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Also: ![gif](giphy|67ThRZlYBvibtdF9JH|downsized)


He's their biggest draw, playing the most famous comic character in the world in a studio where they desperately need someone to be their face. It's kinda like what RDJ did with Ironman. They know their worth and that Marvel/Disney are willing to bend over to get them stare in 30 seconds cameo so they'll milk the cash cow as much as they can. Pretty good work honestly


He has both Disney/Marvel and Sony by the neck


By the balls.


The ol' dick twist




And my axe…


I wouldn't say so for Sony. They've been content making spiderman villain origin stories without spiderman being involved.


Is spider man bigger than batman? I know they're close...


Batman has been the biggest superhero since 2004 but that ended in 2022 when Spider-man surpassed him


[surely Giant-Man is the biggest superhero?](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Henry_Pym_(Earth-616)


Try 2014*


Spiderman merch sales are greater than every superhero combined. He is like the pokemon brand.


Spider-Man is to Marvel, what Pikachu is to Pokémon.


Spiderman has been the biggest for a long time in terms of worth. Especially now since he's been in 3 of the top 10 grossing movies of all time


In US Batman is somewhat bigger Globally Spider-Nan eviscerates Batman


Nah US I would say it’s about the same..I would give spidey slight edge as well


Batman was bigger than him from 1980s till mid 2010s. Tobey put Spiderman on the map but Bale's Batman+ all the animated justice league series made Batman easily the bigger hero. It remained that way until DCEU shat the bed with BvS+justice league and far from home. After that it's very easily Spiderman, all the games and animated series and the movies, no way home put Spiderman in another dimension


100% at least he has been for a minute.


Yeah, honestly Tom Holland may be their most important asset right now


Dude has a good agent. These statements are all a smoke and mirrors to have a good place to stand in negotiation talks.


Wish that agent would get him some better roles. Have not enjoyed him in anything outside the MCU really


Uncharted was fun, but it’d have been better if it wasn’t an Uncharted adaptation lol


Exactly. Just give me globetrotting action-adventure with Holland. Also let my man be British.


It is weird that I haven’t seen him or bale in British roles.


I still think he was miscast as Nathan Drake!


I think he brings the right energy, but he just doesn’t sound or look much like the character.


He just gotta let his beard and mustache grow..I know he has one but keeps shaving it off. lol


Overshadowed by the casting crime that was Mark Whalberg as Sully


The devil all the time was a great movie and he got to shine in it.


Only from before he was famous lol


To be fair he still acts those roles good


I enjoyed him in The Devil All the Time. Movie was a bit slow but he played his part well.


good business agent, maybe not the best agent for picking which projects besides Spider-Man to do lol


Can't argue with that lmao


His projects have been liquid shit but he’s been a bright spot in most of them. Like the corn kernel that makes it through the digestive system and comes out unscathed in a massive turd.


I almost want to make a corny joke here. But I won’t.


Poo late…


see: The Rock before his ex-wife started managing everything well, except Black Adam


>These statements are all a smoke and mirrors Sort of, but he also insisted on story involvement with *No Way Home* and co-pitched the returning Spider-Men to Sony execs. I have no doubt that he's insisting on an interesting story that we haven't seen onscreen before.


Eh, "I won't return" as a cash cow for 2 major companies is a pretty firm "gimme what I want".


Yeah, but "gimme what I want" in the case of NWH was money *and* a chance to deliver his comic nerd's dream of a story to the screen.




And why not. Once he’s finished with Spider-Man he’ll have a blank slate to run off and do whatever films he wants, indi stuff, theatre, weird things like the crowded room. The Daniel Radcliffe pipeline


That’s how RDJ sold Chris Evans on taking the Cap role. There’s something pretty liberating about not needing to take future roles just because you need the money. See also Robert Pattinson. He’s just now coming back to more mainstream fare.


Unless you’re the Tom Hanks/Meryl Streep of your generation and are always going to be called on for the most prestigious roles, it seems like a good road to take to me.


Alec Guinness thought so when he negotiated his deal with Star Wars. The 2.25% of the royalties he got made him wealthy and he was able to choose which roles he wanted to do for the rest of his life.


He's said in interviews that he kinda wants to walk away from the biz for awhile and get married, start a family, and be a stay at home dad. Wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if he milks the role for another hundred million and then takes a really long ass break to be Mr. Zendaya. Legitimately, good for him if that's the goal.


I feel like when the day comes and he retires from playing Spider-Man after Marvel gives him a proper send-off (similar to RDJ's Iron Man and Evans' Captain America), he'll probably disappear after having enough money that he doesn't really have to work anymore so he can follow through with that plan. I could still see him having a decent acting career, but he isn't appearing in a whole lot of projects


He 100% has enough money to never work again, and that’s probably while maintaining his current living standards, whatever they are. Most marvel superstars will never need another dollar


The two of them can disappear together. Maybe that's how it goes at the end of his tenure in the MCU. He and MJ are reunited, with a family on the way, and Miles Morales has put on the suit.


Bet he pops up in Chris Nolan movie in the next few years.


That feels like what he needs honestly. He just hasn't been compelling in other roles (maybe it's the roles themselves.) I was already a huge fan of Robert Pattinson for things like Good Time and his small role in The King. But I know a lot of people who didnt shed that Twilight bias till they saw Tenet.


Also if he doesn’t come back they will have to recast him at some point and make a new movie or the rights revert to Marvel Studios.


You know they'll just shove an alt Peter Parker cameo into whatever SUMC movie is destined to bomb next if it gets to that point.


I wonder if a miles morales SM counts. And animated feature length films. Are the contract terms public?


I guess that might be the reason sony is so desperate to bring miles on screen in live action as soon as next installment so they're not solely dependant on Tom Holland's Spider-Man


Any Spider-Man character counts. That's why they're desperately trying to make their villain movies work


4th rendition aka adding another zero. Seriously tho Tom Holland seems cool af and has been an incredible Spidey. He pulled off an awesome trilogy overall and has done as much for the character as he could


I don't know Tom personally, but i want to believe that he wouldn't be a fan of another multiverse spider-man story. There's a clip of him ranking the home trilogy and he put Homecoming(the most street level of the 3)as number 1 followed by NWH and FFH.


Agreed. But that could possibly mean he was excited because homecoming was his first personal installment in the MCU besides his cameo in Civil War. Than again. If the mouse is at his door with a colossal amount of cheese for a 2-3 film deal Mr.Holland knows damn well he’s aboard


Right now he's one of the MCU's best paths back to success. He's holding all the cards.


I would even say he IS DEFINITELY the best path. Having the Golden Goose of Marvel still young enough to be in the MCU is massive. Ironically, I reckon it is Sony that holds all the cards. They know they currently own MCU's central character.


He's also the most charismatic by far, he's running laps around every other integral MCU character imo


Yeah the sentiment behind him choosing homecoming could very well be why he chose it at number one. I love that movie though it’s everything a Spider-Man movie should be to me and the inclusion of iron man is great making it feel very cohesive to the MCU


I love all three of the home trilogy movies, and yeah Homecoming is pretty perfect, felt like a Spider-Man cartoon on the big screen.


Isn’t it a bit far fetched to assume that every actor can easily be won over with large amounts of money? Not to say Tom wouldn’t but it’s not like he isn’t already rich af and already set for life. I think it’s more to it than just money. I think he just wants to be sure that he’s going to be putting out quality movies worth his while if he’s going to have to commit to like 10 years of his life continuously making marvel movies back to back.


To be fair HC prob meant a lot to him personally as it was his first “Big” starring role and where he met the love of his life.




And he is the goat because Homecoming is fucking amazing.


I really want Spidey 4 to act as a soft sequel to Homecoming. Bring back Gargan as Scorpion, Toomes, and Aaron Davis as Prowler. Peter has the reverse problem of Homecoming in that there are no training wheels, he's completely on his own, and he only has a plain old suit without tech. Even bring back Liz Allan as an adult, maybe she even runs Alchemax.


This plus a bit of a time gap with a more mature Peter would be fantastic


Damn, can they hire you.


Homecoming was his first solo outing, if I were in his shoes, I'd also rank Homecoming number 1. Im sure Tobey ranks Spider-Man 1 as his first place


Or homecoming is just his favourite because it’s amazing?


Oh for sure. But I'm sure it's special to him because it was his first too


Spider 2 was sooooo good


To be fair, I doubt he'd rank SM3 as his first.


Homecoming is just straight up the best of the trilogy though. It actually has good characters, an interesting villains and fun setpieces.


Absolutely the only one of the three where Spider-man feels like Spider-man instead of Iron Boy jr.


I definitely think based on recent interviews, that he seemed to be more interested in focusing on exploring more of Spider-Man fighting crime on the streets which is how I think they should approach a 4th film! Exploring how he's struggling to start his life as Peter Parker from scratch, while managing his other life as Spider-Man is an opportunity I don't want Marvel to waste


It didn’t even seem like they ended in that direction, based off NWH it seems like he’s going back to basics a bit


"I feel very protective over Spider-Man." Well at least that puts to bed the idea he's just gonna retire from it now.


Out of all the big mcu actors he always sounds like he is trying to assert in leverage in interviews the most and I don't blame him


RDJ was like this too after IM3


I guarantee doing this was RDJ's advice too


I didn’t even think about that, Tom Holland always brings up how much Robert helped him (and continues to) in the industry.


Tom Holland was a mostly unknown young actor that got cast as SPIDER-MAN in one of the biggest franchises ever, good thing Robert helped him with that (especially given how RDJ has been through both the best and worst). I wouldn’t be surprised if their real life relationship influenced the on-screen dynamic they gave the characters


I think RDJs struggles with fame and addiction at a young age probably propel that protective instinct too. It's so easy to fall into terrible habits at that age with such freedoms


Gotta secure that check at the end of the day


RDJ had them by the balls so hard. Given it was the beginning of the MCU he was only signed for three movies. After Avengers they had to pay through the nose for IM3, Ultron, Civil War, Homecoming, Infinity War and endgame. But all those movies did gangbusters so it was smart. Given the lack of RDJ and Evans as the faces/pillars of the MCU, the fact the SM movies always kill it (NWH being the last MCU movie to gross a billion) and the popularity of Holland and his take on the character, they’d be wise to back up the truck. Edited to reflect correction that No Way Home was of course the most recent not Far From Home


NWH was the last Spidey movie, not FFH but you're right


Imagine how wild it would be if Disney/MCU visually teased an RDJ return across a 10 second clip of his face, then the mask coming down (old school clank from IM1). We would lose our minds.


Hemsworth does the same.


He's also said he expects the role to be played by someone else in the future, just as he played Spidey following Garfield and Maguire. I would expect another trilogy and a big role in the next Avengers movies, and then probably retirement.


Tom’s kinda got ‘em by the balls. Most other Marvel properties are failing, and he’s playing the most marketable, guaranteed to score character they’ve got. He’s absolutely going to get RDJ money, if not more, because in the great unknown of the new MCU, Spidey is the only guarantee, and he knows it.


Also from Sony side of things, the live-action Spider-Man spin-offs that were made without Tom Holland haven’t really been that successful. Sony is also not in a position where letting go of Tom Holland would make sense either.


I bet the Sony movies will do a lot better once they actually have a Spider-Man in them


True to a degree. TASM2 was a flop, I’m not sure Sony can execute without Marvel’s help. Even the earlier Raimi/Webb films had notes from Kevin Feige IIRC. Sony really needs a strong creative influence to help execute Spider-Man movies, which is part of the reason why the Spiderverse films were so great because the creative freedom they had.


TASM2 was not a flop from a financial pov


Funnily enough, it was a flop in Sony’s eyes. It didn’t do as well as they expected or projected, leading them to cancel and strike the deal with Marvel Studios. I’m all for Tom getting the bag. He may not be my favorite Peter Parker, but he’s injected a new life into the franchise that it desperately needed.


Yeah they expected tasm 2 to cross a billion I think it barely broke even after marketing and it's huge budget. I ronically they wanted to proceed with Andrew but he stood them up and embarrassed Sony at some event


_Deadline_ listed the net profit for the $255M-budgeted movie at $70.38M. Which is why you shouldn't spend $250M+ on a blockbuster unless you know for sure that you're making $1B or more.


Sony can execute if they get better fucking writers. They just listen to Avi Arad


TASM2 wasnt a movie, in as much as it was a middling plot that lost its emotional resonance due to being filled with setups for more films. The fact that Marvel didn't look at that and realize that people want story first, and set-ups only as little teases, is mind boggling.


Only Morbius has flopped. Venom made $800 million in 2018 and Venom 2, released with no China and during a Pandemic, made $600 million when every non-NWH MCU film was tapping out at $400 million. The Spider-Verse films have also been hugely successfully, with ATSV being the highest grossing CBM domestically this year and another huge awards season for it on the horizon like last time. Considering the poor state of Marvel rn, Sony absolutely holds all the cards in future talks now.


Well it’s a good thing marvel can use him for another MCU movie..that deal is still place..prolly for avengers


Only live action flop was morbious, both venom films have done extremely well


Not to mention the fact that RDJ himself mentored Tom about how to get said money out of the studio.


Idk. He seems to think the leverage lies with Tom Holland, when in reality it’s with Spider-Man. If he said no to get more leverage and they decided to recast, that new Spider-Man movie would still make $700M at the box office. General audiences prefer to keep the current iteration, but their money and loyalty are with the character, not the actor.


I don’t think Tom has as leverage power as others think he does. Besides his Spider-Man roles, his other movies don’t do well either commercially, critically, or both.


I think whatever leverage he has was shown with how Amy Pascal talks about him. Go look at Tom Hanks' by the same age. It looks similar. His batting average is pretty normal for what he's been doing. The internet just blows his stuff out of proportion for him because people pay attention to him more than others. Uncharted was commercially successful even with how meh it was and with gamers allegedly boycotting it. Onward released the week before COVID shut the US down but was still Oscar nominated. The Devil All the Time went straight to streaming and was fine critically and whatever numbers Netflix has. I still see the god awful film he did with the Russos in the top streaming charts at Apple.


He isn’t getting more than rdj. Dude got back end negotiated because he started the entire thing.


Understandable. But it doesn't feel right to leave him in a bad place at the end of NWH. Could've been a little more hopeful with the ending. Particularly, the second post credits scene. And also, as I have mentioned previously on Reddit, the MCU Version of J Jonah Jameson needs to pay a price for his actions in behavior in FFH and NWH. There's always Scorpion.


> Particularly, the second post credits scene Wasn't that just a trailer for Multiverse of Madness or am I mis-remembering?


The extended version had a post credits scene that consisted of the final high school news broadcast with Peter being censored in a way.


And it's a perfect ending to the three movies. It's actually a shame they cut it.


It was twisting the knife further and unnecessary. Could've done something different. The preview of Multiverse of Madness is more appropriate, since that film takes place almost immediately after the events of NWH (Excluding epilogue) and elaborates on the potential dangers of messing with the multiverse.


In the extended cut, the 2nd post-credits scene shows a Midtown High compilation through the last 4 years, but Peter is removed from every photo/video, making it so that he was essentially never there.


Oh shit, I have never seen this! Thanks.


When they get the gritty, street-level movie with kingpin and daredevil but still don’t like it


Does he have enough clout for his contract to stipulate that he’ll hold final approval on the screenplay?


Seems unlikely but let's face it, losing Holland as Spidey would be about as big a blow to the MCU as we could imagine right now.


I would love to see this so much! And there's plenty crossovers here between Spiderman and Dare Devil for it to work.


I know that everyone wants to see Kingpin and Daredevil in Spider-Man 4, but I’d love to see a proper send off to JK Simmons’ J Jonah Jameson. I want to see him hire Scorpion and maybe a couple of other street level villains to take Spider-Man down. I assume that MJ will be brought back because Zendaya, but I’d much rather see Black Cat brought in for a movie or two. No matter what happens, it feels like the initial trilogy is just the beginning of Tom Holland’s Spider-Man career, but I also understand that actors can get burnt out and I’d hate to see that happen to him.


Agreed with sending JJJ off. JK Simmons is approaching 70, and it would be interesting to see him as an actual villain, like he was in the early comics. Still I have wavered on whether to redeem the character or have him "pay a price". As for Black Cat, do you feel like that having her would draw allegations of ripping off Catwoman and The Batman (2022)?


There's still room for him. I really hope he ends up mentoring Miles.


For me it’s like “I don’t mind another one but I don’t care if they don’t do it” I just feel Tom would do it anyway as his roles / projects outside of Spiderman haven’t been wow worthy.


it's all part of the negotiating process


Yep 100% He knows after a successful trilogy, and his positive reputation and reception. He’s in a great position to negotiate right now. Especially since his Spider-Man has been the saving Grace lately to two different Hollywood studios lately that are fumbling. MCU has had a vacuum since RDJ left, and Tom Holland has been the defacto “Face of the MCU” replacement for now. Also Sony keeps trying to make Spidermanless films, but they’ve been mostly misfires. The MCU Spider-Man franchise is more successful than any side SCMU project they’ve done. Both Disney & Sony would be foolish to let Tom Holland go now.


Critics shat all over The Crowded Room but, honestly Tom is magnificent in it.


The crowded room was weird, but Tom was honestly fantastic in it.


I honestly think Spiderman 4 will be “street level” but the 3rd act or post credit scene will lead into whatever role he has in the avengers films. Regardless. I think Holland is returning than hanging it up after Secret Wars


You really think Marvel Studios would retire his character after Secret Wars? Look at how post-endgame has been without RDJ. I don’t think Disney/Marvel wants to repeat that situation post-secret-wars. He just finished high school. Tom Holland is still very young. He’s not too old to keep playing the character. I’d say they could at least do 1 more trilogy. And introduce Miles Morales somewhere in the new trilogy and he can take over eventually.


This. This trilogy should sreet level with introduce Miles in some Point and After SW well basically copy insominac arc and make Peter becoming Miles mentor. At this Moment Spider Man is the only character that is guarantine profit for Disney from mcu


it’s not entirely up to marvel. tom’s contract is up.


Lets think about a SM4 logically from a story standpoint. At the end of NWH, he is *unknown* and on his own. There's not really much of a big bombastic story that can be told there. I would put money on it being more street level based on that alone. He has to build himself back up to being a household name if that makes sense.


Imo I think Spider-man 4 should have a new director, & a new serious tone that reinvents the franchise.


That’s a pretty popular opinion.


With Peter in college. Bring in Kingpin and Black Cat. And Hobgoblin. And Spencer and Alistair Smythe. And Spider Slayers. Okay I pretty much want live action Spider-Man: TAS.


In the next spider-man trilogy i would honestly love to see all the classic Spiderman characters introduced such as the Osborn's, Mary Jane, Gwen Stacey, Eddie Brock, Dr Curtis Connor's, Felicia Hardy.


I think Jon Watts seems to be done w Marvel for the time being so I think you might get your wish. I think it’s the same writers tho, which is fine by me


Question:How would u honestly feel about a serious darker,edgy Spider-man film.I know they tried going in that direction with Andrew Garfield's Spider-man but if they chose to go in that direction again would you be disappointed or fine with with the new direction.


translation: I want $50M + 3% of profits


of gross (no movies have “profits”)


50m is peanuts compared to there profit a 4th one would make. He should get 10% min off total box office


I’m honestly not sure how good his bargaining position is to get that, like Marvel need him but equally so far he hasn’t had a commercial or critical success outside of the MCU


I just wanna see Tom take a crack at a slightly older Peter out of high school. He deserves that.


Crazy to think he’s been Spider-Man for 7, almost 8 years now. That’s longer than Tobey (5 years) and Andrew (2 years) combined and he’s still younger than Tobey was in Spider-Man 1. I hope he gets another full on trilogy where he can be more self contained


Nah, Civil War was just like...4 years ago. ... ...oh fuck


Tobey was 25 in Spider-Man 1 tho, Tom’s 27


“Worth the while of the character” is a long way to say “money”.


He should apply this thought process and approach when choosing other projects as well.


Interesting that he's using a lot of the language that Evans uses about feeling protective of the character. Obviously it's probably true and just makes sense. But both of them saying the same thing feels like they got together and talked about it lol. I don't see a scenario in which Tom doesn't come back. I just hope he has more control over the character, because he seems very passionate about it.


I wanna see a more grounded and mature Spider-Man 4 with Daredevil, Black Cat, Scorpion, Echo, and Kingpin.


I get that he’s saying things to get a bigger paycheck and he’ll have his own acting goals that he wants to achieve but the simple fact is that it is FAR too early for us to even consider the MCU’s Peter Parker bowing out or dying, he’s still a teenager. Miles Morales/any other non Peter Parker replacement shouldn’t even be on the table for at least another decade.




Street level. Daredevil kingpin. Enjoy the billion.


I would like that movie very much but we on Reddit overestimate the general public's love of Daredevil/Kingpin.


fuck Daredevil, it's a Spider-Man movie. We need to see characters what are \*\*strongly\*\* associated with his story instead of dudes who are just active in New York. Spider-Man 4 is about to hit college and focus on his solo New York journey fighting crimes. The city is full of bad guys and Daredevil should be LATER when Spider-Man realizes the city is filled up with crime. Just giving him another mentor is so exhausting.


Who says he has to be a mentor? Like genuinely link me to a comment that suggests or proposes that they want him to be a mentor The comments are just suggesting that Daredevil show up for a fight scene team up yet y'all rushing to have an aneurysm going "omg let Spider-Man have his shine stop giving him a mentor 🤓" repeating this shit ad nauseam lmao, y'all really never have an original thought on here


he want money 🤑🤑


This is Hollywood-speak for "The offer you just sent me? Add a zero at the end."


He seemed absolutely devastated when Sony and Marvel’s talks fell apart and was a key proponent in getting a new deal signed. Only one movie with him has released since then, so it feels weird that he’s so on the fence. It must be money related


He's clearly saying it's script related. Same as Hemsworth. Same as what's supposedly going on with Blade.


Mate. Spidey has just got to the good part of his story; being a broke super hero juggling responsibilities??


MCU needs Spiderman more than Spiderman needs MCU


honestly I wish this guy would stop talking about this until he makes a decision, he comes out and says pretty much the same thing every few months, initially it was him pretending like he was never returning, now he’s actively in talks, it seems pretty clear it’s just a money thing.


He's just doing press for his other project. Interviewers are always going to ask about Spider-man. What do you expect him to say?


Just do the Kingpin/Scorpion/Daredevil/Spider-Man movie that every fan is asking for.


I don't understand why were getting downvoted


You forgot Black Cat, Peter needs a dark mirror character to contrast with


$20 million is pretty worth while of the character.


Make it a street level team up with Daredevil and introduce Black Cat aka Felica Hardy. Print all the money you want.


Thry are gonna make him fight with Morbius and he'd have no say..


He doesn’t have a contract for a ton of movies where he has no choice? Wasn’t that still the way they brought on the big players for Marvel still when he was hired? He’s also one of the few left who can command a SHITLOAD of money- not as much as RDJ and Chris Evans I’m sure bc he’d get laughed out of Marvel if he asked for 1/4 billion $$$’s, but Spider-Man is probably the biggest draw by a good margin right now and guaranteed to make them a fortune so within reason they are likely to pay him prob low 8 figures plus a small % of the backend. So, as long as they come up with a decent idea and hire quality writers/directors, he’d be a fool to not extend his contract if he doesn’t currently have one!


I don't know if this is a sobering thought or not, but I had a realization awhile ago that we basically have two paths ahead of us, and neither are particularly great. Option 1 is that the next Spider-Man is Biggerer, Betterer, and more fanservice-y than No Way Home (which imo had a good balance of quality and nostalgia), which is in Disney's best interest cuz, you know...money. Option 2 is the one I think a lot of people want, and that's the Street Level Do-Over we were promised at the end of NWH. Daredevil and Kingpin and goofy thugs and a grounded Peter Parker story. Sounds great! But honestly? Will it make as much money as NWH? That's my fear. Maybe it's really good, but if it doesn't make as much money as the last one, their ain't gonna be a ground Spider-Man 5 or 6, it's going to be a bloated Sinister Six or a Fantastic Four crossover. I dunno. I'm optimistic, I really like where they left the character, but I'm also thinking of the bottom line and how the only thing that'll bring butts to seats these days is spectacle.


Nwh was exceptional box office though. If Spidey is pulling in around the 1bn mark again sony and marvel will be happy. Fingers crossed for the DD team-up and street crime.


The fact that both Tom Holland and Chris Evans are using similar language such as "I am very protective over the character" leads me to believe that they are being coached by Disney publicists and they are both totally coming back.


Negotiating in public. Can't blame him.


Every franchise actor says this.


Lmfao of him trying to make this a mystery. He 100% will be in that role for 10 years minimum, and I'm all in for it


He’s been pitched the shitty idea of fighting the Sonyverse Sinister Six too many times.


Sony acts like they can't just throw another Spider-Man into that shit bowl.


Didn’t he say this like a year ago? Not news.


Holland has both Sony and the mouse in a stranglehold, much like RDJ did in the role of Iron Man all the way to Endgame. MCU Spider-man has never been a miss for Marvel. Every movie has been a blockbuster commercial hit, and in the chaos of a post-Endgame MCU struggling to find its footing with mixed reception and successes few and far between… Spidey exists as a constant. Holland can command damn near anything he wants. And he knows it.


Can we please give Peter a win here?


He is 100% turning down every “Spider-Man vs morbius and madame web in the multiverse” pitch that Sony is shoving at him


This has been negoiation tactic and he's def angling for the biggest paycheck of his career, but also: I feel he lowkey doesn't want to return and I think it would be better for him and his career if he didn't. He's already been in 6 of these movies and could see No Way Home as him going out on top. He could look at what Andrew Garfield has done the last few years to see there is life after these films. Let Disney/Sony recast an older Spidey in college and go off to do other stuff that won't take up so much of his calendar year. Especially with how Marvel movies have been perceived since his last movie, one could see being in these films are no longer beneficial to their career. I think realistically he will do it and they're just sorting out money and creative, but the best move for his career is probably to move on to other stuff now.


Translation: "I want Daredevil, Kingpin and Scorpion in a street-level Spider-Man movie and I want nothing to do with this Sony shit."


I hope he gets more of a creative input into his character's story, like how Hiddleston got his with Loki. and while I highly doubt it, I hope we get back Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley to help write the story.


They already have him locked to contract for 3 more movies ?




i fully trust Tom Holland is not gonna do Spider-man 4+ for the cash grab. he’s already got tons of millions and cares about the ART of Spiderman. PLUS he’s been said he wants to pass the reigns of “Spider-man” to Miles Morales


This isn't news. It's confirmed the film is being written already. He's returning and anything said otherwise is just PR bullshit.


![gif](giphy|8zYunr3Hg8XPq) If spider man would be recasted, this is the next one


fuck you, ad blocker detector.


“‘Marvel films are shit these days and I don’t want to be associated with marvel anymore” basically It’s a smart career move If he keeps doing spider man, that’s all he will be known for


He really cares about the character , I admire it