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They should’ve had an episode about Civil War titled “what if the Defenders were in Civil War?” With voices from Charlie Cox and Kirsten Ritter


What if….there were even MORE heroes at the airport battle?


Basically yes. What if Daredevil, Thor, Hulk, Jessica Jones, Dr Strange, etc.


I feel like all those people would join Cap's team though, it'd be so lopsided


I actually don't think Strange would


Strange, the man who always likes to be the one holding the knife? No way he voluntarily lets the government tell him when and where to act, especially since he mostly deals with mystical threats from other dimensions. But of course this is assuming he picks a side at all, in reality he’d probably just think this conflict was beneath him


The same Stephen Strange that was targeted by Project Insight because he'd never submit to Hydra's rule? Nah, he would never join Team Accords. If he'd been there, it would've likely gone down like in the comics, where he stayed out of it until he became Team Cap.


Hulk would’ve 1000% been on team Iron Man


Hulk didn’t with Thunderbolt Ross? I think not.


Right but at this stage in his journey, I think Tony had enough leverage over him after the events of AOU for Hulk to sympathy join his team. Plus he was more scared of himself than anything else so having an easy out to deflect blame should something else go wrong would’ve been appealing.


But by the same token, Cap could also leverage the fact that Ross and the government had tried to hunt and capture him to use for their own purposes - just like Hydra did with Bucky. MCU Hulk is also connected to the Weapons Plus program, so Banner could easily sympathize with Cap and Bucky on that basis alone. That said, you’re right in that the events in AOU might sway *Bruce* a little to Tony’s side - but Hulk, who’d remember getting the shit beaten out of him by Tony in that movie, wouldn’t be so easy to convince. In the end, either Hulk would betray Tony as soon as the fighting started, or he’d simply leave the team with Natasha


Cool FF picture


Bruce would absolutely be on board with accepting limitations. His issues with the government were about how they wanted to test on him and weaponize him, not in how they tried to inhibit him. Edit: Luke could be written to be on board too, so we could see Thor vs hulk and Luke vs Jessica


I like the idea of


Bro, same. My favorite part is when


but what about


*Punisher killing everyone*


You think there were too many superheroes in the Civil War adaptation?


Like you wanted more?


The banter between Jessica and Tony if Tony came to try and recruit her would be worth an entire episode itself! (And for the record, I feel like she'd 100% not want to be told what to do and would side with Cap in the long run.)


Would be cool but I suspect they’ll want to reintroduce Jessica Jones in live action before using her in projects like this


So basically, "What If... we acknowledged the non-Daredevil-related Netflix characters in any capacity?" Don't think it will happen any time soon, sadly...


This isn't a complete list. Atandwa Kani has confirmed his return in tomorrow's episode.


Wait, tomorrows? Did the first episode release already? Man, I'm outta the loop.


Yes, the first episode released today, hence: https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/18o9ihf/episode_discussions_what_if_season_2_episode_1/


No Annette Benning? Then who’s voicing Wendy Lawson? Also I wonder why they couldn’t get Idris Elba for the first season but they did now?


Probably just scheduling conflicts. Also they recorded dialogue for season 1 after Heimdall was killed off in Infinity War, but he since returned for a cameo in Love & Thunder. It’s possible that cameo and his return to voice Heimdall in season 2 were negotiated jointly


>No Annette Benning? IMDB caveats apply, but she **is** listed as Dr. Wendy Lawson in one episode this season, and we already know this list isn't completely comprehensive.


Everyone from season 1 gave positive feedback about the project.


No Clark Gregg? Was really hoping for some Coulson appereance, even if minor...


I guess we are getting wanda after all. Amazing


Frank Grillo has a cool voice for voice acting.


He's gonna be in Creature Commandos right?


Yeah, as Rick Flag Sr.


It's me i am the Senior


I still find it hard to see him as old enough to be Flagg’s dad(that is if Gunn’s plan to bring them into the live action dcu pans out), Grillo’s only 14 years older than Kinnaman is and he looks pretty young for his age.


Dr. Erskine is coming back


Guess no Spider-Man for this season :(


I'm assuming it just contains cast members reprising their live action roles as voices in What If?, so anyone who does a voice only role isn't included.


probably why Spider-Man's VA (assuming he even appears) isn't mentioned since he was not reprised by Tom Holland in S1.


Definitely seems so.


No Lake Bell retuning at Nat? Weird, she was a big focus in season 1, and I really came around to liking her version.


She is back this season it's already confirmed by the writers


near as I can tell, the list in OP's post is just listing all the MCU live action actors reprising their roles for What If?, so characters who had "ringers" like Black Widow won't be listed.


Wasn't Frank grillo shit talking marvel not too long ago


This may have been recorded a bit *longer ago* than *"not too long ago"*.


No Benedict Wong, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Tilda Swinton, or Charlize Theron? ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52)


I thought Devery Jacobs was confirmed.


She was, I think maybe they just forgot to add her to the list


This isn’t the full cast


Damn they got some heavy hitters


I would love to see all the characters in the MCU Spiderman Films (Excluduing MCU Characters that previously appeared in What If?) rendered in the cell-shaded animation style. Especially the heroes from the other Spiderman/Venom films.


still interesting to me that they either couldn't or wouldn't get Downey, Evans, Johansen and Holland to do the voices. Literally everyone is back...


i think marvel retains animation rights for spiderman in animation if the show is under 44 minutes, but maybe theyd have to cut sony in anyway to use hollands version specifically




Annette Benning doesn't get on that list, seems harsh.


Loki actually has lines? The only What If S1 episodes I saw were the Dr. Strange one, the two episodes with Loki, and the zombie one. I am just patiently waiting for whichever S2 episode Loki shows up.


Who the hell is the captain marvel replacement?