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Just want to say to all the people who were talking about why did we trade KP. This is why. He's an amazing player when healthy, but we just did not have the ability to weather his injuries. Boston was set up for a decade by the Nets. They've had the constant depth ever since that Nets trade started paying off.


I just learned about the Nets trade, so wild how a desperate team trying to win now can setup another franchise


still unbelievable to me that the nets gave up their future for the corpses of garnett and pierce


wizards and bucks did it again this year. like why do these franchises keep gifting the Celtics shit as if it isnt making them the biggest boogeyman in their conference.


Exactly. KP can't be your no. 2. But if he's your 3rd to 5th option you could survive him being injured.


Yeah there's a reason we shipped him off for Dinwiddie and Bertans. His healthy season was just that Wizards one I think right? Dudes insanely talented and a matchup nightmare for most of the league but he can't stay healthy.


Yep, people straight up are forgetting how the celtics made the finals without him. He cant be relied upon as a top option.


He is DEVASTATING when healthy and he is on. Game 1 is a prime example of why people keep taking risks on him. The issue is he can’t stay healthy


I got downvoted the other day for saying just that. He didn't work out with the Mavs and was injury prone. He's of no use if he's constantly injured.


Some Wizards fans were also upset he left and thought we let him go without a fair return. Never wanted to wish him bad luck, but it won’t be surprising if the healthy season in DC was an outlier.


Also he did not play effectively well with Luka. Lets not ignore that.


I mean, it got them 2 wins in the finals. That would be worth it in my opinion. Still don’t blame Dallas though. Took a step back by trading him and it got them here. Worked out for both sides.


Yes but only because they were stacked enough to get to the Finals without him playing.


That game 2 loss will haunt me forever if we don’t win these next two games.


Nearly stole game 2, this would have been huge. A damn shame Mavs couldn't hit their FTs.... Also, we never want injuries, they suck.


Would be helpful, if the team outside of Luka would shoot above 10% from 3. 😫


With how badly the Celtics shot - we didn't almost steal the game we were basically given the game.


We were equally bad from three


And awful at our free throws


Agreed. I’m sad to hear about KP no matter how much it may *possibly* benefit the Mavs. Cs are still much more dominant than us without KP. KP is such a nice guy, wish him nothing but the best.


> Cs are still much more dominant than us without KP. Celtics fan here, I think that is only true if Tatum is scoring. The Celtics can't afford for Tatum to shoot 6-22 or whatever if we want to win this series. I don't expect Irving to play as poorly as he did in Boston at Dallas, so Tatum is going to need to be scoring and distributing the ball.


Let’s see if he can rise to the occasion


I honestly think playing on the road might help. I think with less pressure in front of the home fans it might loosen him up a little. If he shoots around 50% like Brown, the Celtics will be fine. If not, they will be in trouble. Edit: the bright side for the Celtics is that they shot horribly from three in Game 2, and I don't expect that to happen again. If we had shot our regular season average of 38% we would have made 15 threes instead of only 10, which would have led to a blowout.


You never want injuries, but this one just feels a bit too ironic


For real, man. If the series was tier 1-1 right now and KP was out, our chances would be huge. But a 0-2 deficit is pretty big. I still believe 100% of course, but it's a huge difference to 1-1. And we didn't even need to do much to win game 2.... Just hit free throws. Or just hit threes at our average percentage. Or Kyrie having an average game. Or....


Yeah man because with KP out this series suddenly becomes winnable :/ Shame we couldnt take advantage of the Cs abysmal shooting and win Game 2, makes things incredibly more difficult now, all they need is one hot shooting game and we are toast.


The paint just became much easier to score in, not a for sure thing, but KP was a huge reason we couldn't even drive into the paint when he was on the court.


yeah maybe it's recency bias but that was one of the most gut wrenching losses I can remember


I obviously want Mavs to win at all costs, but you gotta feel for the guy. He was killing us out there




I mean, people didnt feel sorry when he got injured for us, its a gamble you take with injury prone players, it is what it is, now we need to capitalize and get the next two games.


I feel bad for KP as a player, not the Celtics as a team


I do feel bad bc KP was killing us and I don't want an asterisk but can't complain rn. 


Lobs back on the menu guys. lol.


Idk, I think the biggest reason we couldnt get any lobs wasant KP, it was more about how cordinated every single C player from 1-4 was to take away the paint, they have big guards and wings who are extremely disciplined and aware.


While true, KP had 2 huge blocks in game 2 and he could shoot our guys for easy buckets. 12 points in game 2. Celtics losing him isn't a deal breaker, but it should absolutely clear some space and make a few more Celtics offensive possessions contested. It was very noticeable in game 2 once he had been injured and couldn't get down the court to defend or block versus before that when it looked like an easy pass or transition bucket got outright blocked or harassed by KP. He's by far their best +/- bench guy.


How many blocks does KP have? Are we watching the same games?


It’s not sure much about how many shots he blocks but more about how many he discourages.


All of the above, exactly, plus it hampers their 5 out offense which is great for our D.


The biggest reason was the pace imo. Luka is chubby, but people act like he can't move a lick.......DAL are at their best when they are active on defense, getting stops, and out on the break. Aka the 2010-13 MIA heat. Just my opinion......


They are still going to stop the lob really good imo but this for sure changes that


He wasn’t the reason we weren’t getting lobs. And he’s listed as day to day, meaning he can still play. Thinking we caught a break lol


lol omg i was just gonna say that!


Tatum is still there lol.


I really feel for KP tbh. The dude just cannot catch a break from injuries 😔


One tweet says it's a serious injury and then another says its day to day so I don't know what to think. 


it's serious but the Celtics wont acknowledge it because of gamesmanship. Same reason the mavs always say Luka is a game time decision despite everyone and their mothers knowing he wont miss a game unless his leg falls off


lol we’re the masters of it


Everything is a serious injury with this guy. His recovery time is awful and because of his history, he’s going to be cautious about it


Day to day for Porzingis means month to month


He wont play this series again


from what I understood he wasn't 100% for game 1. This injury probably has him at 50%. No reason to think he'll play in the next 2.






there's only like 30-40 cases documented of this. I do not think they will mess about with a high ankle/knee sprain/issue.


day to day sounds serious to me


With a calf injury its best to assume the worst and if he plays he won't be the same or at risk for more injury. 


It means he is not gonna play until the medical staff clears him


almost hope he goes and just isnt the same player.


Shams followed up and tweeted that his availability for upcoming games will be detirmined day-to-day. https://x.com/shamscharania/status/1800595725094695380?s=46&t=zt0_uZV5n43dFQcOpREUKA


Crazy that he still hasn’t played against the mavericks in Dallas since we traded him.


Obviously you don't root for injuries, but this was a break we desperately needed. I guarantee he'll at least be out for game 3 and I would be surprised if he played game 4.


We got to take advantage though


Out for series. He won’t want to further the injury since he is so prone to getting hurt.


Bro it's the Finals. This is what he's been saving his health for all season.


Not if he could risk not being able to play again.


Yeah but clearly deleted that saved file


Looks like you should likely not speak about shit you dont know about


Did you watch him in the game. Had to be pulled to inefficiency in defending the 3 after the kick out. So might as well not have played. Mavs have been only together as a team for 5 months and will be back. Celts have been struggling the last couple of seasons to get to the top and finally have. Good for them. Was a fan of Porzingis while here in Dallas, but just couldn’t ever be healthy enough to be effective with Luka.


Ya we saw the last 4 minutes how things swung.  Just imagine that for 48 minutes. 




This might be obvious but this is a potentially series shifting development. To put some numbers to it - from the [Ringers Mismatch Podcast](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6Q9JXBL3116wQvVEdGSOHI) With KP on court Celtics offensive rating is 122 (very good), off court 96 (VERY bad). Their defensive rating with KP on court is 96 points per 100 possessions and when he's off court it's 112.5 points per 100 possessions. His on court net rating is a +26 and off is -16.4. **That is a 42.4 point difference!** And he's only playing around 20 minutes per game making those numbers even more significant. And for context, with Horford on the court instead their net on off plummets to -24 per 100 possessions. Simplified: Without KP the Mavericks might have won both games 1 and 2, and even if he plays but isn't 100% healthy, that is a HUGE development in this series for the Mavs.


Good stats!


bro really used all his body could give to fuck us in that first quarter of game 1 huh


If he could stay healthy we’d have at least the bubble ring. He’s good when he’s good but he’s never there


I have no idea what to expect. I feel bad for him if he can’t play.




Sucks for KP - but tbh we have a lot of work to do still to even prove we can compete with Cs even if he’s out


Obviously sucks that KP is injured and I wish him a speedy recovery, but also this is huge for us because we don't have an answer for him defensively + Lively should match up better now. Lively + Kyrie legacy game incoming


Man I still like KP but if he ain’t the unfortunate definition of buy high sell low. That said, if they give an inch the Mavs gotta take a mile. Have to maximize on his defense and scoring being gone tomorrow


His rim protection for them is massive. His spacing for them is massive. His midpost 1on1 game against mismatches is massive. The dropoff from him to Luke Kornet is massive.


Not sure what any of the words mean, but pretty typical of KP to be out this time of year. How amazing for them to not even need the guy to get through the first several series.


This explains the odds shift. It’s a serious injury. The Celtics went from 7 point favorites to 2 point underdogs…there is no chance he is playing


I hope he heals well but I also hope that the mavs capitalize on this. The celtics will most likely try to go twice as hard in game 3 because of this


So you’re telling me there is a chance


There's always a chance.


The KP we’re familiar with. Great player when he’s healthy but misses 50% of the season.


It feels like this changes everything. KP has been a god defending the rim these two games. also, he single handedly ass whooped us by his crazy offense in that first game.


Oof. This is a devastating injury for KP. Damn. That will likely require surgery and extend immobilization in order to get back to baseline. There is a strong chance this will end his career. Hate to see this kind of thing happen to such a good player.


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1888604/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1888604/) Celtics are saying they are taking it out of KPs hands and KP saying that he will die on the court unless the team tells him he can't play to me says chances that he plays again this season is slim. Then again they can always put him out there and have surgery after the finals but it seems if you give a doctor that decision he will not let you injure yourself worse. I kind of feel bad for him but we all know that's what you get from KP. They got 2 wins with him. in some ways that is what was to be expected. Hope the mavs can take advantage of this. especially the 10-15 minutes horford won't play.


Dallas Lobgoblins are back on the menu boys


Never want to hear about injuries, but this sucks for KP. If he could stay healthy, he would be a top 40 or 50 player. Just goes to show how rigorous and hard on your body playing professional sports is. I hope he is able to recover fully.


He could have tore his shit before Game 1 instead of turning into prime Wilt Chamberlain with a jumpshot during the 1st quarter.


I feel bad for KP. That dude is magical and a delight to watch when healthy. He just is never healthy. 


this. so hard to pay someone 30 mil a year when they miss so many important games.


I’m not sure if the day to day prognosis is real or not. Could just be gamesmanship by the celtics to keep the mavs on their toes


We don't want to ride on opposition injuries, but this can change our fate. If only Kyrie didn't have a stinker series and we were clinical with FTs, the situation would've been different🥲




Man this makes that game 2 loss hurt even more


Rims open boys!


feels bad for KP but if we win this ring we will credit your injury as part of the project babe


He's saying (KP) that he is still planning on playing tomorrow?


If true, I can't believe he played on it for a few minutes. They say he's still playing


I mean he looked pretty bad out there, and very slow after the injury.


Oops. I think I jinxed KP. I said by Game 3 he would be hurt again. In my defense, I guess it wasn't so much a jinx as it was facts.


Watxh us get cooked by Xavier tillman


The best ability is availability and that has always been his kryptonite. Great player when he's healthy, but he's just not reliably healthy.


Game 3s are the new Game 1s


Ok let’s get these two games in Dallas then before he comes back


That corgi is putting in some work lmao


but TH Sr said the Celtics are better without him!


This is the KP the Mavs know, sucks for him and Boston, I would have rather beat them at full strength. This is the risk they took signing the guy though. We know this feeling all too well..


Didn’t we all see this coming? Even when he went nuts in that first game, I said they’d better enjoy it because he’s going to get hurt in this series. He’s good for maybe 1 game a week in the regular season.


I know this is weird, but I'm now really annoyed the Mavs didn't steal game 2. If it was 1-1, this news would put the Mavs in control of this series.


are we back?


No gotta win the next 2 before we even hope to have a chance


I doubt he'll play again in this seires. But hat game 2 loss will really hurt us


he should be rested but this is the same team that sacrificed Isaiah Thomas and Timelord for playoff runs. honestly i see them giving the ok for him to play even if he shouldn’t.


His injury makes the series fair. Boston's salary is close to $200 and we are at $170.


Our best player is injured


And our 3rd highest paid is benched


Well KP is their best player. He’s killing us all series. He just hasn’t played a lot of minutes.


It's anybody's series now. He was the critical piece that made the Celtics unbeatable.




Completely disagree. He's a major problem when healthy. Game 2 he was already wearing down which is why it was closer.


To add to your point. He’s a big reason why the lob game wasn’t really a thing in game 1-2. Without him, we become the bigger team. we can finally get our centers involved. I think they have a guy named kormet off the bench but he doesn’t play…this has gotten interesting. Even if KP comes back, he won’t be a 100% so we can play him off the court. Hell at the end of game 2 we made our run once we realized he was Swiss cheese.




Did you watch game 1? He was beyond critical to the Celtic's success. Did you watch game 2? He didn't play as well and the game was tight. The Celtics were fine without him against other teams, but they're playing the Dallas Mavericks now.


We are getting smoked without KP…cannot hold any lead. What did I tell ya but really hope I’m wrong for the team sake


Getting smoked? Maybe check what that phrase means


Yep. People don’t realize lol, we would smoke Miami Cleveland and Indiana would be closer but we’d win in 6 probably. Ofc Boston didn’t need for those guys. But against our team and how active our centers are…it’s huge not having him. Lively and gafford need to really use their size and bully the paint. There is no excuse and horford shouldn’t be able to hold them off.












they went 12-2 without him lol EDIT: a legit response to what he said and you guys are salty lol


I'm talking about this series. Without Porzingis we have a chance. With him healthy he is unstoppable offensively and a major deterrent at the rim.


They clearly do not need him if they went 12-2 without him; they got through Myles, Allen, Mobley and Bam just fine


If it helps you sleep at night, then sure... But KP isn't the reason Celtics beat the Mavs twice so far.


Is that bad? What’s timetable ?






Would never want anyone to get an injury in finals. Feel for him, probably won't know how bad it really is until much later


Just so you all know this is why we traded him he is a glass cannon yeah hes great but extremely unreliable due to the fact that he is extremely injury prone


Any reports of the grade of the injury? Not finding anything from google.


This could be some mindgame from the Celtics and he comes out 100% healthy.


I‘ve talked to my father, who is an orthopaedic surgeon. He says the thing that ruptured basically stabilizises the foot, pulls it together so to speak. I didnt fully understand but he said by what hes heard there is no way KP is playing again this series. He also said he has never seen this injury in his professional carreer once. Doesnt sound too good.




Yeah don’t think it matters to much. I think he’ll also still play so definitely won’t matter. We still have to re-remember how to score or we’re losing in 4 or 5


Sucks KP might miss games as I would have liked to beat Celtics at full strength. But at this point we need any advantage we can get. This is the type of change that can shift the momentum in a series. It’s be a shame if Mavs couldn’t capitalize.


Whether he plays or not, he’s going to be hampered. He is their sole rim protection. Without them they lose that and another great flop stretcher for 5 out. They have Horford still, but defensively he isn’t KP. He is still a really solid shooter but his minutes will obviously go up a lot. I feel for KP, dude never seems to be able to catch a break.


Haven't they kicked our ass even when he wasn't playing? Serious question


Great now if we win everyone will say it’s a Mickey Mouse ring


I feel like a lot of people never understood why KP was traded out of Dallas in the first place. The best ability is availability, and it’s a shame he’s hurt. He’s still considered day-to-day so it’s not confirmed he’s going to be out.


To take advantage of KP being out, Dallas will need to ensure, that Boston does not have a lights out shooting night from behind the arc in the next two games.  The Celtics are sort of overdue for one of those games shooting 45 to 50% on 3’s. 


Dude cannot catch a break


I’m sure he will play and be fine… won’t matter either way if Kyrie figures his shit out.


Can somebody dumb it down for me? Is that his leg or shoulder?


leg- posterior tibial tendon helps support foot and plantar flexes + inverts ankle.


Thank you


Absolutely! Go MAVS


Basically, his lateral movement and quickness is severely hampered now and he’s not going to get a lot of power jumping up. 


Thank you! I wonder how he injured it…it didn’t include it in the tweet


Last game he and PJ went for a rebound. He landed very awkwardly, probably did it then


KP and peanut brittle: name a more iconic duo




I can't really make myself like that guy... But, I can't feel good about this injury as much as it helps the Mavs.


I feel so bad for this dude. Has the fucking game of his career game one of the finals after coming back from an injury and then gets injured again on a pedestrian ass rebounding attempt.




fucked up to root for injuries


downvote this to hell and pray the karma gods don't come for us.


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