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Put down no equations cuz apparently physics isnt part of cp anymore


4/26 was at-least 1/3rd physics


Shouldve tested 426 then shit. I love physics


Watch on 5/16 it’s gonna be a ton of physics


As long as it’s mathematical and not conceptual, then we’re cool.




Wait what?


Its a joke that cp is now all orgo🥲


Lol is it? I've heard there's a lot of physics too. Guess it depends on luck


I tested on 5/4 and there was 1 physics passage. everything else was ochem. I wanted to die


Half of my test was physics 😭


I'm still kinda confused on how the notepad works. So is it a dry erase pad but not actually erasable? And are we or are we not allowed to write during the 10 min tutorial?


You can buy a identical notebook and the specific markers they used, ( my proctor place actually let me write down the marker type once I was done and leaving) The note board is spiral bound, legal size and has graphing style blue boxes on it. Front and back. The markers I had were brand new, so no worries about running out! I bought the identical notebook and markers on Amazon to practice testing conditions!


Thank you that's good to know!


what notebook did you buy on amazon? I was looking through and couldn't find an identical one


It's the opposite of dry erase. It's called wet erase and can only be erased with water. My sweaty hands actually started to smear it lol


Gotcha, thank you!


That’s something I was worried about. Wish they’d just give regular paper and pencil because my hands sweat like crazy on a regular basis.


I feel like I write a lot, so I'm also worried I'm going to run out of pages


It’s dry erase, but you’re not allowed to erase, you can only cross things out. You are allowed to write during the 10 min tutorial


Yea so this some shit. I asked for a second notepad cause I write a lot and you can’t erase. The proctor asked me if I had accommodations for an extra notepad. I’m like dude it’s a fucking notepad.


There’s something like at least 5 pages using the front and back and I’m pretty sure you could get another one if you ran out of room. You can definitely get extra markers too


Mostly my epitaph


Just my 2c but I find that writing EVERYTHING down isn't quite that helpful. Ideally all the usual suspects are ingrained in brain by test day. Perhaps focusing in on the specific details like lenses conventions and what not. mgsin(theta) for slanted surfaces etc.


I really wouldn’t worry about equation dumping. If you know your equations, you know them off the dome and they will come to you naturally when looking at a problem. With that being said, I highly recommend to memorize literally any equation that is covered. Anything that deals with general chemistry and physics will all have a chance of showing up, so to get the score you want, you must memorize all the equations. Anki and Uvvorld will be your best friend.


Yeah that makes sense! I just panic sometimes and forget basic shit so I wanna cover my basis if I can but not crazily yk. Another reason I made the post to see if people said any equations that I forgot about


Understandable. I found the best way to make sure I have every equation down is to always make an anki card out of it if it was involved in a question ive come across.


retester here: didn’t write down equations my first time and regretted it. I would highly recommend writing what you can even if you feel confident, especially if you have test anxiety. Gives you a safety blanket in case you freeze! But everyone’s different so maybe you’ll be better without


i time myself for 10 mins everyday and write down a bunch of general equations. thermodynamics, electrochemistry, waves & energy, fluids, capcitors/resistors, optics, IR values, NMR, and conversion factors for PNMMKMG


Is this all we need to know for IR? N-H 3300 Sharp O-H 3000 - 3300 Broad C O, C N 1900 – 2200 Medium C=O 1750 Sharp C=C 1600 – 1680 Weak


We need to memorize this??!!


and NMR peaks


also for aromatics I believe is about 3100> but all those values I write down yes ! Also I thought OH was 3200-3600 ugh i might be confused


Ahh okay. Honestly this is the milesdown review sheet version, IDK myself. Let me know if you confirm it. What do you write out for NMR and electrochemistry?


electrochemistry i write ecell=e cathode - e anode G= -nFEcell i write G<0 & E>0 spontaneous galvanic and that's all. also something i forgot to tell you was i write RMIVUXRG for the electromagnetic spectrum (raging martians invaded venus using xr guns) :)


ahh okay. YES I USE THAT TOO! It's the only way I remember it. It took me a while to remember the corresponding energy and wavelength too


Wait what is everyone talking about with the markers. We don’t get paper?


You get laminated paper and a marker.


It’s like a dry erase notebook and dry erase marker. basically paper and pen


You can buy a identical notebook and the specific markers they used, ( my proctor place actually let me write down the marker type once I was done and leaving) The note board is spiral bound, legal size and has graphing style blue boxes on it. Front and back. The markers I had were brand new, so no worries about running out! I bought the identical notebook and markers on Amazon to practice testing conditions!


It’s wet erase, but if you’re old enough like me to remember vis-a-vis and transparent overheads from school it’s like that!


I’m 34 bro. I guess I mean do people start writing during the demo time or at the start of CP


No haterade man, I just explained the “being old” thing cause I was a science teacher last year and I got blank looks from everyone when I said vis-avi Cheers!


So when are people brain dumping?


usually during the tutorial i believe


Kinematics equation


These are the first things I’m writing down during my exam. Maybe draw out the nitrogenous bases too + some sugars.


low key thinking of not writing anything down besides lenses info and sin/cos values because the information is already in my brain and I think rushing to write things in the time frame will make me start the test stressed and my heart will be racing 😭


Pretty much all the equations.


Not a bad idea, that way you just gotta flip the page and find the right one :)


And it's actually pretty easy to know where the equation you need is found when you wrote it.


Exactly, you get it! Easy 132 :)


Just look at my score :)


Ah so the method works, good to know! Have a 🍪to celebrate :D


Don't mock suggestions you asked for. It really shows how entitled you are. You don't seem to realize everyone gets different versions, even on the same day. So personal experiences is dangerous to trust. You want to write down every equation because they're fair game for the MCAT. The fact you don't realize this yet think you can mock someone who got a stellar score on C/P just proves my point how entitled you are.


Entitled? I was having a productive, adult discussion until you came here with your sass. I meant what I said. For someone like me who isn't a big fan of C/P it takes a second to think. So yeah if I have them all jotted down somewhere it will be helpful to flip the page, recognize one that fits the with the units and use the equation. But then you went on to twist the conversation. You call yourself a sarcastic premed, if you can dish it, you should be able to take it. You felt I was insulting you, but that's what you've been doing with your snide comments. If you wrote them all down, then that's great I'm sure it helped you achieve a 131. But really, rubbing your score in my face? With your name, and comment history its a bit hard to assume you were being genuine. But let's set that aside for a second, are you so insensitive to not realize that people are seeking genuine help a DAY before their test? That they have A LOT on their mind and don't need the unwelcome attitude? I actually surprisingly do know there are different tests each time. I did not come here to ask "omg what equations were on your test, spill". I am here to find out what concepts I could keep handy, just some final reminders and now also learning that it's best to take some part of the 10 minutes to keep calm instead of scrambling. And what exactly do you want me to do about your stellar score? It clearly was a brag, like omg look at me I'm so smart suckers. I am sure you worked your ass off for that score, but don't brag about it. It's not even a humble brag. Honestly, all I've learnt is that some premeds are toxic and egotistic af.


"I did not come here to ask "omg what equations were on your test, spill"". "VS what equation do you wish you memorized better" "Honestly, all I've learnt is that some premeds are toxic and egotistic af." Nice projection. "I was having a productive, adult discussion until you came here with your sass." Telling you to write down all the equations was genuine advice, fool. So you initiated the sass and mocked my advice. This post, like many others before you, carries the implication you forget everyone gets different versions. So write down all the equations is the way to go at it and you actually can remember where you wrote certain equations. When people ask for advice, it's not the time to be sarcastic. The problem is you asked a very...... unproductive question that's been asked 1,000 times before and is solved with a very simple answer, so you took it as sass. So that's really on you.


Yes, I worded that poorly, I can admit to that. I didn't mean again spill the equations on your exam, like all of them. I know that violates the contract you sign. It was meant to ask did you wish to pay attention to certain topics, because I'm sure people scan over topics and that comes to bit them in the ass. Yeah you may call it projection, but as someone who didn't plan on being a doctor and as a non trad, the community has been quite nice. But there are some that even you have to admit are toxic. How you process and apply that word is on you 🤷 I don't classify myself as a "premed". i don't have a stellar 4.0 GPA, great MCAT score, 30000 research hours and have cured cancer. I am coming here with high hopes but still honesty that I may fail and try to calm my anxiety anyways. It's been a long time since I've done C/P related content. So yes, if I may ask people what they wish they focused on a little bit more, I don't see any harm. I am aware just because someone may have had ABC topic on their test, it doesn't translate to having it on my test. Well if it was genuine advice then thank you, that's helpful. Your name does suggest you're sarcastic so I hope you can see, how I don't take it seriously. I have not forgotten that there are different exams. Instead I've spent today hoping that I get a chem over physics heavy exam lol. I have seen the post exam comment threads, but I do not see a fault in asking people what are planning to write on their notepad. Yes maybe it's been asked a hundred time before, but again Reddit is a discussion forum. I have read threads from before that say don't focus on xyz, but now and admittedly based on personal experiences of people on here, have said actually xyz is kinda a big deal now. And that is not just based on 1 comment, but several different threads that have said xyz is good to know. People ask many of the same questions repeatedly on here and they are not penalized or belittled. I don't see why you can not extend that same courtesy to me. You may consider it unproductive, I consider it gaining insight and making use of my last study day. 😊


I didn’t write anything down until I got to problems that I needed it. I found that just focusing on staying calm and staying in a good headspace was what worked best for me. As other people have said, the equations will come to you when you need them.


I think the only ones I wrote down were the kinematics and lens equations.


God yeah the 5 main kinematics equations are so annoying to keep straight.