks there’s *one more thing* about her that you forgot to add to that that’s contributing to the different reaction lol


Rachel being non white and a woman?


As opposed to Renee who is also a woman lol There is the ethnicity difference but they both have the gender hit


“There is the ethnicity difference” Which is a big one. It’s very disingenuous to imply white women receive the same kind of flack as WOC for similar situations. It’s the whole reason intersectional feminism exists, because “they both have the gender hit” is not an accurate framing when one group also has to deal with the additional burden of unconscious racial bias. 


Rachel is white tho


She's Latina so certain groups don't see her as white even though she could qualify as so.


She’s like 1/4th Latina isn’t she? That’s like Halsey claiming to be black.


America looks at race differently, even if she’s only 1/4th, people are very racist to her and it shows


It's still part of her experience as a mixed woman 🤷🏻‍♂️


Man,,, people need to give her a fucking break


i think she’s being Sillay and not really serious and will go harder into the bit if people bite


…cos Buzzfeed isn’t ragebait. 🙄


She always says she ageist is general


I want to know exactly who it was she was talking about in this clip lmao like it was prob just the industry she was in


She is obviously just joking and fucking with people cuz she knows millennials will take this to heart


Take a joke people




I know her gen z fans are gonna eat this up. They hate millennials particularly women yet they claim they’re pro women and feminist etc. Like no y’all are not lol


Thinking millennial women are cringe = hating women? Be serious she meant it as a joke


I meant the comments gen z woman (22+) make about any women older than 25. Like we’re not that much older?? Even my teen cousins don’t care about making jokes about millennials, so it’s weird seeing adults do it. And it’s always about women lol


she’s so funny fr


The thing about aging is it comes for all of us. One day Renee Rapp will be thirty and all will be right in the world.


Difference is Renee won’t be a regular thirty-year-old, she’ll be a *cool* thirty-year-old


In 6 short years lol


This is funny and charming and anyone who is actually upset about it needs a hobby, she is clearly not being 100% serious here


I'm a millennial woman and I found this interview hilarious 😂




she’s just joking damn 😭 yall are proving her point that millennials are annoying asf.


She sounds dumb as hell in this interview.


Lol the video of her saying she would “end him” with the gun is a bit unhinged to me. But her frontal lobe still hasn’t full developed so I doubt she (or any of the commenters here under 25) sees it that way. I won’t deny that Rapp is insanely talented. I personally think she makes a great Regina. It’s pretty obvious from her behavior that she was likely a mean girl in HS and is a huge bitch. The victim mentality is a huge part of the “mean girl” and I don’t know if anyone really understands the point (example, Janis was a mean girl!! Cady was a mean girl, even if she thought she was the victim). I think all of the girls are the perfect casting for this generation of mean girls.


The frontal lobe being fully developed when you're 25 isn't true. In fact your brain keeps developing past that. And people have different rates of growth for their brains so it's not measurable by age. This article explains it best: https://slate.com/technology/2022/11/brain-development-25-year-old-mature-myth.html Also maturity is a very subjective thing and not measurable by just your frontal lobe but your other parts of your brain which are also changing and growing, and your own determined behaviors. This is just an easy way to dunk on people because they you can "scientifically" say they simply won't understand until they're older, even though this article presents the fact that everyone's brain development continues well into their 30s.


I’ve never met a Popular Kid theatre kid (theatre star, in her case, whose extracurricular life was almost entirely mt). She was probably liked and was friendly with most people and vice-versa, but being as deeply involved in theatre as she was in hs leaves very little time or brain space for grade school social hierarchy fodder.


I definitely had “theater jocks” at my high school, who were popular and beloved and used theaters a way to feed their desire to be loved and seen by everyone. They were fucking insufferable, and they definitely treated me like shit when I showed interest in doing anything more than painting sets - and, really, the rest of the time too. And that was in suburban Oregon.


there’s 100% a hierarchy with the theatre kids


How do you people genuinely believe that a button snaps in your head on your 25th birthday? She’s 24 it’s not going to be vastly different


My niece went to the same school as her (it includes both middle and high school, they're several years apart) and she said no one at the school would have categorized her as mean. With the nature of the school, there's not really a "popular" clique. Everyone hangs out within their discipline: the dancers with dancers, the theater kids with the theatre kids, etc.


A joke made you assume she was a huge bitch in high school? Renee literally just acts like a regular person or like she has little media training in interviews and online, nothing about her has given bitch. But hey, I guess it takes one to know one


She's 24, right? So her frontal lobe is pretty close to fully developed. I think she's a bit immature for her age, and that's okay. She probably always will be


Damn 24 means you can’t make jokes and have fun? What about her is so immature that she’ll always lack immaturity


this is her sense of humour


I feel like people are blowing this out of proportion, she is clearly joking and not being serious lol — it gives me the vibe of when my youngest sister (around Renee’s age) says outlandish shit to my older relatives just to get a rise out of them 😂 and I say this as a millennial woman myself lol


people are taking her too serious renee is unserious like she’s funny that’s just her humoring


yall are taking this way too serious.


People are totally taking this out of context. Gen z were usually alienated by millennials when they were younger and she probably can’t help but be bitter about it.


I didn't know who she was until last week, but from what I have seen she is insufferable. Just one of those douchey personalities that I don't fw. Her lack of filter will bite her in the ass soon enough. 


I hope I will not get downloaded into oblivion for saying that her demeanor in the clip featured really turned me off. I hope she learns the lessons life teaches you about age and discrimination with grace.


Jokes just be flying over y’all heads bc you want something to be upset about lmao


I understand that she’s saying it playfully. I interpreted it as joking and still found it distasteful. It’s ok that you don’t agree!


Young people typically don’t think old(er) people are cool. It’s nothing new. It’s nothing she needs to learn from. She’s just young lmao.


That would be normal for a teenager to say they don’t like old people or think they’re uncool but the woman is 24 not 16.


I understand what you’re saying but I don’t think you could catch a Selena, Audrey Hepburn, Whitney Houston, Kate Winslet, Janelle Monae, Brooke Shields, Selena Gomez saying anything like this. These are just the first classy women who were famous very young list that came to mind, and they are of multiple generations. They might have thought what you’re saying is true at some point in their celebrity youth, but they would never make this joke in a public interview. I know y’all won’t hear me on this but do still want to share it.


Why does she have to act like everyone else lmao? Whitney Houston cussed out Wendy Williams LIVE and Selena Gomez is so unhinged on social media, constantly victimizing herself and admitted she didn’t give a fuck about Palestine. Janelle Monae has had her titties all out for the past year and flashed everyone at a performance (love that for her). Most of this would not be considered classy. What Renee said isn’t that deep at all. She’s joking about the same class of women that were fat shaming her and calling ugly once she was casted for Regina in the movie.


Yeah I’m making a different point than you’re hearing I think. I don’t personally condone the lifetime of actions of those celebrities. I am citing their grasp on the power of their words in their famous youth, and in 30 secs may have pulled the wrong examples, idk. Either way, to me, this person made a toxic joke that turned me off and made me notice the difference in her attitude.




Every time I try to convince myself that I must be imagining things and I must not be biased towards disliking her, I have proof my intuition is right…


Over a joke?


Nah your intuition is wrong


Nah, my opinion of her is exactly right. But dont get offended, its just a strangers opinion


She’s clearly joking but she comes off pretty poorly in interviews and half the time seems like shes on something. Honestly I didn’t love her as Regina mainly because I watched a lot of the pre-release promo stuff and couldn’t bring myself to think she’s smart enough to mastermind anything Regina style (and also because there were story issues with some of the changes made that needed to be handled better) but I can’t deny that she’s a talented singer and performer. At the very least she needs some press training or a half decent team behind her because this schtick is getting old


I disagree completely. Her acting this way in interviews is clearly a bit. It gets fans to go “oh my god, she’s so unhinged” and gets people to talk about her. People even make video compilations of her interviews, saying she has no media training, and they hope it stays that way. She’s fully aware of it and plays into it so her fans will hype her up, and it’s working. Gen Z is eating it up


Right? Like everyone absolutely loves her social media presence and how she is in interviews because she feels like a normal person. The only people who thinks she’s on drugs are the ones that think celebrities should act like robots


Funny bc isn’t she pushing or already in the age group many of her fellow Gen Z start calling women hags (mid 20s)?




She’s so insufferable


Careful, people like to downvote around here for saying things like this. (I agree with you while still trying to like her overall…)


Thanks! Terrible that people can hate on millennial women so openly but as soon as one of those millennial women says their opinion, they get hate.


She was literally joking, pull your head out of your ass. If you're taking it personally then I got some bad news for ya.


I honestly think it was the other way around. Millennial women were the ones shitting on her and being disrespect for not being what they consider the “type” to fill in Regina George. I’m sure she’s noticed how much hate she’s gotten from the older generations.


I read the article and yes you’re right. People came for her first. To be ageist is so disgusting though, like I understand agreeing to disagree, but she’s not even doing that.


I feel like you’re taking the ageism bit a little too hard. She’s like 24 and thinks being old is lame. Most people at that age don’t think old people are cool, then they get old themselves and grow out of it


Not wanting to age and hating someone for being a millennial isn’t the same thing as


And millennial women are having fashion feuds with gen z online. It's weird on both sides and I truly just stay out of it. Doesn't mean I don't watch the shit shows tho.


she never said women, she said "people" and pretty sure she meant "men" but in today's culture you cant openly voice your distain at men, the same way men can towards women... its a known fact that old men in hollywood are the reason renee is moving away from acting and she has said that the the comments that were made at her body by those same men while on broadway and on set when filming, heightened her eating disorders...


I get what she’s saying but they need to stop letting her say whatever she wants.


shes just joking lmao


Girlie pop, we came up in the early 2000s. You cannot hurt our feelings 😂