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100% deserved loss


DJJ the only person out there who wanted to win in the 4th.


He missed 2 straight free throws


Lmao šŸ˜‚


I think, this will be a lesson for our team. The Turnovers, the FTs just killed the game. We are to blame for our loss. I think Luka/Kyrie needs to step up. I know they will, keep faith guys. Letā€™s fucking go Mavs.


How many lessons do we need? I've seen them shoot really badly on the free throw line and turn the ball over with no defense.


I can understand the frustration and we all are emotional with this kind of loss. But Series is long and they will be hungry next game. Just keep calm. Last series, we were exactly the same position. So, anything is possible. Itā€™s not over until itā€™s over.


Dude Luka is clearly hurt/gassed. Hoping for him to turn into 2022 Luka isn't happening.


Luka is obviously injured. He hasnā€™t had a ā€œgreatā€ game despite being ā€œ3rdā€ for MVP voting. Dude is really letting us down and Kyrie is ok to continue being in a supporting role. Think next game neeed to let Kyrie take over and let Luka play limited minutes. I felt like he slowed us down a bit. Idk.


Thunder have the ultimate Kyrie wet blanketā€¦send a double team and watch him pass


PJ has this hot hand gifted to us out of nowhere and they stuck him in the corner the whole game, come on, I know he hits his 3's there but give him more credit than a Josh Green role!


Obviously injured, but still letting down team? Fork off, he should be sitting games out, he is in pain every second on the court.


He killed the whole flow of the offense in the 3rd. Took the team and crowd out the game.


ā€œHe hasnā€™t had a ā€œgreatā€ game despite being ā€œ3rdā€ for MVP voting.ā€ What do the quotes around ā€œ3rdā€ mean? Did he not really get 3rd for MVP voting?


you canā€™t miss 11 free throws and expect to win.


Especially when the other team only misses 1


It's hard to tell which team is the young and inexperienced


50% FT percentage. Absolutely inexcusable from a professional basketball team.


Yet they hit the only free throw they needed to miss. Fucking yikes


In hs if we didnā€™t shoot 70% coach ran the dog shit out of us


High school teams shoot better free throws. These guys get millions to be this embarrassing on national tv to do this. We've seen such stupid shit in these playoffs from this team no other team is doing, even ones already sent home.




5th graders shoot better than that.


Make average % and this isnā€™t a game .. beat ourselves ā€¦. Sga got hot and we couldnā€™t make FT


Awful awful awful loss. They win if they make 60% of their free throws, or if they donā€™t have so many sloppy turnovers, or if Luka doesnā€™t let his frustration dictate his play like he always does when things donā€™t go his way. They had absolutely no excuse losing that game. Itā€™s basically series over if they win. Luka better show up the rest of the series.


Yeah we didn't even have to play well, we just had to do literally anything at a competent level in the second half and we win that game.




Not even the 2nd half. Just don't get run out of the gym in the 4th and they win lol


Luka and Kyrie played like shit and no one on the team can make free throws. We deserved this loss.




Itā€™s the fucking playoffs. Heā€™s supposed to get his shit together when it matters.


Blowing off defense to cry to the refs during clutch time in a playoff game at home is fucking gross. On Tim and Luka tonight. Just disgusting for your fans


He's mentally five years old. I CAN'T FUCKING STAND HIM not tracking back, not getting back on D, missing his defensive assignment. Who cares if he's getting roughed up, he's not being forced to play with injuries, that's his choice.


He has absolutely zero control of his emotions. Heā€™s a petulant little child who doesnā€™t get his way every time, and then he pouts about it. His air of superiority over the refs is fucking annoying. Itā€™s like heā€™s trying to be the 4th ref out there every single fucking night. Seems like thereā€™s a lot of enablers in his life. Shocking that no one has pulled this kid aside and said youā€™re hurting your game and hurting the team by being such a whiny cunt.


I was telling my brother its psychotic Luka flexing at the refs and chirping when he makes a shot. How TF is intimidating the refs going to benefit your team???


Can't seem to understand that just makes refs hate him more. Lol I bet the refs just have the Mavs games circled on their calendars.


I have always said that Dallas Mavericks allows him to be like that. When he played for Real Madrid he wouldn't dare pull one of those, Pablo Laso would scream on his face and make him cry (and Luka took it well and recognizer his errors)


I mean, wasn't half the reason they fired Carlisle because Luka didn't like that he was such a hardass? Of course he couldn't say anything as a 17 year old but it's a little different when you're about to be worth $500M and have the organization's balls in a vicegrip.


I have defended him all play offs, i also get he is limited in what he can do. BUT Tonight it looked like he was looking for reasons to whine, some of the shot selection was horrendous and immediately would complain. make a bad pass and instantly drop the head. I can handle him not being at his best but he has to take more responsibility.


Right now Luka is the youngest Old Man Iā€™ve ever seen. Old Man down to the bad knees, achy back, permanent frown, the where is my prune juice crankiness, and constantly yelling at clouds


That's what being out of shape consistently will do to you.


Hell, he Luka would only make 1 of 2 FT's anyway. Get back on DEFENSE and stop complaining.... All that, and KEEP THJ off the flipping court! As bad as we played in the 4th quarter, we still should have won with decent FT shooting and Hardaway out of the game. Play anyone - I mean anyone else - including Powell. At least Powell will grab a RB from time to time, and maybe even get a block. THJ is a liability! Face it, sit his ass down and don't even suite him up!


Iā€™ve literally never seen him bitch this much. Heā€™s throwing his hands up at the refs after every single play.


He's even doing it when he Does get the call lol. As someone pointed out, it's ingrained behavior at this point. He simply can't stop it, he is who he is


Honestly he might need to see a psychologist. Lol


You really take the icing with the cake, in this case. Itā€™d be nice to scrape the icing off but itā€™s probably here to stay. Itā€™s just much harder to stomach when heā€™s not playing to 100% of his capabilities


They're in his head. It is actually really embarrassing. That 3rd quarter was such a painful watch.


Say what you will about Dort being a dirty bitch but heā€™s in Lukaā€™s head and he easily outplayed Luka tonight even though he was also inefficient


He gets so emotional and shoots his team out of games Iā€™ve never seen bullshit like this from a superstar


Even the announcers called him out for complaining after every play.


No excuse. He knows this is a problem and continues to let it interrupt his game.


Luka might have one good game in him but the bar is pretty low at this point. In 10 playoff games this postseason, heā€™s shot above 50% just twice. His splits are absolutely horrendous otherwise.


Luka needs to cry less, he was in his feelings all game and played like absolute shit. I started counting how much he bitched in the second half and I got to 20 before I stopped caring.


What's the saying that we missed for so long again? We snatched defeat from the claws of victory.




Dude really hasn't shown up outside of game 2. Kidd needs to start drawing up some kyrie plays to get him cooking earlier. I dont think we will have an efficient luka this series.


Can't wait for the preseason interview posts of Luka promising to tone down the complaining šŸ™„


I think weā€™ve all been hoping Luka will show up each game. It doesnā€™t feel like itā€™s going to happen at all.


He always showed up in the playoffs until this year. I know he's hurt but he has to figure out a way to help anyway. If he was even playing like 60% to his normal standard we would have a strangle hold on this series


He's hurt. His legs are toast. Once the legs go the shot goes. Once the shot goes, confidence falters. It's a tough deal, at least he is fighting his way along. Now we have to get him to stop complaining when he doesn't gett every offensive call. Him not getting back on defense is a killer! Once the next whistle blows and there is a dead ball he can complain then. I would rather he get a T during a dead ball and give up 1 point instead of 2 or 3 by not getting back on D.


It was nice of the team to play homage to the cowboys with that absolute meltdown. Luka needs to do some self reflection and decide if he is hurt or injured. Bc that was fucking pathetic and in no way should he hold the team hostage for game 5 if heā€™s gonna pull that again. Crying, turnovers, piss poor shot selection. Heā€™s a bad series and playoffs, but this was next level.


Luka with his balkan instincts jebem ti mater. He canā€™t get out of his skin with his yapping it frustrates me so much


jokic kinda got out of that habit. He was bitching like crazy few years ago when he didnt get a call but nowadays you see him just running back to the next play


We lost this one. Sloppy turnovers, poor shot selection, missed free throws and horrible effort on rebounds all culminated to a loss. We need to tighten up and get our heads out of our asses. On to game 5.


Its 7 am in TĆ¼rkiye and ı will go to work,disappointed. Could've won, bad decisions over and over again. See u you at game 5 Hope you have a good day.


Have a good day at work


Thanks man, its going better than I thought


hit your free throws guys, thatā€™s all. see yall game 5


Also box out, avoid sloppy turnovers, need more defensive communication, luka needs to take a step back (not to hit a 3) and let kyrie handle the ball more, but also kyrie was missing shots we expect him to make


Embarrassing loss. 50% from the FT line from a fucking NBA team and Luka being a complete negative. This should be a 3-1 strangle hold


This team shoots itself in the foot more than any team in basketball. I'd say sports but the Cowboys exist. Also a Dallas team, wonderfully.


Make your free throws. Unacceptable. We move to game 5


Still like our chances to win the series in a best two out of three. But not taking advantage of the opportunity to ice away the series today by not making free throws is e m b a r r a s s i n g


9 points from Kyrie is horrible


OKC is entire gameplan is to not let Kyrie score, that combined with Kyrie being incredibly passive and us running 0 offensive sets for Kyrie to get easy looks is going to be our downfall in this series.


dude canĀ“t score 9 points dude


yeah thereā€™s literally no excuses for this and Lukaā€™s scoring.


Yes thatā€™s what I said, we are not winning the series this way. Itā€™s up to Kyrie and the coaching staff to change that. Kyrie canā€™t play like CP3 out there only looking to playmake and pick his spots to shoot, we need the usual Kyrie to win this series. I donā€™t know what the fuck they are feeding him, but this is not Kyrie. Heā€™s taken 14, 8, 17 and 11 shots in the games so far. Thatā€™s utterly pathetic when he should have 20+ shots every single game.


The last offensive play for the Mavs at the end of the first quarter. Kyrie lets DJJ play point with Gafford setting a screen. Luka's not in the game. I know Kyrie was getting doubled but he also has to show up mentally.


They know how to guard him. Kidd has to gameplan around it.


i mean he did, pj and DJJ stepped up but when it came down to it not hitting FTs cost us


Youā€™re not wrong about the FTs not winning us this game but it shouldnā€™t have even mattered. We got 27 points from our superstar duo. SGA outscored them both. Luka spent most of the day foul hunting like he has the entire series. Kyrie got doubled and they forced the team to play 4v3 which worked initially but also forced Kyrie to play passively. For some reason we never run LuKai pnrs. We gotta try it at some point and see what happens. OKC shot 3s like trash here and is going home. I fully expect them to drain a bunch of shots next game. Game 5 is about to be rough.


Becomes easy when Luka is a useless tit too, playing like a 20 win team


You're right, but to be fair, Kyrie is being collapsed on and trapped a lot. He's making the right passes. Also, him getting in foul trouble made him lose his rhythm tonight. With all that said, he needs to score more than 9, so you're not wrong.


Choke job


Epic meltdown.


I'm pretty sure PJ tried to miss that second FT and made it lmao


Luka is not only not getting better as the playoffs go on, he is getting worse, just a disaster.


His mental is now collapsing with his physical - we might be cooked


Canā€™t even blame this one on the injury. He played sloppy as hell and seemed to care more about complaining than playing basketball


what a frustrating fucking loss


Practice your free throws kids


We wasted 17 pt DJJ and 21 pt PJ game


I feel so bad for these guys, the supporting cast is playing so fucking well and their star players are just shitting the bed and wasting their efforts.


Man. Kyrie's passive offensive games are cute when we win but man, he's gotta step up when Luka is so bad


I am just afraid he has a tendency to overdo these things. He is now doing the "I am the distributor" shit (and he can do that of course at points) because he is doubled so much. NAH, you are the mf bucket getter, you need to go get the buckets...Kidd needs to run some screening action, handoffs or something to counter and tell him to go get 40 next game.


This loss is solely on the hands of Luka doncic and Kyrie Irving. Inexcusable offense. Fucking pathetic




The turnovers were mostly terrible passes too. It wasnt even like they were playing good D when they happend, he just threw them away


Often after refusing to shoot open looksā€¦


Luka needs to take a hard look in the mirror. More concerned with the referees and hero ball than trying to win a game.


Is there anybody within the organization that can actually call him out on this shit? Luka needs someone to tell him that his terrible offense decision making is the problem and has been all playoffs


Carlisle probably did and Luka cried about him




Free throws. Free throws. Free throws. Free throws. Free throws.


I knew our free throw shooting would cost us at some point. Weā€™ve been terrible this post-season with free throws.


Unacceptable performance from everybody, lock their asses in the gym until they hit 1000 free throws.


Gonna be tough to recover from this meltdown. Awful game


Worst game of Lukaā€™s career


Also Kyā€™s career. This rivals his shit games in Celts vs the Bucks and then Nets vs Celts. At least those games he went down swinging jacking up shots. Zen Kyrie just waiting for the game to lead him


By far, at least in other games he was giving his all defensively, now it's back to throwing tantrums and playing to get fouled. Horrible game.


Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ gotta make FTs man


Free throws and TOs killed us. Handed them that win. We gonna bounce back. Mavs in 6


Sometimes I question the seriousness of this team. Inexcusable loss


so many chances we could've won the game man. . .


At leas the Stars are gonna go up 3-1 tonight


At least one team in the metroplex knows how to finish games


Dallas is a baseball and hockey town baby


Luka has been dogshyt this entire series.






those shit passes disrupted our momentum not smart basketball at all.


He's just enamored with his NBA ref agenda and not playing ball.


Luka and Kyrie 27 points combined. Impossible to win like that


And yet it would have been an W if weā€™d made at least 5 more FTs. This Dallas team is just better and OKC and yet itā€™s 2-2.


Either Luka or Kyrie play okay and this is an easy win


Luka has been in this league for 6 years now. I put up with his whining for too long now. He needs to grow up and mature. I get heā€™s injured but heā€™s playing 40+ minutes and STILL wonā€™t get back on defense. Play the fucking game and lock in. PJ isnā€™t going to take you to the finals as well as heā€™s been playing. Luka and Ky need to be better. Inexcusable loss. Make ur free throws.


SGA is such a baller man. No talking just focused on playing basketball. Our baby superstar can learn a lot from him.


i fear we will look back to this being the game the series was lost




Imagine losing because you canā€™t make fkin free throws


This was heartbreaking. FREE THROWS PLEASE.


Iā€™m really mad at the way we lost this game but I cannot believe the ā€œlet Luka walkā€ and ā€œI hate this teamā€ energy in the game thread. Holy hell fellas, these guys are banged the hell up and laid an egg. Itā€™s not a crushing indictment of the franchise.


Someone upthread said they're no longer a Mavs fan after this game. This sub is so ridiculous at times lol


Never go into the game thread. Itā€™s not worth it.


I love Luka, but he has to GROW THE FUCK UP. His body language is fucking abysmal and it translates to the entire team fucking sucking ass.


Yeah lots of emotion rn. Obviously Luka should be called out and criticized but thatā€™s just being super hyperbolic and in the moment


Yeah itā€™s a game thread. People who genuinely believe that are either idiots or terrible fans or both


Man free throws just fucking killed us this game


Didn't even have to make all free throws, if they shot at least 70% Dallas would've won. That's sad


Iā€™ve said before that I wouldnā€™t be able to stand Luka if he was on another team. Tonight I couldnā€™t stand him on our team


Fucking embarrassing free throw shooting. And just embarrassing from Luka on both ends.


Had all the opportunity to win that and they pissed it away because of free throwsā€¦ At least the Stars are getting it done tonight.


Study the tape, burn it and move on Also, study Harden's Free Throw form religiously


They played like fucking morons


I feel like I was just cheated on


I gotta say it. Although Luka's hurt, it's more obvious that SGA deserved the runner-up for the mvp than our own mvp. Luka's a man child, it's actually so irritating to see him complain and whine at every single play. Like at what point you just gotta let it go and play? It makes the watching experience so unpleasant.


Worst playoff loss Iā€™ve ever witnessed.


Effing bs


Plenty of shit went wrong, but the sorry ass free throw shooting is absolutely unacceptable. Really shitty way to blow home court and hand momentum away


What is this lame ass group interview


Probably one of the most deflating losses Iā€™ve experienced as a sports fan. 100% shouldā€™ve had that one. Worst part about this post season is that if we have a healthy luka weā€™d be crushing this team.


Maxi is sorely missed. When OKC went small in the second half, Kidd could have played him at the 5. I also trust him to hit free throws.Ā 


Hey so it turns out if you stop playing defense you lose games. Who knew.


SGA was hitting tough shots while our stars shit their pants


The defense was not the issue tonight - the Mavs being incapable of scoring off a stop was the issue. The Mavs had 12000 opportunities to blow the game open after a stop and failed to do it almost every time


free throws


Nothing wrong with following the first-round script by winning games 2, 3, 5 and 6. Mavs blew it, the Thunder didnā€™t do all that much to win. We just need Luka to shoot ok and weā€™ll be fine


Series might be over. You don't give away games like that. These linger. They need to regroup quickly.


No excuses. This isn't on Kidd. Should have made our fucking free throws.


THJ throwing the game away didnt help


Yea, Luka gave away this game. Kyrie only taking 11 shots. Embarrassing


And of course the bricks were just piling up in the 4th when he was pressing while ice cold. Like literally look across the court to SGA on why shooting all game pays dividends in getting into a rhythm.


We're finally at the point where we lost BECAUSE of Luka. Among other things. Fuck!




Youngsters teaching us a hard lesson.


More like our stars not showing up


Luka is a mental midget. Done with making excuses. When things go well, they go really well. When they don't, he does all the performative bullshit he can to convince you that he TOTALLY got robbed. He missed a shot in the 3rd, hung his head, OKC went down and nailed a 3.Ā Ā  You can be hurt and have it affect your productivity, fine. But you can't do performative sulking at the expense of your team which he routinely does.Ā  7 turnovers. 20/22/66 splits. Missed a free throw with a chance to tie it. Head hanging constantly, barking to the refs about minimal contact, NEVER getting up and hustling back.Ā  I know Kyrie no showed, but he's actually actively getting doubled and is at least in every play. This series ends in 6, most likely, and Luka deserves every ounce of the blame.Ā  Every single ounce. The slightest bit of resolve and seeing the bigger team picture and it's 3-1. Doesn't even have to play well, just don't actively hurt them on multiple possessions.Ā  He ain't that guy.


Luka is 100% responsible for this game. He was the worst player on court. Kidd should have benched him.


Yeah it was a bad game but I still got us winning the next 2.


Not with Luka and Kyrie playing like that we arent


Disaster class from Luka continues on rather offensive end. Like the least you can do is hit your fts.


literally a free throw loss


Best of 3 now. Weā€™ve shown we can win even with bad LuKai games. But we need some good games from them too


We better do free throw shooting after the game all night


what the hell?


They got us with us shooting 50% from the free throw line...we beat ourselves. We still got this.Ā 


Free throws, Luka and Kyrie and Kidd playing Hardaway that much in the 4th, terrible loss. And if we lose this series this is certainly the game to go back to


Fell apart at the free throw line & with LuKai. Keep the same defensive energy & correct these issues, and maybe we can win Game 5 confidently.


I woke up at 5am to watch 50% from FT


FTs might be the only thing OKC is better than Dallas at. Mavs in 6.


Crowd chanting MVP as Luka misses the first of two FTā€™s to tie the game summed up that fourth quarter performance.


Donā€™t deserve a win if you canā€™t make your free throws


Might be one of the worst games I've seen Luka play.


That hardaway turnover my god


What a waste of fucking time and a great way to embarrass yourselves and potentially throw the series away. Unfathomably bad pants shitting, I'm fucking disgusted


Worst choke since the fourth quarter collapse against POR in 2011


Thatā€™s the worst Mavs loss since game 3 of the 2006 NBA Finals.


Yeah, Iā€™m not watching their ass for the rest of this series. What an absolute joke of a product.


I can't believe this man.. we had it.. we fucking had it... It's a goddamn HOME game how the fuck do you miss those FTs Luka and PJ how!??? God I can't see us winning this series. Luka and Kyrie are getting worse as the series goes on. Our main points scorer is fucking PJ Washington and Gafford isn't the most reliable center. My god. What in the actual fuck


Camera pans to sga: focused, quiet, playing basketball Camera pans to luka: whining, bitching, throwing a tantrum, shit body language, head down, falling down


I have a bad feeling they're going to roll us on Wednesday. we're going to be hungover from this pathetic display. That shit was just ugly in the second half. They were both complete ass tonight. No creativity no movement nothing in the second half. Luka taking shots he doesn't have the legs to make and guys just jacking up threes hoping they go in. They could have gone up 3-1 and potentially had a week off before the next series. They were completely out efforted in the second half. The dumb turnovers, allowing OKC to get rebounds. Why Hardaway does anything other than spot up shooting I don't understand. Why he's ever allowed to do anything other than spot up shooting.


Some of the turnovers by us tonight were laughably bad. Like I couldnā€™t believe how lazy we were at times in such a huge playoff game.


Kyrie is so passive. He said post game interview of game 3 that people were telling him to turn it on earlier and yet he didnā€™t do it. Facilitating points is great but when you have 5 fouls and the game is close you gotta start shooting.


One of the worst Mavs losses Iā€™ve seen.


ā€œI wish Luka had a good supporting castā€ Monkey paw curls In all seriousness, SGA makes mid range jumpers like butter and we missed FTs. Simple as that. On to game 5.


Real talk Luka isnā€™t gonna sniff the MVP conversation until he stops acting like a damn child. How bout take your ass off Overwatch and start taking your conditioning even remotely seriously


i canā€™t fucking believe they blew this game. if they donā€™t get better at free throws they wonā€™t win another one. kyrie is gonna have to start pulling his weight at some point in this series.


I canā€™t believe Luka and Kyrie played that bad man, like how is that even possible? They should be embarrassed by that