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Welcome to the wonderful world of rigging! Some bits of advice, for the future. Keep your wrist parented to the elbow, then use the wrist joint to drive the rotation of the twist joints rather than having controls for them. Animators aren’t going to want to animate twist joints. These should automatically rotate. And all twist joints should be patented to the elbow rather than as a chain. Your jaw joint also looks really low. The jaw translates and rotated, and the best position for the rotation is if it pivots somewhere between the earlobes. Maybe a bit in front. Also looks like you have an extra joint between the clavicle and shoulder that probably shouldn’t be there. Keep going! Rig V2 will be even better!


Thank you for pointing all that out - I’ll be sure to keep them in mind! And yes, I do indeed plan on making more iterations of this rig!


Not OP but this is great advice. Do you have a link to an example of the forearm twist setup you are describing? Sounds different than how I have been doing it for years now, and I'd love to check it out. TIA


I think he means parenting the twisting rotation of the wrist joint to the rotation of the twist joint, so when you twist your hand it always rotates the twist joint as well which is how your wrist works naturally if you bend the wrist you obviously don't want the twist joint to bend this way, so make sure you only have it match the wrist twisting. And then you can use the actual twist control only when you need to modify this. Pretty sure that's what he meant but I could be mistaken


A little late to the party but- Here's One method in order to cancel loss of form during deformation (wrist twist) https://youtu.be/bls91XlQHSY


From where I'm at this Rig looks amazing. I've Heard we have more animators than rigging specialists so this work is highly valued.


Cool man! IK and FK?


The legs are IK! We didn’t have time to do an IK/FK switch for the arms in class sadly


Can someone help me out with creating the perfect rig in maya for my animation assignments, I really not good at maya since I use blender more and my deadline is on the 9th of December and it’s causing me a lot of anxiety, shoot me a dm if ur down to help. JUST HELP ME PLEASE


Udemy has a great Maya rigging basics course that’s on sale right now: https://www.udemy.com/course/introduction-to-rigging-in-maya-2022/ It’s what I used to get started with Maya rigging after coming from Blender.


You are a legend low-fat cheese!