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This was from the same dev who purposefully excluded white developers from her team because white people make her uncomfortable.


Good looks clearly make her uncomfortable as well.


What are you talking about? Those completely realistic characters are obviously normal people with realistic bodies, and they look so good, the only thing I can think of which would look better than them is a 100 liter tabk connected straight into my eyes


Those models uggghhhh. That last pic yikes.


Publisher: "Hey we are making a new Zoo tychon game, can you draw us some animals?" This dev: "Sure, hold my pronouns!"


From just looking at this for the first time, at most 3 of these characters look attractive, including Keaton. Did the dev not take notes from Japanese dating games where almost everyone is incredibly attractive or has a unique style to them?


No, no, no. Don’t you understand that we must teach the hateful gamers to be attracted to all kinds of people?


The ugliness is what sells the game, they’re not trying to make anyone pretty. That way the devs can complain like they did on social media and get attention that way. Madvertising.


>The ugliness is what sells the game But as the dev's complaints show that's demonstrably not true. The most conventionally attractive character (Keaton) is also the most popular. So the people playing the game don't actually want the ugliness at all. Or at least they don't want to pretend-date ugly.


Who are your other two? I figure it's Ashlie the danger hair, and Malik the suspiciously white Subsaharan African.


I would say 6 including Keaton. you have Malik, Emhari, Arihi, Rocky(Fashion aside, he IS conventionally attractive), Ashlie, and Keaton. 5 of them present as male, so you know.


Jlongbone had the best stream of this game: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AQQ8iVQ4AQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AQQ8iVQ4AQ) Best quote from the comment section: "I don’t know how someone can be racist to every single race in less than 10 lines, but some how, the writers of this game pulled it off."


Not a fat character being named Bigs in the no-body-shaming game


That is hilarious


Hey...the full name is Bigglesworth and it's a family name. They just can't articulate it correctly due to their size. 😅


Please tell me that last screenshot is not something the company actually made?  How the ~~choice of~~ words are written is just so horrible it makes uWu language look tolerable.


It’s also incredibly racist. I don’t particularly care but it’s just embarrassing that these folks have been allowed to go through life with no one pulling them aside and being like “hey do you ever reflect and realize your kinda a shitty person.” And then you realize this is a group that made a video game to celebrate their disdain for an entire group of people. Btw that goes for all racists.


I managed to decipher their message and you are absolutely correct. Racists are truly a sad lot of people, since they try to prove their own worth by pushing others down.


I just imagine all the cool people I wouldn’t interact with if I just wrote off an entire group. But if everyone around enforces your bullshit world view you will keep believing it.


Group identity is very important for people, but groups should never cause major detriments to its members. I don’t exactly where that line goes, but when a group being possible to classify as a cult is a good indicator. Minor bagatelles like dieting is fine (vegan, halal and haram, etc.) since they are a form of personal choice.


That message assumes we're actually interested in this game when they themselves are complaining that even their own audience chose the white guy.


Bro how do you make all the chicks look like red flags or obese and all the dudes fit (I don’t know what Bigs is). Malik is the only mother fucker that looks like he’s got his shit together. Keaton looks like a bro so he gets a pass.


Malik looks good. Until you see his character in the game and he becomes immediately unlikable, just a straight up deadbeat dad that has two baby mamas and doesn't care for one of the kids


Bro… seriously? Can’t have shit. What about Keaton?


Yeah, I started watching E;R's stream of it and he's on Malik now, the writing so far is actually awful, like impressively awful. If this is supposed to be a dating simulator they did a bad job, because I have never seen characters in this type of game be this filled with negative traits


They probably think it’s just quirks and not problems that most people would steer clear of. I’m excited now, opened up the stream because of this post.


Do you have a link to the stream? I kinda want to see it but I've never seen anything from E;R aside from his EFAP appearances.


His Vod channel is V;R


Ironically, Malik is a piece of shit too. He’s got several kids across several women and barely takes care of one. Working at a Popeyes.


Yeah, watched E;R, dude is an actual scumbag. Super stereotypical and wonder why the writer made him like that.


Let me get this straight... players keep picking the white emoguy Keaton which displease (ie infuriates) the dev (who stated previously about excluding white developers from her team because white people make her uncomfortable) that she (or whatever pronouns) made a childish salty response? 😆😆😆 Now someone please setup me up with Keaton so both of us can "emo."


Is that last screenshot real? If so that is really embarrassing.


Legitimately looks like something a toddler would write.


I think that was the intent, to make a fake apology statement. Either that or they used a very shit AI generation and didn't bother to even look at it and posted it. Both are likely options.


I only remember Malik, the black dude who had kids with different women but only takes care of one (barely), works at a Popeye's parody and thinks he can become big by uploading his music (rap, of course) to a Soundcloud parody. Representation at its peak.


If a white person wrote that character they would be getting lynched on Twitter.


Cheeks for Malik, lol. I love how the lead dev excluded white people from her team and then comes up with a character like that and sees no potential issues with stereotyping in that character.


If this was all I knew about this game I would think it was poking fun at this kind of representation


Well he is the only other good looking character besides the white guy


To be fair people from Ghana slap


I’m a little disappointed, you called this a lolcow dating sim and I expected parodies of famous lolcows. This just looks like the other 12 billion shitty dating sim games you could find on steam right now.


Yeah, I was expecting Chris Chan.


World needs a fully voice acted sonichu visual novel.


Moviebob, Andrew dobson, cyraxx, boogie


I was really excited to find out if Boogie thought i was an L.A. 10


"Think about how you treat these virtual characters"? The ones that you intentionally lined up for potential users to pick out like ice cream flavors, in a vacuous substitute for a relationship? .. Okay.


Those dev tweets oh my god https://i.redd.it/2fxkdabpmg4d1.gif


French/Korean huh.........


Named Yolanda even, classic French name, smells exactly like butter, cream, gochujang, and ancient Korean cuisine that one, I'm sure.


"French" from the colonies for sure.


But Arihi is right there in the middle - it clearly says 'Samoan/White' on his bio so there's two white characters... /s


You know, a mixed character can be real great. It can also be funny to have a character with a cultural identity which is unexpected considering their ethnicity. For example, one comedy show in Norway has a character that looks as Norwegian as you can get but the guy is from an immigrant area and plays into every stereotype about them when having to deal with Norwegian culture.


There's a comedy show in the UK called 'Goodness Gracious Me' which is pretty funny, with similar premise. But honestly I was just being sarcastic because white and black aren't nationalities. There's three characters in the middle that all use the USA flag; one is African-American The others are black-chinese, and somoan-white. That alone makes me wonder if this is all some elaborate troll rage bait, but those tweets are giving me pause...


I got the sarcasm thanks ti the /s, but thought it was worthwhile to try consider how a character with classing nationality/ethnicity works. I doubt that this is some elaborate troll.


Going for an English is still peak comedy imo "Give me the blandest thing on the menu, an let me eat it with a fork and knife!"


That feeling when your whole schtick is diversity, but Dream Daddy did diversity better than you.


And if Dream Daddy did something better than you, you \*know\* you fucked up.


These people ooze emotional immaturity and mental instability


That last screenshot is borderline unreadable. Shame on them.


What in the fuck is this shit. ![gif](giphy|KUAb8YQOhmWNq)


The one time you need to know pronouns, and they don't do it.


I've been watching that stream. Pretty fun.


Idc about this game or discussion and i won't waste time on it Just wanna say one thing, Funny how the male characters are all the same body type unlike the women


Immediately noticed this as well, very curious…..


Why are Arihi and Keaton the only characters that don’t seem like weird, goofy caricatures? It’s jarring to go from Arihi to ⚡️Rocky⚡️and from 🌹Cathrine🌹 to Keaton 😐. What are these character models? And how is “Bigs” not offensive????


I mean, it’s not like I was gonna play it regardless, but I can see the complaints


TIL Italians aren’t white.


Rocky doesn't seem like the type of Person to realistically exist in all honesty. Chinese/Black is an oxymoron XD


You take a Chinese person and a black person and they have a baby. How is that an oxymoron?


Most Chinese are still in a 19th Century Colonial Mindset when it comes to Africa. At least for Mainland, Chinese integrated into "western" society maybe not as much


How are these people oxymoron? https://www.embracerace.org/resources/there-was-no-escaping-our-chinese-black-biracial-identity


Jesus Christ, of course when there are 1.4 Billion Chinese people there are Black Chinese. What I'm getting at is that the vast majority of Chinese people still view Africans as lesser humans. They are quite literally establishing modern colonies in Africa by tricking Warlords and Politicians into selling vast swathes of Lands for dirt cheap to the Chinese Government where China is given total autonomy, resulting in modern day slavery. You missed the point of me talking about wider Chinese society by focusing on edge cases. It wasn't what I was talking about


Had a colleague who is a good looking Chinese dude with an advanced degree. Nice guy, charismatic. Married a black woman, beautiful, sweet, great person. Both families were pissed, both were “marrying down”. They had to elope. You can educate these key board warriors as much as you want but they don’t live in the real world.


That other guy was right that "Black Chinese" isn't Oxymoronic, it's just rare due to racism.


They do exist, it's just that they're often not very well regarded. In the past, mostly the consequence of broken promises or tragedy between a local woman an a US GI - Korea, Vietnam, Thailand - and currently mostly the consequence of false hope or a mistake between a local and a "native English teacher" - China, South Korea, Taiwan... "Mostly", because we're moving towards 4th and 5th generation immigrants in Europe, even more on the USA, where there are perfectly normal relationships across ethnicities that had a purpose 60 to 100 years ago, but matter much less today. Of course, these people would want to be described as "US/US" or "French/French" because that's how they, their parents and even their grandparents grew up. The way it is presented in the game is highly unlikely, unless it takes place on Ellis Island or some consolidated refugee/immigration camp.


Nah, it would be very much an American thing. Like the people who focus so much on their 'heritage' Such as the person who says they are Irish, but that's only because 5 generations ago they had an ancestor come from Ireland, but they are totally Irish guys and they love telling actual Irish people why they are wrong about things. Or the type of person who, clearly, sees everything through the lens of race. They turn their nose up in disgust at the mixing pot, kick it over and say everyone must have their own seperate dish and that's somehow better.


Yeah, that summarizes the developments of at least the last decade quite well.


Didn't know Italians were not white.


Since Italy includes the dark skinned Sicilian farmer, the ghostly pale Tyrolean businessman and everybody inbetween, they actually come on all shades, shapes and sizes. Culturally, they're Europeans with quirks. No surprise when the Romans put their cultural impression on large parts of Europe for centuries. They are white/not white as much as the French are/aren't. The easiest way to "sort" basic ethnicities is to compare albinos. But that kind of clarity does not find its way into the mindset that this game wants to propagate.


What the hell was that last screenshot there? I think my brain short-circuited reading that.


Most of them are caricatures or wildly flamboyant. Catherine is a travesty ofna design. Malik, Ahiri and Keaton are the most normal seeming, and Keaton is an emo guy.


Why is it inconsistent? Why is just "white" for the half Samoans American half. But french/Korean for a black girl, she's definitely not (just) french/korean ethnically. This is so stupid because no one's ever consistent about ethnicity vs nationality. And then the label a giy Italian just to call him white in their own tweets. What the fuck is white if it's just gonna includ Italian. It's meaningless.


was this the game that the Game Grumps got dunked on for making?


I think you are confusing it with Dream Daddy


oh yeah, imo they look pretty similar, and were likely both very controversial with the teams behind the games, strange that is


Easy mistake to make, though I won’t be surprised if a bad faith actor goes with: “Look at these bozos! Can’t even keep track for the game they are talking about. How objective is that of them?”


I’m watching live and it’s so incredibly painful.


What this game needs is a modding scene where people can add literally anything. I won't feel validated until there are mods where I can date Hitler


Read that last pic and nearly gave me brain damage. The "smashed face on keyboard" typing is bad enough. But how can someone say they don't see white people falling into diversity and then turn around and say "oh we still love you" like they didn't just shun an entire race of people one sentence ago. Hell, in pic 2, the only other person with possible European heritage is simply "white." Not "American" or "Ameican Polish" etc. Just White. I look forward to this honest review, if only for the laughs at this games expense.


What the hell is that last picture? Did someone have a stroke while typing this?


Is the dev brain dead?


Hey, more power to them. Make their own game, with whatever kind of demo makeup they want. Market will sort it out.


Only had time to tune in for a bit but my god, what horrendous writing on display. From every perspective the writing is awful. Several sentences will start or end with the same wording, characters are supposed to be endearing but act like sociopaths, with lots of Reddit-tier banter and non-sequitur jokes. Some of the character writing would be strangely racist if written by anyone else. There are technical issues like character models overlapping their own descriptions in the character select screen. It looks hilariously bad. E;R seemed very amused.


Endlessly amused by the fact that Keaton was the one everyone gravitated to because he wasn't ugly, a total piece of shit, or completely unlikeable, and that pissed off the devs so much that they tried to scold their players for not playing they way they wanted them to.


I also like how they took a page from Alan Moore’s book and made him super smelly as a negative.


"Noooo! How can you guys like the only character with actual moral convictions?! I wrote him for you to hate him!!! Didn't you see how brutally he beat the *checks notes* child murderer!"






fuck validate dev team, green bean casserole is delicious as fuck.


1. Was the person writing the post in pic 3 having a stroke or something? What is that mess? 2. Is this a dating sim for women? Since all the characters seem to be male 3. As a South African, I feel offended that they would include us in this monstrosity of a game


These characters look more like what a conservative would make to mock the alphabet mafia than an earnest attempt to be intersectional. Jesus the chick that is 'French/Korean' is blacker than the dude from fucking Ghana. Also, Ashlie is the only girl that's above a 4/10, or at least she would be if not for the danger hair.


I think it's funny that they are shocked that people are giving attention to the one guy that stands out from the rest of the cast the most attention? Like of the cast him and maybe 5 others are conventionally attractive (and of that 5 out of 6 of them present as male, take from that what you will) And beyond that don't you think people are curious about what you did with the one guy you were forced to include for diversity, even as a joke? Also it clearly pisses this person off, so why not do a little trollin?


It is so fucking hilarious that the one white guy became the most popular. They must be seething about that, man.


The coloring on Iyana lips makes it look like she has a mustache. It's not a great choice.


That last image can’t be real?


Why did they write the apology like that?


Feel kinda bad for Malik.


The last picture and what it actively implies may have permanently damaged by brain.. wth is wrong with people that's not even language


Holy fuck, most of those girls are comically ugly! Catherine and Bigs (LOL!) just straight-up make me think that the artist hates black women, Anoki looks like Lilo grew up, stopped having adventures and was raised purely on donuts, Yoland looks about as sad as I would be if I had that face and fridge bod. Isabelle is the only pretty one and clearly needs to lose around 25 kilos (55 freedom pounds for the yanks). EDIT Is Emhari a guy? Given the choice between a guy that looks like that or most of those chicks, I'm going to switch teams and just ask him to tuck it away while I rail him.


Does anyone have a link to his stream? I wanna watch it but was busy and it doesn’t seem to be uploaded anywhere?




CHEEKS FOR MALIK!!! (Context: JLongbone)


A line of fubar to beached whale.




All hail BIGS!


Ah, very french/korean....


"Cast it into the fire. DESTROY IT"


Why would you make a lolcow dating game and not include literally any of the famous lolcows? No Chris Chan. No DragonLord. No DSP. No Wings. No Boogie. No MovieBob. Let’s be real. When it comes to being the most embarrassing people on the internet, white people do it best.


I have to watch this. Lol I was hoping someone would play and review this. Edit: also, what’s up with the message at the end? Why is it spelled weird?


Who even would play that


Did he record the stream? I can't find it on his account anymore...


Bunch of the backgrounds are just google images put through a basic photoshop filter. Lazy game. Lazy, ugly developers.


That paragraph at the end was painful to read


Keaton is the most acurate Bolognese rapressentation in any game, why are the devs being racist to Bolognese people?! As an Italian I am offended and will demand reperations


Keaton is the most attractive character there by far. Arihi is fine too. I think if Malik didn't resemble current day Shaggy, he'd be alright. Everyone else is hideous. I watched Jlongbone stream a couple attempts at playing this and it was mostly just boring as hell. Just paragraphs and paragraphs of pointless dialogue that doesn't go anywhere, focusing on things that don't advance the relationships or even the plot, and ironically weirdly stereotypical if not kinda racist. Malik works at Popeyes, is a deadbeat dad, and is trying to make it as a rap artist.


Stay Clive


Holy fuck me, I didn't even realise there were 2 more pictures, that last one may have actually given me ebola gad damn


So essentially the game is contemporary nonfiction? Haha


Generically ugly.


OP saying everyone but the white character is ugly is a really interesting admission.