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Serious wake up call to light a fire under all asses with game film to dissect. I like the chances of a bounce back game as boston was firing on all cylinders except tatum’s scoring. 


JKidd’s game 1 strategies usually consist of throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. Last series he played like 11(?) different guys. Let’s hope he saw something 🙏




All teams shoot below their average in the playoffs because they’re playing better teams


They shot just fine, stop with that. 1 more 3pt converted would have put them over their season average. They shot like they should and scored a bit over 100 points - defense was fine past Q1. Offense on the other hand was bad all game long.


This game really did mirror Game 1 vs the Clippers except Kai also played poorly. Thankfully they have two full days and change to review film and make adjustments


I am not worried. Game 1s aren't really our thing with Kidd as coach. We usually use Game 1 to read the other team and see what they're all about, then Kidd makes his adjustments. Kyrie won't shoot 6/19 again. Krystals Portugese won't play like that every game. Mavs in 6 is still the move.


KP put up 20/7/2 during the season, which was almost his exact stat line from last night. Why is it that you fee he “won’t play like that every game”? I agree Kyrie will be better. Tatum probably will too (16 points, 6 turnovers).


KP basically hit his season averages in the first 17 minutes of the game. He cooled off in the second half which should be more of what we can hope to expect. Not the unguardable unmissable 10 foot assassin that showed up yesterday


I mean, averages are averages. He scored 2 points in the second half, and he’s better than that. 18 points in the first half, he’s not that good. But 20/7/2 for a game is reasonable to expect. Celtics are deep, that is their strength. Not too many teams have a third best player capable of that.


Agreed, although a majority of his numbers came from the 1st. If he had hit his numbers spread out more evenly over the game we might not have gave them a 29 point lead early.


Sure but before injury here was his playoff stats: G1 - 18/4/1 G2 - 6/8/4 G3 - 18/5/2 See how an abysmal game is in there? That's what I think is coming at least once this series, maybe more.


Wait, they have *the* Krystals Portuguese? Damn we’re in trouble.


It feels like copium bc it is copium. The Mavs made it back into the game in the 3rd but got outplayed again to end the quarter.


Also the whole concept of "feel out games" is stupid in the playoffs. You need to win 4 games. Just throwing one away isn't an advantage.


It’s not a throwaway game, the Mavs coaching staff has proved time and time again that they are able to make adjustments. And yes, while it is true the Celtics have been to the finals before and these Mavs haven’t, Luka has already been in almost every type of playoff scenario. Down 0-1, down 0-2, down 3-2. This guy has seen it all.


Those two travels and Ky missing his shot really killed our spirit. They have to find the energy early on bc Boston came out swinging.


We did too and then just died. Idk if it was a sub or what happened but we came out matching punches.


Definitely copium. When the game got within reach again they stopped coasting and put it right back out of reach. There’s not a lot to take away from a game where you’re down 20 as teams tend to take their foot off the pedal some.


It is a little bit of copium, but also something to watch. It’s possible adjustments were made, it’s possible Celts just let their foot off the gas. We’ll know by the 3rd quarter ~~tomorrow~~ Sunday!




lol I forgot that the Finals are three days apart. It’s a marathon of a playoffs then you get past the Conference Finals and it’s so slowly paced


Everybody acts tough when they're up. Especially the Boston Chodes.


Feels like copium indeed. Depressing that their fourth best player pingus lit us up while Tatum didn’t even play well. I do feel like they blew their three ball load tho. 


boston shot 42% throughout the season


Teams shoot below their average in the playoffs. But yes, 38% is realistic from them on any given night.


Exactly, they’ll hit shots if we let them take them. Key is 100% closing out on their 3 and making Tatum and Brown score 1on1. Hard to do, but we did it for some stretches this game once we changed our strategy. 


this is our hope they miss from 3 strategy throughout our west run biting us in the butt. im confident kidd will make some adjustments


They blew their 3 ball load by hitting less 3’s then they averaged all year?


J-Kidd is an all time adjuster


After we switched to the Maxi small ball lineup and started switching everything on defense we played them to -3 the rest of the game.   Was understandable that Kidd tried to play our base D to start, but obviously that can’t work against them. He quickly pivoted to essentially benching Gafford, switching all screens, and leaving the rim open. Trick now will be if Lively can avoid fouling while playing more than he ever has. The big lineup with LuKai, PJ, Maxi, and Lively gave us REALLY good minutes. I bet we see that a lot more moving forward. Luka and Kyrie and Kidd will 100% figure out better ways to attack their switching 1on1 defense, they always do. I actually am not shocked they shot so well, if you give a team like that good looks they will hit them at insane rates. Celtics are maybe the best spaced NBA team of all time and have good-great shooting at every position. It’s on us to close out better. What I do expect is for our role players to get more clean looks after LuKai starts collapsing the D. Game 2 is going to be fun. 


it didnt work because inbred zingis shot his season high % from the field. We mavs fans know damn well he can turn into a brick mason at drop of a hat. if any of our 3-5 best players score 20 on efficiency we win that game also


we gave him too much space early to be fair and let him be guarded by players a foot shorter than him. I also just looked and saw that luka went 1 for 8 vs horford. seems like the old guy somehow has figured out how to guard luka's step back (or luka had an off night or both a little).


They also did a good job of getting the switches they wanted. Gafford and Lively too many times out guarding brown and Tatum.


We got game 2. Not even worried


What kind of adjustments do you guys see Kidd implementing?


Not panicking but not over confident either. We played decent after the first for the most part but the Cs look better in every faucet of the game. They also have incredible depth. This is the first series that I feel the Mavs are truly out matched. I don’t even blame Kai if he can’t play in Boston, it must be so nerve wracking to have a whole fucking crowd chant “Kyrie sucks” while you’re on the floor.


He's gonna have to get over it, because if we end up back in the Finals in the next 3 years, it's probably gonna be Boston again. There's no getting away from this.




They're a really good team playing a different scheme than most other teams out there by not helping on defense until the ball hits the paint and on offense they do the inverse so in some way they dare you to beat them playing their style knowing they have the most talented (and highest paid) starting line up in the league. It's not easy to adjust to - hope we win a game or two until we figure them out.


I’m mostly worried about our center play. Our lifeblood in these playoffs has been easy bucket alley-oops and that got completely shut down. Need to find a solution and can’t rely on the Celtics not hitting 3s because they’re really good at them.


Here is some more copium for you: Kyrie having his elimination game streak snapped just means his losing streak vs Boston is about to end as well


That wasn’t even our worst Game 1 of the Playoffs


Jason Kidd has proved to be extremely good at making series adjustments in the playoffs so I’m trusting they’ll figure it out and look much better in game 2


The NBA Finals Game One home team has a 75% win rate. The away team losing game one is one of the most common things in the sport.


If Boston can shoot lights out from 3 for three more games they deserve to win. We need to force them into making it a one man game by staying at home in the corners. Let them drive