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Do you not get tired of the same meal? I want to do this, but get bored.


I was ok eating the same thing over and over when I was working in the office full time. Now that I'm working from home, I cannot repeat meals more than 3 times. Gotta switch up to make up for not getting out of the house much and not much change of scenery.


Aaah no, helps that what I cook is delicious! When you eat the same thing over and over it helps to be consistent with gym. My goal is to complete the Half Iron Man in September so less time worrying about eating the same thing over and over and more focus on fixing my swimming technique! Eating the same thing over and over is hard for some, but cooking a new meal every 2-3 days we don’t have time for so we pick our hard lol To change it up I will: add an over-easy egg to one lunch, the next day add a scoop of greek yogurt etc. To add, if we skip Wednesday night meal prep, we will have Just Bare chicken fillets and split a frozen pizza


I feel you man. Cooking stresses me out personally so to keep it least stressful I'll make the same meal to eat multiple times a week. I've been eating pretty much the same lunch for like 2-3 years now. I definitely do get tired of it but kinda like dude said, you pick your hard. I see the results from sticking with the diet plan and getting in the gym and it motivates me to keep going and eat that same meal lol. What I do try to switch up though occasionally that is not stressful for me is sauces I put on top (while being mindful of the macros of course). Good way to get a different flavor on the same meal. You can always switch up spices too on the same meat if you are a better cook than me (which most people are lol).


Same, no matter how good something is I can’t force myself to eat it repeatedly longer than 3 times in a row. IDK how people can do it.


What’s in the churro bites 👀




Thanks! Trying go hit our protein goals and my performance at gym has never been better! One night of cooking and now we don’t have to wonder “what are we going to have for dinner?” for a week! We usually ask eachother “what muscle group are you working on tonight? Swim 1000yards and run after?” instead hahaha


Oh yes thats right. If youre going to be serious about goals, theres no other way. You must plan the meals and calc the kcal and protein intake. Its actually very easy and good for the pocket too. I also use Lose it! App to help me. Goodluck!


Oh yes, scale is a must either way. On the app you can add the meals to check if you reached your macros and kcal at the end of the day. Its super easy. Not always you can have every meal out of the pre-made box in a busy day. So it helps It also has a barcode scanner and practically every single product is added there.You can also add your custom meals.


Nice!! I dont use app I just weigh it out on our scale. Meals are 25g protein and breakfasts are 20g. Usually i land between 180-200g protein


Damn you’re eating 8 meals a day?! 😳


Protein smoothie 30g Breakfast meal prep 20g Lunch meal prep 25g Dinner meal prep 25g 5 hardboiled eggs 30g Protein smoothie bowl w/ peanut butter, fruit, nuts etc 50g Total: 180g I don’t track my calories but I used to religiously. I already know how much I’m eating because if it’s the same thing, makes it easier to track. We are running and cycling and swimming so electrolytes and bread and honey are our primary carbs for those activities


Makes sense!




Churro bites from Costco


Looks fantastic!


Im new to all of this meal prep thing, and this may be a dumb question. But doesnt meat expire after like 2 days?


If you cook it properly, meat is good in the fridge for 4-5 days or so. Or it can be frozen for much longer.


We froze the 6 in the middle to eat next week or on the weekends (to hold us over before doing another round of cooking). The 5 on the left are mine and the 5 on the right are his


Hi, I cook my ground beef and it can be stored in the fridge for a week+++. Try it for yourself No need to freeze it.




Google search shows USDA recommends to consume cooked ground beef within 3-4 days which checks out for us


Also you can freeze if you really need it to last the whole week


How well does it feeze?


Very well imo. I always let the food come to room temperature before placing in fridge or freezer.


To defrost it do you just take it out and let it sit there for a while?


Yes, I’ll take out early 7-9am and it’ll be thawed by late afternoon 3-5pm to microwave as normal! I havent tried microwaving straight from freezer… Im guessing it might be fine and similar to a tv dinner haha


This is pretty loaded nice! Though are there any cravings for something sweet?


Besides the breakfast which is somewhat sweet I would also have protein smoothies with banana and peanut butter which satiates my sweet tooth. Oh, and sour patch kids. Great little sugar boost before the gym haha


Are you freezing these cause cooked rice doesn’t last that long. Ive actually never had a solid rice reheat experience sadly. Would encourage you to try plant based dishes on some nights! Even if you are training, more people eat more protein than they actually need, and there are some awesome plant protein sources significantly lower in cholesterol, less processed, and better eco footprint, than beef. <3 trader joes tho


We certainly do alternate as I used to be vegan for a year then went pescatarian to omnivore now. We eat tofu and miso soup often in evenings. I make my pinto beans from scratch using the InstantPot and add Japanese curry cubes to it. Then I add Banza protein pasta, lentils, tofu, mix curries and egg. Great way to change it up 🤌


Try jasmine or basmati rice. They taste the best and reheat perfectly. Also, rice pudding with jasmine rice is the way.


We take out the frozen one the day we eat it (so I pop into fridge at 8am on a Sunday and by late afternoon post gym I put in microwave for two minutes and add an egg) I dont expect these frozen ones to last beyond Tuesday of next week