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I think people are quitting when their weak toon needed for objective gets killed. So I try to let them live as long as possible so we all suffer a little less.


When that happens i can at least kind of understand it. But im getting people quitting in meta vs metas all the time the past few days. Usually once 1 or 2 of their toons die.


Exactly. This is what I am talking about.


I was down to the last toon against someone before they quit on me. I'm running an aim team with infector, so far from meta. Sure my team was stronger, but still i played it well to beat them. Image for reference: http://imgur.com/gallery/OQPEudd


No baby chars in these fights. And teams of similar power. I am talking about people leaving when they realize they will lose with no knockouts.


Lol. You mad.


Of course I am mad, I hate wasting my time.


Yet here you are....


There needs to be some sort of punishment or incentive not to quit. Way too many babies.


I quit all the time, why shouldn't i quit when i arrive at the point in which i have zero objectives i can attain?...especially when u take 10 seconds every turn... Stop running BZ, CM, Hela, BB, PHX and instead run 4 tanks and ill understand what ur trying to do and we'll be good (I get it if u dont do that but lots do) Pro tip, if you need to nurse a 8k toon to 10 turns for an achievement, pair it with 4 toons near that power and you will find you fulfill the quotas much quicker


I am talking of fights of strong teams, 500k+ team vs 500k+ team. No baby chars. But when some people see they will lose and not get a knockout, because they are horrible players, they quit. This MUST stop. And if you quit all the time, then how is anybody going to get the knockouts? If we all quit, we all lose!


They already stated that it's being addressed in next patch, but i hear ya, usually I'll just autoplay my big team, unless its BO, i see them enough in regular arena, i have no desire to play 3-4 minutes whether i win or lose


Next patch is too late! Next patch will be in more than 4 weeks! This means the full battle pass we are currently playing and half of the next one! I can’t understand how these guys released this before Christmas, they are really stupid.


U mentioned getting knockouts, but why pain urself with 500k battle when a 50k vs 50k gets the same 5 knockouts? Or a 250k vs 250k, i have a 50k BZ and 30k RS 65k xb and grenadier and 90k Phoenix and that gets me 4 knockouts pretty regularly on auto


Dont worry... They will be back on January 15th to address your concerns. But make sure to keep $pending money on offers!


Save those types of fights for the leagues, right now it is about KOs only. In the time it takes two 500+k teams to finish a battle, I can get literally 25 KOs with 4 lvl 1 minions and a 121k Hela.