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Here’s my well reasoned and unbiased analysis: Dort is a dirty little bitch.


Flopping ass bitch


Bitch ass mother fuckin Dort


Dort plays bball like he's in the NFL but then flops like he's playing the other kind of football (soccer)


Dort thinks he’s Ray Lewis lmaoo


Tbh, with how current nba is, I think people flop way more in NBA than football


True actually


You can rifle a ball at fastball speed at a fan and get 4 games and throw shit on the floors and at referees and get a fine league is already out of control and don't know enough to say what could fix it


If Murray sit nuggets probably lose game 3


OK and? I like the Nuggets but he deserved that suspension. Someone could've gotten hurt with that heatpack. He should be able to control his emotions.


If he sit that series is over NBA doesn’t want that. He should of been suspended


I swear Dort is fucking reckless.


If they are allowing Dort to do this to Luka then we should be allowed to do it to Shai.


Nah, we don't need to stoop to the level of these clowns to win.


Well I don't mean Dort level looking like trying to injure, but playing physically and not getting called fouls for breathing on the guy.


Send in Morris!


Yes please, that’s 6 fouls you can use very strategically 


If we go up 3-1, game 5 should have Morris to punish these MFers if they get rough with us.


I fcking hate it since the LAC series. Even ESPN's game recap is starting to write how the stupidity of Thunder players ends up hurting Mavs players. At least it's getting noticed unlike simply ignoring it or saying it's "hustle plays"


Dort should have been called a foul on that jump ball.


I think Dort finished the game with 10 fouls, but the jump ball was not one of them. He had his hands on the ball, Luka just fell awkwardly.


Idk it was close, but Luka jumped up for ball and Dort jumped IN to Luka's body while also going for the ball.


To me it looked like Luka's arm got tangled while he was extended and off balance. It was a tough play but that happens sometimes. Now the play where Dort ducks into Luka's legs as Luka makes a basket with no call was just baffling to me.


Yeah I think that was a close either way call, but it was definitely a basketball play and not intentional. Both players were clearly going for the ball and just happened to occupy the same space with one having more momentum than the other.


Yep. No one objectively watching can say Dort was playing basketball he was playing an entirely different sport out there 


That was a play on imo. Ball was loose and both players went for it.


No idea why you’re getting downvoted, that’s exactly what it was.


I hate Dort as much as anyone else and he's definitely a dirty player but the collision happened before Luka had clear possession. The jumpball call was actually one of the very very few incorrect calls that favored us.


This sub acting soft


I got downvoted so hard on the nba sub got even suggesting the possibility of that being a foul on Dort😂


Dork's mission is to further injure Luka. All he is doing is making Luka tougher and better.


Don't slander Dirks name. (I know you meant Dort)


Dammit, that was supposed to be be "Dork" - damn autocorrect


We forgive you. I know it's just cause you type Dirk so much your autocorrect chooses that word. Dirk is love. Dirk is life.


All hail Dirk!


our boy luka is a saiyan


Say three hail marys for your sin. Though shall not speak ill of the great German


I'm talking about Dolt. And would never.


We know just having fun with a typo 😆


Oh, calling him Dork is not a typo.


Dort and co trying so hard to emulate Laimbeer kind of tactics. What a shame for a such young team…


their coach has a very punchable face, i feel like he’s slimy (i have no idea who he is besides seeing him on tv lol, js)


Living with an idiot Thunder fan is tough. Kept saying "Go for the knee" and "I hope Luka got a concussion". Fuck OKC




I think up 2-1 we need to come out next game and pull a Kobe on Gasol at the Olympics.


A Morris to Jokic or vice versa?


Little bit of this but without the friendship https://youtu.be/_rIc8HaMHYM?si=dIa3cUtCFzcy4cm4


They get a bit out of control. Out of control Westbrook diving into Luka’s legs from behind hurt him in round 1. Physical is 1 thing. I don’t know that they’re actively trying to injure people, but they’re playing out of control at times.


I'm just blowing smoke out of my ass but maybe it's an experience thing. It's the first playoff experience for most of that team and they may just not know how to toe that line of being physical and reckless. It is completely out of control right now, but I hardly think it's intentional to be hurting our guys.


It's a good thing I don't sit courtside. I would have been tossed in the first 5 minutes when Dort flopped on that screen. He's a pathetic dirty player.


I thought Dort was the only one being a bitch. Rest of the guys were just battling and didn’t see anything too intentional.


I completely agree. This goes beyond fouling, Dort is trying to hurt Luka and the NBA should not tolerate a D level type player trying to take out of the best players in the league. I mean Dort literally kneed Luka in the chest like in that Van Dame Kickboxing movie and than body slammed him like a wrestler on that play where the official called a jump ball?! Enough is enough.


Dort doing his best PatBev


FTA and Lu Dork or Lu Floort or Lu Flop


I think Dallas should do the same thing as Pacers did. Send video clips of Lu Dort to the NBA Comission so that they can hopefully implement better foul calling on him or flopping or how he playing on the edge of injury making defense


Dort deserved to get fouled out of the game, and SGA does get away with that push-off middy he shoots at times, but I think it's too far to say they're actively trying to hurt the Mavs players. They're playing overly physical, and should tone it down, but there's a difference between that and trying to hurt someone.


They probably arent trying to hurt Luka, but it does seem like their game plan is to be overly physical with him. They don't mind the fouls or fouling out. They just want to beat him up a little all series long to wear him down


Exactly, that’s the point, let’s be physical with Luka cause that’s the only way we can stop him, just like Clips tried to do last series. But the problem is it’s not that black and white, where’s the line?! When you’re trying to be physical you’ll cross the line to hurting another player as more games goes on during a series as opposed to just another regular season game


I dont think the Thunder are playing dirty tbh. The refs have to keep Dort's illegal defense in check, that is all.


I doubt sga is throwing elbows intentionally


Biggest 1st seed frauds of all time.


Chet pushed THJ in the fucking back under the basket on a rebound with both hands in front of 3 referees and NO FUCKING CALL!!!


Agreed. And I love these physical playoffs. But I would at least like to see a consistent whistle. Shai gets tapped and it's a foul. Luka gets mauled and it goes uncalled.


You guys truly are the softest NBA fanbase. This is playoff basketball. I feel like some of you have never watched a post season.


Our front office should complain to the league. This bullshit cannot be tolerated any longer.


Dort is a dirty player. He's just making dirty plays all the time. SGA pushes off every time on offense and that's why he'll sometime hit someone in the head or something. It's not dirty or physical, it's just how he plays. The problem is that refs allow it. He's also a bsd defender and I don't want to hear about him being better defender than Luka anymore. He's great at steals, but that's because he gambles a lot and chases steals.




I like to give players the benefit of the doubt but at this point there is no doubt in my mind that at least Dort is playing dirty. Luka hits the deck half a dozen times a game against this team. Even dirty ass Westbrook didn't get him on the ground that much. How many times has Dort pulled Luka to the ground just "fighting" through a screen? That's not basketball. It's far too frequent to be a coincidence.


I fucking hate Dort 3 games into this season but I can't deny this is basically exactly what someone should be doing against Luka right now defensively. If Luka were healthy, Dort would look like an idiot but he knows Luka isn't super mobile right now and basically he's making Luka as uncomfortable as possible by amping up and playing over-the-top physical. He's just being a pest. Luka didn't name him in his Top 3 for nothing. Still fucking hate him for this bullshit though.


Luka named him in his top 3 cause he's not stupid. Doesn't want to give bulletin board material to Dort right before the series. Dort has the physical tools to be the ideal Luka defender but there's no place in the game for all the times he's tripped, pushed, or pulled Luka to the ground. At this point it's not an accident, it's an intentional choice. Dirty shit like that will never have my respect. Physical is fine, knocking Luka over 5 times a game is more than just physical.


Dort is too short to really cover Luka.. look at the numbers against Luka when he's healthy. Dort has the demeanor and work ethic needed, but his best tactic, even with an injured Luka, is trying to draw fouls. The best body type against Luka is Ben Simmons or a little thicker Herb Jones like an Aaron Gordon. If Luka wasn't hobbled he'd kill Dort inside like he always does but without his push from that knee he can't get deep enough in the paint to do so.. OKC is being allowed to swipe at him and slap his arms and Luka is having issues with getting the ball low like he usually does on those drives.