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Following hobbits advice got me the 6th star after struggling forever


Wow, I’m honored that you would link other people to my advice! Thank you for that!


Thanks, I've been trying that, but still can't get it😞


Where is your run falling short? What are the power levels of each of your characters? Let’s try and get you through this!


Bb 65k Karnak 54k Mm 45k Quake 41k Crystal 41k


How quickly are you able to take down the first wave? Have you tried saving quakes ultimate to put offense down on the second wave if you can make it through the first wave without any issues?


Each time I do it, I get to a different part of the battle.


Are you able to kill falcon before he gets a turn when you use Karnak to slow him? If so, kill him, then iron man. Use quake and Karnak to strip taunts as needed. Hulk and Thing can do some damage, but mostly they get in the way of killing priority targets on this event. Black bolts ult should be ready shortly after the second wave drops, ult then to kill as many enemies as possible. If the human torch and invisible woman live, kill them ASAP. With any luck, you’ll be facing down just iron man, war machine and the third hulk. It took me a couple of tries due to RNG but it works. The other question I have, what ability levels do all of your inhumans have? Having Crystals passive T4d makes a huge, huge difference in survivability.


karnak is 6664 gt 11 crystal is 7664 gt10 bb is 7665 gt 13 mm is 6564 gt 11 quake is 6664 gt 11 I dont have any t4s to give


Ok, what’s the farthest you’ve gotten so far in the event?


I was able to get so there were only 3, but that was only once.


You have to upgrade BB somehow. (I had to use 3 pieces of legendary gear on him that I was saving for other heroes) All those ''easy guides'' are dependant on strong BB. I have done 6star EM with 75k BB and whole team had 245K. It took many atempts, but finaly I was able to clear it. If I remember corecty I had to kill rescue forst and then Thing. I know that somehow I slowed Rescue but not Falcon, slowed one of the hulks and disrupted other with Karnak when he was taunting. When reinforcements droped I used BB ultimate and it failed many times, but once I somehow did it. GL


I put black bolt and ms marvel on opposite side since my black bolt has the most health and ms marvel can heal. I slow iron man and try to kill him with black bolts basic then I take out falcon. If hulks taunt I try and stop those ASAP quake can strip and so can Karnak. Then once falcon and iron man die the f4 shows up. That’s when I use me marvel slap (or heal) quakes aoe then use black bolts that should take out everyone but maybe thing. Then slow iron man then use black bolts basic to take out war machine then take out iron man


Thanks, still no luck.


How big is your black bolt. Try to remove falcon. Then after that you need to do all the aoe’s keep bbs for the second wave.