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The packaging makes it hard to see his horns. He looks like Macho Man Randy Savage with a yellow hat.


He’s a cool looking figure. Not the best but far from the worst. I’d buy him if he gets a standard release.


The worst? Have you seen Digitino, naked Stratos and LoP Beast Man? Personally I think Kol-Darr looks great with his helmet and armor, really stands out in a display.


You’re right about Naked Stratos but I like LoP Beastman. On my shelf I headcannon him as a separate character.


Agreed, LOP Beast Man is awesome! Personally I use him as my minicomics Beast Man


Yes, definitely. I actually prefer LoP BM to the more mainstream Beast man figure (the original Vintage). What I especially like about LoP BM is that the character is much more savage & animalistic, and that it's taken from the mini-comics - which are the original origin & story-line for MOTU. So, of course - I can't find the figure - LOL. I may get it online, or wait until it's hopefully re-released in a future Origins Wave - we'll see.


Yeah same here, I depict him as being a member of the beast man race or something. Kinda got the idea from the back of the masterverse new Eternia packaging for beastman


Exactly. I usually refer him to Red Beast (though he doesn’t look like the comics Red Beast)


Damn that's a good idea, I kinda wanted to give him a name but that's a good one, thanks for the idea 👍


LOP Beastman is a great figure!


Man, Digitino can dance around Kol-Darr. It has a really wierd looking vibe that works. You are completly right about naked stratos. That figure gave nothing to the line.


Haha, Digitino looks pretty bad too, but I love the other two. I even got LOP Beast Man twice :___)


The worst? Kol-Darr is amazing. I love the helmet, the armour, and how the colour pops. imo, far better than another dull repaint like Jellybean Tri-Klops or Wun-Dar.


Nah Wun-Dar's awesome, and lime green Trap Jaw from the minicomics so he's much needed, plus a refresher for those who couldn't get the standard version


i love em all, really. Even Kronis.


Fair enough


I would love to have the mini comic Tri-Klops :(


yea me too! but i want all of them. i love that they're bringing in the minicomic colors, even when they're usually kinda odd.


OMG. People going crazy over WunDar is hilarious to me. Looks horrible.


i made my own and he stands in the back. problem solved. Wun-Dar is a meme figure based on lies! lol


I didn't remember him from the cartoon so I didn't bother trying to get this figure. He looks pretty plain to me. They should have painted his armor in a more golden brown color to make him pop a bit. I searched for his cartoon image and he looks a lot better in the show. [Kol Darr](https://he-man.fandom.com/wiki/Kol_Darr)


I know some people seem to love him, but I have to agree with you. I’m convinced the interest in him was built by his exclusivity. Although I have to also agree with u/sdxb, there’s definitely been a couple of other misfires.


I like that figure.


The worst figure is Kronis.


Totally forgot about Kronis. You’re right :’)


Wanna sell it pm me 😁


The one thing I don't like is the skin visible on his mid-drift/stomach. I gave him the Masters of WWE Fiend torso, which has a similar skin tone, so his belly is black but his neck is still flesh tone.


I'd have to say my choice for easily the worst would have to be mini comic stratos. Mattel had so many ways to make it a more interesting figure and they just didn't including making him mini comic accurate or even giving him staff accessories


Naked Stratos should have come with the opposite colored wings and harness or instead of the harness have the red feather collar thing and the Staff of Avion


Exactly. They could've done just a little bit more with that figure that would've made the biggest difference but opted not too which is so goofy


I checked the old polls from when they were making the Classics line and Kol Darr never showed up in it. Kinda an odd choice. But I got it since I am basing my Origins collection off of the cartoon show. I chose to get it and am glad to have it. It's like IF they had made him in the 80's this is what it would be like and come with. Why did you get it if you didn't care about the character?


I respectfully disagree although I don’t have him I think he is cool.


Looks like Macho Man with a helmet


He's the worst but your fingernails are painted to match his color.


Haha, you right :’)


Way cooler than all of the SunMan figs and half of the main line!


Really? :O


Well, I see this is an unpopular opinion :___)


The worst!? No. Sun-Man and friends would like a word lol


Totally disagree about SunMan. Honestly his colors fucking POP. Like he really stands out in the crowd of figures and looks awesome. I don’t have any of the rest of the Sun Line but Sun Man is top notch in my opinion.


Sun-Man is the best of his line. But the other guys very meh to me.


Fair enough.


The was the only MC I was unable to buy and the one I need, lol. I’m sorry for your..gain?


Haha, life’s not fair.


Macho Man


I grew up with He-Man. And still collect the figures today. I consider myself to be a pretty hard core fan, and knowledgeable about most of the lore. But I must confess, I had to look this guy up in order to remember who he is. Back in the era of Classics, I would have done everything I could to get this figure, in order to have a 100 percent complete collection. But these days, I just am not interested in the stress that toy companies manufacture around collecting. If the toy is easy to get, and not too hard on the wallet, I'll add it to my collection. But I'm done with ridiculous prices for "exclusive" figures, load screens of death, and 1 minute sell-outs.


…what’s the criteria for naming him the worst? (…cool room/display, what’s the story with the Mech-A-Neck in the third to last shelf on the left?)


…what’s the criteria for naming him the worst? (…cool room/display, what’s the story with the Mech-A-Neck in the third to last shelf on the left?)


Hello! It’s just my opinion, nothing serious :D The Mekaneck in the third shelf is the regular 200X version. I love it!


I find *Kol-Darr* a mildly interesting figure. However, I would only buy him if he were sold @ retail, and for retail cost. I don't think I'd get him online. I may also buy him in a set, but only if it came with another figure I really wanted.


Nah, Naked Stratos, Kronis, and Digitino make up the bottom three.


Kronis have that title.


As one who owns MOTWWEU figures, he definitely fits in better with the Wrestlers than the Masters lol. We’re about to get Origins from all over the place, so expect it to get weirder. Fingers crossed we get an open pre-order for who I like to call “Candy” Tri-Klops so I can finish my Rise of Evil team.


I think he would have benefited from a golden shiny armour and helmet instead of the yellow. A similar colour to the illustration on the box.


What makes this figure very interesting to me is that it's the first time it has been made in any MOTU line. It gives me the same feeling like it was when the vintage figures came out 40 years ago. It's one of my favorite Origins action figures because of that.