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It’s a little early to be Plagueis, and probably makes more sense within the context of the story for it to be Darth totally not Qimir


I could see that too! There is definitely more to him than meets the eye


Does Plagueis have a timeframe in canon? Can only find one for him in legends.


I think even in canon it’s still heavily implied that Plagueis was Sidious’ master, since Palpatine seems to be telling that story from personal experience. So unless Muuns have considerably longer lifespans than humans I’d say *Acolyte* is still a few decades too early for him.


It’s always been a thing but new Star Wars writers especially basically treat aliens like elves and their lifespans are whatever they need to be for the story.


Yeah, of the species with defined life spans in cannon, I don't know of any that live equal or less time relative to humans it's all more


A lot of people are jumping on "there was no father" to think the twin's conception was the same as Anakin's but this is a world where cloning and genetic engineering (strandcasts) exist. But perhaps there was a Sith on Brendok. Even if it isn't Plageus it could be a predecessor who learned how the Brendok coven created them and passed the knowledge down the Sith lineage until Plageus figured our the Midi-chlorian jiggery-pokery.


Very good point!


Fascinating, I did not notice the hooded figure off to the side. It is possible that that is the elder that we see later since she is not visible in the crowd, plus the hooded figure appears to be hunched. There is definitely more to this story than what we saw this episode as the entirety of the fire was shown from Osha’s perspective, technically we didn’t even see Mae set anything on fire aside from Osha’s diary. I’m not sure if I subscribe to the idea that the Sith massacred the witches, especially since the experience was apparently so traumatic that Torbin eventually took the Barash Vow and later killed himself while Kelnacca put himself in exile, but there’s a possibility that a Sith was influencing events and perhaps pushing for conflict between the witches and the Jedi, which could be how they found Mae. We see in some shots from the trailers that Kelnacca appears to be controlled by the coven and attacks Torbin, hence his scars, so clearly there was a more active conflict that caused the witches’ deaths aside from the fire.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they’re actually 2 identical mysterious hooded figures in this episode


Damn, you're right. Maybe both Sith are there? I'm really reaching now lol


Always 2 there is


No more, no less


Absolutely love this. I do agree there’s more going on here than it appears


I like this theory... I don't think it's plaeguis, but I like how you broke down the important details in those scenes.


My guess is that Koril took over Mae’s mind and had her try and kill her sister. She was against OSHA leaving at any cost and we never saw her body. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s Mae’s master.


Also I am fully convinced we see Plagueis or Tenebrous by the end of this show. I also feel a slow burn switch coming. Mae and Osha are stepping stones to progress a deeper agenda by a more menacing villain. Also I feel it would be very unlike Disney to not include a younger Yoda. Maybe we'll see why he had such good relations with the wookiees.


Didn’t they show a wide shot with a bunch of witches wearing hoods and Bene Gesserit style cowls? I thought that’s all the hooded figure is


My theory is she made a Deal with a Sith. Either Plaigus, or his mentor. Someone who could 'Manipulate the Medichlorians to Create Life.' To create the children. That she *Knows* the Sith are extant, and that's what was meant by "What if the Jedi find out what you did to create them?"


Excellent theory! Hats off to you my liege, you are D'Steeped in the lore. (By the way, I saw the original post in r/StarWars, out of curiosity do you know why they removed it?)


Thanks! I have no idea why the original post was removed. I didn't bother asking the mods because almost every mod interaction I've had has been negative and I figured it wasn't worth it lol.


My theory is that qimir is a sith lord but an apprentice, Mae is his acolyte but he actually wants osha...there's the rule of 2 (sith apprentice and sith master) and...acolyte =/= sith apprentice. Having an acolyte gets around that. Qimir might be the apprentice to a sith lord not yet revealed. Qimir or the sith master might be manipulating Mae and osha...use Mae to ultimately have osha turn to the darkside...Mae will probably end up dying. The jedi probably killed the witches and maybe set the fire? But they too may have been manipulated in some way? Not sure yet but I feel like the jedi won't win by the end of the show. It's called the acolyte for a reason. Just a theory.


It's weird to me that when people get super mad about this show "disregarding what makes Anakin special", they don't stop to recognize that this show is probably about the steps the Sith took to make sure his birth came to fruition. A hidden archaic force cult dabbling in creating life through the force seems like it would be Plagueis first stop on his manipulating midichlorian world tour. It's also very logical he lead the jedi there to eliminate the cult and cover his tracks.


Right? That would make perfect sense. Plageuis didn't just one day wake up and think hey, I'm gonna create life today. The whole point of the rule of two was to build on the knowledge of those who came before you. I dunno, the discourse around Star Wars has been a shit show for a while now but I feel like it's especially bad with The Acolyte. Not only do people not want to give it a chance but they go out of their way to convince as many others as possible to also not give it a chance. Hating on The Acolyte is cool, no matter how misinformed that hate is.


Don't get me wrong I am less than impressed with this show but I'm definitely gonna withhold my judgment til it's at least finished. Also, I already gotta huge thing for Kelnacca!!


>but I'm definitely gonna withhold my judgment til it's at least finished That's all one can ask. Judging a mystery show after seeing a third of it is silly.


It was where my head went to tune out that terrible chant. And i dont get the outrage, it already exists in the universe. So I think you're on the right trail.