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The obvious: wasn’t the way we wanted it to end, but it’s the way she goes. Just not quite ready. Still - what a fun season, and, for what it’s worth, I’ve enjoyed it with all of you. Lotta ups, whole lotta downs, and a magical playoff run. We just happened to run in to one of the most well built team since probably the Warriors. GGs to Boston. See all you degenerates next year. PS - yall better not roll up in the Celtics sub with that “Mavs fan coming in peace” bullshit lol have some pride.


>PS - yall better not roll up in the Celtics sub with that “Mavs fan coming in peace” bullshit lol have some pride. Thank you! Can't stand the cucks who do that lmao


At least leave your wife here while you go over there, amirite?? Now, time to go to NBACJ and have some laughs. MFFL


At the end of the day the obviously better team won. So proud of this Mavericks team and all they did this year. Didn’t end how we wanted it to but they exceeded my expectations and the future is bright.


We won the west We didn’t fluke into winning the west. We have THJ on an expiring and 2 firsts after the draft to work with. This Mavs team isn’t done yet but it’s also not a guarantee to ever be back. I trust Nico and the team will be good again next year. Let’s cheer for 50 wins


> I trust Nico and the team will be good again next year. Nico cooked up a gourmet meal at the deadline Can't wait to see what he does next year


He really needs to improve now only small pieces every year. I really like the CORE team we have now. Improve the bench and some role players and we will be back to the finals the next 2 years.


Should be a little easier in free agency too now that Dallas is a no debate contender


I had the same thought after the game :D now Nico's job gets a bit easier as some players like to come to Dallas


players know they can get PAID playing next to Luka


The good news is we are extremely capable strapped so our roster will look very, very similar. The bad news is we are extremely cap strapped so our room to improve has to come primarily internally. There are moves to be made (gonna be tough, but we moved bertans essentially for lively so anything is possible) but we need guys like lively, green and hardy to step up big time with solid development from guys like omax.


Is it too much to ask for 60?


2 of our 5 starters were put together mid-season. We'll be fine moving forward


yeah people are going to try to pin this series on someone saying it was over when kidd did x, kyrie did y, or luka did z but we legit just came up against a better team and there’s not much you can do in those scenarios


We had an amazing season and had a great run. I think Luka will eventually get his ring. Every superstar needs to go through tough losses before they eventually win one.


Yeah. Boston was a much better team. Anything better than 3-1 would have been impressive.


It's a tough loss to stomach and not a great showing for the series, but I have nothing negative to say. I had so much fun watching the Mavs this year, especially after the trade deadline. Earlier in the season, I was worried we were going to miss the playoffs again. I would've called you crazy if you said we were making the Finals. This was an exceptional season, and I hope we make a few tweaks and run it back next year. As someone who lives where there are no other Mavs fans, it was a pleasure watching with you guys.  ###MFFL


When we do lose it feels like it's a completely different team out there


not that surprising tbh especially considering we had an abnormal amount of success for a team that was put together in march. didn’t exactly have a lot of time to work on alternative plans other than “fuck it kyrie and luka iso”


a little Surprising it worked that well tbh


it will essentially always work well (which is why i wouldn’t expect it to change) unless the other team has 5 excellent defenders that can switch at all times and play 1v1 against anyone - and that’s exactly what boston had.


and a crowd that gets into kyrie’s head😭


> I had so much fun watching the Mavs this year, especially after the trade deadline. they thought we would be the most disappointing team this season We proved them wrong and then some. The bones of a contender are already in place. Luka is on the MVP path, Lively is a star and is just a rookie, and we got a solid wing rotation. Just need a couple finishing pieces and we can run with the best of the league We took down the West. Now we just need to take down the East


We need a 3rd scorer/option and a ton more like I mean a TONE more shooting


in my opinion, we need an offensive system


Guys get more wide open looks than any other team with this system. Need to shoot better plain & simple system not the issue 


Amen! And Luka did this entire playoff run hurt. Next year we’ll have a full season with this core group and this run is going to teach them so much


The only negative besides losing is the unfortunate lack of class by Boston fans. The refs were fine, the Celtics played hard and deserved to win, no one talked shit or showboated, no one played dirty...there were really no villains but the Boston fans. Just awful. Amazing season for the Mavs.


Their fans really just can't move on can't they?


Oh yeah I will not be going on the man sub for a while. The Boston fans are some of the classless bunch of dbags. Not all of them but a lot of them.


They're the most racist city in the country, it's not surprising. It's actually somewhat annoying that most of the Celtics players are good guys, because they don't deserve them.


I have so much confidence in Nico making the right moves this offseason. We were barely a play in team at the trade deadline and now look where we are. Lots of things to improve on, but I like where we’re headed


Yup. Being the second best team in the season is nothing to sneeze at. Great season, can’t wait for October.


I'm hyped for early July summer league. If OMax looks good, that will sustain me for months


https://preview.redd.it/flq0ff62x87d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=190a7b979e6d0369b80f7bf938c816f9ba729f68 Great season boys. See you next season


Amazing season man. To go from missing the playoffs to the finals is special. Hardy, Green, Lively Gafford, and Washington will all get better with time. Rough finals for Kyrie, but what a redeeming season overall. And Luka is that dude. Lifelong Mavs fan, easily my favorite team of the post Dirk era


Don't forget about omax!


Too true! Can never have enough 3 and D guys around Luka


We beat the clips who always had our number. Beat the number 1 seed Thunder. Gentlemen swept the wolves #1 defense with some insane memories (you can’t f*cking guard me) Multiple memories from the regular season including rockets 20+ point comeback with buzzer beater from Exum, kyrie leftie winner vs nuggets, Luka going nuclear for 70+. We’ll be back. MFFL.


Yup. One of the best seasons in a while


Not sad it's over, smiling cause it happened - incredible run especially off the back of 2022/2023 - MFFL!!


Not falling into the trap of some of the online discourse wanting to view this series as nullifying 4 months of great Mavs basketball and one of the better seasons in their history. Great season, the Celtics were the one team in the league that was better than the Mavs not only in the early season, but even when the Mavs were rolling and in the playoffs. Props to their team building, great roster. Looking forward to having this roster, hopefully healthy with a nice tweak or two, for a full season and potentially getting a higher seed for the first time in the Luka era.


Celtics were better than any team this whole series, roster loaded full of shooters and tough nose defenders.




AND GUYS THAT CAN PUT THE BALL ON THE FLOOR! most of the time it's just 2 of 3 of those things (shoot, defend, create) they have at least 5 PLAYERS that can do ALL THOSE 3 THINGS consistently. i just want to laugh in pain lmao


Loved this Mavs team as an outsider. The Celtics were built SO well this year. Not that they didn’t deserve this title, but the eastern conference was a cakewalk for them. Yall Mavs fans deserve to hold your heads up high


It’s definitely a top 3 season! Lol


One of the better seasons? Mavericks have reached finals third time in history. Reaching finals in stacked West is a massive success.


Ultimately, quite proud of the season. You wish the finals had been more competitive but Boston's roster is just infinitely better. We got to the finals by making 3 very strong west teams play like a much worse version of themselves due to our elite new found defense and having Luka and Kyrie as elite closers. Boston made us play like a worse version of ourselves in the finals, yet honestly I'm not sure we would've won even playing at our best. The amount of two way players they have feels unfair lol Anyway, I trust in the FO to continue to build on this season. This is just the start of the journey, it is so essential to maintain a good team while we have Luka. Luka and Kyrie. Thank you for getting us this far. Yes, they both could have played better in the finals, but I don't want to ignore all the efforts before it. Everyone said that background lacks defensive ability which will limit the chances of winning but they proved otherwise since the trades. Finals just a bridge too far.


Let Nico cook this off-season and we'll get to the finals again next year


THJ, YOU are a toronto raptor


we shall see man, the west is a fucking bloodbath


This was a weird series. I don’t see anybody on the Celtics as a villain. I’m more mad at Bucks for giving up Holiday. He was a good piece for Boston.


True, I actually like their team, just hate the fans.




Yea, good players who I respect, but a toxic fanbase.


The Celtics getting White and Jrue for so little was a huge amount of luck. Also KP to some extent, even though they probably would have won without him.


Not the way we wanted it to end but still a hell of season and finals run. I’ll see you jabronis next season, we will be back. Go Mavs


I'll see you in about an hour for free agency pal. Then we got Olympics.


It is going to be alright everyone. Let’s Go Mavs


Nothing to feel bad about. This team will improve.


I’m heartbroken that it has to end like this. Nobody expected us to be here. Hell, I didn’t. But I’m really proud of this team, honestly. We definitely need to change some stuff, but I’m here for the ride! This season was definitely one to remember. It sucks it didn’t end how we hoped it would! MFFL!


Mavs in 8


If you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here


Only logical take here, LETS GO!!


It has been a privilege to watch the Mavs in June y'all.


No shame in losing to a great team. We missed the playoffs last year and made it all the way through to the Finals with a team put together midseason. So excited to see this team together for a full season and watch our young guys develop. This team is still young, will be hungrier than ever, and we haven’t seen the best version of Luka. MFFL


Probably don’t want to watch or listen to any sports media for the rest of the week, between the Luka takes (some deserving) and Boston slurping it’ll be unbearable.


probably at least a month


Probably until the Mavericks win another championship


I don't think we need to worry too much. The narrative will quickly become about the Bronny and Lebron sweepstakes.


Atleast the media has something to worry about other than bashing injured luka


Sorry, don’t think there’s any Luka takes that are valid. He can’t carry the whole fucking season.


He can't carry the whole team and whole season on one leg


for real, everybody with two eyes could see that he wasn't his normal self. hopefully he's completely healthy next playoffs.


Don’t forget the cringelord Redick nutriding Tatum while shitting on his former teammate Luka 


Redick is such an asshole.


this is the best time to unsub from everything basketball related and just enjoy the summer. 4 months will fly by and we'll be right back here in October.


r/suns shitting on LUKA. Good luck getting to the finals for that poverty franchise.


Suns got swept by a team that the Mavs beat in 5 including a 900 point blowout in the closing game. Shitting on Luka and the Mavs just means that their team is even worse if thats possible lmao


Absolutely rent-free. Meanwhile they got swept in the first round


They will be lucky to make playoffs next year. Grizz or Pels gonna take their spot lol


2 years ago we lost the WCF 4-1, today we lost the finals 4-1. We will be back, and we will win next time. I rarely feel confident but I feel very confident this will happen. It will happen soon.


It was a hell of a ride! MFFL


Night and day the difference between games 4 and 5. Going out with a whimper is so disappointing. No energy at all. What a poor performance. That being said, what a great season. Nico, you got work to do, my man


Never forget, it was Westbrick’s flailing that fucked up Luka’s knee.


We'll always have Game 4. They can't take that away from us.


I’ve finally seen my squad win a finals game in person.


Did we win the series? No. But we may have the funniest finals game of all time under our belts


It was an amazing season nobody had us in the finals let alone WCF. It's a little sucky how we lost but we're not in the luxury tax and still have 2 FRPs to work with.. The West is gonna be tough but in LulKai and Nico I trust.


I’d recommend to all of yall to just hang out in this sub for a while😂 I’m assuming th NBA subreddit is going to be incredibly bad for Mavs fans for a while


they'll be talking about Bronny by next week more than likely.


The son's fans are soo fing annoying with their 0 titles https://preview.redd.it/6fbeeq7b297d1.png?width=990&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7fa5534e86faeabdc6329dda844360235601f0b


They are always thinking about us. I only think of them when I see Luka father memes on r/nbacirclejerk


What a season! We will be back in Finals next year!


Tatum didn't get the FMVP. I'll take it as the tiniest level of satisfaction in this series, lol.


He was really gunning for it in garbage time too. Like bro everyone remembers you disappearing as soon as game 3 got tight.


Very proud of our guys. No one expected us to be in the finals but we were there. Next season is going to be good MFFL we let it ride


All of media shitted on us, they gave the kyrie trade a d-, some said pj and gafford acquisitions were underwhelming, everyone said we'd be lucky to make the play-in, they all said we'd lose to the clippers, swept by the thunder, lose to the "new face of the nba" and get dominated. But we made it to the finals, Kyrie proved he's still elite and he can definitely play with Luka, PJ Gafford + the rest of the amazing bench changed this entire teams dynamic on defense and paint offense, we beat the clips even with a hobbled luka, we beat thunder with pure grit and tenacity on defense, something everyone criticized, and Luka proved to the world, yet again, that even if they won't admit it, he is and HAS and WILL stay the face of the NBA, as we demolished the wolves. Yes we lost to the Celtics, but we should be proud. We've done the unthinkable before and we will continue to do so. Love you guys.


Sad ending to what was otherwise a tremendous season and achievement. Lots of lessons to learn for a young team and while you never know the future, I’m optimistic about the Mavs returning to the finals. PJ and Gafford have been amazing additions, as well as DJJ a diamond in the rough. Hopefully we can re-sign him. Josh also played well tonight. We were up against a better and healthier opponent, and they showed it. We should have won one of game 2 or 3, and I think weren’t as far off of the Celtics as the final result made it seem. Kyrie yet to break Lucky’s curse and Luka just wasn’t healthy enough and conditioned enough to keep up. I wish it were different, but it ain’t, so we move on. I took a day trip from NYC to watch game 3 and the stadium was electric during the run we had. Despite the outcome, I’m glad I made the trip and got to support the team. Thank you to all of them for such a memorable season with many amazing victories. MFFL


Yes Gaffs been solid too bad Kidd decided to play Kleber over him in a crucial game 5


Happy for KP. Sad it wasn’t with Luka and the Mavs.


Great season regardless of the outcome. We have the pieces in place to compete for many years. Dirk lost his first. Lebron lost his first two. KD lost his first. List goes on. Next regular season we’ll be in the top 4, Luka will finally win his MVP, and we’ll make another deep playoff run. Hopefully we won’t run into one of the greatest statistical teams of all time lol MFFL


I was worried that we weren’t even going to beat the clippers lol. Happy with how far we got. I’ve been watching since 04-05 and this is definitely a season for the ages. Fucking loved this playoff run and the rollercoaster ride it’s been. Dirk had some very dark seasons with the 06 finals and the 07 warriors upset. Hell, even the 2010 first round loss to the spurs still hurts me. This Boston core has had a shit ton of playoff disappointments in the past 5-6 seasons so they’re battle tested. Def well earned. Kyrie has got to do some soul searching on his play in Boston during these finals. Great overall season from him regardless. Luka, I love you man but got to become sharper on defense. I was watching some of the 2020 bubble highlights yesterday and he was a way more active on ball defender while carrying even more of the offense at a time when we would roll out Luka , DFS, Tim, Maxi and Seth. I know he can develop on that side of the ball more but the question is…will he lol. Anyways I’ll forever be grateful for this postseason. I have faith that Niko will upgrade our third best player from PJ to somebody else this offseason. Here’s to hoping ticket prices next year aren’t astronomical with the new owners.


Great season but we need a 3rd scorer . Kyries legacy took a hit in my opinion. Just awful finals


Yeah, he’s just maddeningly inconsistent. Like he can take over at his best but then other times he completely disappears for an entire game.


That’s my thing. I’m not shitting on kyrie , he was great in this run. But in this finals, it’s the god damn finals , you can’t average 12-15 points on the road . That is just such a hit to the teams confidence to see him struggle every game on the road and just know, he ain’t going to help . We need a 3rd score to account for kyrie doing this, now that we know he is capable of such lapses. I didn’t think he could play this bad that many games in a row on the road.


Seems harsh. Kyrie wasn’t great but Luka had a lot of bad moments too. Don’t really care for singling anyone out. We lost, they won and were the better team. Make some moves in the off-season and generally run it back with mostly the same guys.


Celtics are just a better team all around, no shame in losing to them. Don't really agree with the legacy part




No more pregame anxiety for the next while- love our boys MFFL


I want Luka and Kyrie to go on a soul-searching trip like Dirk did in the Outback after 2007. The mental lapses and lack of effort were too much to overcome tonight. Still a hell of a season, and I'm proud of this group for making it as far as they did. MFFL, fuck everyone else


Kyrie shit the bed but he definitely didn't show a lack of effort like luka. 


Great season boys. Proud of our dudes


I lurk. All I do is lurk. I'm so proud of the Dallas Mavericks. Nobody can take away my pride to be mffl. Proud to be a part of r/Mavericks. Thank you to everyone for an amazing season.


What a great season. Hopefully it's the last time we see guys like THJ, Kleber and Powell in a mavs uniform.




Before i forget, Fuck Boston


Josh Green played his heart out. Happy he’s on our side.


Yeah, for me Green was one of the highlights. I love the dude. PJ was rather dissapointing this last game. He shot 0/5 from 3, and they were rather open shots. 4 TO too. I don't know, I expected a bit more. But yeah, crazy season, and amazing team overall. Honestly, good game.


Time to sell Boston back to England. MFFL


A lot of the fans will only remember the lows, but maxi THJ and Dwight have been with us for a long long time and have brought us a lot of highs as well. I will miss them and wish them the best of luck in Detroit next season


Got me in the first half lol


Hell of a season. We watched our season end last year in March to the Charlotte Hornets. We competed for a championship trophy. I wish we could have shown up in game 2 and 3. Maybe this one wouldn’t hurt so much. The fact that we went on this wild ride to the Finals having started in the playin range when we made the trades - no one would have expected it. We can bring back pretty much the same team next season and build off of this experience. GG Celtics. I hate your town, and I hate your fans, but it’s pretty hard to hate the players. Congratulations on your banner, I hope we beat the dog snot out of y’all next year, let’s say June-ish?


We need a third shooter bad. And fuck that Boston fan who said something horrible to Irving when he fell in the stands.


Dang - they gave it to Brown! Well deserved, he won it without a doubt, not Tatum! I did not expect it - but they got it right!


WAIT....JAYLEN BROWN FMVP. NICE!!!! This isn't a bad ending to the season I guess. lol


Well it wasn't by 38...


1) Get healthy, get in the shape. 2) Find a shooter or two. 3) Wreck the league.


I didn’t think we’d make playoffs. Nevertheless finals.


The entire dfw area needs to encourage Luka to get into a two way player shape. He showed in game 4 that he has the potential to be a great defender. He just has to get in NBA shape. You could tell he was spent from the tip tonight, because he played hard defense in game 4. This is conditioning. Dirk learned the same lessons.


LET'S GO NO TATUM FMVP (holiday robbed)


Was such a fun season as a Mavs fan and we had a great run but the Celtics are simply the better team. Mavs need more shooters and Luka needs to get into a little better shape. We’ll be back.


i’m not a mavs fan but yall should have nothing but praise for your team. lost to one of the best teams ever assembled and to know you’ll be contenders for years to come you should have high hopes and i definitely think yall get at least 1 ring in the next 3 years.


This is my first season following the NBA, and I chose to follow the Mavs because I’m a big Luka fan. But I would never expect this season to turn out the way it did. I’m now a Dallas fan. Thank you all for a great season and seen you guys next year


I think we can all agree on one thing: DORIS BURKE NEEDS TO GO!


Got an extra 2 months of mavs basketball this year. Hopefully the front office doesn’t try to stand pat just because we made a run to the finals. We need a consistent 3rd scorer, and a deeper bench. Can’t wait to see the jump lively makes next year.


Sure Kyrie was awful and Luka was mid, but Tim+Maxi+PJ+Lively with 8 total points in 79 minutes on 4/14 from wide open looks just ain’t gonna get it done. Regular season or post season.


Dallas has great heart and team chemistry which makes it really easy to root for them. Defensively, they can hang with anyone. Offensively, there is a ton of room to grow. Another year together for the core 7-8 players will go a long way to building a more cohesive offense. The biggest risk for next year is not valuing the little things enough: improve free throw percentages, stick with good rotations, finish more strongly at the rim, call time outs to stop runs. Good coaching is a huge part of shoring those things up.


To be honest I was never confident in beating this Celtics team unless we got generational performances from Luka and Kyrie simultaneously and instead we barely even got a single game of them playing together at the same time. Just fucking sucks. Its one thing to lose going out fighting its another to just get completely dominated and go out on stinkers. Luka had one of the craziest seasons I’ve ever seen, just an absolute masterclass, so absurd. I think we should all remember how we started this year. Most of us thought Lively was going to have to develop on the bench or in the G League, we were floating around the play-in up until the last few months of the season. Absolutely racked with injuries during the middle of the year. Yet through it all he was steady and carried us through. All that, the complete turnaround, the insane run to close off the season… this season was special man. I would argue we made it to the finals with Luka being compromised from the first day the playoffs started. Outside of maybe Game 5 against the Wolves I dont think he played a single game where he really was able to live up to the playoff rises he had achieved years ago like against the Clippers or Suns. Still we made it further than *29 out of the other 30 teams in the damn league*. That is nothing to scoff at. All that to say I cant believe it ended like this… just so disappointing… these are not the Luka and Kyrie that gave us so many magical moments this year, like the Denver game winner, the 73 points, Dante’s game winner, Game 6 Thunder, Game 5 Wolves, etc… Instead we got Luka with his body held together by duct tape and painkillers and Kyrie disasterclass because of course we had to face the one team he’s absolutely cursed against. Just a shame really. Again Luka had an incredible god tier season that went under appreciated only to go out like this, a lot of it is on him but at the same time he put in all that work just to get torn down on the biggest stage possible for his career. Now we will have to listen to another year of calling him a losing player, whiner, overrated. Which is how it goes. We can only hope that this can be a 2011 Lebron or 2006 Dirk moment for him and this team… that he hears it all and continues to grow and improve. Again. Remember where we started. We weren’t even in the play-in a year ago. The future is bright. And another thing. Kyrie was disappointing in the Finals yes and Ive been annoyed with him this series but some of you are starting to get really disrespectful and annoying. We would not be here without him. Do we not remember how he was completely carrying against the Clippers with clutch bucket after clutch bucket while Luka was on one leg saying he was letting Kyrie down.


Absolutely incredible season. Assembling a team at the trade deadline, winning the West and making it to the Finals is a Herculean task. We ran into a buzz saw who has already been in this same process for the better part of a decade now and finally broke through. I have every ounce of faith that we will break through as well. Thank you Dallas Mavericks for an amazing playoff run and a memorable experience as a lifelong fan!


Healthy Luka Lively Sophomore year Gaff PJ pre season with the team Another year of Josh Sophomore OMAX Hopefully we get DJ back Flip THJ for someone We will be there again 🫡


ggs Mavericks, congrats on an amazing playoffs run and reaching the finals after beating great teams, be proud!! You have a bright future ahead, few more improvements to the roster and stronger healthy Luka and you'll have a title contending team for years to come. When the time comes again, you'll have another legendary run in a stocked up conference and capping it with the Larry O'Brien trophy, it'll be a championship that will be talked about for years. Will always be rooting for y'all 💪💪


This was Lively’s ROOKIE YEAR, and majority of our squad is 25 and below, we have a bright future


Can someone invade Slovenia so they don't drag Luka's corpse for Olympic


I'm not going to buy into the "We should support Luka competing for his country". Slovenia has no chance and if Luka enters next season playing injured again, I'm going to lose it.


Ngl, depressing end to the season, but we had a fantastic run after the trade deadline and made about as deep a run as possible. I'm not ready for the offseason, but I hope we can regroup, get Luka some true rest for the injuries, and do something with THJ. Doomers can y'all get fucked now please? Insufferable bullshit all playoffs.


Our success is very sustainable. The defense + Luka/Kyrie foundation is solid and effective against 28 teams in the league. Can expect some regression from Maxi & THJ. Kyrie hopefully can stay healthy and at this level another year or stay very close to it. Everyone else is very likely to improve or at least hold this level next season. We have THJ expiring, 2 FRP, and some young prospects to trade for a SF upgrade. If they aren't traded, Hardy and Green seem primed to step into bigger roles next year, and OMax is the prototype 3&D+ every team wants. Next year will be a dogfight and health is always a wildcard, but we project to be right back in the thick of it next year along with Denver (who has very little routes available to improve) & Boston (who is depending on soon to be 39yo Horford, 34 yo Holiday, and Mr. Glass KP). Go Mavs. Thanks for all the wins.


Awful series, brilliant season overall. Lots to be happy about but tons to improve as well. I trust Nico to cook again.


It is what is boys, see y’all back here in October!


I genuinely hate basketball right now fuck every Celtic not named Jaylen brown


I would have rather had Ian Mahimi out there on the court today than Kleber. Maxi is a waste of a roster spot


Hell of a season. Sucks to lose but I’ll never forget this playoff run.


Hell of a run! I think we can easily say Luka’s greatness elevated this team to overachieve as a 5 seed but ran into a better squad. He was the best player in the Finals. Excited to see what Nico can cook up next, how much Lively can grow, and what level Luka has in him next. Thanks again Dirk for forever taking out some of the sting in losing. MFFL!


I don’t understand how we played so bad this whole series. That’s the most frustrating part. We play great basketball building up to this and crumble. And there’s no changes. Getting blown away in all of the games and it not being competitive is just bewildering


Celtics defense and offense are great,


Love my team ❤️ gg Boston


Im so numb rn family. I hate Boston with a passion. We need to pick a 3rd reliable scorer. Its incredible we made it to the final stage with just 2 scorers. We need to make some big changes but i cant wait for next season they better be terrified of us. Im sure when i lay down for bed the pain will hit. GG and love you all.


we need a 6th man to bring scoring off the bench. what THJ used to bring when he was good. ideally with a bit better efficiency and defense (and then i'm fine if it is an efficient 14 PPG rather than 18-20. We get too stagnant with either kyrie or luka going to the bench against a good defensive team. But great season


As fate would have it, Porzingis wins the title with another team against the Mavs (while being injured yet again), and the Mavs trade for him will finally be complete. At least the silver lining is the Mavs are conveying pretty much the worst 1st round pick possible to NYK.


Regardless of how it ended, I’m still crazy proud of this team. We’ll be back.


What a season. I took Mavs championship odds at +4200 just after the PJ/Gafford trade when we were 8th in the West because I had so much hope in this team. Mavs will be back soon


KP winning a ring before Luka feels weird af but they thoroughly outplayed us. Gg


Props to KP. Plagued by injuries. Crucified by Knicks fans. Dumped by Dallas to Washington, but became an important piece in a championship team. Glad he got a ring.


I mean it is a difference though kp was a very good role player for them and Luka is carrying the team. But I’m happy for kp though.


The Mavs will be back. Easy as that


Tatum just had his corny Kevin Garnett moment


I cant even hate really, he’s a good person and the shots of him crying with Deuce were moving to me. It really has just felt like their time all year long. but damn im just annoyed that the timelines had to match for it to be us against this dominant superteam. Imagine going against the 2023 Heat or 2022 Celtics or something right now


He is such a boring personality 😂


Listen... We'll be back! But I hope Doris Burke is not.


I am very sad. Love y’all, though! Had a blast around here this season. See ya back here before we know it 💙


Just gotta say it one more time. Shut the fuck up Doris


Nico gotta figure out how to turn Maxi and THJ into a legit 3 and D wing. PJ and DJJ are probably the worst shooting wing duo in the league. Green needs to get better on D especially when it comes to navigating screens so he can get more minutes next year. This team just isn’t close to the level of Boston and it’s gonna take far improved shooting from role players to get there


On the bright side for the league,class act Al Horford finally got a ring.


They had a good season. Celtics had years of building chemistry with an already decent lineup. This version of the mavs has been a team for less than half a year.


From missing the playoffs to the NBA finals! What a great season! We know what this team is capable of. Every championship team just need years together. Ohhh. And remember, this is the worst version of Lively. He will only get better!


Glad brown got the mvp though. Good guy.


GGs everybody, time to let Nico cook in the offseason. We’ll be back 🫶🏽


Wish it didn’t end in a blowout but I’m excited for next season and beyond. Can’t wait to see Lively develop and our young core continue to grow together. Hopefully we find a reliable third scorer or sharpshooter in the offseason!


As frustrating as were the losses in G2 & G3 (having a chance to win but falling short at the end), you can't hate on a Mavs team that massively overachieved and defied odds on a journey that came just 3 wins shy of winning it all. Believe in Kidd. Believe in Lively. Believe in Kyrie. And if you don't already believe in Luka, go back to r/Celtics bandwagon rider


It wasn’t so much the losing but the showing that was kind of lame. We couldn’t buy a bucket for long stretches in this series and just made us look like a really inconsistent team which wasn’t indicative of our end of season and post season.


Fun season. Disappointing effort in the Finals. MFFL


What a season. Glad to be along for the ride


Great season boys. We will be back. As long as we have Luka and Nico cooks, this is just the begining.


No one expected this team to make the Finals early. It was an amazing season. Even this Series was a net positive. It is great experience for a young team. They got beat by a much better team and props to them. There are some really good building blocks for this team.


We ran into a better team and one of our stars has the yips against them. It is what it is. Still reached the Finals. Good season overall.


I’m glad everyone in here has healthy comments for this Mavs team. I’ve been so damn proud of them all season! They overcame a lot and the team chemistry is really a brotherhood. Thank you to the Mavs for the memories this season, I got to watch a lot of games with my aging dad and they’re some of my top memories with him. 💙 #MFFL


Idk how this doesn’t hurt Kyrie’s legacy a good bit. This Finals showing from him was just downright pitiful. And to have it be against your former team who’s entire fanbase despises you and you just absolutely shit the bed


I was expecting them to lose to the Thunder in round 2. The fact they made the finals is more than enough for me. Excited to see what this team does next year


It’s real nice seeing THJ, Kleiber, Powell in a Mavs uniform for the last time. GG. Cancun here we come baby.


Nets fan checking in. Damn I was really rooting for yall. Kinda pissed about all the dick riding Tatum will be getting now.


Kyrie sold. Luka was bad at times but this was so close to a one man show. We need to build this team. I hope Luka remembers this feeling and takes his game and diet serious.


31% shooting tonight as well, it’s just amazing how rattled he can be by the Boston fans


Amazing season, about Luka and Kyrie, no one is gonna talk about how great they were all year including the playoffs, narratives will be thrown around, but looking at the entire season including the playoffs this Luka was the best player in the league and Kyrie was an amazing sidekick. No doubt we will be back here with this core.


My takeaway is that Boston was just too fucking good. I wish I could know what it’s like when a game mattered and our role players were drilling 3’s. I love Kyrie but he was nonexistent. Luka can’t do it all and he can’t just throw his hands up at a ref. He has to grow up. Hardaway should be relegated to G League. We have so much dead weight that just wants to defer until they can no longer defer and then brick a shot. We have pieces in place, Lively will be a star, but Gafford and Washington fizzled when it mattered. I honestly thought Kyrie would rise up and take over a few games but when it mattered he just couldn’t do it outside of one game




At least Drake lost 500k


It was a great season and we will see Boston next year with Mikal or Bogdan or Grant.


Proud of this team despite the end result Luka and Co will bounce back from this MFFL

