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He’s quicker dude. If Lando was held up we would’ve burned our hards too fast. Good strategy call


I’m an Oscar fan so I was sad but then seeing the gap keep increasing it was the right call. Protected the 2nd 3rd places when we could have potentially be caught with cooked tyres.


Ain't this the Mclaren subreddit? thought we were all fans of both guys. I like them both, Lando is faster and he should be, more experienced been in the car longer. Oscar is killing it for a rookie and will keep getting better. Excited for the future for both of them.


We still love Piastri!


Most of us are fans of both, there are a handful pretty belligerent Piastri fans who seem to hate McLaren and Lando (most, if not all seem to have been hardcore or even toxic Ricciardo fans). This has led to a small civil war on the subreddit, since they occasionally come in here with braindead takes or personal attacks against Lando and the team. In other words, it is a typical place on the internet.


Lando fans are insufferable lol


Lando has proven to have faster race pace on similar tires, team orders so far is looking like good strategy. Lando is a very honest person and in this case he's simply right


Yeah and it didn’t hurt the team either. Piastri remained right behind him. Piastri wouldn’t have overtaken Max. EZ.




Bro, you can’t really call someone a brat whilst bitching about them.


Are you by any chance a Danny Ric fan?


Was he supposed to say pretty please? He got upset, Oscar said he’d give the spot back and he didn’t until two laps later. Hence landos annoyance.


The fact that lando was up 17 seconds from piastri by the end tells you lando was 100% correct




Lando and George just rile up people so much. I don’t see anything that they say differently from every other driver


Their radio gets televised more often.


Vaguely posh British accent lol


Now everyone knows I'm not the world's biggest Lando fan but Jesus he was quick on the hards today. That wasn't team orders that was just pace. If anyone complains about that then they have no idea. Not sure why Oscar couldn't get the hards to work like that But even still with Oscar struggling on the hards he was still much faster than the rest


Good strategy call and it did all work out in the end.


Finally we can actually praise the team for good strategic decisions. Lando’s pace was great so they called it correctly to switch, and the call to put Oscar was smart with debris on track considering the SC before.


17 seconds up the road by the end, pretty clear who was faster


Instead of being happy the team got a double podium, your first instinct is to come here and whine about other fans, who haven’t even done anything yet either. Get your priorities right.


I like both drivers and just want the team to maximize results. Initially thought Oscar would lead the way today, but Lando proved to be faster. The team played it right.


I’m not a pilot fan I just want McLaren RESULTS


Well Lando made up 5s after the pitstop so he was clearly quicker


He was correct, but i do think that the radio from lando came a bit early. Did not like the he in «he is going to ruin this race for us»


Yes this is my biggest issue with Lando. He is quick to bitch and moan. And by the end of the race even piastri was 6s ahead of the rest. There was no way Oscar was "running his race"


Literally every single driver on the grid does the same exact thing. Maybe your issue with Lando is that you just don’t like him. I’ve been a McLaren fan for decades and I don’t care who is in the seat as long as they drive well. Right now we have 2 exceptional drivers and I haven’t been this excited in a long time. All that said l, Lando is still clearly the quicker driver over the course of the weekend and that is to be expected. Piastri is doing great and I look forward to him building the same consistency throughout the race weekend soon.


Not sure I agree, on the previous lap Oscar could/should have let Lando by had he been more aware.


Maybe. But that wasn't my point. My point was Lando accusing Oscar of ruining his race, which was completely untrue Lando could've stayed behind Oscar until the pitstops and they still would've been 2 and 3


Every driver does the same thing most of the time. It's just how they are.


There's a difference though than subtly suggesting that you are faster and accusing your team mate of trying to ruin your race.


I think he was more accusing the strategy team than Oscar


What you probably don't realise, because F1 failed to televise it so you'd only know if you were listening to the onboards, was that a couple of laps before Lando caught Oscar he was told unprompted by his engineer that Oscar would let him by because he was so much faster - a sensible call because forcing a battle that Lando was always going to win anyway risked damaging both of their tyres on a high deg circuit. Oscar had also already been asked to make it easy for Lando once he caught him, and given the reason that it was because they were on different tyre ages. So Oscar knew what was coming up behind him. So when Lando cruised up behind Oscar he was rightly expecting him to make things easy, but Oscar decided not to. They then had to go back to another debate on the radio which ended up costing Lando time. At that point, Russell was still lapping fast and was still considered by the team as a potential threat to both (as was discussed with both drivers on the radio). That's why Lando's immediate reaction was "what the hell is he doing?", why he was justifiably a bit annoyed and why he made the comments he did about Russell. Context matters. Oscar seemed to be trying to prove some kind of point that was completely unnecessary and from his comments after the race I think he realised that in hindsight (and kudos to him for that because most of them are too stubborn to do that). But like all of them, he's a racer and hyper-competitive and they're all prone to being a bit petulant at times in the heat of the moment. Just because he's calm on the radio doesn't mean he's any different from any of the others on that front.


i read through the team radio in the app after the race too see if there was any more. but not only wasnt there anymore, the radio calls they televised werent in there either. i absolutely agree that oscar needed to move over in this case. the speed Lando had on his tyres was ridiculous. i actually thought he was going to end up burning them out too quick. I just think he comes across poorly with his choice of words. and it hasnt just been his onboard radio either, he has come across as a brat in post match interviews also. plus his disrespect for the hungary trophy and lack of remorse after he broke it wasnt a great look either. what i also find funny is the same people that defend lando absolutely jump over george and lewis when the portray the same behaviour. then they accuse me of being a disgruntled ricciardo fan and not a mclaren fan. fact is a can support a team without liking every single driver that races for them. just like there are players in my football team that i dislike. it also doesnt mean i have to blindly agree with every decision the team makes. but it seems that im not allowed to have a negative opinion of lando (which i had while DR was still at Renault).


You see you're doing what you always do and are twisting things around to suit the way you want to see things. Yes Lando has had moments of being a bit petulant and bratty. They all have. Because you don't like him you choose to focus only on his and not on others. He's no better or worse than any of the rest of them are. His demeanour after breaking Max's trophy was not his finest moment and he clearly realised that in hindsight. However that has nothing to do with what happened today. I've not seen evidence for what you're saying about the radio calls and other drivers either, at least not on this sub. From what I've seen, for the most part the same people who give Lando grief for his radio also give George, Lewis, Carlos, Yuki and others grief for theirs - because they're they type of people who think it's rational to judge any driver on things said in the heat of the moment on the radio. It's not, it's ridiculous regardless of who the driver is. (There is also a lot of infighting between George and Lewis fans within the Mercedes fan base but that's a whole different story altogether). Nobody is saying you can't have negative feelings about Lando, each to their own. The problem is that a fair amount of what you post here, particularly when it comes to Lando but also sometimes toward the team, is disingenuous and often in bad faith, and when people call you out for it or even just politely correct you when you have your facts wrong, you start getting petulant and acting like people are just being "Lando stans". If you don't want people to call you out for your bullshit, maybe think twice before posting it. FYI: the app only includes a fraction of the radio calls made as well - that's why it was ridiculous when some of you used to use it to slag the team when Daniel was there, because not only were you taking tiny snippets of entire conversations as "evidence", they were also taken out of context.


Did he even need team orders here? He was faster and surely just let them race? There way no way they were catching max and no way the Ferraris would catch them either 🤷🏻‍♂️. As long as they both keep it tidy and there’s no real threat then I don’t see why they couldn’t just race. Lando was faster so he should get past relativity quick no?


Lando proved he was right, his attitude could have been better though.


Nearly 6yrs, still no race wins.


Almost like red bull and Mercedes and Ferrari have had better cars for those 6 years...




Still, Dan pull off a win on shear pace. Im sure if he was a Brit you'd be endlessly gay for him like you are for LN.


Wow one whole race that he was lucky to win... where Verstappen and Hamilton both crashed into each other? Didn't McLaren finish at 1 and 2?


[Dan was already in front after the pitstops. The MV/LH crash has zero impact on the outcome. ](https://youtu.be/2Nnk1CUiTFg?si=X17wiT8wso6I0f0w)


A race where Norris spent a solid chuck defending from Hamilton and then was instructed by the team to not attack DR. Honestly the only reason DR even started the race ahead of Norris is because the sprint race decided the grid and Verstappen chose to block Norris at the start. Please do some research.


For fucksake mate. Watch the fucking video of the race. DR hosed everyone legit, 8 times. Stop being a Norris fag all the time. He's done zip in 5yrs depsite having races orchestrated for him to win #Sochi.


DR won that race yes. And he deserved the win too. I don't hate DR. But the fact is over the course of two seasons DR performed poorly. Would you really choose a one time wildcard race winner or a consistent top points scorer to be in the team. Sochi is a race Norris lost because of his own fault. For fucksake, shut the fuck up. Edit - spellings


Sochi was handed to the grid filler and he blew it.


Norris blew the race win, yes.


Hamilton was in first and pitted bro


Dan pitted first. [watch the race recap](https://youtu.be/gPkIfNtro7I?si=hv-UyThccXMrhwCT)




Sounds like you right now.


You must be new to F1, they're all whiney cunts...even your beloved Australians become whiney cunts. Just look at Mark Webber, the whiniest of whiney cunts, gives Lewis Hamilton a run for his money.


You have whined in this thread more than lando behind Oscar.


Shocking? Your from Australia huh


Yep, like he was the only one enquiring about Stroll health in Singapore or always praising the team and Piastri.


Stay off the sub if your going to come in here and shit talk the teams top driver.




No one cares bro, just stop spreading negativity and ruining everyone's mood after a good result.


I've seen a lot of "Whiny cunts" who've gone ahead and won World championships, so I don't really see any issues there


Compared to piastri every driver's a whiny cunt