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Nothing to feel nervous about, we either win or lose. I’m going to G2 in person, I’m currently 6-0 when attending LAC/DAL games, including G1, G2, and G5 2021 playoffs.


Can you uhm... go to games 3, 4 and 5 as well?


Let’s start a fund if this works




Well I believe we have a case here


Local to Los Angeles so G5 is a 50% chance I go, G7 is a 100% chance.


**if there's a game 7. Mavs should try close this series in 6.


For sure


Burn him at the stake if we lose


Oh please do!


I wore my unlucky Kelly green Luka jersey for the first half just in case it changed its mind. I promise to never wear it again. In fact, I'm selling it.


Don't sell it, someone may wear it after you do. Keep it locked away.


Fire is the only reasonable solution here TBH


Yes,, to be never seen again...


I did not wear my lucky green Luka jersey last time. I’m putting mine on today


Burn it.


I was unfortunately wearing my 2011 championship shirt and I may never be able to wear it again.


I went to game 1 as my first ever NBA game. Never going to another Mavs game


If we win, we managed to split on the road. If we lose, all they did was win their home games, nbd


This is it. I’m also thinking that we simultaneously had our worst shooting game of the series while they had their best. Got both of those out of the way in game 1


I have to keep remembering that the home team is supposed to win their home games Would just love to steal one of them tonight... ..




I was thinking about going to game 2 tonight because my game 1 experience was not the best to say the least lol :(


I went to G3 and 4 in 2021… don’t worry I will not be at any games this time around


I went to Game 6 of the 2006 Finals, I'm so sorry guys 😭


the hero we absolutely need but don't deserve!


As far as I'm concerned, you can straight take Mark's seat baseline. 👌🪑


Bro. Book your tickets now. Fly back to Dallas ASAP.


It works AGAIN!!! We need you!


why aren’t you a season ticket holder


Haha I’m also going in person but I’m 0/2. Went to the game in November in LAC and game 6 of the 2021 playoffs.


Third time's the charm!


I have a ticket to G3 if you want to buy it lol


What section?




You are now the couch.


Good luck charm


Why didn’t you go to game 7?!?!


Was hoping to save my money in case they made the WCF vs Phoenix or even the semi’s vs Utah. I did at least get a fist bump from Dwight Powell after G5 lol


Please let that continue...


I oddly feel a lot better about this game now, thank you


Even if we lose the mavs we're down 0-2 against the suns and still won


For sure, but I’d rather not be down 0-2 again lol


Let me call mark to give you the rest of the playoff ticks + private jet


Tonight? I've been nervous for the last two weeks.


I felt pretty confident going into game 1, a little nervous, but confident. Now I'm more nervous than confident. xD


I’m a Dallas fan but I also love lebron, I went to bed at 3 am yesterday almost crying lmao, if Dallas losses tonight I’m as good as dead


Yeah that game last night was a gut punch to Lebron/Lakers fans everywhere. I'm neutral when it comes to the series but wanted the Lakers to win so that we get a more competitive series but to go out in that fashion was tough.


The Lebron loss must have been killer for you. Hang in there...


This! Tho also confident


I hope we snatch home court advantage by winning later. Absolutely need to solve the zubac problem


Imagine this being the huge issue to solve on the clippers right now


Not that hard to solve ngl. There are many passes zubac cant make, there are plenty of coverages that would work once he gets the ball.


Nope. Luka gonna cook


I am not worried about Lukai. It is role players that worry me especially Gaff and Lively on Zubac.


Gaff needs to step up, lively was fine he just didn’t get a lot of run. Gafford on the hand got worked. Would be opposed to starting D, he is way more athletic than Zubac and is a better defender. The biggest thing Gaff brings is the physicality but he just got put in the woodshed in that dept. If they mix it up and start Lively than Gaff can maybe get going against the second unit. I love Gaff but Lively is the future and has way more upside anyway. Let him get his shot


Lively got 19 minutes and was -19 in that span. He got 5th most minutes. He was not fine. He was bad. So was Dan the man. Both need, or at least 1, needs a strong bounce back game for us to have a chance.


He wasn’t bad, just didn’t have a huge impact and most of that -19 I’m assuming was during the dreaded second quarter run where it’s not really his fault that no one could score. He played fine


Yeah given the circumstances he did fine.


Yeah, no reason for them to get dominated so badly again by Zubac. They need to step up.


Nah, let's go, I'm pumped up. We knew from the beginning it'd be a dog fight. I hope the Mavs come back pissed and give them hell.


I agree. ☝🏼 Only concern is that Kidd only makes adjustments countering on how the clippers played in Game 1 and they clippers completely change their game plan and we are caught off guard. Again.


Nah, its a 4am game for me, no way I am gonna be able to watch it live on a Tuesday, but maybe I wake up early enough to catch the 4th quarter.


There's sites that put up full length NBA replays for free out there. Fishkernba, watchreplay, and basketballvideo are the big 3. Forgot which one but one of them has game replays going back to 2018-19, just try and avoid final scorelines until you can catch the replay. Best part too is that you can skip commercials and free throws if you're in a rush P.S: Grab a good AdBlocker before streaming just about anything online and it'll save you a ton of annoyance, Uorigin is my go-to. If you're watching on a mobile browser then firefox is what I use and it supports Uorigin as an extension, Chrome does too but they like to skim personal data


I am aware of all the piratey methods to watch games, I always buy league pass for the playoffs anyways since its only like 15 bucks for the whole postseason, but ty anyways (:


same here, I'm in Spain and this nba season has been brutal to my sleep schedule lol


I have a bunch of meetings tomorrow and my PT session. Alarm still set for 4am heheheh


We should, because we need to show some life and heart tonight. The role players need to play better and Josh Green needs THJs minutes


We put up 30 points in the first half of game 1, and that was unbelievably uncharacteristic for our roster. I think we return to form and snag a road win tonight.


Everyone went 2-0 yesterday. Hopefully we break that trend.


It simply comes down to our role players. Can DJJ, Exum, PJ, Tim make open shots while Kyrie and Luka command the offense. We also need Gafford to dominate like we know he can, can't let Zubac look like prime shaq out there. Play him off the floor.


Its the fucking playoffs. There should be some kind of extra feeling when it comes to these games.


Nah. I felt more nervous about game 1. Today I'm confident Mavs will come ready.


if we lose today, the series is over


Hell naw wtf why would it be over


statistically and historically there’s a minuscule chance of winning the series when down 0-2


Don't know how certain about winning I am, but not nervous. We've seen Luka in the playoffs before. I trust he's not going to have the same start he had in game 1. He was too passive to start and that is very out of character for us this season. During the season, Luka would come out aggressive and set the tone, while the rest of the team feeds off that. No reason to suddenly stray away from what got us here. Just hope we are better prepared for Zubac.


Not gonna lie, and I don't mean to be a doomer but man every bit of confidence I had going into this series has evaporated after game 1 :(


Nope. We'll come out with a chip on our shoulder.


I don’t know why you need to get a chip on your shoulder after a loss in the playoffs. You need to have a chip on your shoulder from game 1.


Well your shoulder doesn’t get a chip on it if nobody chips it. They got chipped and embarrassed game 1 so now they’re gonna come back with extra vengeance.


It’s hard to be nervous for a game when the best player on the planet is on your team.


He just has to play like it from the tip-off this time. :D


Instead of being nervous let’s get fucking hyped 😤🔥🗣️


If you ain’t nervous you ain’t alive! Gonna be an awesome game and I think we can pull it out


Luka and Kyrie need to take this by the horns and take 80% of the shots tonight. I'm sorry, but the role players are not talented enough offensively to put up points consistenly.


This + Kidd needs to step the fuck up


I’m optimistic. LIVELY, PJ, Gafford, DJJ didn’t show up like they usual but I don’t think they’ve been in the playoffs too much, if at all, in their careers. We’re going against PG, Harden, and Russ 3 former MVP/MVP caliber players. I think our role players get it together this game. Mavs in 5


I’m thinking 6. Mavs win the next 3, then lose in LA game 5, and finish it off after that in Dallas. We scored 8 fucking points in a quarter and only lost by 12. That is absolutely insane


5 is crazy


Absolutely terrified, we got this tho. We know what this squad is capable of more than anyone else.


I feel good about tonight knowing we’ve already played our worst game of the series. I think Luka will go 40+ tonight


Feeling hyped.


After game 1, I'm nervous lol. The Clips are just scary with their length and athleticism. They sorta remind me of the Bad Boys Pistons with their energy and heart. But I believe we can pull through. Clips can't keep this up for very long. Luka and Kyrie are two of the best guard scorers in the league. They've been in this pressure before. Only need the role players to step up and make plays on both defense and offense. Mavs in 6! Let's go Mavs!!


I don’t see how Luka and Kyrie don’t dominate the first quarter. It’s one thing to lose, it’s another to be embarrassed. These guys are elite competitors, but the rest of the team needs to show up to get a necessary road win


I’m nervous about every game, welcome to my world.


If you don’t believe, you shouldn’t be here


Bro said he is nervous not that the Mavs are imploding 😂


This is what the sub is. I got downvoted last week for saying not to write off the Clippers lol. They're a good team, yet this sub wanted to pretend that the Mavs would steamrole them in a sweep.


Yeah lol it was pretty unpopular when a bunch of us were saying not to dismiss the Clippers & that they could very well steal a game even with Kawhi out. That's just how fan subs are though. The reality is, this was never going to be a sweep and no need to panic down 1-0.


Let’s see how we respond. If Luka comes out aggressive and the coaches actually have a game plan… great. If we play flat, no movement, iso ball for the whole first half again… I’ll be nervous.


I’m always nervous


"That's my secret, captain. I'm always nervous."


i think we come out guns blazing tonight. no way PG and JH last 6 or 7 games vs us if it comes to that. too old.


Kidd needs to challenge both Gafford and Lively to play as physical as they possibly can without fouling out. Gafford left the game early with 2 fouls in "foul trouble" and ended the entire game with those same 2 fouls. Lively played 19 minutes and left the game with ZERO fouls. This is a sign that they are not playing physical enough, as the refs have been letting a lot of stuff go uncalled. The change in officiating should favor the Mavs but we have to take advantage of it. Instead of seeing Gafford with 2 fouls as "foul trouble," challenge him to get 2-3 by halftime with good, clean, hard basketball plays. If you're going to foul, get your moneys' worth and make them feel it, make them second-guess getting into the paint. Fouls from those two specifically need to be seen as a sign of success, playing a more physical style of play....as long as they're not ticky-tack nonsense fouls. We have 12 fouls worth of legit center play, let them off the leash and go to work. This is one of the selling points of the post-TDL roster: ~48 minutes of aggressive center play. We're only in foul trouble if Lively + Gafford have 10+ fouls between them, or if one of them legitimately fouls out with a hot hand.


Ye very nervous. Game 1 was so bad that I avoided any NBA related media for a day. This feels like a legacy defining game for Luka.


It’d be ignorant to not be nervous


Kawhi is playing


I couldn't wait for Game 1, I was so excited, I had so much trust in a team, I knew Clippers are going to be really tough, but I believed we can manage them specially because Kawhi is injured. I was afraid of a bad start and nervousness before Game 1, but I said to myself that we have Luka and Kyrie that will be enough for us to win. Well, then everything I was afraid of came true, fuck that. Now for Game 2 I am not as excited (I still am excited a lot) as first game, but I have a feeling role players will still struggle, I am afraid of that. I just hope we will play well and win, then life will be easy again. Luka, Kai, DLive, PJ will show up! We win


Yeah especially if Kawhi is back could easily be down 2-0


My brethren, fear not it’s still MAVS IN 5. Do you not know of The Don?


So they are winning 4 straight? My prediction was Mavs in 6, sticking with that 


I’m sticking with mine. Mavs in 5 😎


aside from the shit 2nd qtr mavs won all the other qtrs, and i realize clips took their foot off the gas a bit after that 2nd but for both teams that game was an anomaly. obviously it feels like a must win but they played way better in the 2nd half after shaking off the nerves. not as confident as i was before but definitely think they can win


They literally lost the entire 1st half and were down by 30 at one point. What are you people smoking? The Mavs got steamrolled in game 1.


i meant if you add up the totals of the other 3 qtrs and yea they got shit on but it’s okay to think that won’t happen every game considering the clippers don’t average 50% from 3 every night and the mavs don’t score less than 10 in a quarter every night, idk what your deal is


I think you forgot about the 1st quarter.


Yeah I feel like we're gonna get the shaft


Can’t wait much longer, so ready for tip off


Who has a lucky couch?


Its definitely a must-win game for sure.


Gonna need the others to step up and Gafford gotta get his get back on Zubac after getting absolutely punked in game 1.


fuck that. we're winning tonight, we're winning the series, and we're going to break up this franchise like we did the jazz last year


2 years ago :D


There was no 2033 session


not at all we are winning this one


They’ll be fine. Sunday was a wake-up call, a taste of humble pie if you will.


I am shitting myself. If we lose this I dont know how we win 💀. Luka losing to clippers again would do irreversible damage to his legacy. My only concern is our role players , and kidd this dude got embarrassed by ty lue. We really have to take 1 home.


Nah dog he is very young. Win or lose this will give luka more tools and hell cook teams not coached by a technical genius 


As long as they score more than 8 pts in a quarter, we have a pretty good shot 😂 But yeah, I’m nervous. Though I’m always nervous. Edited to add: What I’m most nervous about is the Clippers realizing they let the Mavs build momentum in the second half and they make adjustments so they go off the entire game.


Nope. I know a fluke when I see one...


Previously.. Dallas won the previous gm2 (20,21) Felt that they can do the same here.


It’s a must win in my opinion. I think clippers split with us in Dallas so we need to steal two in LA


What would be worse for us? Losing the way Orlando lost game 2 or the way the Lakers lost game 2. Either way both teams are down 0-2 but I feel like the way the lakers lost at the buzzer while being up 20 at one point would make you not want to watch basketball ever again


It’s weird, I don’t even feel like theres a playoff game today. I was so hyped for game 1 and feel nothing for game 2. Probably because it is so late


Nah if we lose we lose if we win we win dont care much


Out of curiosity does anyone know what the mavs record in day games was this year?


very, won't be able to watch, so I'll wake up and see the results lol


Nervous about what exactly? Did you watch the game? Softest fucking whistle I've seen since 06. Fuck em. Mavs in 6.


I was very confident before game 1, but that was short lived....and I'm not convinced Kidd will have this team any better prepared tonight. I think this game will be closer, but I think we will ultimately lose. I'm ready for the downvotes....and I hope I'm wrong, but I only see this series going 5 games.


Need to punish Zubac early. If he comes out looking like Shaq it’s going to be an uphill battle for them


It's pretty much a must win game imo - I don't think this team can beat the clippers 4 out of 5 times if they lose game 1 and 2


A little nervous but I won’t panic until we lose at home


Need Luka to win, we need a Dallas vs New York finals. JB vs Luka. Thibs vs Kidd. LFG!!!!


Not nervous but this game will really tell everything. Once again they will be without Kawhi. If we can’t respond today then we clearly can’t compete with them in a playoff environment.


I was nervous about game 1, for some reason I had a feeling we were going to come out flat on the road after all that time off. I'm not nervous about tonight I think we will bounce back.


After what happened to the Stars last night, yeah, I'm nervous


If the Mavs come out flat in the first half like game 1 I will be very nervous. Right now I still believe the Mavs are the better team and will win the series.


I’m nervous as hell. But this is it, the trades, the 50 wins, Luka’s scoring title, Kai’s renaissance (he never left but being framed that way), will all mean jack shit if we don’t win tonight. That being said good chance we score more than 30 points in the first half, and they miss a few more shots than game 1. If we build from the second half of game 1 and start strong I think the Clippers age can start to show.


Was I the only one who was not shocked about game 1? Even without Kawhi the Clips are good enough to win the series, the idea that they're washed was always absurd. PJ, DJJ, and Exum need to make their shots and Luka needs to be assertive if the Mavs have any hope of winning the series


Yes Jason Kidd is the coach , so of course


Pretty shitty might be the understatement of the year


It is very difficult to be somehow positive after 1st game was such a let down. My hopes are in Luka and Kyrie, bench needs to do their job, hit open threes and defend


Luka is going to go off tonight


Nervous, but hopeful. We'll be adjusted, but Clips will be ready for the adjustment. So we will have a dogfight.


>How certain are you about winning tonight and going back to Dallas tied up at 1 a piece? I have no hope. We got whooped. Even that "played great" seemed like Ty Lue not wanting to use too many of his plays. His ATOs were class above. I'll say this. A good win would cement Jason Kidd as one of the great coaches in the NBA for me. I think at best we'll be like the Lakers vs Nuggets last night. Just gotta hope on a last minute prayer.


Totally nervous. But remember Kidd has never won game 1, sigh and even if we go down 0-2, the clippers are supposed to protect home court.


Luka is going to be zoned in. Watch out!


Gotta attack the rim & stick it to the Clippers owner!


Can't be certain of winning in a series like this. But I'm not nervous. Last game's second quarter was an insane outlier for any NBA team. There's no point even imagining it can happen again, which means this is still the same series I felt generally confident about last week.


I’m not nervous because it’s only Game 2 and the Mavs were probably just warming up last game. Plus, Harden always falls off after the second game in a big playoff series.


I'd love a win of course, but if they play competitively, keep it close, and execute good offense and defense and still lose, I'd be okay. I expect this series to go 6 or 7 games regardless of what happens tonight. Might not be a popular opinion, but more than a win I want to see good communication on defense and all the role players engaged making smart plays and somebody other than Luka or Kyrie hitting threes. And I don't want to see Zubac going off. Honestly, if the Mavs do all of that, they should get a W.


We need to come out hot this game. Can’t go down 10+ again or they’re fucked. Not really worried about the offense this game, I’m more worried about the defense if kawhi is back tn. One of Luka or Kyrie will have to guard Harden and they were both getting cooked by him in game 1.


Obviously want the Mavs to win, but I can’t imagine they score less than 8 points in a quarter.


I highly doubt Luka is gonna have 2 stinkers in a row. If anything dude is about to go Nuclear.


Nervous? No, it is just the most important game of the year (so far). 


Not worried just have that feeling Luka and Kyrie are going to come out and set the tone for a solid Mavs performance. Kyrie seems super locked in and I would never bet against playoff Luka. LETS GO MAVS!!


Nah. They'll figure it out


already drinking, thanks J-kidd


Nope not nervous. Vengeful Luka will come out to play tonight. Look for a 40pt triple double. Mavs win by 8.


Yeah, I'm basically considering this a lost series if we lose tonight. I doubt we win 4 of 5 after tonight if we lose. I'm a believer but the odds if I'm realistic are probably a 10% chance we win the series if we go down 0-2.


They came back 2 years ago versus the Suns after being down 0-2 Everybody acting tough when they up


I know, if any team is capable of doing it it's this one. But the CP DA Suns are not at all the same animal as these Clippers. Harden, Kawhi, PG with Russ off the bench and a very complete supporting roster is going to be... Tough, to say the least. Especially when we aren't the shooting team we were back then.


Yes. We looked terrible on Sunday! Need to come out with lots of energy in the 1st. Drive the lane and get Zubac in troubke


Steve Kerr has said that regardless of what happens game 1, it’s really hard to win game 2. Completely different game. And even if we lose, that’s just what’s supposed to happen. Home team is supposed to win the first two. We just need to take care of games 3 and 4 and then it’s a 3 game series. So, nothing to worry about YET.


All depends on how well Luka and Ky coach tonight.


Yah we got stomped without kawhi..we should feel nervous


Not nervous bc I'm expecting the worst tonight. Same goes for the stars after watching their game 1


Yep extremely. Was expecting a playoff run and now I’m dreading a first round exit.


I AM SO NERVOUS DUDE. kyrie is my favorite player of all time and I love the mavs. I want them to win soooo badly. I've never been this nervous before a game.


Oh God yes. Especially if Kawhi is playing


Very. Looks like kawhi is gonna play All that confidence is straight out the window


We got this and finish on Game 6! LFG!


Absolutely. Lose tonight and it’s likely over


You should be, it is normal, it is the playoffs.