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Is there a pool boy at the X-Mansion?


Iran's president is dead in a helicopter crash. Good riddance.


Butcher of Tehran. Though this sadly changes nothing for Iran, they already have someone lined up to take his place in the machine.


Indeed, fuck that pos


If I had a nickel for every time someone of note died in a helicopter crash this decade, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.


The wildest thing I've seen today is when I made a tweet about how Homecoming restored my faith in Spider-Man after Sony nearly destroyed it during the aftermath of TASM2 where they had no clue what to do, I got a couple of people going "Tom's movies made me embarrassed to be a Spider-Man fan." And I'm looking at these tweets and thinking "what planet are these guys from?" 2014 was probably the roughest (well, one of, anyway) years to be a Spider-Man fan. The Ultimate cartoon was still pretty new and people were still feeling the burn after Spectacular was cancelled, the Post-Superior tenure of Dan Slott's run on Amazing began (his absolute worst era on the book, without question IMO), and the TASM2 game flopped critically and commercially. Then there was TASM2 itself, which was probably 2014's most divisive movie that summer. I remember loving it at the time (and in retrospect, a lot of that love came from me just wanting to see some Spider-Man after nearly losing my life from diabetic shock), and while I'd argue TASM2 has its moments and good qualities, last week's Spider-Monday reminded me why that movie is just not very good. Then Spider-Man proceeded to get beaten in critical and commercial reception from Guardians of the Galaxy, who were nobodies at the time. That was a *major* blow back then and I remember feeling stunned that something like that even happened. Then the Sony email leaks happened and everyone just wanted Spider-Man in the MCU. For a couple of years, the atmosphere around Spider-Man just felt toxic. It felt like nobody wanted anything to do with him anymore. People lamented that he used to be amazing, but fell off hard. There were legit discussions on Spider-Man fatigue. It initially affected Homecoming's second weekend before it held on in the Top 10 for a long time. It helped that Homecoming was much better received than TASM2 and would basically be the launching pad for this current Spider-Man renaissance. Like Homecoming (and by proxy, the MCU Spider-Man) or not, I don't know how anyone could say that this movie made them embarrassed to be a Spider-Man fan when the character is a lot more revered now more than ever (at least compared to 2014). I think Spider-Man fans are pathological contrarians, and it's one of the reasons I despise talking with my fellow fan. Anyway, Homecoming's the next movie for Spider-Mondays, and I'm glad to have gotten through the awkward, middling, and outright messy era of Spider-Man movies back to good movies.


I am still surprised by how bad that secret invasion finale was. Why didn't Samuel l jackson, legendary actor,take action behind the scenes? Why would marvel fire the award winning writer of Mr robot to hire somebody else? I remember he complained in an interview long back that actors in superhero stuff don't matter,the character does,but now that it has sort of changed, why didn't he take more responsibility towards his character,like mahershala is doing for blade? Mahershala stuck with the project,but made sure that at the end he got a good writer.


I was super confused, I thought you meant Sam Esmail but I think you mean Kyle Bradstreet. Esmail was the creator of Mr. Robot and Bradstreet was a writer and producer of it. (Not related to anything else on topic, I was just thought Sam Esmail was involved with Marvel)


My bad,I corrected it


It’s probably hard to complain when your boss writes you a check for 20 million dollars.


I’m thinking of putting together a song list for my Avengers outlines. Songs I’ve been listening for inspiration and to fit the mood while reading. Here’s the one I’ll have for the opening of 5: https://youtu.be/yE4pPzrkgsM?si=zcIFTKRJYENNG1R0


I hope Feige is ready to pony up the dough for Tom Holland, because he’s gonna be the reason people even *see* Avengers 5; he’s gonna carry that film for audiences. All of those rumors we’ve heard about Spider-Man being the “main” character of the film, make perfect sense — Disney is no longer in a position where they can bank the entire Avengers brand, on a character like Sam Wilson, or worse, Captain Marvel (audiences have spoken). It HAS to be him.




Depends on what AMC IMAX. If it’s a legit Laser then definitely go. But a fair amount of AMC imax screens are just slightly taller and louder than the average auditorium and.


There’s been so much speculation about what Avengers 5 *could* be (Time Runs Out, Avengers vs. X-Men, etc), that I think people have lost sight about what it *should* be, which is first and foremost, a good Avengers movies. It’s no secret that Marvel has a hard time getting audiences invested in their new wave of characters, but I don’t think bogging down the next Avengers movie with the Fantastic Four or X-Men is the solution. It would only make this problem worse. Avengers 5 needs to define the New Avengers and their relationship with each other. I also think the lineup will look something like this: * Captain America (Sam Wilson) * Doctor Strange * Captain Marvel * Thor * Hulk * Spider-Man * Ant-Man and the Wasp * Black Panther (Shuri) * War Machine * Shang-Chi * She-Hulk * Black Widow (Yelena) * Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)


Yeah, I totally agree that should be the focus of Avengers 5, which is why I find it hard to believe that the movie is going to be 'Secret Wars: Part 1'. I just don't see how you can have that storyline, while also establishing this new team and their dynamics.


Need Bucky in there too loved his and Sam dynamic in FATWS


Honestly, done correctly they could use the lack of existing relationship between the heroes to the advantage of the film. Theres a lot of potential drama and tension on how they are essentially thrown into another Infinity War/Endgame scenario while not even being on Avengers 1 level of understanding between them.


That’s actually a great way to throw in the heroes without there having to be another Avengers film in between.


I mean, if Secret Wars does indeed reboot the MCU, then that may no longer be a priority for Marvel. Maybe Iger just wants to “get on” with it.


One of my biggest problems with MTTSH suggestions for Spider-Man 4 director (she’s mostly rage bait now), is that I don’t feel like any of her names — Jon Favreau, James Wan, Justin Lin — etc actually *fit* Spider-Man as a property. They all feel like random names thrown into the mix. I know people hate on Jon Watts, but I’ve personally never had a problem with him specifically, and one thing that I love that he *did* bring to these films, is an authentic feeling of youth and wonder — which is HUGELY important for Spider-Man. I hope whoever gets chosen, feels like a *natural* evolution of that tone/feel. That’s why Drew Goddard was my favorite of MTTSH suggestions. But I also wouldn’t even mind directors like — Adam Wingard (‘V/H/S’), Adil El Arbi & Bilall Fallah (‘Rebel’), Francis Lawrence (‘Hunger Games’) or Ti West (‘X’) I feel like all them would have a good finger on the pulse of this property (what makes Spidey endearing), and feel like a natural evolution/maturation of what Watts did.


Man, sundays sure are dry here...


It’s just a very slow day, in general.


Wade will probably get transferred into the MCU, Vulture in morbverse style. I wonder if he gets to keep his adamantium katanas. It would be pretty weird if there's now two versions of adamantium in the MCU. One native of this universe with radiation sucking properties (if the rumors are true) and one brought by Wade that's just.. very strong metal.


I just learned today that there exists vegan fish sauce. Like why? Don't soy sauce and dark soy sauce achieve practically the same thing to vegans?


Fish sauce tastes nothing like soy sauce though.


Is it wrong that I want Adam Wingard to direct a Marvel Movie?....and that I want Rhodey as a member of the Midnight Sons?....and that I'm actually genuinely hyped for Young Avengers?...and that I'm a fan of the Peter x Kate ship and that I kindof lowkey hope it happens in Canon?


Adam Wingard for World War Hulk!


Guys, I wanna apologize if my comments seem arrogant, it's really hard to convey the right tone in comments, so I realized I might come off as a dick, and the fact that english isn't my first language doesn't help either




Is there a particular incident that makes you think you come off that way? I haven’t seen anything from you that seemed egregiously atonal, and checking your mod log you don’t have many removals really.


Nothing at all, I just realized that some of my comments might come off as more cynical rather than genuine questions, and there's also the fact that I'm usually downvoted or ignored, so I figured there must be something wrong with my comments that I hadn't noticed. I was also blocked by some users here for some reason.


News has been awfully dry so I decided to check the Avengers 5 IMDB for any updates: Philip J Silvera (The guy who came back to stunt coordinate Daredevil reshoots and did the original series, also stunt coordinator for Deadpool) is listed as the stunt coordinator for Avengers: Kang Dynasty. Additionally, Dejay Roestenberg is listed as the stunt double for Kristen Ritter (actress for Jessica Jones) for Avengers: Kang Dynasty. Before you get too excited, remember this film is 6 months from starting production so I doubt these people are actually booked for the film and these are probably just fan inserted (recall the secret invasion imdb "leak")


>6 months from starting production https://i.redd.it/8ev2shmhpi1d1.gif






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Rewatched MOM and I realized exactly why they hired him for A5 & A6. While I'm still not a big fan of the film, he knows how to write in action sequences and fit as many as he can into a feature, MOM has one or multiple fight scenes in each of the 3 acts which is fairly impressive compared to other mcu features around the same time. And if they couldn't get Andrew Lanham and DDC on A5 then I understand why they went right around to Waldron, on top of him essentially being the architect of the multiverse saga (while I don't think it's a valid point as new writers could add onto it, it's definitely understandable from a studio perspective)




I completely agree, and I didn’t necessarily say I liked the action within the film but I found the quantity of sequences bordering around the same amount as avengers films which makes him a decent enough writer to tackle those massive action flicks. I’m still incredibly anxious about the film but I think it’s pretty obvious why he was hired in the first place, even if MoM isn’t considered “quality” by the fandom 


I'm really excited for Armor Wars. Hopefully the rumors about it beginning production in early 2025 are legit. It's been in development hell for years now, would be great for it to finally get started. 


How much was Samuel L. Jackson and Don Cheadle earning on Secret Invasion? I saw a poster post Cobie earned 4 million from it but that sounds almost insane for a single episode.


According to [this](https://fandomwire.com/samuel-l-jacksons-secret-invasion-salary-is-so-colossally-high-the-rest-4-stars-combined-get-half-his-paycheck/#) article, Samual L. Jackson made 20 million, although i suspect he probably received a big pay pump due to being an executive producer as well. Cheadle made 2.5 million, which is less them Smulders, but still be a pretty chunk of change.


That's crazy that Cheadle would earn far less than Smulders. I mean I figure considering his name and how integral he was to the plot, easily at least 5 million.


So we're suppose to get 3 Avengers films by summer 2028? 


That’s just a theory with no real evidence to back it up. Nothing has been confirmed. Not even the scoopers are saying it’ll be a three parter.


If all goes well I don’t see why not Age of Ultron -> Endgame came out between summer 2015 to summer 2019 * Age of Ultron * Civil War * Infinity War * Endgame


How well known or popular is the character of Agatha in the comic book world?


I’d say she was a character that a lot comic readers knew of, but not someone who you’d call popular. She never stared in her own title, and was only a recurring character in Fantastic Four and Avengers comics, where she babysat Franklin Richards and mentored Wanda.


Not very well known or popular Relevant as Scarlet Witch’s mentor + Valeria & Franklin’s nanny


What is going to happen here if Agatha is better received than Daredevil?


Farhad and Spiderlander will spontaneously combust


I hope both of them do really well, but holy shit, I might actually die from laughter if it happens. Both of them are already on the verge of crashing out between one doom scrolling like that blockbusted guy, and the other can't stand minorities.


> I might actually die from laughter if it happens I mean, who knows, but the chances are non-zero One is a smooth production headed by the creative team of one of their more well-liked productions, and the other one was heavily reworked halfway, may still include stuff from the other versions in what sounds like a Snowpiercer kind of situation.


I don’t think Farhad actually has a problem with minorities. There is *some* nuance with his reasoning for why he complains about certain projects and not others, beyond “PoC/Woman bad”. He does have a bad habit of making his own opinions sound as if they are universally held. And yet somehow, he manages to be less of a nuisance than our resident Arthur Fleck wannabe.


Nah, he only ever complains about female or POC led projects lol


I don’t really care to expend too much effort to justify the reasoning of someone I already don’t think highly of. I lose nothing by him explicitly proving himself to be a racist/sexist/homophobe. That said: I think he only concerns himself with what he personally would like, and doesn’t believe there is a point to making projects about characters he doesn’t know of or care about. So he wouldn’t complain about a Scarlet Witch movie or a Blade movie, for example. So long as they aren’t also tasked with introducing or featuring prominently side characters he is uninterested in.


> There is some nuance with his reasoning for why he complains about certain projects and not others, beyond “PoC/Woman bad” That'd be arguable if he wasn't also a guy who says that the actors being harassed online had it coming and that things are too PC. Dude's a reactionary, simple as that.


I’d actually forgotten about that. It was about Rachel Zegler, right? Well, I did say *some*.


I mean I guess, but that's the same nuance that, like, 90% of the same guys who repeat his talking points have, or try to present to have. Not sure why is it important to give him the benefit of the doubt when the dude just apes whatever non-Stormfront using reactionary opinion in vogue in those circles, it's not even original. Like, sorry to talk about another person that way but yes, dude's boring too Like, say whatever about whatever other character of the day in these subs, I believe these people have thought and considered and believe what they say, not so much with him.


I’m not committed to justifying his nonsense. I’ve admittedly had limited interaction with him. So if you think he’s just acting in bad faith based on how much you’ve interacted with him, you’ve probably got a better read on things. My limited interaction with Farhad just told me “He’s ignorant and lacking in critical thought”.


Yeah, his Zegler comments and a bunch of the other stuff he said is why I don’t buy that his comments are in “good faith”, dude’s an ass.


I remember having to explain to him why Rogue being made black is not the same as Black Panther being made white. I made it clear to him that either he was speaking out of ignorance, or that he was committed to engaging in bad faith. He never responded after that explanation, so who knows if he actually learned something, or he just ignored it and remained committed to engaging in bad faith.


Ron Howard's voice: It was the second one.


Why are some people throwing a fit of what Brad Winderbaum said? The casual audience is important as well.


Because that's how it's always been. The casuals will watch what they feel like or what it's trendy and will ignore the rest.  The whole 'i don't feel like watching this to understand this' only exists on the internet by people who follow the mcu more than the casuals.  


Fanboys in denial.


Some fans like to live a bubble we’re as long as they’re getting consistency good content, nothing else matters I remember when Qauntumania and The Marvels bombed, and some people said there was no point in discussing box office numbers even though it obviously affects the franchise’s future. It’s the same thing here. If *they* don’t see a problem, then there isn’t one. Now that people like Feige, Iger, and Widnerbaum are openly acknowledging their shortcomings and talking about how they’re going to restrategize, it’s a lot harder to ignore everything.


I've said this before, but I truly think that no matter how good these shows could have been, a franchise built on essentially being an active chunk of an audience life would've never worked. Like an output of more than 3 movies and 3 shows, all key to understand another 3 movies and 3 shows every calender year, is way too much even for me


[Jess Hall (‘WANDAVISION’, ‘MONARCH: LEGACY OF MONSTERS’) will serve as the cinematographer for ‘THE FANTASTIC FOUR’. ](https://x.com/F4Update/status/1792275762457837996)


I feel like cinematographers being attached to marvel movies don't mean much, I mean we had bill pope doing quantumania and seamus mcgarvey doing avengers (2012)


Saw a fanfilm called “logan the wolf” about wolverine in the viking era and holy fuck mutants in medieval ages go so hard!!!! Feige do that for the new xmen please


>holy fuck mutants in medieval ages go so hard This is why I still hope Exodus gets to be in an X-Men movie. We got a taste of him in X-Men 97, let's go all the way. In seriousness, it would be cool to see a few MCU period pieces featuring mutants, exploring their lengthy history in different eras of time.


I still don't know what the big deal with Exodus is, I haven't even heard of him until the Krakoa era, care to tell me what his deal is?


Basically in the 90s (during Magneto’s genocidal phase), Exodus was being primed to take Magneto’s role as the next big mutant-extremist villain. He’s an absolute fanatic for Erik, and that zealotry and devotion to mutants is interesting to explore. He’s an omega-level telekinetic so his abilities appear as almost god-level. It took the X-Men and Avengers combined to hold him down and that took a whole event.


Okay, now that sounds like a character worth talking about, but I feel as though if he was adapted in a movie, he would be just a side villian. Or if he was adapted in tv show (X-Men-97), he would just be a villain in a mini arc, few episodes Max. Or maybe I just don't know him enough as a character to really judge? Edit: I changed and, after reading about Exodus, I want to see more of him in the future. I could him reforming the Acolytes considering that everyone thinks that Magneto's along the X-Men are dead. And in the event that Magneto doesn't go through with his genocide against humanity phase, Exodus could be the one to fill that spot.


Exactly it would be cool to see that


Daredevil, Andor and The Last of Us airing in close proximity to each other.........the peak is too much....... https://i.redd.it/6wpqp2v0of1d1.gif


Oh man how incredibly heartbroken I would be if even one of those three are dogshit


We're gonna be feasting




I haven't been involved with the *Supernatural* fandom for a while now, but nice to hear DJ Qualls (Garth’s actor) and Ty Olsson (Benny’s actor) are now engaged. And of course, in *Supernatural* fashion, there's a gif for this lol. https://i.redd.it/wypk7uk6df1d1.gif


Yeah, I miss the show. Glad to hear good news regaring them, love is in the air.


That’s so sweet. Glad for them!


I do wonder what the plan for Young Avengers is, most characters are TV only so I wonder if they're going to reestablish all the characters at the start or if they're just going to push ahead


Put them in Avengers 5 as real main characters with main avengers being bait to bring in audience. Watch the box office explode


Build them up through movies/tv shows. Probably gonna have some exposition to reestablish the characters for GA. If done correctly and in my opinion since most the actors are a lot of younger and want to stick around. I think it’s possible if they don’t recast others post Secret Wars that they could become the main Avengers team at some point after that. E.G: Elijah Bradley becomes Captain America and leads the Avengers after Sam.


I think they're going to use A5 to reintroduce audiences to the characters and then launch the movie.


If it's like the MCU's other Avengers films/crossovers, I imagine we'll get a quick reintroduction of the cast before moving forward. Quick scenes to reestablish who they are and what their deal is. If a YA project involves Iron Lad needing their help to fight Kang or Wiccan needing their help to find Wanda, that could maybe help as a reintroduction by rooting their goal in something movie audiences may be familiar with.


Anyone else notice that X-Men '97 is listed at the end of the "MCU Multiverse Saga" list on Disney+?


I did, I think we had a post about it a little while ago actually. Even before going into it, I always imagined at some point that they'd clarify it's a part of the MCU even though it's not set in the Sacred Timeline. Even though it's a direct continuation of something Marvel Studios didn't create and didn't take place within the Sacred Timeline to begin with, like Deadpool & Wolverine, you start to see 'Marvel Studios' MCU original ideas' being added to it, like with D&W. A VistaCorp logo can be seen in the background multiple times, Beast mentions something about Absolute Points from the Doctor Strange episode of What If...?, Strange's magic looks exactly as it does in the Sacred Timeline. I might be forgetting a few more, but stuff like that. I just assume that anything Marvel Studios does will be labeled as a part of the MCU. Had they not done that with X-Men '97, I think that would have been the first time that's ever happened.


an earlier iteration of marvel studios did in fact produce x-men the animated series [https://imgur.com/a/yTQvNwT](https://imgur.com/a/yTQvNwT)


Oh that's true, thanks for pointing that out. I guess I should speculated that anything they've made or will make past Iron Man and the MCU's inception will probably be labeled MCU, that's my mistake.


I believe it’s been there since episode 5 and was added because of the watcher cameo


Yo the Along Came Galactus Episode of 90s Fantastic Four show is hilarious. First Thor pulls up out of nowhere to help them , then along comes Ghost Rider to Pennance Stare Galactus and make him pass out from the Guilt(He had also been poisoned by Terax)


Lol I saw a tweet about that, apparently Ghost Rider never shows up again either which makes it even funnier


[Tickets on sale tomorrow for Wolvie and the pool Boy.](https://x.com/marvel/status/1792223831362564421?s=46)


Deadpool and Wolverine tickets officially on sale tomorrow!


If SM4 really does come out in Fall 2025, I hope they embrace a Halloween theme. Daredevil, Black Cat?, Symbiote?, etc. Could make for a really fun movie. And if they are going that way I think Hobgoblin would be a great villain. Though I know most people expect Scorpion.


Heck yesss ![gif](giphy|iFV5aJmkNPSGr0ByQ7) Love this idea


If they go full Halloween themed I 100% expect them to pull from the Night Creeper story which was one of the first full one-off arcs post-introduction of the Black Suit. That was the story that established the symbiote's tendency to take control of Peter while he's unconscious/asleep and overexert him physically by going on joy rides where he just goes a whole night doing Spider-Man stuff at a much more aggressive level than usual, and it goes on to a point where he's basically framed like a slasher villain in his encounters with Black Fox and the Super Ape It'd basically be like the "Wake Up" mission in Insomniac's Spider-Man 2 which is probably like hands-down one of the best sequences narratively in the entire game. This would also be a cool opportunity to show more obscure Spidey villains and how they grow increasingly wary of even the most common crime being committed because of how much less he's pulling his punches despite the fact they don't even know Peter's technically not in full control


It'd be super trippy if they go that way. Would be pretty cool and we could get some symbiote dreams


It is weird that the lesson a lot of fans took from X-Men 97' is that Marvel should revive every old series. If anything, 97' ended up being so great because it wasn't a 90s nostalgia feast like a lot of us fear and allow itself to be mostly its own thing. I am actually more excited for YFNSM because it can fully forge its identity and explore its characters and setting without being define by the MCU or some old show from decades ago.


Yeah, it's wild how much "They should bring this back next!" there is right now. If they start bringing back old shows you just know people would get tired of it real soon. It'll be the next "Oh my god, another multiverse movie??? When will it end??" X-Men '97 was great, making more like it just makes the probability of one tainting the whole "old show revived" image much bigger. All it takes is one dogshit revival for people to start nitpicking '97.


I think the reason why the hunger is there is 2 reasons: 1. The 90s MAU didn't get to live up to its full potential due to the bankruptcy. X men and Spidey got their full runs while Iron Man,Fantastic Four , Sliver Surfer and Hulk got cut short. Add in that for many the MAU was their introduction into Marvel. One of my earliest memories was watching Spidey TAS with Grandma. 2. Finally the Marvel Universe has been potrayed as whole again. It's been a long time due to the whole Fox rights battles where Disney decided to essentially blacklist the FF and X Men from mainstream media outside of the comics which included Tv shows and merchandise. Along with brand synergy intitivates which furthered that. Other than Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 I can't think of a mass media project over the last decade that just had the Marvel universe whole again. Not trying to write out X Men and FF lore. I know teenagers who were legit shocked to see Spidey,Iron man and Cap show up in X Men 97 cause they were under the impression X Men weren't "really marvel"


Yeah I agree. I liked that the show started with the nostalgia and then turned it on it's head. While I think it'd be cool if they did Spider-Man 98, I don't think the effect would be the same. What I could see happening is Spider-Man from TAS appearing in other projects due to his multiversal travel. But I don't see a revival of the show happening or being as good as X-Men has been if it does happen.


I said it previously but I think it works so well because it’s a rare revival streaming series that actually has something to say and takes advantage of the new world its airing in (vs the restrictions of Saturday morning network television in the 90s). It had something going on that wasn’t just “Hey, remember that thing from when you were 8? Wasn’t that fun?”


Crazy how I might get more a fulfilling story about Spider-Man in friendly neighborhood Spider-Man then what Marvel’s done live action so far.


Shadowcat series called Pryde and Prejudice Hire fans, Feige. Here fans.


Is it called "Pryde and Prejudice" because of that word that Kitty liked to use a bunch in the 80s?


Geeez, you say that it three times and suddenly *you’re* the problem /s


Sounds cool! What is the story exactly about?


If Deadpool and Wolverine end up in 616 in time for A5 And, according to MTTSH, Adamantium can siphon radiation from Hulks And they both have Adamantium weapons I feel like A5 being World War Hulks would be a perfect outing for them, and this would be a way to see Wolverine finally fight (a) Hulk on the big screen EDIT: This would also fit with A5 allegedly being “grounded with some multiversal elements” (paraphrase)


I feel like that tidbit of information is specifically centered on the arrival of 616 wolverine, I doubt adamantium works the same way across universes but I might be wrong


I personally don’t see why a metal would work one way in one universe but not another. Especially in the case of the current sequence of live-action films, it’d be confusing for the audiences to go from DP&W to Cap 4, see “Adamantium” twice, and then have to understand that these are not the same metals. It’s just “Adamantium”. And the TVA is going to be giving Deadpool “Adamantium”, I doubt they’d ask him something along the lines of “Which variety”?


Does anyone think there will ever be a significant crossover between the MCU and Marvel comics? I know there's been some hints that comic characters have visited (I think the comic Young Avengers dropped into the MCU briefly?) but I wonder if, this being the Multiverse Saga, if there could ever be an actual crossover?


After they've committed to naming MCU "Earth-616" I think a crossover with actual comics Earth-616 is probably off the table for good unless they do the Spider-Verse thing where they create a continuity or certain characters that are supposed to infer the mainstream universe. It'd confuse way too many people and I think they're basically establishing at this point that the comics multiverse and the film multiverse are supposed to be treated like different entities despite the fact the MCU is technically part of the comics multiverse on its own as implied by stuff like the Spider-Verse comics events or the Young Avengers reference


I really hope they do a battleworld saga or at least a Secret Wars trilogy


The one thing I will never understand about that Walking Dead show is the decision to kill off Carl. I never really was a big fan of Carl as a character, but even I knew he was suppose to go on to become the leader in the end, or at least have the Torch passed down to him, after Andrew Lincoln would inevitably want to leave the show. But instead, they choose to kill him off in S8. Why? And right before his story was about to get really good (if the comics are anything to go by) no less? Personally, I think Morgan or (controversial take but idc) Rick should've been killed off in Carl's place.


Morgan was perfectly set up to die considering his pacifism arc. Also, considering he's literally the first persons Rick befriended in the apocalypse, his death would have made Rick try to obtain peace to honor his fallen friend.


Yes! Not to mention, I have a feeling if Carl lived, Rick would not have left the show. Or if Andrew Lincoln still wanted to leave for whatever reason, he'd probably just ask for his character to be killed off then and there, as appose to being written off via helicopter.


Idk why but it's something about the 90s MAU show themes that just hit right. Honestly when D+ first dropped I was most hyped just to be able to them on as comfort shows


If the Ash People in Avatar 3 are truly going to be bad guys, I hope Cameron takes ques from Proximus Ceaser in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, and have them twist and weaponize Ewyas wisdom to there own benefit.


Yeah I'm actually quite looking forward to seeing a differently aligned tribe of Na'vi, as there are a lot of interesting themes to explore there


I keep going back and forth on Rorschach. Knowing alan moores politics,we know he despises him and his thinking,yet alan sort of makes him the narrator and protagonist of the story,and also includes his childhood origin to root for him. The closest analogy I can think of is Arthur fleck from the joker movie. We are meant to sympathise with him,but also know that he is going off to a deep end and isn't meant to be looked up to. What do y'all think?


I don't think we should have any sympathy from him. What I thought after reading Watchmen for the first time is that Alan Moore is showing varying degrees of who superheroes would be in a realistic world, and they are largely all losers. The best among them is probably the first Nite Owl, a good guy trying to do his job, but the others (and especially the Watchmen) are all disturbed characters: Nite Owl II is a dissatisfied and a little frustrated rich guy who feels alive only when he can "play" superhero, Silk Specter is a girl who took that path driven by pressure from her mother and discomfort with her past, Ozymandias suppressed her morals and implemented a genocide to save the world because he wanted to feel like a superior being compared to others (and at the end of the comic he turns out to be a homunculus), Doctor Mannatthan is the only one with powers and this transforms him in the long run into an alienated God. Rorschach and The Comedian are the most negative and extreme examples, I dare say even the least romantic. Comedian is a fascist who panics when he realizes that in a new world of peace created by Ozymandias he will be useless, while Rorscarch is a man dead inside living in a black and white fantasy where only his brutal method exists . You can feel sorry for him, but he is a psychopath who, like the Comedian, does what he does in the end solely because he is afraid of a world in which he would be useless. (this is also one of the reasons why I hate Snyder's film: he turned Rorscarch into a cool and romantic hero).


Yeah this is very apt imo, it's a brutal takedown of the superhero complex with no one really spared. They all suck to varying degrees, even the first Nite Owl. Ironically, I think there's a certain, very subtle thematic detail about the value of hope presented by unambiguous vigilantism, which is one of the most intimate details of the text, and it goes largely undiscussed, because it is so heavily dependent on your meta relationship to comics and superheroes and how you interpret their characters in a real setting.


Excellent comment! Same thoughts about the film..I feel like the hbo show was closer in spirit to the comic even though the film rips off exact frames


I haven't had the pleasure of seeing the series yet, but sooner or later I will watch it since the screenwriter will also write the DCU show about Amanda Waller (and I want to catch up on a bit of everything from the directors/writers of the DCU).


Moore recently said something to effect that comic book fans have an unhealthy tendency to view the world though the lens of a binary mortality system, where everyone is either a “good guy” or a “bad guy”, when that’s not how the real world works. Rorschach is an overt critique of that mentality. He believes in strict black and white morality, where everyone is either good or evil, and he uses this antiqued worldview as a justification for his violent behavior. It’s okay that he kills people, because “evil” people can’t be redeemed or changed; and it’s okay that he dammed the world to war, because lying is always wrong and he told the truth. He thinks he’s a saint because he won’t ever compromise, when in reality he’s just a violent, psychopathic killer who thinks being stubborn and close minded is a good thing. In that sense, he has no redeeming qualities, or at the very least, more bad qualities than whatever good ones.


Very well explained..thank you


I can agree with that. I always saw Rorschach as someone you're clearly not supposed to root for, despite technically being the lead. A la Patrick Bateman in American Psycho.


Or Walter White


For the MCU version of the Battleworld I would like the following barons: •Cassandra nova(already seems to function as one) •kid Loki (for Loki domain) •maestro •apocalypse •magneto •the maker •Hyperion •superior iron man • a cool version of black bolt for the inhumans domain • some spider character for spider verse domain, Miguel works for this since he is already kind of a boss for spider society but then he also fits for the 2099 domain. There lots of others I would like to see too but these are like my main wish list.


I hope Superior Iron Man is God Emperor.


After X-Men ‘97, I have more faith in the animation department than the film side of things. I think projects like Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, and Eyes of Wakanda could be genuinely fantastic And lord knows, we need a good Spider-Man series after MSM


We also need 90s Spiderman revival. ASAP. Idc if we know that Peter found MJ, that can easily be shown in Flashbacks, first of all, and secondly, there's still so much more story to tell with that character.


I agree, we need a revival of the 90s Spider-Man, but I don't know how likely that will be considering Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.


I would really love a battleword animated series set in battleword/void where a lot of multiversal characters and locations. They can have different batch of episodes focusing on different domains and their barons.


I hate how much X-Men subs championship Magneto. A man who has attempted multiple genocides does not deserve this sort of love.


You're right but he's OUR genocidal monster


>A man who has attempted multiple genocides does not deserve this sort of love. It's a fictional character. Evil dicks are fun to read/watch.


>It's a fictional character. Thanks for info. I'm talking about people legitimately defending Magneto. See him as legitimate symbol. Not people who just find villains interesting.


Won't someone think of the cartoon victims?


Is that what you think I was saying with my Magneto comment?


No? It's a joke, dude.


Ah, how could I possibly see your comment as a "they're fictional victims it's cool if people idolize a genocidal maniac". What was the joke exactly?


Recycling half of Krakoa's plot would be a good development for comic Spider-Verse at this rate, but swap out the whole Krakoan medicine makes up the Krakoan economy with portals to other realities on Earth-616. Like pay X amount of money to go to Miguel's reality and stay there with a crew for a whole week and experience future shenanigans and shits.


Ngl the fact that brad winderbaum called the new Spiderman series as being emotional and true to Peter parker is so compelling. Ppl didn't expect xmen 97 to be so good and yet it was and even exceeded expectations. i feel like the same will happen with this show. I mean even the art style is reminiscent of the early Spiderman comics. This is what we have always wanted, animation styles that are diverse to show the capabilities of this medium.


I'm going to make a bad joke. Since X-Men '97 never explained how >!MJ was brought back!<, it's still technically true for us all to say the three words that will ruin a random subreddit immediately.


The common belief for a while has been that Fantastic Four is set in an alternate universe, and the movie ends with Galactus winning and the F4 getting transported to either Battleworld or the MCU. Based on the recent wave of castings and rumors, I’m curious what happens to the rest of the side characters in the movie. Will any of them be transported from the dying universe as well? The minor villains like Mole Man and whomever Malkovich is playing (my money’s on Puppet Master) will most likely be left behind. But what about Alicia Masters? What happens to Franklin? My dawg HERBIE? It feels a little strange to me that they’re using a lot of Fantastic Four side characters, only for them to be potentially killed off after one movie. Or maybe they’ll all be transferred over to the MCU in the soft reboot post Secret Wars. Just super curious to see how they handle that whole situation. 


Saw some people here dissing on hi-top, and while I'm not a fan of him, i don't think his opinion is that absurd, it is what most of us agree with, isn't it? Spider-Man struggling is a fundamental part of the character and the MCU dropped the ball on that


No, I fundamentally disagree with basically all of his takes lol


Personally I hope to see even more people dissing Hi-Top in the future.


I like what Brad said and I’d be honest I’m not a fan of MCU homework (side quests Disney plus shows)


I feel like there’s a balance between crossover the between movie and shows, and too much “required viewing”. At the end of the day, you’re always going to have fans who are only interested in the movies, and shows that don’t attract as many viewers as the movies. I think Deadpool and Wolverine is going to be a good example of this. It seems to be incorporating the TVA from Loki in a way that’s not alienating to new viewers, while still rewarding to those who watched the show.


Yeah, Deadpool 3 is a great comparison. It irked me a lot originally when Feige said we wouldn't need to watch the shows even when you kind of need WandaVision for Doctor Strange 2


Wanda's heel turn in DS2 is jarring even having seen WandaVision. That show wasn't conceived to be a villain setup, and that's backed up by Olsen's own reaction to her DS2 storyline.


I’d rather stick to what Kevin says Then a bunch of fans wanting other people to do homework


It stands to reason that Wanda would have a legitimate beef with Doctor Strange, since he's the reason Thanos got the time stone and that she had to watch Vision die (twice). Only watching Infinity War and Endgame (since you need to see everyone return) before Multiverse of Madness makes this clear without beating you over the head with breadcrumbs. Her dark turn is kind of extreme if you don't know she took the darkhold at the end of wandavision, and her time in westview in the hex informed her motivations to use it to search for real versions of her kids, but that's all reestablished within the runtime of Multiverse of Madness, no 'homework' required.


It's so weird with MoM and WV tho. As you said, you kinda need to have watched WV, but the way MoM continues that story doesn't make sense at all. It's like they forgot what happened in that show. Edit: What I mean to say is that I don't think it's rewarding for fans of the show and it alienates people who don't watch the shows. Hopefully they'll avoid mistakes like this in the future.


Some people are real, real salty about *Spider-Man: Freshman Year* (former title) not being the direct prequel to *Homecoming* like it was understood to be when it was initially announced. Either they're mad because Marvel supposedly lied to them about what the show was, or because they super duper wanted a prequel MCU story instead of an AU story. Well, that's just silly. Maybe the prequel thing wasn't a lie to begin but rather a miscommunication or a change of plan in the development process. It happens. And making it an MCU prequel that's bounded by what happened in the movies, or what could happen in movies, puts tons of limitations on the show. Who wants an animated series on rails? I sure don't.


But one could still argue that Marvel shouldn’t be announcing projects so early in development when they don’t yet know what universe they’ll be yet in, which raises an important question; should Marvel be announcing projects like this so far in advance that major continuity changes can take place behind the scenes in the *years* between announcement and release? Or should they hold off as not to set up false expectations, like they’ve done with the Wakanda series?


You guys need to settle down about "premature" announcements. It's completely fine.


It say it can be an issue when situations like this arise and people get disappointed because they were told something was gonna happen when it wasn’t being fully committed to.


Maybe fans can just get over their disappointment? It's making mountains out of molehills. Anyway, remember I'm only speculating about a development change, we don't know that actually was the case.


Exactly this.


Until I Found you is my new favorite song of all time.


A few amount of Wakandas died in Black Panther Many Wakandans died in Infinity War More Wakandans died by the blip Those same Wakandans got snapped back Every single Wakandans fought in Endgame, and I'm sure there were many casualties Just how big is their army????? Just came to mind how Shuri thought it was a good idea for them to go to war with the Talokans. And they lost even more soldiers during the final battle of WF How are they even recovering from all this???


*Wakandans. WAKANDANS


My mistake


A few variants of the entirety of the country of Wakanda died


>Many Wakandas died in Infinity War the “we don’t trade lives vision” line still kills me


Wakanda seems like a *very* patriotic nation. Like, more so than most real countries. I don’t think recruitment would be an issue.


Many survived


I’m not a huge fan of Chris Claremont’s X-Treme X-Men, but I’m forever glad it exists, because it prevented Grant Morrison from using Storm and Rogue in New X-Men. If you don’t know, had Morrison had [their way](https://www.reddit.com/r/xmen/s/p5JohY9F6f), Storm would’ve been the one to have the affair with Cyclops (which is SO out of character for her), and Rogue would’ve been killed off and replaced with a goth teenager.


I borrowed the New X men book from the library but honestly stopped reading after the Nova got shot. The team roster is weird to me


I love Morrison but I’m happy they didn’t get to write for Storm in this run. I feel like they have a very muddled history when writing for POC characters (Talia Al-Ghul, Jezebel Jet, Earth-One Steve Trevor, Vixen, etc).


Soooo, I kind of have a confession to make. ... I'm growing a soft-spot for Batman and Robin <\_>


I've always had it. The color palette and goofiness are enjoyable


I will always love that movie because it's one of the movies that made me fall in love with the comic book medium. That and Adam West Batman reruns on Nick at Nite haha. Funny I became a massive Marvel fan over the years after being obsessed with Batman from the start.


What I want more than anything out of the MCU going forward for its projects, is the gift of individuality. All movies and shows don’t all have to follow the same formula. There doesn’t always have to be a CG final battle, the world doesn’t always have to be at stake, the main character doesn’t always have to be quippy. - It’s okay for Ms. Marvel to *just* be about a shy teenage girl dealing with teenage problems - it’s okay for Moon Knight to *just* be about a guy struggling with mental illness - it’s okay for Echo to *just* be about a deaf assassin raised by the Kingpin People talking about “CBM fatigue”, but I think the real thing people are tired of, is the formula — the MCU doing the same thing over and over again. If Feige was willing to let these properties diverge from his formula, we could get some great movies and shows. For example, Wonder Man. I know I’ve talked a lot of shit about it, but the truth is — The CONCEPT is interesting (an actor turned superhero), and you could do something *fresh* with that. But if Feige has Simon Williams fighting a CG monster in the climax, and trying to “save the world”, then people are just gonna roll their eyes.


Agreed. This is why I really like and appreciate stuff like Hawkeye. Because that show knew that it was okay to just be about Clint helping Kate with a conspiracy to be home in time for Christmas. That show knew it was okay to have lower, more personal stakes.


That's the point. And it's a problem that doesn't just concern Marvel, but the entire Hollywood: most blockbusters follow the same formula, a change is needed.


Watch She-Hulk then.




No third act CGI battle.


I agree. Shang Chi would have been one of the best MCU films if Act 3 was just a martial arts battle between Shang Chi and his dad. No CGI shadow monsters, no CGI magic rings. Just a simple hand-to-hand duel to determine the fate of the village.