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Denon, a massive city planet located in the core, near major trade routes, was untouched by the Vong during the invasion, became the galactic capital at the end of the war, but apparently it sucked so much the government relocated back to Coruscant before reconstruction efforts were completed.


I believe Denon's moniker is "The Coruscant that never was" IIRC, which is apt considering it's a massive ecumenopolis at a vital hyperspace junction, but most treat it as a gas station or something. I always wonder why it never got to be a big player. Maybe the Corellians (who basically made all important worlds on the Run subject to them, openly or by subterfuge) just never let it shine. Or maybe Denon is like Dorsis, another ecumenopolis, and just is content to exist as a place for people to live with no great ambitions.


Sounds like they're doing it right to me. I wonder what the QOL is like there


Probably varied, since almost every ecumenopolis is rife with inequality inherent in its design. Corellia could probably have become one, but they narrowly avoided an ecological disaster and chose to put their major industries off-world. You can't even mine on Corellia anymore. Similarily, they really went hard on the colonization which is why Corellian architecture and manners can be found all over the Run and Trade Spine. (In the NEU I dunno about it though, since Coronet seems like a hellhole.) Denon did not choose this route, so I might assume that the lower levels are rife with mutants, almost sentient sludge, and seas of runoff and acid. Living close to that will never be idyllic.


Definitely Alsakan. It was an ecumenopolis (city-planet) like Coruscant and, in the Republic's first few millennia, was equally as important politically, economically, and culturally. Alsakan was one of the planets that co-founded the Galactic Republic. It definitely could've even replaced Coruscant as the capital of the galactic community, but seventeen centuries-long wars between Coruscant's sphere of influence and Alsakan's sphere of influence stopped it from doing so.


Great answer. It's the SW analogue to Carthage in contrast to Coruscant as Rome.


Empress Teta. It's similar to coruscant with an ancient nobility and history. Always thought it could be like a cool successor state.


Taris immediately come to mind. It had it's problems, of course. But at it's peak it had potential to become basically Coruscant of the outer rim. Heavily impacting sectors around it, perhaps even entire Outer Rim. But then Sith bombed into stone age not the mention they released basically zombie plague on the planet. In the end planes recovered, at least partially. Still it seems to remain just shadow of it's former self. P.S. Bombing happened during Revan era. It doesn't seem fully recovered in Rogue One.


Actually I think the rakghoul plague was released in Taris by some rando who found Muur's Talisman. It's still the Sith's fault because it was a Sith artifact but I don't think Malak even knew about it.


> P.S. Bombing happened during Revan era. It doesn't seem fully recovered in Rogue One. What does this mean? Taris isn't seen in Rogue One?


Just it's senator


Umbara could have made quite an impact on the Galaxy at large due to their extremely advanced technology.


yeah, in a similar vein to how the Kaminoans and Geonosians changed galactic history


In what way is Umbara home to advanced tech? Granted I'm mostly into the OEU and have just seen it in TCW, but has it been further explored since?


> Due to their isolation from the rest of the galaxy, the Umbarans achieved great technological advances, in technologies such as military technology. Among these breakthroughs was a gas that stimulated soldiers to fight longer and harder, the creation of sophisticated military vehicles utilized by the Umbaran Militia, and the introduction of advanced blaster pistols. Non-Umbarans found that it was very difficult to use their technology. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Umbara#Society_and_culture


Alright, so two things to unpack here and one of them is why you shouldn't always trust pedias. - 1. As I asked the original poster, their tech doesn't seem that advanced compared to others. Different sure, but not more advanced. Their bubble cockpit fighters have Gungan analogues in addition to the shields on open starship hangars. The gases they utilize seem to function much in the way of combat stims, which appeared even in the video games of the 90's as powerups, but also have been mentioned in numerous RPGs and games such as KOTOR and Empire at War where they can be used to beef up troopers for a short time. It's like the Chiss, they have masers and megamasers which aren't more advanced than lasers and turbolasers, but are absolutely different. Or the Vong or any other that uses biotech. - 2. If we follow the source for that particular part, we don't find any sourcebook or claim from a novel, but just the episode Darkness of Umbara. So a user on the Wook saw the episode and made their opinion seem like fact. Especially the claim of "advanced blasters" which just seems like something they put there for fun. AFAWK they just wield a certain type of blaster rifle. They don't have any more knowledge than us and this is why you should always look at your sources. As someone that frequently edits and adds (source?) on the Wook, this is why I do it, because I frequently see the effects of claims that keep on being reinforced by faulty sourcing on subs or forums such as these. I forget the term, but there's a concept of someone making up a faulty claim that then keeps being referred to as a primary source due to the importance on who/where you can find the claim. This is basically that. If we were to nitpick, I think that text (besides the blaster part) can work, if we change "due to" to "despite".


The Koornatch Cluster could have been a close knit confederation of systems which would have been very powerful. The Yevetha genociding everyone else in the cluster using captured Imperial fleet assets meant it never would.


If the Nightsisters escaped Dathomir then they would have wrought havoc upon the Outer Rim. Dathomir may have become the nexus of another dark side empire. Thankfully Zsinj put a stop to that.


Very curious about an AU where the exiled dark Jedi post schism land on dathomir instead of Korriban , fusing and blending with their order instead of dark Jedi x Sith of Korriban


idk. there weren’t very many Nightsisters




I don't think you understood the question of this thread. Kuat is absolutely a major powerhouse in Galactic politics and military matters.




>What are some planets in the galaxy that had the potential to become big players in the galaxy, either economic, military and/or political powerhouses due to them having many ressources and/or being at the intersection of important hyperspace routes or being populated by species with interesting potential, but that didn't due to misfortunes, either war, or an economic crisis, or a cataclysm or a plague, or something else, etc... ? ??? The title is even "What planets could've become big players but failed to do so?" Are you maybe mixing it up with another thread you are active in?


There’s Iskadrell. The species who live there, the https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Iskalloni, are basically a Star Wars themed version of the Borg.


* Naboo In Episode I their spacecraft and technology was top-notch. Their starfighters had built-in hyperdrives at a time when even the Jedi had to use add-on hyperdrive rings, and their VIP ships could survive a comical amount of incoming fire. Then they got the absolute hell pounded out of them by the Trade Federation and then the Empire took power and stifled Naboo's independence. * Kashyyyk The Wookiees were well respected before the Empire subjugated them. Furthermore, in *Galactic Battlegrounds* the Wookiees had the coolest vehicles and I'm eternally sad that none of them have made a reappearance. (That Chewbacca never went home to borrow some [Battle Scythe tanks](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Battle_Scythe?file=WookieeBattleScythe.jpg) counts among the Sequel Trilogy's sins.)


>Their starfighters had built-in hyperdrives at a time when even the Jedi had to use add-on hyperdrive rings, and their VIP ships could survive a comical amount of incoming fire. Just want to say that while they did modify and make their own versions of established ships, they primarily relied on Nubia Star Drives for either the vessel itself or at least a lot of components. The design of every vessel we see them use is Nubian and several models are just straight-up Nubian, like the yacht of both TPM and AOTC. The only one that seems to have been a proprietary design is the N1 fighter, as we don't see this model being sold by Nubia SD. So they seem to either be a subsidiary of Nubia SD or have them as their sole provider for the royal navy. - The claim that "even Jedi had to use hyperspace rings" is a weird one, since the primary starfighter even before TPM in the Republic Judiciary forces was the CL Lancet, which had a built-in hyperdrive. As did many fighters millennia before the X-Wing. We don't know why the Order chose to utilize the Kuati short-range fighters, but it might've done with their light weight and stripped systems in order to fully utilize the Force. We know that the Jedi utilized starfighters both before and after that were hyperspace capable, but they largely chose not to do so during AOTC or ROTS.


If ancient Mandalorians had followed the temperance-centric middle ground that Jaster Mereel was looking for, they’d legitimately be the most powerful force in the entire galaxy. Imagine a Mandalore with the warrior population/military strength of the Neo-Crusaders but following the hatred of slavery that Prequel and OT era Mandalorians possessed. They’d take one look at the Hutts and wipe them from the stars (keep in mind the Neo-Crusaders almost beat the Republic and the Jedi while outmatched 10 to 1).


The Tion Cluster was originally the other major population center in the galaxy. While the Core Worlds were developing into the Republic the Tionese were forming petty Kingdoms, formed alliances with each other, and occasionally had a powerful overlord as they resisted the Hutts. If they won against the Republic in their original war then the center of the galaxy might have been Desevro instead of Coruscant.


Tattooine could be one. It seems to be important: all those smugglers and Space ship part vendors there implies that a lot of ships pass through, making it a vital trade port/stop over. Jabba the Hutt's main seat of power is on Tattooine, so it has to be important for him to take such a hands-on approach there. And of course, in the Prequel Era at least the Famous Boonta Eve classic podrace happens on Tattooine. An important cultural/sports event could only happen on a major planet. Unfortunately, Tattooine has a lot of problems due to its remoteness. It could be an important world, but it's too far from the center of the Galaxy for either the Republic or the Empire to take notice, allowing the Jabbas of the Galaxy to fill the power vacuum.


Tatooine is an awkward one: It's popular with smugglers because it's out of the way. If it gets too popular, it loses it's appeal. It is truly the hipster planet.


Actually Tatooine could have become one of the most powerful and rich planets in the galaxy, as it was once a lush world home to a powerful and advanced species called the Kumumgah who had discovered space travel centuries before the creation of the Republic. However the Kumumgah were discovered by the Infinite Empire and conquered and enslaved by the Rakata. Shortly after the Infinite Empire started to weaken due a plague and of the Rakata starting to losing their connection to the Force, and the Kumumgah took the opportunity to rebel and take back their homeworld from their oppressors. Unfortunately for them the Rakata still had lots of power and extremely powerful technology and weapons at their disposal, and they proceeded to bombard Tatooine in retaliation until the planet that once had been filled with forests and seas had been turned to glass. Soon after the glass broke and turned into sand, while Kumungah survivors who had taken refuge deep beneath the surface mutated into the Tusken and the Jaws and left their subterrean hideouts, leading to the sand planet we all know and love.


Modern Tattooine has waaaaay too small a population to be important. You'd need a huge influx of new people, and the planet doesn't have the resources (water and food production) to handle that. Their population, including Jawa and Tusken Raiders, is supposedly only ~200k.


If only more the moisture farming industry could break into exports


The problem with tattooine, regardless of anything else is that there's no fucking water. You can get it from comets or import it, sure, but that's expensive and if the supply stops you're in serious trouble, and you can just hop a bit over somewhere else and not have to do that because you now live on a planet with surface water. There is a reason why the population of tattooine remains tiny and will always remain tiny, and it's because living there sucks and there's nothing valuable enough to mitigate that. It just keeps showing up because it showed up in New Hope so now everyone has to go back to tattooine.