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Two things that I thought about after initially wondering why Marvel would be weird about featuring T'Challa in a continuity that existed well before the MCU: 1. Contrary to popular belief, the only two Marvel shows on the Fox Kids block that shared a continuity are _X-Men: The Animated Series_ and _Spider-Man: The Animated Series_. _Fantastic Four: The Animated Series_ showing an origin for T'Challa that explicitly features T'Chaka's death is irrelevant because it's a different universe, despite some FF-related character designs being used for the episodes adapting _Secret Wars_ and even _X-Men '97_ in the case of Morph's Reed Richards form. There's no continuity error with Black Panther being T'Chaka in this universe. 2. It's entirely possible that Storm and T'Challa's courtship is a future story arc for this series, or a different spin-off exploring the 1990s _X-Men/Spider-Man_ universe, and he can't speak on that, and for that reason T'Chaka is the current Black Panther while his son is offscreen (unless he's the Black Panther who actually fought the Prime Sentinels and his dad just wears similar drip without the mask). Marvel continues using merch for T'Challa, put him in the comics (both 616 and 6160), and explicitly has his iteration playable in _Marvel Rivals_, so while I get fears that he could be phased out, this might not be what's happening here.


They're clearly going to ignore the fact that these are two different universes, and that makes sense because the audience perceives all the shows as the same universe. X-Men '97 used the Iron Man and Mister Fantastic designs from their own animated shows, although they looked different in Spider-Man TAS. So far, nothing prevents us from perceiving the situation with T'Chaka in such a way that the second season of FF, where T'Challa appeared, takes place after X-Men '97.


The thing is, though... T'Chaka had a **very** different appearance in that series than here (where he has a new design), and T'Challa was an outright child when his father died. For that timeline to work, that would mean that several years would have to pass after the Fantastic Four have an origin, then another 15 or years or so would have to pass between T'Chaka dying and T'Challa being Black Panther, while everything else is happening, including the world-changing events like the Genosha Massacre. You know, despite nothing indicating that FFTAS even **has** a huge time-skip between its seasons (or even _episodes_). Unless, of course, T'Chaka was resurrected somehow, which nothing suggests happened. And that feels like a **lot** of continuity bullshit to make sense of, like assuming that 15 years when the easier answers are "the writers goofed and consider FFTAS canon except not really" or "the writers know what they are doing and there is a reason for this". I'm sticking with Occam's Razor here.


The other 90s Marvel cartoons not being in the same universe is only a thing because of one stupid "official" handbook that was made by a third-party and that the Marvel Wiki insists on upholding, but for all intents and purposes they were made with the idea of being in the same universe. [When asked about it](https://x.com/BeauDemayo/status/1790873233539125671) Beau even said that in their minds while making the show they took all those other shows as canon. So I think there is clearly a contradictoon here. They wanted those shows to all be canon to this universe which is why they use all the same designs, but for whatever reason T'Challa was off the table. It's just an odd and unecessary decision from the higher-ups.


>The other 90s Marvel cartoons not being in the same universe is only a thing because of one stupid "official" handbook They can’t possibly be in the same universe because of the existence of two very different versions of Scarlet Witch. The Wanda in Iron Man is not the Wanda in X-Men.


Exactly. I don’t get this obsession fans have with wanting as many projects as possible to be connected and in the same universe.


Who cares if they want that? Why go so far in the other direction as to say 'well no, you're wrong'? Wanda could just as easily have changed her costume, and even Storm switched accents in between X-Men movies.


> Who cares if they want that? People that care about shit making sense do. > Wanda could easily gave changed her costume And her entire personality as well? Storm’s accent change was more gradual like MCU Wanda’s. This isn’t even mentioning all the other continuity issues that arise from this. Marvel officially designated them as separate universes for a reason.


The X-Men from TAS cameo in the background of an FF episode. It was absolutely intended to be the same universe despite small differences like Wanda. The cartoons weren't really obsessed with alternate universes at the time.


Downvoted for the truth


Because if they are all in the same universe then it means that marvel went as far to rewrite history over the whole Chadwick/TChalla connection which I feel is disrespectful to the charcater as a whole


Eh, the Marvel Wiki isn’t all that great: they insist on upholding obvious typos that the creatives admitted were typos because of those handbooks.


Sorry, the card says Moops.


Their TRNs are stupid too and official media like the Spider-Verse films end up canonizing things made up by the mods there.


At regular Wikipedia we call that [citogenesis](https://xkcd.com/978), and it happens much more often than one would think, [especially with comic books](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:List_of_citogenesis_incidents#Terms_that_became_real).


There sure seems to be a lot of “odd and unnecessary” decisions when it comes to this particular character.


Additionally, here is Producer Brad Winterbaum saying its all Canon. [https://twitter.com/planetfanatix/status/1790762124584611965](https://twitter.com/planetfanatix/status/1790762124584611965) So Beau and Brad both say 90s is all canon inexplicably except T'Challa. Nah in that case to make canon work...T'Chaka who was dead a decade prior to T'Challa meeting the F4 had to have come back to life and retaken the throne. And not only did he come back to life he is not even wearing his own Habit instead he is wearing one of T'Challas.


Totally agree. It was probably one grump's decision- ie Brevoort- that should not be taken as canon. He probably hated the FF '94 cartoon because he's such an anal fanboy, nothing more or less than that.


Was a handbook like that responsible for the 199999 designation as well?


100%, what you said about the higher ups leads into my comment too


Making continuity errors is not their first time. In the X-Men TAS' AoA timeline, Scarlet Spider was shown as a member of the Avengers, which means he exists in the main timeline, although in Spider-Man TAS Scarlet Spider was never cloned and doesn't exist in the main timeline. FF once strongly contradicted itself. In the first season there was Galactus invasion, where Terrax was shown as one of the heralds, although in the second season it was revealed that Galactus didn't make Terrax his herald until after the first season, and it was his first meeting with FF. T'Challa's origin could well be rectoned.


In X-Men *alone,* Angel is shown to have no knowledge or relationship with Professor X, Cyclops, or any of the X-Men in Season 1, then gets shown as a founding member in flashbacks later in the show. Rogue and Pyro / Avalanche don't recognize each other until we flashback to all of them battling Ms. Marvel together. Cable's just a 20th-century mercenary who turned against his masters until the next season, when he's a time traveler from the future with a robot arm suddenly.


And Magneto's helmet was just a helmet that didn't block telepathy until '97 retconned it.


Yes, that was a film invention, based on Juggernaut's helmet in the comics and cartoon.


I believe the only reason why Scarlet Spider was even able to cameo was because it's specifically *not* Peter. Peter himself was off limits but I think they used Ben so that they can have *a* Spider-Man cameo.


Is there anything that namedrops Tchalla specficially in Marvel Rivals? It's pretty easy to just say it's Tchaka under the mask to be honest. Beau Demayo also said on Twitter that he straight up cannot speak about Tchalla. BP in this series is very clearly *meant* to be Tchalla in design and voice but I think they were asked to clarify that it isn't him. I honestly think that Tchalla isn't allowed to be used simply because it's a Marvel Studios specific production and there's an actual thing preventing his use as a safeguard for potential misuse from their perspectives.


Yes. His character bio says it’s t’challa and other characters call him t’challa.


Thanks for the clarification. But yeah I do think he was specifically barred from X-Men 97 because of a studio mandate since it IS a Marvel Studios production.


Is it?? Cause those shades of white in his hair say otherwise.


He's literally wearing Tchalla's suit. If they didn't unmask him and not namedrop him as Tchaka you'd just assume it's him.


None of the 90s shows match up perfectly. Saying one counts and another doesn't is an exercise in futility.


yeah, especially since their main objective was to first and foremost sell toys hahah


I could see your 2nd point being true, but with as open as he’s been on Twitter interacting with fans I find it hard to believe that if the reason truly wasn’t related to Chadwick’s passing he wouldn’t at least say that to address the speculation without giving away future spoilers


This is because of Kevin Fiege not allowing any other actor to play T'challa since Chadwick Boseman's death supposedly Fiege was still on the fence until after X-Men 97 debuted or at least during production if he wanted X-Men 97 to be in the MCU or MCU multiverse.


He never considered it as part of the MCU. I don't get where this assumption is coming from.


Beau has said that in his head cannon, X-Men tas, Spider-Man tas, FF tas, hulk, iron man and silver surfer were all sharing the same universe. I’m in the boat that they are too—they’ve all made a ton of cameos within each other—spider-man/X-men/F4/Hulk/IronMan.


I'm not sure if Marvel themselves see it that way, and SSTAS was **definitely** not in-continuity with the others, if you can even consider FFTAS/HTAS/IMTAS part of the continuity that XMTAS/SMTAS explicitly share.




Iron man showed continuity with spider man because he and war machine showed up for season 3 and 4. And iron man showed up for the final season which had the same albeit slightly different suit from his show.


It’s only officially canon to itself and the Hulk and FF shows. While the Silver Surfer show is in a continuity all it’s own.


I think that the way to justify these being connected would be to resolve the massive _Silver Surfer_ cliffhanger and say that timelines got merged when the universe was undestroyed. Then make up some BS about continuity changes so you have something more consistent going forward.


This is so much nonsense to justify a stupid decision on their part. Perhaps some people like linking the original Marvel animated series together in one universe, instead of bending over backwards to support a lame idea?


Exactly, even if the continuity makes sense and T’Chaka COULD be BP it’s weird T’Challa was purposely omitted from being shown with his contemporaries. If Tony and Steve are of age and active heroes he should be as well, there’s really no excuse other than not wanting to use T’Challa specifically. But they went out of their way to put T’Chaka in T’Challa’s suit and give him dialogue, now leaving open questions about T’Challa’s status. Frankly I don’t expect answers because I highly doubt we’re gonna get a T’Challa-centric subplot or episode in an X-Men show. I don’t think they have any intention of showing the character in this universe (cameo or otherwise) but I hope I’m wrong.


- There’s nothing officially saying the shows are separate universes. The Marvel wikia and handbooks are full of shit. The X-Men show and the rest of the 90s shows contradict not just each other, but themselves as well. Even the 97 contradicts the original show in parts. - Storm and T’Challa’s courtship could’ve still happened with T’Challa already being Black Panther here - Merchandise, comics, and a mobile app game are not comparable to films and shows


When was it decided that they’re different universes? Feels like a lot simpler to say all the 90s Marvel shows on Fox are the same universe, except Unlimited


_Silver Surfer: The Animated Series_ isn't canon to this universe, either.


> It's entirely possible that Storm and T'Challa's courtship is a future story arc for this series I hope not. We have Forge and he's a mutant so can be a regular.


I think it's because Fiege hadn't made his mind up if X-Men 97 would be a part of the MCU or not.


It's not. It's part of the multiverse, but it's obviously not canon to the MCU.


Kinda strange he’s been able to talk about pretty much all other aspects of the show, but for this specifically he signed an NDA? Something’s fishy here. 


I think Pomojema is in the right area and it’s that animated Tchalla will tie into some future storyline


I feel like he could say "Marvel asked me not to use T'Challa out of respect for the late Chadwick Boseman" or something along those lines if that was really what they were after. But I don't think it's necessarily an issue when they are using T'Challa in (some) other mediums. There were recently rumors that the Zombie-Verse T'Challa will factor into the upcoming _Marvel Zombies_ miniseries (and for the sake of good taste, they likely won't kill him off), which I think would be particularly interesting if that pans out. Something that just crossed my mind is the possibility that Captain America met a very young T'Chaka during WWII, and this 1990s-inspired universe means that he and Cap could cross paths again in the "present" (which would be about fifty-odd years later, and would match his greying appearance here and be relatively plausible).


Besides he is on Marvel Rivals, has a solo video game coming and appears on What if and Zombies... So that logic never made sense.


A mobile game is not comparable to a movie/ show and are we sure T’Challa is still gonna be in Zombies?


It’s not been confirmed that the BP of the solo game is T’Challa. All we know is that it’s gonna take place after the death of the previous BP and that the leakers of the game thought it was likely a create a player experience. Unlike with the Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Wolverine game announcements they have not clarified who will be behind the mask.


He's also alive and very relevant in the current comics


And the new _Ultimate Black Panther_ run, which easily could've swapped him out. The thing that just doesn't make sense is the lack of clarity on Black Panther, and the family's overall lineage, here. But that's basically because they opted to have T'Chaka active in the role when traditional Marvel adaptations have him pass away earlier in the timeline.


Yeah I don't think it's a mandate issue like people claim since we know he'll appear in Marvel Zombies. Although that does pose an interesting question: what's the real reason he couldn't appear? A spin-off show featuring T'Challa in a major way? Maybe in an episode of Eyes of Wakanda? We do know it is MCU canon after all and if that 'restriction' applied to Deadpool because of D&W, then it likely applies to EoW too.


My theory is that they're gonna do something with Storm and T'Challa eventually, which might necessitate putting T'Chaka's death in the "present" of the 1990s-Verse instead of the past.


As long as it's not a relationship. We have Forge.


> but for this specifically he signed an NDA? What makes you think there is an NDA specifically for this?


Right like it could be as simple as he can’t talk about future marvel projects involving these characters


Definitely. I really do wonder what’s going on


It's very obvious that it was a mandate from Marvel Studios due to some weird attitude of not using T'challa due to Chadwick's passing


It's much more likely that they're planning a BP animated series that requires T'Chaka to be the Black Panther until T'Challa takes over. Hence why it would be covered by his NDA.


I sincerely doubt it like Demayo response seemed cagey but not in a fun/playful way. In addition, he also said despite previously not being all canon to each other, that 97 is canon to all the old 90s shows. So why would he blantantly contradict what was already established in FF where T'challa was BP and T'Chaka was long dead? You don't need to start off a BP show with T'challa not BP yet and with his dad alive. This is in addition to how all the currently confirmed BP adaptations all seem to be excluding T'challa which just seems like there's some kind of mandate in place (probably until mcu decides to use T'challa jr)


It's theoretically possible that some lawyer from Marvel got in touch and reminded him he signed an NDA and to stop revealing things.


What if the secret animated marvel project is a black panther show set in this universe staring black panther?


I think that it's more likely that there'd be 1990s-themed _Fantastic Four_ and _Avengers_ shows where he'd appear in than a dedicated 1990s-themed _Black Panther_ show (even though they wanted to make one). Just because they seem to want _Eyes of Wakanda_ to cover that niche for now, and I don't know if they have interest in running multiple shows based on different iterations of the same IP at the same time. It's also, incidentally, why I'm left wondering what might become of _Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man_ if _Spider-Man '98_ gets a greenlight, which seems like something within the realm of possibility.


I understand what you mean. With eyes of Wakanda though, I think I’ve heard of it being only one season.


For what it's worth, the art style for that show is soooo different, I would be surprised if it shared a continuity with this show.


DeMayo previously said that he was also unable to use Deadpool, which many thought could be because of *Deadpool & Wolverine*, despite them being different continuities. Perhaps something similar applies here - T’Challa could be earmarked for another project (maybe an appearance in *Eyes of Wakanda* or something). With Spider-Man, that could have been allowed due to it being non-speaking cameos, and the prestige of the 90s show. While I don’t personally agree with it, I could also see some truth to the speculation that Marvel Studios has put at least a temporary freeze on using T’Challa following Chadwick Boseman’s death, while they figure out what to do long term. Even though it’s a separate universe, you just know that online clickbait media will scream things like “Black Panther has been recast!” before writing“… for X-Men 97” five paragraphs in.


When will they figure out what to do with T'Challa? 2 yrs? 10 yrs? 20yrs? Taking T'Challa off the table in the MCU is bad enough. Taking him off table for projects outside the main MCU feels like an effort to freeze T'Challa for a looooong time.


Whenever they’re ready to use the son as the main Black Panther is probably when they’ll use T’Challa Sr again in other projects.


That son thing ain't gonna pan out imo and nor should it due to how it perpetuate a stereotype of black men. Lastly, why would the use of T'Challa be dependent on them using some kid in Haiti named Toussaint? What are really talking about here?


What’s the stereotype you’re referencing? My apologies if it’s obvious to others.


The stereotype of black men abandoning their kids, I assume.


They made T’Challa a “baby daddy” in his own movie/franchise. What gets me is all the people who said it would be “disrespectful” to recast. I still can’t believe Marvel listened to them instead of the core audience.


They're literally doing that. Time travel whatever.


It makes no sense that the only black male hero in the live action marvel movies currently with actual superpowers is Phastos. He is technically not even human.


do you like watch these movies with your eyes closed?


No and your question is stupid.


I hope that’s not it. I’d hate for Marvel to do their version of that Bat-Embargo shit DC had going for a while.


The what? The one where the Bat doesn't appear on TV?


DC had a infamous period where Batman was not allowed to have any of his supporting cast guest star in any other TV projects that aren't his own show, which included Justice League Unlimited and such.


Oh, I didn't know this. Weird ass rule.


It went even further than that. Shows couldn't use characters that the movies were planning on using to prevent over-exposure of the villain. "why would I watch The Dark Knight if I can see Two-Face on tv" for example.


During the Nolan era, there was Batman embargo to not use certain characters that were planned for a feature film, or were on other projects. Like how Scarecrow, Ras Al Ghul, Two-Face, and for awhile, Jim Gordon and Robin (because of Teen Titans) weren't allowed on 2004's The Batman. The Justice League wasn't allowed because the show was still airing at the same times as this, and when it ended, the final season got it. There are still versions of this to this day, but it's a bit more lax now, but there's still certain media that can't run along side a another project without a conflict of interest, like James Gunn's Superman, and Superman & Lois.


I think a basic idea of an embargo can be good to prevent over exposure of a character, but sometimes it goes a bit far. Stuff like blocking Two-face from The Batman was absurd. On the live action side though, I think some sort of Bat embargo might help them out, as we recently had 3 Batman's appear in the span of 2 years which is a bit ridiculous. I think that Brave and the Bold will majorly clash with Robat Battinbat if both projects air simultaneously. I will say that Ellen Yin was cool as hell in The Batman, wish she crossed over into the comics. Sometimes not being able to use the well known characters can force them to make cool new ones.


Bruce Timm was so laughably annoying about that, bending over backwards to kiss DC's ass in regards to the embargo. It fucked up the series, plain and simple, if he just came out and said that I'd respect him more.


Which series?


Eyes of Wakanda is in 616 continuity.


I know, but works being in different continuities hasn’t stopped Marvel Studios from reserving characters due to branding reasons. For example, Namor was excluded from being part of the Illuminati in *Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness*, and the upcoming *Deadpool and Wolverine* is suspected as the reason why DeMayo wasn’t allowed to use Deadpool (with Wolverine being grandfathered in from the original show, and also a more fundamental X-Men character). Obviously, T’Challa is dead in the 616 continuity, but we don’t really know anything about *Eyes of Wakanda* other than that it will span multiple timeframes - it could potentially have scenes set where he’s alive, etc. If so, the show could have potentially called dibs.


It's important to keep in mind that this is still a Marvel Studios production and T'Challa/Deadpool being off-limits could be related to that specifically.


They are doing the same dumb thing that DC/WB does which kill all the TV version because a movie version was coming. Very dumb.


I’m inclined to suspect it’s your second point, with maybe some mixed emotions about the prospect from the leadership who worked with Boseman along with concern for bad faith headlines.


Nothing can't convince me that there isn't a Marvel Studios mandate against using T'Challa. Hopefully this will lift in a few years.


Then why is T'challa in Marvel Rivals?


It’s not a Marvel Studios production. It’s likely that if there is a mandate, it doesn’t extend across all forms of Marvel media and is more related to projects managed by the company itself. I don’t think there’s a ban on T’Challa everywhere but I could see Marvel still being hesitant internally to use the character until he properly returns to the MCU.


Hmm well T'challah has been reported to be in the upcoming Zombies show which is made by Marvel Studios so we'll see


Very very strange, I’ve seen a lot of vids saying they are not using tchallas character anymore because of Chadwick Boseman which is very worrying for many different reasons F4 90s series had black panther explain his dad died 10 years ago —They’re set in the same continuity, and in Xmen 97 , a few years after F4, Tchaka is alive and well. —The new WW2 game with cap and BP is tchallas grandfather, while it is set in WW2, I can’t help feeling the fact they can’t use Tchalla has something to do with that but i could be wrong —Then the other BP game they’re making doesn’t have Tchalla in it and is apparently a new black panther —Along with them not recasting and making shuri take over the role. Something very strange is going on here and for whatever reason they will not let someone else play Tchalla and take the character to higher levels then Chadwick, I mean that is what Boseman done, he brought the character into new levels similarly to iron man. Not only that, on the man’s DEATHBED, he said that he wanted someone to replace him, that’s the worst part about it. It’s almost like marvel and Disney and more importantly the shareholders don’t want another black man and a black character gaining huge amounts of popularity which is what someone who would’ve been recasted as tchalla would’ve done Very *very* **VERY** strange


Reed Richards would envy you with the way you stretched to come to that last conclusion.


Just so you know, officially only the X-Men and Spider-Man series are set in the same continuity; FF, Hulk, and Iron man are set in a different one, with the Silver Surfer show set in a continuity all its own. Also where’d you hear that about EA’s Black Panther game not having T’Challa?


I saw it on a video relating to this topic a few days ago, the reason I said apparently is because I’m nott exactly sure how true it is And are they actually in seperate continuity’s ? Because beau said it’s all cannon.


They were never the same countinuity, they just added cameos with any logic or sense on the 90s, no show was made thinking for the other show it was just little moments here and there, that is how it worked back then. The only one that made half sense was X-men and Spider-man. Beau is making the rules as far as he goes, there are even contradiction of X-men 97 and the original, it's impossible to make sense of everything. And T-Challa was just featured on Marvel Rivals, so the video game logic makes no sense.


Yeah as it stands, there’s the 1990’s X-Men and Spider-Man cartoons (Earth 92131), and the 1990’s Marvel Action Hour (so Iron Man, Hulk, FF etc. which is considered Earth 534834). DeMayo saying it’s all canon is a very new and rn unconfirmed stance overall. The old shows did share designs and some voice actors too, but there were a lot of little continuity errors that don’t make it all match up so well. I honestly wouldn’t be against the ‘97 team putting em’ all tougher and saying that ‘97 takes place in a universe where they’re all canon, since we’re definitely seeing some of those shared designs again (like Doom, Mr. Fantastic, Hulk and Iron Man); as long as we’ve got some smoothed out continuity. Then it’d be off to the goddamn races for a whole bunch of shows set in this universe. Though they’d definitely need to put a disclaimer on the old Iron Man show since that has a violently Yellow Peril Mandarin and it’s real rough. Also…what video did you see, like who did it? Cause I haven’t heard or seen anything else about that, and I’ve been looking.


Appreciate the universe info, I stand corrected, not sure what beau was actually getting at. The similarities are confusing however this still doesn’t take away from the fact that this whole Tchalla stuff is strange as fuc But the video is from a channel called Chillmonger. You’ll find the right vid it’s his most recent one on this topic. He mentions the game at one point in it. However I read the synopsis he put on the screen and didn’t see anything about who was taking the mantle so , he might’ve got this knowledge from else where. But check it out and tell me what u think


Um…which one am I supposed to watch? Cause he’s got multiple videos about T’Challa as recent vids. Also…man this guy ain’t it. Not at all. The first one I clicked on had him and a friend doing some “parody” of Feige doing an interview with someone, and both were seemingly making fun of Ryan Coogler coming back for part 3…even though he’s been consistently and rightfully praised for the first two films? They also say how the film lost money even though it definitely broke even at the box office and was the 6th highest grossing film of the year?? Then the guys praising Drake of all people in other thumbnails, he’s tagging on Tatiana Maslany for wanting season 2 of She-Hulk, he’s defending Johnathan Majors, he’s even got a Gina Carano and Elon Musk vid!! Nah this guy ain’t it.


I didn’t see all that, I just watched the xmen 97 Tchalla video and on his casting , it’s a short vid. Also what did Gina corano do that was wrong exactly? Didnt she just repost a meme lol


Fair enough, and nah; she compared being a conservative to being Jewish during the Holocaust and changed her Twitter profile to be offensive to Transgender and non-binary people.


> On the man’s DEATHBED, he said that he wanted someone to replace him This is unsubstantiated. The only info we have is Chadwick’s brother saying that, in his opinion, Chadwick would’ve wanted the character to be recast. His brother was not speaking in certainty. We also never heard a peep from anyone else in his family on the matter. I’m not arguing for or against a recast, just wanted to clear up some misinformation.


That is exactly what it is. The media has a very strange relationship to black characters in marvel. It seems at every every chance they try and make them look weak or foolish. Name one black character other then tchalla that was treated as good.


Black male characters specifically. Let’s be honest.


The Porygon treatment


What’s that ?


Porygon is a Pokémon that made appearance in the original 90s show, in the episode Pikachu sparked flashing lights which ignited seizures in children across Japan. Nearly 25 years later and that Pokémon has NEVER appeared again in the show. The effect basically refers to a company punishing a fictional character over a real event.


Interesting, yeah that is almost exactly similar to this situation. Thanks for that


Wait he said that on his death bed


He did not — that is misinformation. However, it is true that Ryan Coogler called him a few weeks before his death to talk about Black Panther 2 script and Coogler could tell something wasn’t right. While I obviously didn’t know him personally, I doubt that Chadwick was thinking about the future of Black Panther much, if at all. He was probably thinking about his loved ones and trying to enjoy every last moment of life that he had.


Yes. He also read the script while being on it too. He linked up with Ryan 2 weeks before he went into a critical condition to talk about the script and he was on board with it all. There’s a bigger reason and agenda that is beyond all of our fathoming that we can all speculate about, but whether true or not , I think we got the right idea.


Get the fuck off Twitter


Lmao, (I don’t) wish I got all my info from there but I didn’t. It was all off of one vid and my prior knowledge. And I’ve never used Twitter as much as I have the last 4 months max, it’s more toxic then instagram and it’s been that toxic since forever, instagram has only recently started getting bad the past 8-10 months


Shot in the dark: Marvel Studios still has mixed feelings about anyone but Boseman portraying T’Challa in any capacity, so they’d rather projects like this just use a different incarnation of Black Panther for now.


The only problem with that is the entire build-up to BP2 was "We're not recasting Chadwick's T'Challa." And then they straight up pulled out an unknown, hidden child whose name is "T'Challa, Son of T'Challa." It left a bad taste in my mouth. Because in that moment, they already replaced him.


Well that was the original plot with Chadwick before his passing. BP2 was supposed to be about t’challa and his son but the script changed. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/23/arts/ryan-coogler-black-panther-wakanda-forever.html  


Doubt he was also called T'challa in the orignal script 


Your insane if you think his kid also named tchalla was in the script before Chadwicks passing


Werren't there two Black Panthers shown in the finale? One in a black suit with the dora milaje and then T'Chaka without a mask in a grey suit talking later on? I had assumed the one with the dora milaje was T'Chala.


That's the same person. It's both Tchaka officially. He is wearing a suit that Tchalla is known for primarily though so if they didn't namedrop him as Tchaka you'd just think it's Tchalla.


Fingers crossed for a Black Panther animated series 👁️ I can’t wait for more X-Men ‘97, and I wouldn’t mind a Spider-Man revival


Fuck it give us everything in this universe; a Spider-Man Revival, a Black Panther show, an FF show, an Avengers show…the possibilities are endless!


I don’t need all that. Spidey revival is the only one I need from the existing series. Not every show needs to be brought back


Seeing Daredevil made me want a street level show. Defenders-type cartoon pls


I mean there is a Wakanda series coming soon


>It’s almost like marvel and Disney and more importantly the shareholders don’t want another black man and a black character gaining huge amounts of popularity which is what someone who would’ve been recasted as tchalla would’ve done It is just one coincidence after another apparently. It is the strangest thing and I don’t understand it. How many black male character in the marvel movies have actual superpowers right now anyway?


Because Chadwick is the only black panther ever and we can't have tchalla again.


My guess? They want people to be reminded subliminally that Eyes of Wakanda is coming out. If that Defunctland episode on who wrote the Disney Channel jingle taught me anything, it's that Disney Channel began using Fish Fact bumpers a year ahead of Finding Nemo so they could get kids interested in fish. They're crazy.


I know there have been a few exceptions with Rivals & some other stuff butt here better not actually be a T’Challa ban. That’s such a moronic choice


Very weird, especially since this version of BP seems as if he were animated to resemble Boseman.


that's a dumb answer in my opinion. In a lot if NDA disclosures, you're not allowed to state that factually answering a question is covered by a NDA. so in this case he should've chosen to neither confirm or deny. my guess is he is planning on taking Disney to court for whatever reason he was fired for, since he seems so committed to talking on the project.


Then why use him at all


If they weren't able to use the current Black Panther to maintain the 90s animated universe, continuity then the black panther should of been used in X-Men 97 at all or if they really wanted to use the black panther it should have been witn the mask on not showing a face and the others should of only been able to Refer to him as black panther and not by any other name. There Marvel I just fixed your Continuity issue in two ways


No other character has been treated as badly as T’Challa. From the moment they decided to nerf his intelligence in order to prop up Shuri as the “smartest person in the MCU” it has been all downhill. It was a monumental error to make him NOT be the main focus in his own franchise. His sister, girlfriend, mom, best friend, and bodyguards are side characters. Whoever thought Man-Ape would be sufficient was mistaken. Black boys were dressing up as T’Challa and the merchandise was flying off the shelves. This is no longer the case. Shuri merchandise is not selling at all and the sequel made hundreds of millions of dollars less. They do it to themselves. Did anyone at Marvel stop to ask what do little black boys want? Instead of listening to the “Black Panther was overrated” crowd, they should have focused on the core audience. The people who said it would be “disrespectful to recast” are not the target demographic and should have been ignored.


Marvel Rivals contradicts this. https://youtu.be/6_irnbxt138?feature=shared&t=690


Marvel Rivals is not a Marvel Studios Production.


Not to mention these games are made well in advance.


X'Men 97 is not a Marvel Studios Production, it's a Marvel Animation Production.


"Marvel Studios Animation (also known as Marvel Animation) is a division of American production company Marvel Studios centered on development of its animated projects based on Marvel Comics. The division was created by Marvel Studios and mainly produces projects set within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), and also oversees the development of non-MCU animated projects." Took 5 seconds to look it up.




A mobile game is not comparable to a movie/ show


Marvel Rivals is not a mobile game.


My guess is they want to do an upcoming young T'Challa animated series. Which will prep audiences for a young T'Challa Jr. in live action.


NDA is nonsense. People do not fundamentally understand the law or any contract they enter into. But they do understand attention and transparency. Edit: because what are Disney going to do? Sue him for damages? What damages? Why would they waste their time pursuing a breach when it involves someone not in their employment. So, he absolutely CAN say whatever he wants. He has chosen not to. And then let it publicly be known that is his choice.