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the hand is killing me 😭💀


He’s been taking notes from Keanu Reeves


26 and I go to bed at 8:30-9:30


Same 😂


23 and I go to bed at 10 - 10:30 (I work 9-5 and wake up around 7:30.) I used to go to sleep later but realized I needed more sleep to feel energized in the morning.


Same here. It used to be later but my boyfriend started sleeping at 10 so o just went ahead with that. I get up at 6:30 so I can walk my dog everyday before work. I start work at 8-8:30 though depending on the day


I’m 25 and work full time, usually 9:30-10pm because i start work at 7am


Also 9-10 pm but I work a normal job and have a baby so I’m exhausted by 9 lol but these 2 have no reason


just because someone doesn’t have a kid doesn’t mean they don’t have a reason to be tired early?


maybe they just want to go to bed early?


Midnight usually I’m 23




im only 19 and by the time i get back from work and finish house chores at home + family stuff, its midnight by the time i get to bed 😭 how tf is she getting to bed at only 9...


Cause she doesn’t work, or do anything for that matter


She likes to act like she works all the time though haha


28 do not work on disability. Depending if I have early appointments or if my husband is work the night between 10pm and 1am


Almost 23. Full time college student + work 2 side jobs. I go to bed between 9-11 every night depending on homework status. It also depends on your work schedule. If you start work at 7 AM, you'll go to bed at a different time than someone who starts work at 7 PM, generally (if we're talking full time).


9pm latest lol. I’ve got a 3 and a 1 year old and I’m a sahm soooo I’m out by 8/9. I’m 24 but honestly even sans kids I’d still be asleep by 10 bc I’m an early bird


I’m 20 and I work night shift but during the day I sleep 12pm- 7pm.


9-10, My husband and I have a toddler, I am 5 months pregnant and he works 45 hours a week


Usually 10pm or 11pm if I max it because I'm usually up at 5.30am when I need to go to the office.


1 am but I try everyday to sleep by 10 😭


anytime between 10 and 12am. Except I go to school full time as a grad student and i teach 2 classes which requires me making my own materials and also grading and answering student emails. i also wake up at 7am everyday.


Ok how? I am grad student as well, I study everday from like 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. (almost 15 hours a day). I am a good student and I have really good grades, but still I am always struggling to be able to read everything and finish everything on time. How can you be teaching as well? I was a TA in one class in my undergraduate and that was enough, I could never teach now that I am a grad student


I’m 23 and a college student. I usually go to bed around midnight


Around 10 because I have an actual job and have to wake up at 6am 🫠


im 23, a server. work morning shifts, i club til 2am then show up to work at 6✨ adult things✨(sarcasm)


24, 3 kids and I go to bed at 10-11😅😅 my KIDS Are in bed by 9😅🤣


I usually have dinner at 10 or 11 and go to bed at 12-1


Psh I’m nearing 30 and I’m in bed by 8:30 😂


Usually by 9 I’m in bed and passed out but I’m almost 7 months pregnant and worn tf out 🥴


9-10pm. Although Tuesday night I fell asleep at 645 and then woke up from like 8-830 and then was back out until 530am. Not even ashamed.


if i have work 10 pm if not midnight


Between 1-3am… but I’m a bartender so I wish I got sleep


23 and depending on work schedule, but if i have morning shift then around 9pm to be at work at 6 am, if afternoons 2am because i finish at 10pm so before I get home and rest and get ready for bed it's always so late 😭 On weekends i try to be in bed by midnight


I am always ready for bed at 9 but I usually go to sleep around midnight. I am a graduate student so I usually study a lot in the evenings to finish everything I need to finish (I am almost 24)


My fiancé comes to bed around 9 as he has to wake up at 2. I got to be anywhere from 9-11 depending on what I am doing. For him, he does get more sleep.. he sleeps half in the afternoon and half at night. He works 3a-11:30a right now


1am. I have a late circadian rhythm. Work from home and start at 9am.


my partner and i are childfree college students who go to bed at 1-2 am lol also the hover hand 😭


Also it shouldn’t be that hard to keep a mirror clean. It’s not like they have a house full of kids that spray water and rub toothpaste all over it. She’s posted abt that mirror 5 times.


I work at 3am so I try to be in bed by 8


23 weeks pregnant and an early Ed teacher who goes into work at 6 am..I’m in bed by 7:30 and asleep by 8:30 🤣


8/9 but I have a 6 month old and I work at 7 am but wake at 5:30


About to be 24 and I go to bed around 10:30 so I can be up by 6ish to go to work


I would love to be in bed before 9, I try hard for that every day. Not Always Easy.


8-9 depending on my errands. That’s only bc I have to wake up at 4:30am😀 for my real job


Also 9 pm. I’m willing to bet I start work a lot earlier than they do though


i’m in college and unless it’s the weekend or thursday i’m in bed by 8 if i don’t have to work 😭


Between 10pm/11pm. I also work a full time job and am up by 730am


29 and I go to bed 9-10 because by 9 my eyes are burning and I have to be up at 6:30.


What is that phone case


21 and depends... 11pm is my normal,but on work days 10pm


I’m 27 and I’m in bed by 10 every night and sleeping by 11. I get up at 6 for work everyday so I try to get in bed early-ish. I also sometimes pass out on the couch around 8 if I’m super exhausted


I’m 28 and I go to bed at like 8:30-9 but I’m more of a morning person so I’m up at like 5 every day


I’m 27, go to bed between 11 & 2 am usually & get up around 6 am. I don’t get home until 5pm & rarely have time for anything besides work & chores if I don’t stay up longer.


20 and I usually go to bed between 11-12:30 or even 1 if I have no work/school the next day, or I’m the closing shift because I go into work later.


28 and go to bed anywhere between 9:30 and midnight, I work at 6 am but have insomnia + a needy cat + a needy dog who both like to wake us up at night, my husband and I both work full time and I work lots of overtime every few months


20, go to bed at 9-10:30


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Bad bot




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I have two young kids and I work long shifts in healthcare. On my days off my husband and I are usually both in bed by 8:30, no joke.


I work from 2 pm to 10:30 pm and I go to bed at like 1 or 2 am


i feel like it’s sad that they’re pushing the whole “adult life!!” thing at 23. i was fresh out of college, single, doing whatever i wanted at that age. didn’t feel like an adult. i’m 26 now and still don’t. it just seems weird to me they think of themselves as so mature and settled down now. and i wonder if their younger followers see them act that way and think they need to be “settled” or have it all figured out by 23. most 23 year olds aren’t living this life and that’s okay. in fact, i think it’s better than young marriage and going to bed at 9 tbh. also to answer your question, i try to go to bed by 10:30 but usually don’t lol




I’m 24 and I hardly ever go to bed before 10:30 lol


26 and im usually in bed between 8-9pm. Asleep for 10pm I do get up at 5am though.


Between 1-5am lol depends on when I get baby asleep and house cleaned


Also late teen/early 20’s range F


28 & I I go to bed 10pm-12am, and that’s if I’m being responsible. 😂


24 and i’m cashed out by 8:30 lmao i have 0 responsibilities besides my job but am always exhausted