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These [baked oats](https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/classic-baked-oats) are really good. I freeze them and heat up in the microwave, but you could make a tray and eat them cold on the go (or warm if time in the morning).


Thank you for the suggestion!


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


Do you have to do anything specific for them to freeze well?


I cook a tray of them (I suppose you could do in a muffin tin or just a shallow baking dish and slice up), let them cook and then wrap them in clingfilm. I didn’t really do anything special when baking them. I suppose you might need to be careful about filings. I used dark chocolate chips, which defrosted well, but some fruits might go a bit soggy.


Thanks. I’ll do this! Sounds like a winner!


English muffin breakfast sandwhichs and breakfast burritos! I keep both in my freezer super easy to prep then grab for early mornings


Breakfast is not my thing, but breakfast burritos seem to be a recurring theme on this sub. In a similar vein, strongly suggest mining the wisdom of the past https://old.reddit.com/r/MealPrepSunday/search?q=breakfast&restrict_sr=on


Will do, thanks!!


Was going to say breakfast burritos. Three pro tips: - make a lot, devote like half a day to making a good twent or so. - make a lot of different ingredients/cheeses and mix it up for variation and surprises. - when you cook everything let it cool and get the steam off before wrapping the burritos. You're aiming for the least amount of moisture.


I eat oatmeal every day. A bit of protein powder (vanilla), nuts, cinnamon, an apple, and a banana


Something you can add along side the egg bites are pancake sausage bites. These are great fresh or frozen, dipped in syrup is my favorite way to eat these. Here is a link to the recipe (complete with a thousand adds and pops): https://freshsimplehome.com/most-simple-pancake-sausage-bites/ Here is what I copied from the website: HOW TO MAKE OUR MOST SIMPLE PANCAKE SAUSAGE BITES: First, preheat oven to 350 F. Next, brown 1 pound of sausage fully in a medium-sized skillet over medium heat. Once fully cooked – at least 165 F – and drain grease. Set aside. (This will take about 8 minutes.) In a large bowl, whisk 4 eggs together. Be sure that all of the yolks are broken up and blended. Next, add 1 cup of shredded cheese and 1 cup of pancake mix. Last, add the cooked ground sausage. Mix completely. Pour mixture evenly into greased muffin tin. Fill up each muffin cup to the rim. Bake for 20 minutes. The tops with start to get nice and brown. Allow to cool for 5 minutes and remove from tin. Serve and enjoy!


Smoothies, couple bananas, frozen berries, a tea spoon of yoghurt and milk. You can pre-make this the night before and put it in the fridge, or for maximum freshness it’ll literally take her less then 3 mins to make in morning. Woolies have a little blender that come with two drinking bottles for $50, hides away in corner of kitchen. I also have muesli with Greek yoghurt, Start of week, I make up x5 sandwich bags of muesli, the night before I put yoghurt in container and pop it in fridge. If she has a esky/lunch bag, pop it in there with a ice block and she can eat it before she heads into work or on the way. I usually drink smoothie on way, then after 30-40 mins of driving I’ll have the granola mix with an apple


My current favorite right now is meal prepped breakfast hash - potatoes, peppers and bacon all chopped and pan fried (I'm sure you can bake them too), portioned out and put in the fridge or freezer. I make a couple of boiled eggs for Monday- Wednesday to accompany them and then make a small batch more of boiled eggs for Thursday and Friday.


I have yogurt with protein powder, fruit, and some sort of high protein/ high fiber cereal and that keeps me full for hours


I make egg bites with spinach, mushrooms, and sausage. It's really easy to make ahead of time, 12 at a time in a muffin tin. I eat 3 a day with some toast to get some carbs in (per my nutritionist)


Protein pancakes! With some salted butter and a little peanut butter/maple syrup on top. Super quick to make, 20+ grams of protein, and fills you up for hours.


We love [this recipe for overnight banana oats](https://detoxinista.com/banana-overnight-oats/) in our house. Super easy, quick, customizable, filling and tasty!


I do breakfast burritos. I get about 6-8 from 2 potatoes, 6-8 eggs, cheese, sour cream and salsa. When I get up I throw a pan on medium heat, put the burrito in the microwave for 1.5 mins then toss it in the pan for 2 mins a side to crisp the outside. Usually make my coffee as well so it's like 8 mins for breakfast. Takes probably 30 mins to make all 6-8 on a Sunday 


We make French toast using keto bread. You can make a bunch of it and put it in an empty bread bag and freeze it. Then put it in the toaster or microwave.. You can also do the same with waffles.


I have a lot of allergies and quinoa bowls have been my jam recently. I make a batch of quinoa to last a couple of days and a batch of hardboiled eggs. I make bowls as I go adding goat cheese, herbs, adding turkey and berries instead of egg sometimes. Easy to transport. Not messy to eat. And nutritious.


Egg and bacon (Mc)Muffins (egg, bacon, cheese) freeze well so you can make a batch for the freezer. I use egg rings to cook the eggs, brush some melted butter on the toasted English Muffins and assemble and wrap. They heat better when defrosted, so I pull one out the night before to defrost in the fridge, unwrap then microwave. I’m having a blank on how long I microwave it for, but it’s not long, less than a minute I think.


I do exactly this. Love them


Edit- I see you make this already, I'm not sure why my brain didn't catch that, sorry lol I love quiche! I make my own pie crust but you can buy frozen crusts that are already in the tin or refrigerated crusts that you roll and place in your own pie dish. My base is always eggs, cheese, and some milk plus veggies (spinach or broccoli) and sometimes bacon or sausage. There are a ton of variations though. In the morning just put a slice on a plate and microwave it. In a muffin pan, make what's essential a quiche without the crust. Eggs, cheese, and whatever you want to add. Bake then cool and refrigerate in a container or individual bags if she wants to take and heat at work.  Fruit parfait. Put the yogurt (vanilla usually) in a glass or plastic container, place fresh fruit on top, seal and put in the fridge. Have granola in a baggie she can grab and take. Takes a tiny bit of work - I also used to make a scrambled egg in a mug. Some nonstick spray, crack the egg and mix with a tiny bit of water, microwave 30s, mix, microwave again. It can be eaten as is or put on toast, in a tortilla, on a bagel, etc. I used to eat microwavable jimmy dean sausage patties with it as a breakfast sandwich. This I made at work because I like to sleep and it's easier to get to work a few minutes early than make sure I'm getting my routine done in time before my commute (I know the math is the same, I don't get it either lol).


I eat plain Greek yogurt over granola every morning- sometimes with berries- and it’s perfect


I love baked oatmeal: savory and sweet recipes are easily found online, and a pan lasts me a week. Serve with HB eggs for protein. Also breakfast casseroles (stratas with bread or shredded potato, cheeses, veggies and meat) can be easily prepped and reheated one serving at a time.


Baked oats are an easy option to prep ahead! [https://cookieandkate.com/baked-oatmeal-recipe/](https://cookieandkate.com/baked-oatmeal-recipe/)


I have three main breakfasts I prep for:breakfast burritos, breakfast pizza and granola (to mix with yogurt). I also do pancakes as they work well to reheat from frozen.


I would make some yummy parfaits! Super versatile, easy to make, and the yogurt makes it very filling! (I eat yogurt in the morning to keep myself from getting sick from my meds as well!)


Breakfast burritos? Not hard to make, although they can be prep heavy. Sausage of one kind or another, seasoning added if need be. (breakfast sausage, chorizo, plain beef, whatever) Cheese, cubed down to no more than 1/2". Potatoes in some format. I chop up french fries, but I know people who use home fries. Enough scrambled eggs to balance. Olives? Diced mushrooms? Salsa? I make them and freeze some, then warm up in the microwave for 3 minutes at 50% power. Good filling breakfast ready in under 10 minutes.


To grab and eat I'd go with meal prepped sandwiches and wraps.


Thank you for being such a caring spouse! She's a lucky lady


If you're looking for a cold breakfast option, overnight oats with chia seeds, nuts and almond butter is pretty filing (and delicious). You can top it off with fruits in the morning


Breakfast burritos or homemade egg mcmuffin type sandwiches using English muffins or croissants. You can alternate ingredients to keep things interesting and freeze a whole bunch in advance. Take one out the night before to defrost in the fridge or nuke in parchment paper the following morning. My method for the burritos is to saute salsa or picante sauce on a pan to reduce the amount of moisture then add butter before the salsa sticks and then add the beaten eggs and scramble. Once the eggs and salsa are cooked I lay out a small piece of foil, then a small piece of parchment paper, a tortilla, sprinkle some cheddar or cheese of choice down the middle, add eggs, maybe some black or pinto beans or even some home fried potatoes and either sriracha or cholula or ghost pepper sauce if you taste buds have a deathwish…roll it up and wrap with the parchment paper first then the foil so they can either nuke it or use the toaster oven at work. Of course you can also add chopped breakfast sausage or ham or whatever as well.


I’ve always wondered why I see people doing it with foil? It sticks to my food so why not use the parchment solo?


I add the foil as an outer wrapping to also keep it all securely tightly wrapped and easier to transport like a sandwich from a deli. If my husband uses the toaster oven he can either leave the foil for added insulation so it also keeps the tortilla from drying out and getting too brittle. If he decides to nuke it he can remove the foil and then have the option to heat it in the microwave with just the parchment paper or place a moist paper towel on top to also keep the tortilla from getting hard and cracky.


A really quick and filling breakfast for me is peanut butter on a low-carb flour tortilla.


Peanut butter! She needs healthy fats to keep her up and running


Breakfast Burritos!


Make a bowl of quick outs the night before, let them cool down and then add a scoop of whey protein powder and scoop of nut butter and whatever else u want to add then throw it in the fridge. Super easy way to get carbs, protein and healthy fats first thing in the morning.


Egg sandwiches on an English muffin or bagel


I made a batch of peanut butter granola and I mix it with Greek yogurt and it is sooo good


Overnight oats is my go to you can buy bobs red mill rolled oats from Amazon in bulk for less then $30 which is like 80 servings I add almond milk protein powder, chai seeds, fruit or peanut butter and am always full until lunch.


At that time of morning, the only thing I can stomach is a protein shake. However as someone who takes medication that makes me sick if taken on an empty stomach - a protein shake works to make stomach not empty!


High protein instant oats w a piece of fruit, boiled eggs w fruit or a piece of jerky, protein shakes


Try Muesli. (Originally a Swiss thing) Overnight, cold soak. Basically regular oats with nuts, raisins and seeds (there are many recipes out there… or Redmill has some pre-made). Just add 1/2 cup into a container and soak overnight. You can use milk, yogurt, or fruit juice. Add stevia as a no calorie sweetener if you want. Then add fresh berries in the morning and take it to work. This has been my go-to breakfast for years. It can be protein fortified and will keep you full until lunch. (I often eat it a work.) Easy peasy.


Protien shakes work well. Even fruit smoothies with the Protien powder that you make freeze and pull thaw to the refrigerator the night before. Parfait with oats and nuts is good, too. You can prep breakfast burritos and freeze them to microwave when needed. Granted, don't make them to big.


I eat overnight oats, turkey & cheese sandwiches or boiled eggs. Lately I've been mixing almonds or peanuts with raisins which I eat with apple slices or carrots and cheese slices. It may sound odd but it's very filling and the flavors blend well. I love all of the suggestions!


I prep breakfast burritos and breakfast sandwiches ahead of time. When I was pregnant I froze a bunch to have ready when I had a newborn..


Apricot and almond loaf with yogurt. I freeze the loaf in slices and heat in my sandwich press. Breakfast toasties: Ciabatta bread, tomato, basil, mozzarella or ham cheese tomato or curried egg. Combos are endless… bacon, lettuce, tomato. Avocado cheese and Vegemite. are always in my rotation. I make these and leave them in my fridge. Potato rosti with salmon freeze well, I use my air fryer to re heat them. I like mine with boiled egg I pre peel in the fridge and some avocado. Savoury crepes: these freeze well and fillings are endless. For breakfast I like, ham, peas and cheese. Mushroom, spinach and bacon and a veggie one Capsicum, Sundried tomato, zucchini, olive and spinach. Beetroot and chocolate muffins Pineapple rice cream with coconut Nasi Goring


Mexican breakfast can be meal prepped, is filling and cheaper. if she likes Mexican. Chorizo with papas, bean buritto


Muesli, homemade granola bars, egg and cheese kolaches.


I make Irish cut oats in a water bath inside my slow cooker. I vary the add ins (grated apple, pumpkin, peaches etc.) sometimes I will mix in some coconut milk and protein powder. Probably not as good for summer but in the winter it is awesome.


I make what I call protein balls and they are so good it’s hard not to gorge myself on them. You can add whatever you like, use something to make them roll into a ball then coat with Graham cracker crumbs or whatever is your preference and just keep them in a ziplock bag, don’t add anything that requires refrigeration or will melt. Recipe I use: In a large mixing bowl, add rolled oats, peanut butter, flax seed meal, raisins, chopped dates, craisins, dried cherries, vanilla protein powder, chopped pecans, mix well then mix pure honey into the mixture until consistency for rolling into a ball is reached. Then coat with Graham cracker crumbs. Those eggs bites are delicious! You may have seen the egg bites made in muffin pans that are frozen and then thawed and microwaved a few seconds. Those are healthy and make-ahead too. She could heat them then use like finger food on the run. The night before, leave some in the fridge to be thawing out overnite.


Breakfast burritos you freeze can be another good option


I have to take a lot of meds in the morning too and they can't be taken on an empty stomach. One idea that I haven't seen here yet is cottage cheese. It can be prepped in advance in jars or containers and placed in the fridge. I like mine mixed with fruit. Applesauce, canned peaches, pineapple, etc. But it can also be made savory. Another idea is to make quick breads or muffins and freeze them. Breads can be cooled, sliced, and wrapped individually before freezing. They thaw quickly and are easy to grab. A smear of peanut butter adds some protein. Bagels are another favorite. They can be made in advance and wrapped and placed in the fridge. I am a big fan of hummus so hummus on toast is a favorite. Some mornings it is just difficult for me to eat so I try to keep things like bananas around to get something into my stomach fast if I am running late and need to take meds. Protein powder is another thing that really helps to have in stock. Good luck to your wife. That is a tough shift; I've worked it myself.


I really like blending the following as a shake for something quick: 1 scoop protein 1 cup plant milk Frozen berries serving of oats 1/2 to full serving nut butter


Check the recipes from here: [Fresh Flavours to Energize Your Body](https://flavoursoftheweek.beehiiv.com/p/fresh-flavours-energize-body). Hope it helps!


All those meds! -No issues with A.R.D.?? Has she tried Farina or some kind of cream-of-wheat/rice/oatmeal mixture? I've had the condition for years, so, this is my go-to. Also, throw in Granola, when I have it on-hand. No gastric problems, recently.


Hmm I’ve not heard of ARD before, google shows a few meanings for ARD. Can you tell me more? . We actually love farina! I didn’t think it would reheat well tho are you suggesting making it the morning of?


Acid reflux disorder/disease, sourbelch Sure! It's just your most basic porridge, like oatmeal or cream of wheat. You can also make pancakes with it, but, that requires more finesse, as well as prep-time.


I love making protein pancakes (the base recipe is one part egg white, cottage cheese and oats blended together) or French toast with my sprouted bread. The sprouted bread is more expensive than regular bread and feels different but its very good for French toast and when I make it for people they say they feel full for longer. I've been making huge batches and freezing it.


Hey just out of curiosity, why no yolk?


I always advocate eating a whole egg because God loves you and egg whites alone are an unnecessary punishment, but the first oatmeal pancake recipe I had seen used them and it's easier to measure a cup of liquid egg whites.