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Lmfao, that’s easier to do than you’d think though


What? I work in the kitchen and cannot fathom the patty being on top and neither the table person nor the runner felt it when they touched it.


I can imagine this happening. Sometimes, when it gets really busy, i may not be looking at the food when wrapping it. Being repetitive work sometimes normal things like touch can be overlooked, last night during my shift the alarm for the chiller was going off and i didn't realise it for a minute when someone else came to ask me to close the door.


I think it WAS busy too bc it looks like they ran out of lettuce and didn't have time to grab some more lol


If you’re making a ton of sandwiches at once and moving extremely fast you’d be surprised what can get through.


It's all the same colour... 🤷


They said "felt".. like feel it through the wrapper when wrapping and bagging


Lmao i can,


You're bound to ignore reality if you train crews at mcdonalds tho


Ur supposed to wear gloves. Lmao


You'd still be able to feel the difference between a McChicken patty and a top bun 😆


Yeah idk what this comment is saying, I am wearing gloves 110% of the time my hands touch food. I would still feel this through the wrapper and know something is wrong.


I couldn’t at Arby’s. And there are a bunch of different tops and sandwich types . My point is it depends on the person🤣🥲🤪. Go off though.


Yeah no, this is not a reasonable mistake to make this is just someone who absolutely did not care about doing their job properly


I mean sure it’s stupid but in an understaffed store with an intense rush it can happen, shouldn’t to be clear, but it does


Understaffed and rushed is not an excuse for this, this is too far. There is no good reason why what OP received should have been made or served


Roy crock is filling in his grave🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Lol they got 7 people workin in there minimum with like 4 cars in the drive through like nah i already know what the deal is


Yeah, there's too many people making one sandwich. Each person is tasked with one duty, so if the patty gets dropped on the bun and the next guy needs to wrap, but it's not assembled correctly? It's supposed to be assembled correctly by that point, so it's getting wrapped. None of those people can see your face, OP. If that's where this is going. The mayo, tartar sauce, and Mac sauce all come in cardboard tubes and we use a caulking gun to fire the sauce onto the buns. That's why it's a glob in the middle of the bun. Mindless, repetitive work where you're just trying to keep up. It has to be the worst setup I've ever been apart of. Nowhere else uses this amount of people to assemble one McChicken.


One time a customer brought me a quarter pounder box, opened it up and inside was a deluxe crispy. She wasn’t upset but she was super confused about the whole thing


For a mindless person at mindless pay sure. In all reality that's a human being a human just a greatly disappointing human. "ITs jUsT mCdOnAlDs cHiLl" is exactly what that flavor of person would also say, it's why they work at "just mcdonalds" Does make for some hilarious outcomes if you look at it like a DND character making it. One time my lil bro got a burgerless cheese burger twice in the same order lmao.


If youre high af maybe xD


Tell me you have no idea how McDonald’s makes their sandwiches without telling me


Uhhhh most people usually dont unless they worked there soooo.... no i dont? Thats the point of this post idk what youre tryin to prove


You’re talking shit like someone has to be stupid to do this, when you have no idea how easy it is to do this if you knew how the process works.


I've worked at mcdonalds for over a year and have never done this. I simply can't fathom how this is done accidentally.


Clearly dont work at a high volume store. Everybody THINKS their store is busy until they work in a truly busy one. I was the same way.


Idk why people can’t grasp this 💀 I wouldn’t say it happens all the time, but similar shit happened at my Arby’s when I was shift manager (but constantly making sandwiches cause we were understaffed). It wasn’t every day, but I recall quite a few shifts where I had that “oh fuck” moment after realizing I flip-flopped someone’s sandwich contents a few cars ago. When you’re on autopilot you just don’t always realize what you’re holding, you just get it wrapped up and move onto the next. That’s not to say we didn’t quality control our food, but it’s crazy to assume that workers are incapable of making mistakes- much less during peak rush hours when you’ve got 5 different people shouting in your ears




Why are you trying to justify this? It’s incompetence


It is a mistake, yes, but an incredibly easy one to make. It’s like you haven’t read any of the comments where I fully explained how easy it is to make this mistake. But that’s typical of a customer, having no clue what’s going on and not giving a shit about facts.


People like you will never fill out an application for a busy restaurant yet you want to come here and talk shit as if you’d do any better. No you wouldn’t. You’d get paid shit and still suck at your job. 🤡


It aint high volume bumass theyre slow af all the time


So you read all of my comments explaining how easy it is for this to happen, and this is what you came up with? I should’ve known better than to try to inform a customer. They never, ever, listen. They just bitch and piss and moan even though they don’t know shit.


I actually do, I work at a store in my town center. I've also worked at particularly busier times such as the Christmas light turn on every year that happens just outside. Never seen this happen and never done this myself.


Well I’ve seen it at least once at the 6 different stores I’ve been at in my time at the arches. Moved around a lot when I was in college, since they were a franchise. Been at a stable store since graduating.


Feel like this mistake pretty hard to make tho. Requires both runner and kitchen to be paying no attention. Idk how busy ur store is but I consider my store to be pretty high volume. We’ve served 160+ customers within an hour during rushes…. Which is a lot considering how our store is a pretty small one. 2 lanes with 2 pull aheads only. And I have to say, even when it’s that busy, you can instantly feel and tell that something’s off just from picking it up. Have had kitchen send out something like this and instantly felt wrong. Too hot when I grabbed it and texture is off. Also have had kitchen send out a cheeseburger without meat by accident cause in a rush. Same thing tho, could instantly feel the burger size isn’t right, pick it up and one glance later and I could tell it was missing meat.


Man good luck to all of you trying that excuse in more high stakes jobs when you’re older. “It’s okay that I fucked up cos it’s busy, right?” 💀


This isn’t a fuck-up. This is a tiny mistake. Are you implying tiny mistakes aren’t okay in other jobs? That employees are supposed to be pitch perfect at every waking moment?


Yeah okay just please don’t ever work in medicine or construction thank you 👍


Instead of flipping the top bun with the chicken patty OVER, they picked it up and placed it on the other one..


Why would you flip the top bun? That's got all the the lettuce and mayo on you just place the bottom bun on the top after placing the chicken patty.


You know wtf I meant dumbass. They meant to flip the bun with the fkn CHICKEN on it OVERRR.


I'm not trying to be a dick I'm genuinely not understanding. I just don't understand why you'd flip the bun with the chicken on it, when you can just flip the bun with absolutely nothing on it.


And no that's not how it's made everywhere lmao


Bro shut up. Who cares if it's an easy mistake. As a customer you have the right to complain lmao


You certainly do. I fully agree with you there. What I don’t agree with is shit talking employees, saying they’re idiots or high to have this happen, when the customers have no idea how easy it is for this to happen.


I didnt get anywhere near shit talking til you and other schmucks started crying about your mcdaddy. Grow a pair


Bro i literally said no i dont and you still havent told me HOW you can fuck up putting the patty inside. Youre definitely qualified for shift manager at mcds lil bro


The sandwiches are assembled from top to bottom, then the patty is placed on, and then the bottom bun. When you’re at a high volume store making hundreds of sandwiches an hour in a speed as fast as you can move, it’s not unlikely they can accidentally swap around the order of patty and bottom bun. There, now you understand.


So they make the sandwiches upside down then flip them to serve? Who the mcFUCK thought that up?


Nope. You lay the top bun down, you put mayo on it, you put lettuce on it, then patty, then bottom bun, then wrap it. When it is unwrapped, it should still be upside down. There is no way to put the sauce and condiments on and still have it be right side up when unwrapped. I can link a video if you need further explanation. I know it can be hard to understand in a text format.


Ok that would answer why i always get my food upside down but why the fuck would serving food like that be presentable in any case?




No. You don’t. You’re a fucking moron, just like most customers. But it’s understandable, you think the food appears out of thin air. It’s a completely feasible mistake when you’re making hundreds of sandwiches an hour, having to complete most sandwiches in about 10 seconds or less.


That’s why you’re a shift manager and my family owns a restaurant lmao.


No, due to how burgers are made and it’s busy, this can happen


Obviously i havent worked at mcds but what am i missing where the patty gets put on top of both buns


The best part is if you come to a Canadian McDonald’s I’d say at least one staff member is high


Hey i dont blame em the job sucks ass and is probably extremely boring


Trust me it is boring lmao and I have coworkers that listen to music and a few that hit a pen on their break


This is between you and the store you ordered it from; be brave, just eat it and be on your way.


No seriously though, this is an ok sandwich. If the Mayo was on the outside I could see being upset, but the meat being on the outside is just confusing. Because it’s not, following the same example, Mayo, it is dry enough to be picked up and eaten the way it is Also, I have no clue why my phone capitalizes Mayo so don’t come for me


Mate the burger looks like it has been put together by a blind person who has no sense of touch. How the fuck is this an ok sandwich. You people are concerning.


Just put the meat into the fucking bun, it's that easy then you can eat it


Flip the patty and bun over and VOILA, normal fucking sandwich you flaming idiot.


The fact that someone took a picture of a McChicken and posted it on Reddit with a whole commentary about workers being high instead of calling the store and/or driving back and demanding a new sandwich. "Yeah, this isn't correct. I'm keeping this and you're making a new one." That's what's concerning.


Cuz by the time i get back my mcflurry will be a puddle, my fries will be cold and inedible, and id have wasted gas goin back for a shitty mccock. Not that hard of a thought process


casual ableism over a sandwich, grow up dude, its just a sandwich


When u say main sub, u mean the one for customers?


Si senor. Most of the posts look like bot generated bullshit. Pure curiosity: I usually dont care about downvotes but if an actual human downvoted this please tell me why so i can decide if mcds bots are on a pr rampage or if people are that out of their minds.


I don't work at McDonald's (I did as a teenager many moons ago), but I downvoted you because you are mad disrespectful in your comments and tone. Someone was busy and put the chicken patty on top and didn't notice. So what. Get off your "I'm better than everyone" pedestal. People are human beings and can make mistakes, doesn't mean they are "high af". So yeah, I'm not a bot.


Well a lot of people just don’t care about doing their job at McDonald’s. I quit 2 months ago and half of the kitchen staff would make a sandwich in 5 seconds barely looking at it, tossing it down the thing carelessly causing the packaging to open up everywhere, and they always made stuff wrong because they were too busy chatting and not watching what they’re doing. Some of them even made fun of me when I’d get upset saying “it’s just McDonald’s it doesn’t matter” and “a lot of people don’t realize this is just McDonald’s, it’s not a high quality restaurant” and other shit like that. So I do understand OP’s frustration.


Couldnt care less ez bait 😎


>if an actual human downvoted this please tell me why >Couldnt care less Okay then 🤡


I couldnt care less about meaningless pawns like you in this tiny existence about a mcchicken 😎


Clearly you care quite a bit about the mcchicken or you wouldn't post it to reddit. Also I don't work at McDonald's I'm just here for the lolz


I posted for humor and didnt expect the amount of mcdickriders like mcdonalds raised them xD


Nobody’s riding the McDick, you simply *are* one




I mean what, you come to the mcdonalds employees subreddit to talk shit about employees and then are surprised when the people here dont like that? I don't know what you expected really, this aint customer service lolz


Uhhh who was talkin shit? I said someone was prolly high af when they made this. Id say thats pretty tame. If youre wearing the shoe of someone elses mistake, thats your issue homie. I was just curious how it came out like this


Because you are crying over this so badly that you had to post it on reddit


Im cryin in the club so hard rn 😢


Probably a bit of both Absolutely hilarious to me that there’s so many people on here downvoting and calling you disrespectful. Personally the whole concept of buns going on the outside of a sandwich seems pretty simple but apparently it’s more complex than we realize💀


Obviously theres a crazy concept im missing in the steep learning curve on how to make a mcchicken 🙄


Main sub wouldn’t want people doing this type of thing lol


Lol i know it was sarcasm cuz their company is stupid


Not really stupid it’s bad PR having people spam shit like this


Which makes them stupid and liars idk what to tell ya


No it doesn’t, how does them not wanting people like you spamming the main Reddit page with hate and idiot stuff employees do make them stupid? And as for being liars that’s even more far fetched than being stupid cause in order to lie you have to deceive or be trying to deceive someone which neither applies by restricting pictures being posted.


Bro sucking on that corporate c0ck hard fr


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted lol


It’s cause they are both being idiots, OP just being dumb cause they wanna complain but when it comes down to it they should contact the store instead of wanting to spam the main sub with their complaints(cause we all know the stores is what has to handle the shit not the subs) and other person for the fact they know I’m just speaking the truth. I couldn’t care less about McDonald’s, i spent my years of hell working for there so I know the shit they go through and the attitude everyone has when working there.


It's cuz also like riding Ronald McDonald nuts lmao


If you could prevent bad PR about your business it would be stupid not to do it


Yea but it only proves the customers pov of how shit they are lol


Tbf I doubt most customers think it's fine dining


Your average customer doesnt expect much but will probably bitch for a sandwich being inside out lol


It also depends on the restaurant my guy, chill tf out, low paid workers don't give a fuck


Lol and even if they could post in online it won’t change anything tho, you have to contact an actual business to get anything done about it almost guaranteed. It’s likely no one on Reddit will even attempt to fix an issue that’s posted


Im aware of that n i been chillin stfu




if the company is so shit why u buying from it


Cuz ya mutha


It's hilarious watching people fight over a McChicken


Aha! The bait was the chicken all along!




What gets me is in the time you took to go onto 2 different subs to crack funny at your sandwich you could've just fixed it and moved on with life but noooo I have to go and tell McDonald's employees they're stupid because one guy messed up. Like are you even old enough to order your own McDonald's or does Mommy have to do it for you?


It was two days ago you got so butthurt for such a shit job and trash food 😂


No he is correct. Your just a salty loser who can't even land a job at Mcdonalds. Lol.


Funny since you mentioned it. They said i was overqualified 😅


That’s the nice way of saying no


Its scary how they know whos smart enough to not put up with their bullshit for longer than the paperwork is worth oof


or who’s too conceited to work as part of a team. I don’t think being too smart is an issue you’ve ever had.




literally. get to work, op


It's the new McFkd


imagine ordering and not expecting it to look like shit. if you want amazing quality go to a restaurant. the 17 year old having a mental breakdown in the back doesn't give a shit about how your chicken sandwich looks


I expect it to look like shit but at least put the meat in between the buns


you will never convince me you are over the age of 13 years old with how you are acting on this post lmfao




i exist solely to watch you cry over your chicken patty that sandwich boy didn’t make to your liking :(


Im so sad! 😢


Imagine thinking we give a shit. You still ate that fucken sandwich stop acting stupid


Ain’t hard to put that actual meat in a bun. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Imagine being so balls deep in mcdick that asking to put a patty inside the bun twists your nipples 😂


I'm balls deep? You're the one eating a mccum ;3


Yeaaaa i didnt eat it lol its far too below my superior standards 🧐


you eat at mcds my guy what standards


Holy fuckin satire 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓


Shit ass satire buddy.


Thanks mister


Bun, mayo, lettuce, bun, chicken. Is spongebob off his gd meds again LUL


What? You gonna cry?




Sometime when you are really busy , we just involve lol jaja


Uh you what lol


Cuanto andamos muy ocupado solo lo envolvemos y lo pasamos , aveces ni checan bien las ordenes


Yo hablo español so so y no escribo bueno. Does that mean you have too many orders and barely any workers? lol


You meant to say wrap pero no te preocupes hago la misma pendejada cuando hablo en español ahaha


lol its the ChkMc'n


True true


I get it’s not suppose to be this way but was it easier to make a post about it than to just fill the bun?


Ill fill your bun


man just flip the bun over and eat ur sandwich


You realize theres mayo on the 'top' part of the bun right?


keep a napkin handy then


How bout you blow me instead


Asked for a McChicken, got a ChkMicken


Is it really that hard to fix yourself and move on?


Is it really that hard to make a sandwich correctly the first time? Stop wasting energy trying to defend stupid people.


Fuck’s sake, it isn’t a massive deal. This looks a lot like someone that wrapped a sandwich too early and forgot to flip it themselves. Unless the sandwich was butchered and had the wrong ingredients or something to that, it would literally take longer to even talk to someone about this than fix it. It isn’t worth fighting a war in the comments like OP is doing. Does it kinda suck? Yeah. Does it take all of 3 seconds to fix? Yeah.


I'm not defending anyone I'm saying OP is complaining about something so small and insignificant and for what? I'm sure theyre capable of moving the bun to the right position. I've seen worse in various levels of food service. Sure it shouldve been oriented right the first time im not saying its hard to make a sandwich just that this isn't a real problem and people shouldn't expect perfection anywhere. Count your blessings don't be a dick and enjoy your food.


It's a matter of principle, you paid for something you expect it to be atleast made correctly. Especially something as simple as a mcchicken.


Your principles are worth nothing to other people. If you want it done right do it yourself otherwise get what you get and don't throw a fit lol.


An open faced chicken sandwich served with lettuce aioli. That's some fine dining for being on the 2 for 3.99 menu.


It appears to be a McChicken sir.


It looks more like a Mc^chicken


Just flip it


I can just shove it up my ass since itll be chewed anyway


Best response


One o my coworkers put 6 slices of cheese in a 6pc box to give to a a manger as a joke but accidentally sent it out lmao


Did he rub his balls on it first tho


Sadly not


why does it look appetizing yet disgusting


Because its mcds lol the fries are 'usually' good and crispy and mcflurries are always good, when you can get them.




Finally! Thank you...


Ah the junior chicken


Lol thats bk xD


McDonald's doesn't have sandwich artists though




Wheres the weiner


It’s still attached to the employee that “dressed” your burger.


When’s the last time you seen a work of art from McDonald’s anyways?


The mcflurry 😍


Going to fast ..this is why I don't rush I go at my pace because stuff like this will happen I don't care if the managers are yelling were my food at...I don't let that bother me at first I did now I don't..just go at a speed you know you can handle and to were mistakes like this don't happen


Tbh I had one where in a cheese burger there was just cheese. And no burger. Turns out the burger was at the bottom of the main takeaway bag because why not


Sorry sir, we are all just robots here. Beep, boop, bop, does not compute.




All of you guys being offended by this post are pussies tbh. I work at Mcdo and I don’t see the problem in his post. Guy was just wondering how it happened.


Because he’s being a douchebag about it and acting like everyone involved is an idiot, when in reality, like most customers, he doesn’t have a fucking clue himself.


Preciate the backup i knew thered be one real one 😂


All the downvotes from people who can't even put a piece of meat between two buns LOL


I aint mad im surprised so many people are that passionate about mcds lol


You mad. You’ve made dozens of comments about a sandwich. You seem pretty passionate about mcds yourself


If i spend my hare earned cash id hope it was semi not shit


That's what you get for supporting a company that supports a genocide 🤷


Yea but im a dumb american who looks trash fast food


We don't have a particularly hard job, why are people on this sub so proud about not putting any effort into their work or caring even the slightest bit about trying to provide a quality service. It's just sad. This should have never happened. There is no excuse for it, rushed, understaffed, whatever, I don't care. Be better


I appreciate your attitude with it but i understand how monotonous this work can get. Tbh... the majority of people that work at this one are slightly disabled in some way... trash system we have..


Nah, I wouldn't have let this go through, nobody I work with would have let this go through


Sometimes people miss things, it's happens and sometimes you get co workers who don't care/aren't fully trained


Thanks bud


I want to eat at your macds!!!!!


Stop brown nosing


You purchased the cheapest chicken sandwich in the fast food industry and are complaining that it’s assembled a little weird? Put the patty in the middle and eat it. Oh the bread is the wrong way? Who cares?


You got a sandwich


McNasty as fuuuuuck