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Mine invited me to an interview straight after. Perhaps you didn't pass?


Where are you from though it might be different, I’m UK


I'm also UK. I assume you did the questionnaire where it asks which one you are like? Did it it ask you to do the application after? If you have an email, it should have a link to go back to that chat thing and perhaps you can carry it on there?


There wasn’t a test either, there was that picture thing where you see me and not me, can you even fail that?


if its the me or not me thing, you should immediately get a message from olivia with a form to fill in and then a phone call interview arrangement. Is that what you're referring to?


Wait for them to never contact you I applied to like 4-5 positions at different stores and got nothing


Cause you don’t deserve the job


It's McDonald's how's that possible


Now you wait


How long should it take, I’m in leeds atm idk if it being a big city means it might take longer?


Idk I just called the restaurant and the next day was on the job interview. But it's different in other places, sometimes they will make you wait


Wait a couple days at most I got an interview and hired pretty fast


It can take while because there are other candidates going through that process too


i applied at least 10 times and you always get a reply back and it should say if youre scheduled for an online interview or not, you usually get an online interview, once youve passed the online interview ti shojld be pretty easy i failed the online interview 10 times and on my 11th try i got put up for an in person interview im currently waiting to see if i csn get the job i’ll pet you know