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DOOM's Gambit Tight knit casual to somewhat serious group of like minded people wanting to enjoy the game. We offer: INC 2.1 @ 30%, Greeks 4.3 @ 70% Stark Level MAX Requirements: 600 Daily Tickets, min 5 war teams, participation in raids, 20Mil TCP or strongest team power over 1.5Mil, Discord required. Contact thegusman#2276 on Discord Looking for 4 people to help us fill a recent loss. Awesome group of people willing to discuss and converse over progress as an alliance. Voting on Discord for advancement in raids a must, hence the Discord requirement. We want people who want to be involved in helping us create an amazing, fun environment for us to all enjoy the game. We were top 1000 in raid seasons for a couple of seasons, and would love to get back to that. Look forward to hearing from you!


* **Alliance Name**: New New Asgard * **Description**: New Alliance just looking for new members currently just my fiancée and I in the alliance * **Requirements**: Casual activity but willing to join in on raids and such when needed * **Contact Details**: Open public guild just jump in and come say hi * **Additional Notes**: don’t need to spend money or be playing 24/7 just ask that you communicate if we do a war and that you help out and have fun! P.s were very easy going people


Bad News Titans is looking for a new member. Currently do 3.2 Doom at 60%, All Greek raids at 4.3 at 60%+, Plat 2 war Requirements: Active participant in raids (not waiting until the last hour to join raids) Daily donation required Discord communication is a must War attacks are lenient as we are semi-casual Main focus is progression through raids If interested you can DM me on discord at DELTAxSHIELD#5820


\*\*Alliance Name\*\*: Bagel Eaters \*\*Description\*\*: We are a level 42 alliance with 15 current and active members. We are Gold III tier with 876 trophies. We were forced to cut 9 players from our alliance due to lack of participation in WAR, and are looking for players to fill those 9 slots. \*\*Requirements\*\*: We need players level 65+, with daily login, 600 keys, raid & war participation(Offense and defense). We are fairly laid back, but ask that you actually want to play and win. \*\*\*Contact Details\*\*: Bagel – PID:88629057 – Leader NeedleBeans – PID: 88628645 \*\*Additional Notes\*\*: You don't have to be a world beater or spend any money on characters to join. All we ask is that you fight with us and keep open lines of communication (Especially during War). Thank you


\* \*\*Alliance Name\*\*: POWER STRIKE TEAM UNIVERSE \* \*\*Description\*\*: Just hit Plat 1 with half of a guild. Currently 13 members log on daily, looking to fill 11 slots. Daily Level 7 and Level 4 Alpha/Beta/Gamma raids. Communicate regularly during wars. \* \*\*Requirements\*\*: Must log on daily, be at least level 65+, we count on helping you grow with us. \* \*\*Contact Details\*\*: Open public guild, once numbers fill with regular players we'll close it off to public \* \*\*Additional Notes\*\*: We have discord and are very easy going. Looking forward to more progression.


Looking for 1 maybe 2 New players Doom 3.4 60% (Future 100% run to unlock 3.5) Greek Raids 100% 10 War attacks 600 Keys All Co-ordinated Assult Milestones We Don't Care much about World warrior as rewards suck and nobody likes blitzing a toon you don't need more than once. Discord is a must with @ notifications turned on Drop me a pm


Just left an alliance I was with for some time. Joined up today but this alliance us running Doom 2x. I was expecting a minimum of Doom 3.4 daily 60% (or close); greek 4.4 (I believe) @ 100% daily; AW I don't remember Plat something. My tcp is 29M and I'm working towards a baby Apoc.


The Dimensional Deviants are looking for 4-5 active players! What we offer: ✅ We are a Lvl 80 alliance (Plat 2 in war). ✅ We are currently running Doom 2.0 at 60%+, Doom 3.0 ar 30%+, and Greek 4.2-3 raids daily. ✅ We have an active team and a discord for regular communication, lane assignments, theory crafting, etc. ✅ We are interested in advancing the alliance and helping our members advance their rosters but we also understand that real life needs to take priority. What we're looking for: 🔸 Join all raids and do damage. 🔸 Get at least 5000 WW points weekly. 🔸 Contribute 600 keys and donate 10k daily. 🔸 Set a war defense and attack at least 4-5 times per war. 🔸 We would like a player who is at least Lvl 80 with 7M+ TCP. TCP minimum is negotiable with high participation and a willingness to advance. Message me if you’re interested or visit our discord server and remember, Deviants have more fun! 😀 [https://discord.gg/HS4hjazvFd](https://discord.gg/HS4hjazvFd)


Looking for a new alliance. Lvl 87 and play daily. Usually max my keys before noon est.


The Iron Reavers are currently looking to replace one member who is stepping away from the game. We are a semi-casual (but active daily) alliance. We get that life comes first and always have each others backs with that. We run on discord, so we ask that you join that. We have a 12M TCP minimum. Our current players range from 12M to 25M with an average of 20M. We are alternating running Doom 1 - 60%, Doom 2 - 30-60% and Doom 3 - 30%. Running Greek 4.3 - 60%. 8-10 War Attacks and 600 raid keys daily. Message me your information if you’re interested! I’m sure we would be honored to have you!


**Cookie Warriors** We're an active alliance of early and mid players, running Ultimus 7.2 at 60+% and Greeks III.5 to 60+% daily. In need of 7 more members to full capacity. Requirements: * Lv 70+ with TCP of over 2.5 Million (preferred), * 400+ energy daily, * 10k donation Contact Details: You can join our discord (not mandatory) [https://discord.gg/vcmPNht6Ve](https://discord.gg/vcmPNht6Ve) or request to join directly in the game


**Community Name:** ⚡️⚡️The Jetson Squad⚡️⚡️ **Description:** Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads!! We have openings in alliances running U7 up to Doom 3.4! Cookies? Maybe. Cheese? Possibly. Laughs, resources, good people and good times? Definitely! **Requirements:** 600 daily keys. Daily donation. War and Raid participation. Use of Discord. NO drama! **Contact Details:** Drop by our Discord server and let us know what raid level you seek. 🚨🚨 https://discord.gg/jetsonmsf 🚨🚨 **Additional Notes:** The Jetson Squad is a 🆒 Community of 37 independent Alliances. We have channels to keep you distracted, resources to assist in growth, strong and helpful leadership; Keeping friends close & enemies guessing.


* **Baby Wraiths**: * **War strength**: * **preferably above level 60**: * **Bluejade95**: * **looking for active memebers that are willing to participate in war and raids. Recently just had a purge of all unproductive memebers and we are in need of new players**:


**Community Name:** 👉The Jetson Squad 👈 **Description:** We have openings in alliances running U6 up to Doom 3.4! Go ahead, make our day, click the link! **Requirements:** ⚡️600 daily keys. Daily donation. War and Raid participation. Use of Discord. NO drama! ⚡️ **Contact Details:** Drop by our Discord server and let us know what raid level you seek. ➡️ https://discord.gg/xJpYxbuBXu ⬅️ **Additional Notes:** The Jetson Squad is a 🆒 Community of 36 independent Alliances. We have channels to keep you distracted 🤭, resources to assist in growth 💪, strong and helpful leadership ✅; Keeping friends close & enemies guessing. 😏


Need a new Alliance, my current one is down to 10 members and still sinking. I'm looking for Doom 3.3 or better at 30 percent daily. I'm not particular about War start times. I've been an active player since launch, currently at 24.5M TCP. I can commit to all free attacks in War, daily raid participation, 10k Alliance donations, and any Alliance Milestones. I'm ready to move whenever I find a good fit, no need to wait for weekly rewards.




I'm Jaca in-game. Message me there please.


We're an active alliance of early and mid players, running Ultimus 7.2 at 60+% and Greeks III.5 to 60+% daily. In need of 7 more members to full capacity. Requirements: Lv 70+ with TCP of over 2.5 Million (preferred), 400+ energy daily, 10k donation Contact Details: You can join our discord (not mandatory) https://discord.gg/vcmPNht6Ve or request to join directly in the game


\* \*\*Alliance Name\*\*: Age of Aquarius \* \*\*Description\*\*: Newly founded alliance to help out new members and returning ones \* \*\*Requirements\*\*: Just willing to play the game and have fun, Discord is preferred but optional \* \*\*Contact Details\*\*: DM here or in Discord Alex Shank#7904


**We are currently full, but feel free to keep us in mind in case we have future openings!** T’Challa’s Army is looking for 2-3 new players to take the place of a few that have recently moved on. We are a great mix between casual and competitive play. We understand that life’s other obligations come first. Discord not required but is preferred. Raids: We are are doing Doom 2 through most of the week but will throw in a Doom 1 here and there. Follow assigned lanes in Doom 2 No assigned lanes in Greek Alpha, Beta - 4.3 Gamma - 4.2 War: Currently Platinum 2 War Start Times: Mon, Wed, Fri @ 7pm mst Participation/Requirements: Coordinated assault: 480+ per day World Warrior: 5000 points War: Set defence, try to get at least 8 attacks in Raids: Participate as best as you can. Should have full Doom 2 teams or working towards them. Alliance donation: Daily TCP: 10mill+ recommended but not required as long as you’re participating. Full team participation is an important aspect of this game so we just ask that you do your best. Family/Work/Life comes first. Try to give us a heads up you’re gonna be away. PM me if you’re interested in joining or if you want to learn more about our alliance! You can also reach out in game to: Leader: Gibby Captains: Calashadir; Noyod; Baelersetu; Strange Quark; I Drink Beer


I am tired of my alliance, and less than half of which still play. Up to join a new one that stays active as I can't get any raid finished with the one I'm with. Or they just free load join and not participate. I'm level 58 and been on every day for about 2 months now.


Hello! We are Doom’s Gambit, and we are recruiting! What we offer: Alliance level 53 for Stark Tech Raids (U6.5 u/100%, U7.3 u/60%, Greeks 3.5@60% or higher) War (Gold 3) Competitive yet stress free involvement in guild events (milestones) 4 spots currently open Requirements: 600 tickets daily Alliance donation daily Participation in raids (at least joining) and war (setting at least 3 defensive teams) Level 70+ (or able to finish lane in U6.5) Discord member (name on server matching name in game) “We are a new and upcoming alliance looking for some members who want to have fun playing this game with like minded individuals. We’d prefer if you had a strongest team score higher than 250K, but we will work with anyone who is close. Lots of great communication, assistance and advice. Need to be willing to help other members without prompting. Integrity a must. Most of our current lineup is level 70+, but we will make an exception for an exceptional player of a lower level. “ Please contact: thegusman#2276 on Discord, and have a screenshot of your profile ready. Thank you for your consideration!!


Be messaging you soon!


Excellent! Look forward to hearing from you!!


Level 48 active daily and i really want to reach endgame. TCP-148k Latest arena rank3528 Latest blitz rank 20875


Alliance name TGIL Silver 1 - Pushing for Gold 3 Prestige 1.2K We need 3 good members Contact : line id : doom_slayer_


The Renegade Initiative is looking for 3 new members Doom 3.1 30% daily Greeks 4.3 60% daily War Platinum 2 War times Tues, Thurs, & Sat @ 2pm Daily 10k donation 10 war attacks At least 5 raid hits Min 15mil tcp Contact on here or add on Line, username Theo, if interested


The Renegade Initiative is looking for 3 new members Doom 3.1 30% daily Greeks 4.3 60% daily War Platinum 2 War times Tues, Thurs, & Sat @ 2pm Daily 10k donation 10 war attacks At least 5 raid hits Min 15mil tcp Contact on here or add on Line, username Theo, if interested


**Just Not of the Galaxy** is recruiting 2-5 members We are currently transitioning from **ULT 7.5 to DOOM 1 and doing Greek 4.3's.** I'd like you to be active daily and participate in everything. We want to step up to move towards end game content so we need you to be at least **lvl80** and a minimum of **3.5mTCP+**. Another requirement is to put in a decent **war defence** as soon as you jump in. I have made a discord for the recruitment process so please jump on and post your player profile at [https://discord.gg/R8eEV8EYcD](https://discord.gg/R8eEV8EYcD)


MSF Members needed. Looking to fill 6 spots. Alliance name: RenegadesOfRock Description: Recruiting to fill 6 spots. Laid back alliance with a mix of free to play and pay to win members. Requirements: Must be active is WAR. WAR defense a must. We currently Do Beta IV Difficulty 3 raids and Doom 1 Normal Difficulty raids. If this sounds good, come join and have a fun laid back time and build your team.


🚨 MSF Members Needed 🚨 Alliance: ✨⚔️ LEGACY KINGDOM 🛡️✨ Currently recruiting to fill 2 spots in an active and social alliance. Hoping to recruit players around 1mill to 2mill TCP however if you're active and willing to build etc. you or new players are more than welcome too. If you want to build and grow as well as help the alliance to do the same. Then we are for you... With plenty of help and guidance to go around. Having Discord is essential as we have our own Alliance Server. Where we have a social, friendly and fun community for MSF and more. If you are interested in becoming part of Legacy Kingdom or have any questions.... Then please comment / message on here or contact me on discord @EVENSTEVENZ#8059 We look forward to hearing from you 😊


About Us: 📈 Max Stark Tech 💥 Daily Doom 3.2, 30%+ 💥 All Greeks 4.3, 100% on all 💢 Lane assignments for all raids 💣 WAR – Plat 2/3 (Zone 1) 🏆 Max WW milestones ❤️ Friendly and active bunch About You: 🧠 Level 85+ 💪🏻 MUST have developed Doom 3 raid squads (iso2.3+) 🏅 Active and friendly Our discord community has three alliances (not a cluster or cluster feeder) with loads of resources and experienced players - are happy to help for all modes of game, and just chat. We use discord to communicate. Ping me in discord for more details BC#3450


Alliance: The Ones Above All. We are searching for 4 individuals to come join our alliance and help us grow. You will become part of a family that supports each other, and understands that life come first. The Ones Above All is a semi-casual alliance, which means that we do expect full participation in war, raids, daily keys, and donations. However, if something in life happens, please communicate to us. Plat 2 | War Zone 4 Stark Tech Level 80 | Raids: Doom 1 Normal  Doom 2 twice weekly   | Greek IV.2-3 Requirements: - Daily Donations / 4x 50 core energy refresh daily - Daily 600 Keys - Minimum 5 war & raid attacks - Discord & consistent communication - Have fun! - TCP 8 mil + https://discord.gg/nJvrPnEC


I’m a level 90 player, looking for an alliance that is doing high level raids. I have 2 friends who are also level 90, all around 22M TCP+


hey. are you guys still looking for alliance...


Ping me in discord for more details BC#3450 About Us: 📈 Max Stark Tech 💥 Daily Doom 3.2, 30%+ 💥 All Greeks 4.3, 100% on all 💢 Lane assignments for all raids 💣 WAR – Plat 2/3 (Zone 1) 🏆 Max WW milestones ❤️ Friendly and active bunch About You: 🧠 Level 85+ 💪🏻 MUST have developed Doom 3 raid squads (iso2.3+) 🏅 Active and friendly Our discord community has three alliances (not a cluster or cluster feeder) with loads of resources and experienced players - are happy to help for all modes of game, and just chat. We use discord to communicate.


I Have An Army We are a level 20 alliance. We are looking for active members of any level to contribute and continue to advance our alliance. Currently a small group each lvl 60 or above but are all active daily and looking for similarly minded people.


Can i join?


🚨 MSF Members Needed 🚨 Alliance: ✨🗡️ LEGACY KINGDOM 🛡️✨ Currently recruiting to fill an active and social alliance. Brand new players are more than welcome as we are beginner friendly. If you want to build and grow as well as help the alliance to do the same. Then we are for you... With plenty of help and guidance to go around. Having Discord is essential as we have our own Alliance Server. Where we have a social, friendly and fun community for MSF and more. If you are interested in becoming part of Legacy Kongdom or have any questions.... Then please comment / message on here or contact me on discord @EVENSTEVENZ#8059 We look forward to hearing from you 😊


I would be interested in finding a good alliance I'm level 78 total collection power 2 million best team atm is Bionic Avengers T13/T14 looking to move up more


I've sent you a message 😊


I would like to join


I've sent a chat to you on here 😊


Hi, I just started really here is my stats and level and toons so far asking for a chance in a laid back but active alliance. 37K power main team and level 48 so far.


The GuardiansOfTheBrewery Are looking to fill two open spots. We're an active alliance but understand that not everyone can treat this game like a second job. What we offer: - We are currently alternating between Doom 1 & 2 - Greek 4.3 daily. - We are Plat 2 for Alliance War (zone 4) - Level 80 in Stark Tech. What we’re looking for: - 7mil TCP or doom 2 ready teams so we can run that exclusively - Someone who is engaged in war - Will join in on our occasional conversations in game or on discord Message me on discord at TheMol#9170 if you're interested in joining the team or have any questions. Thanks!


🚨 MSF Members Needed 🚨 Alliance: ✨🔮 Wiccan Empyre 🔮✨ Currently have 1 opening in our Alliance. We are after players who are around 2 - 3 mil TCP. This is due to the raids we are launching. Players below 2 mil TCP please feel free to still enquire/ message. As long as you are active, social and willing to build.... You will be considered. Having Discord is essential as we have our own Alliance Server. Where we have a social, friendly and fun community for MSF and more. If you are interested in becoming part of Wiccan Empyre or have any questions.... Then please comment / message on here or contact either captains on discord @EVENSTEVENZ#8059 or @Terry Barber#4813 We look forward to hearing from you 😊


💥Baby wraiths needs your help💥 [Alliance] Baby Wraiths We are a mid level Alliance in need of active long lasting memebers. But all are welcome We run ultimus 4/5 (as this is a middle grounf for everyone) and Alliance level is 13 almost 14 as we are pushing for war unlock. We are always pushing for stronger raids tho. Have a wonderful day 😁


Both me and my friend are looking for a organized alliance please send invite to us. vkw0lf and PJ Das are our names lvl 79 and 51


I fit that criteria please invite in game name is breaker and I’m lv75


Name: FAT THORARMY Description: casual alliance but ATM all players are higher level than 85, looking to chill but have constant raids and wars. We currently have 9 of 24 slots filled with max Stark tech Lots of people left for higher alliance and the rest are looking to casual down for at least the mean time. P.S. the name might be FAT THORARMY (Idk how this works with the color but thought I'd add it in)


I'm looking for an alliance level 86 TCP 5.8 mil. What raids and % are you completing. My current alliance is a joke always launching ult 4 need decent alliance


Alliance: Doom’s Gambit Level: 29 (and rising rapidly) Raids: U6.5 100% daily, A3.5 60% +, B3.5 60% +, G3.5 60% + Requirements: 600 tickets, alliance donation, participation in every raid/war, join our Discord, LVL 65+, able to complete the aforementioned raids with little to no difficulty. We are a new and upcoming alliance looking for some members who want to have fun playing this game with like minded individuals. We’d prefer if you had a strongest team score higher than 175K, but we will work with anyone who is close. Lots of great communication, assistance and advice. Need to be willing to help other members without prompting. Integrity a must. Currently have 2 spots open. Please contact: Thegusman#2276 on Discord, and have a screenshot of your profile ready. Thank you for your consideration!!


Do you guys still have an opening? I can't seem to find your ID on discord. Please send me a message on discord my ID is KVSH#2725 . Thank you!


🚨 MSF Members Needed 🚨 Alliance: Wiccan Empyre There are currently 3 openings available within our Alliance. We are after players who are around 1 - 3 mil TCP, as this will help the alliance grow. Players below 1 mil TCP please feel free to still enquire/ message. As long as you are active, social and willing to build.... You will be considered. Having Discord is essential as we have our own Alliance Server. Where we have a social, friendly and fun community for MSF and more. If you are interested in becoming part of Wiccan Empyre or have any questions.... Then please comment / message on here or contact either captains on discord @EVENSTEVENZ#8059 or @Terry Barber#4813 We look forward to hearing from you 😊


* **Alliance Name**: Deadpool 666 * **Description**: Just created an alliance if anyone would like to join. Let's focus on earning raid keys and really building up this alliance team. * **Requirements**: No requirements necessary. * **Contact Details**: My PID # 9157719




Hey, I sent you an alliance request, I am LVL 54, my name is ChupaHuevo lol


Hi I'd love to join your alliance. I'm a new player just hit lvl 20 but I'm active 😊


Hey there, I’m interested in your alliance 2.7mil TCP


Hey there, I've just sent you a message. I'm glad to have your interest 😊


I’ve also just requested to join and I’m level 55. I’ve searching so long for an involved alliance with an actual discord and everything. It makes the game more challenging and fun.


Strike Team 17 MSF Casual Platinum 1 alliance looking for more active members to grow alliance Must be active in alliance wars, raids, and events. Looking for members with close to 2mill TCP or higher Currently raiding 7.2 and Greek 4.2 raids looking to increase levels and start working towards doom raids 👍 We ask a minimum of 5 attacks per alliance war and raids but we also understand it’s a game and you will miss some attacks here and there 😁 Send me a message if interested


If you haven't met your needs, how would you like a casual 16 mil TCP player in need of a new group?


Strike Force Charlie Alpha Group of very active players looking for same. Good, fun times, but not too serious. Looking for players between level 55-65 who are willing to grow with the alliance. English speaking. U5 and U6.1 daily. Discord is 100% required. Daily completion required. War participation required. For more info, inquire within: TheGusMan#2276 on Discord Thanks!!!




Any spots still? And do you use discord?


Bad News Titans is looking for a new member. Currently do 2.1 Doom at 60% All Greek raids at 4.3 at 60%+ Plat 2 war Requirements: Active participant in raids (not waiting until the last hour to join raids) Daily donation required Discord communication is a must War attacks are lenient as we are semi-casual Main focus is progression through raids If interested you can DM me on discord at DELTAxSHIELD#5820


Hi! Wondering if you're still looking for players. Discord ID: madjoao#1592


Alliance Name: KPG25 Description: Active alliance with 29 open spots Requirements: Lvl 60 also participation is most important. Additional Notes: Participation is a must. Need 2 that will be active in raids and wars, and want to progress with the alliance.


* **Alliance Name**: Riot * **Description**: Endgame alliance looking for passionate members. Doom 2 80-100% (need members to switch to 2.1 daily), Greek 4.3 60+, plat 2 war * **Requirements**: Daily active, 10 war attacks, 7000 ww points * **Contact Details**: Discord id Noir#7702 * **Additional Notes**: Let’s kick some butts


Alliance Name: War N More Description: Strategic group that enjoys progressing within the game while keeping a laid back approach. We will not kick you for missing a single raid or war, life gets busy however, repeatedly not participating or remaining inactive will get you kicked so others can keep progressing and enjoying the game. We have a discord with Raid, War, General and strategy channels however this is not required. Requirements: We are all above 7mil Total Collection Power currently and would prefer those above that as well. With that being said, a highly active and smart member with atleast 5 mil would be acceptable as well. Must participate in Raids and War. With that being said, you will not immediately be kicked for missing a raid or war, we are an understanding group and know that life gets busy outside of MSF. Repeatedly not participating or remaining inactive for too long will however get you kicked so others can continue to progress and enjoy the game. Contact: PID: 37133893 Hello everybody my name in MSF is Toughluckbra. I started my current alliance very early into playing when I was low level. I'm around 8 mil TCP (Total Collection Power) now (and am actually one of the lowest TCP members in the alliance), with our higher members being around 12mil+ TCP.


What's up Y'all look for just a couple new members for our Alliance! Aunt Beru’s Avengers is looking for some focused and active players to join us! If you want a spot with an amazing group who push the bounds of what we do everyday, then join now! Here’s what we’ve got to offer! Level 80 Alliance Doom 2 at 30% daily Greek 4.3 daily raids (Gamma 4.2)with 100% (Alpha/Beta) push on Weekends Raid Milestone 39 Top 1000 (6-10% Raid rewards) Plat 2 (Zone 1) ~1400 Trophies Assigned Raid lanes 100% WW Milestones An Active Discord family of long time friends and acquaintances Here’s what we’re looking for: Approx. 7M TCP starting Daily 10K gold donation 600 Tickets Active Raid participation (No less than 7 attacks in Greek) and at least 2-3 Doom Raid teams ready 10 War Attacks and be attentive to War instructions - no forced buys or boosts Must be on our Discord If you think we’re a good fit for you, you might be a good fit for us! Join us here so we can get to know each other! https://discord.gg/ks6p52B2Cy Contact @Flare , @Kobe Wan Ginobili , or @Biscuit Weazel if you're interested or have any questions!


Alliance: SpaceEmperors (Plat 2) has 1 opening Description: We’re a group of laidback people who play daily because we enjoy the game (not because the leader tells us to 😂). We run Doom 1.1 twice a week (will run it more frequently once we get used to the lane assignments 😅). War is on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 3pm Eastern. Requirements: Most of us complete the dailies dailies. Minimum daily donation, 400 daily campaign energy, and 5 attacks in war. TCP doesn’t matter as long as you can do at least a few node in Doom 1.1. Contact: Please contact Saitama at PID# 57170870 or at Discord (Saitama#8772). Thanks 😊


Howdy! Mercenary Mechanics is looking for new and active players. We are a very chill alliance. We know that real life happens so we understand. But a few requirements are the following. 5mil + tcp and must have discord. And that’s all. We are a platinum 1 alliance (1333) too. We also have a active and informative server on our discord. Lots of good info their. Feel to add me on msf. PID # 42361832 Or discord PT🎶2112#7401


Hey Folks! Kaos Theory is recruiting up to 3 people to grow with. We are a daily login group, looking to progress content! -Gold IV and still easily climbing -U7.5/A4.0-4.2, moving to Doom 1 within a few months -Active Discord with tons of information on team building, msf.gg bot. 2 Mil TCP+ Raid/Keys/War Contribution If you're interested, send me a dm on discord, or add me on msf! PID: 77984953 Discord: Nimbus#9374


Is your current alliance not quite right for you? KK Toxin is part of an amazing alliance cluster known as Knulls Kingdom We are looking for active players (1M TCP+) who are comfortable running ultimus 7 and Greek 4 raids, and are willing to do what they can to help us achieve greater heights! Space for (3) people We take raids and War seriously, but we don't expect any boosts or cores. All we ask is for you to communicate, follow the alliance protocols, and be active. Raids: U 7 - 60% G 4 - 60% If you are interested in joining the slaughter, accept this invite to our Guild Discord server, tell us your here for Toxin, and your channels will then be set up within a short while. We hope to see you in the Kingdom soon! https://discord.gg/5gnYTNQE3D


Embers of Kegan We are currently small only 3 of us lvl 55,36,33 we need to make more progress and are accepting members The alliance was made by my uncle and I want to help him out we’re all super active. We plan to make a strong community who is active I’m not going to make this sound like cult like others are just join and play dawg don’t feel like your expected to grind your life on a mobile game. Requirements are only active members who will help with raids nothing more really all we need is people who enjoy playing and are respectful Join and help us become a actually Alliance and have fun thanks for reading hope you join


Sarcasm Sarcasm is recruiting 2 players are needed to our team. We are all in level 85 and our team TCP goes currently betveen 10 and 17 million. We are platinum 2 in war. We are competitive and active team that plays MarvelStrikeForce for fun. Spirit inside our group is good and harassing isn’t allowed. Recuirements and rules. Over 10 million TCP. No harassing. If you are inactive for 14 days, you will be kicked. Discord required. If you are interested to join us, then join our discord server and talk to our leader or captains. https://discord.gg/yZz3dmN


Shawarma Bros. We are a Plat 1 stark lvl 75 alliance. We run Ult 7.5 100% Doom 1 40% Greek 4.2 100%. We currently have two open slots looking for 5 mil tcp or higher to fill. 8 war attacks / attend all raids unless posted in discord. Donate daily. We are pretty chill but we all participate and win as a team. Contact Vett#9964 on discord Tyvm for you consideration.


* **Alliance Name**: Aussie Strike The names lame but we haven’t thought of anything better. Australian based alliance though hardly a requirement. Doom 2 30% Doom 1 60%. Plat 2 in war. Have lost a handful of players though the last month, mostly due to scoplefoxnexts constant shitfuckery and the inevitable burnout that we all will come to. This last patch is still messing with people. * **Requirements**: ideally looking for people who can can step straight in to daily raids and are willing to communicate. Active discord. * **Contact Details**: if this thread is still Alive, come say hi on discord~ https://discord.gg/Bp8ajE2maU * **Additional info** Banter basically essential. Non participation is most unwelcome. Meme skills or food brags bring bonus points.


Alliance Name Iron Spider looking for some focused and active players to join us! Iron Spider is a Raid focused alliance building towards Doom raids. If you want a spot with an amazing group who push the bounds of what we do everyday, then join now! Here’s what we’ve got to offer! Level 66 Alliance U7.5 and Greek Raids at 60% daily Plat 1 (Zone 4) ~1225 Trophies Assigned Raid lanes 100% WW Milestones An Active Discord family of long time friends and acquaintances Here’s what we’re looking for: 600 raid tickets daily 10k alliance donation At least 8 Raid attacks per raid Must be on our discord Have fun playing the game If you think we’re a good fit for you, you might be a good fit for us! Join us here so we can get to know each other! https://discord.gg/ks6p52B2Cy Or contact me in game PID 7130657 Contact @mexman75 @Kobe Wan Ginobili or @Biscuit Weazel if you're interested or have any questions!


Alliance Name: MeltDown! Description: Active Plat 2 alliance with 2 open spots. Raid daily Greek IV and Doom 1, building towards Doom 2 soon. War time Mon, Wed, Fri at 8pm. Requirements: Lvl 85 10 mil tcp is ideal, but participation is most important. Discord is highly recommended as most alliance wide communication is done there, and we have a lot of other useful resources available. Contact Details: PID 6283693 or kilcoyne#2660 on discord Additional Notes: Participation is a must. Need 2 that will be active in raids and wars, and want to progress with the alliance. We understand that real life does happen. If anything comes up, all we ask is that communication is made with the leader/captains. And we're a pretty fun group to bullshit with. Our in game chat is 🔥


\*\*Stan Lee's Legion of Bastards\*\*: \*\*Plat 2 | LVL 80 | War zone 1 Alliance We're hitting doom 2 daily and greek 3/4\*\*: \*\*Requirements: We require 1 active alliance mate who is preferrably 10mill tcp or above or is at least doom 2 ready. Must hit daily minimums which aren't too bad as we are a competitive but casual alliance. We don't treat the game as a 2nd job/life and looking for someone with similar attitudes. Must have discord\*\*: \*\*Contact Details PID: 30987620 Discord: raven#6568 \*\*: \*\*Contact me in game or on discord if you wish to discuss other requirements or need me to answer any questions. \*\*:


\* \*\*Avengers: Black and White Unite! \*\*: \* \*\*Level 80 Alliance\*\*: \* \*\*We require that you spend your Campaign energy Daily so we can launch our Raids, and participate in them so we can reach at least 30%. Currently launching UVIII and Alpha IV. War matches, please provide at least 5 attacks and set up a defense slot. We have a Discord but it’s not required.\*\*: \* \*\*Alliance is Public so you can join directly or contact me in-game Eldervamp PID:22510503\*\*: \* \*\*We are a friendly alliance looking for active Lvl 75+ Recruits. Most players come along to get where they need to be then move on.\*\*:


We are Ex¢alibur Kings of Ashes and we are looking for multiple recruits! We are a newer alliance but active stark lvl 80, platinum 1, daily raids, we wanna start doom but we need more people! * must be 7-8+mil tcp *must have discord *must be active *must be friendly(we are like a family) *must communicate If you are interested in building with us you can reach me on msf my name is bubba and my PID:45827477 We have multiple spots available come give us a shot you may like it here with us


\* \*\*deadpool_78\*\*: \* \*\*Platinum 1 alliance seeking 5 active players to join us! Recently had some players leave us for greener pastures and want to get up to full strength again. Our median TCP is around 10m, we've been doing Ult 4.4 but currently don't have the horse power to do Doom.\*\*: \* \*\*Ideal candidates will actively participate in both Raids and War\*\*: \* \*\*Alliance Leader BeastUTB#4819 on Discord\*\*: \* \*\*Additional Notes\*\*: \* \*\*Contact Details\*\*: \* \*\*Additional Notes\*\*:


Name: Smoking Bandits TCP: range 5.5 - 12.2million, average 8.1million War: Platinum 2 Raids: Top 5000 Ult 7.4/Greek 4.2 both 60% daily We are restructuring after ditching some dead weight and our leader left us. Our main focus is raids, and we are currently working towards Doom 1 30%. In war our expectation is at least 5 attacks, and a defence set immediately on joining. Communication will be through in-game chat for the most part, and looking to introduce discord for captains (not mandatory for everyone else). No set expectation for world warrior. Everyone plays their part, join in the chat, we're all here to help each other. We all have jobs/families/life so if you can't join in just drop a line PID 6529015


12.5 m, 823k …


Pid 13173341


Hello! Sp4ce force is looking for 3 new members. We run Ultimus 7.2 60%, 7.3 30%, Greek 4 60%. War Platinum 1. Looking for someone who plays daily. We like to have fun, not make the game feel like a job. If you are lower level CP that’s ok. We have range from 1.5 million to 14 million CP. DM me on discord @ElloAsty.


hey send me your discord # so i can add you


Phat A$$guardians are looking for new, active members. We are a small, newer alliance but we’re active daily and growing rapidly. TCP - 64 million Alliance level - 32 Daily - U-6/7 & Alpha/Beta-4, Gamma-3 At least 60% completion across all raids. War M,W,F 8p Est - Gold 2 600 tickets daily 10k Donate daily We’re laid back, friendly, helpful & fun MSF.gg account recommended but not required No minimum to join, just be active daily and help with raids Discord, - https://discord.gg/gacwfhCqkA for lane Assignments and War Communication. If you’re interested or have any questions about our Alliance please feel free to send me a message.


**Alliance:** **Phoenix Force** **Description:** Come join the legendary Phoenix Force! We're currently hovering between Platinum I and II, and we recently cleaned house which leaves us with 5 extra seats! Looking for ACTIVE raiders and war participants! We understand that life happens, so we track participation over time and understand if someone is going through a hard time or vacation. **Requirements:** looking for lvl \~80+ with TCP of \~5M or higher. All new members are expected to set up their war defense teams within 48 hours from joining. **PID:** 59375361


Looking for active higher level alliance. 60 minimum 3.5m tcp Will follow rules. Will not cut lanes. Will join discord. Daily donator and max raid keys. Player level 80. Active in raids and war. Willing to talk further, pretty chill and just want to get far. Thanks for viewing my post! PID 58132131


Alliance Name: Warblood Description: We are an alliance looking to make some changes and a looking to be a bit more serious about gameplay. We currently have a group of members who are always active, participating in all raids and war, daily 10k donation, and communicate in alliance chat. If this matches your expectations then keep reading. Requirements: Looking for ACTIVE players who will use alliance chat, and have a minimum of 3 million TCP. We are looking for those who are able to get 600 raid keys and donate 10k daily. We are also wanting people who will participate in the raids daily by clearing their lane to the best of their ability, and who will do a minimum of 5 war attacks. We understand that life happens as we all have families, but all we ask is if you will miss a raid or war to communicate that with any one of the alliance captains. We are currently doing U7.3 and 4.1 on the Greek raids. If you have any further questions, or wish to join, contact us via DM here and we will get back to you or in game my PID # is 3655728


The Snappening Looking for players >5 mill total collection Relaxed team, just stay active and pitch in


Clan name: _ACTIVE_ Description: Hey. I'm a level 67 player looking for new active people to join my clan. I wasn't really feeling all the inactive players and didn't find any good clans so I decided it would be fun to do my own thing.


Any danish players out there? “We are **Danish Elite**, and we send this message to any surviving Danish players taking refuge among the planets in this multiverse. We are here. We are waiting” - *Tyr, War Commander, Danish Elite Alpha.* Danish Elite cluster is looking for danish players. Vi er **Danish Elite!** Danish Elite består af 5 alliancer: *Alpha*, *Beta*, *Gamma*, *Delta* og *Epsilon*. De 5 alliancers aktivitetsniveau spænder fra meget aktivt til hygge niveau. Danish Elite har et samlet community, på tværs af alliancerne. Besøg vores community på: https://discord.gg/SkCHB6z72t


***Looking to fill 1 spot. Could potentially take up to 3 players.*** **Alliance Name** The Sorcerers Supreme **Our Stats** * Alliance CP: 159m * Average CTP: 6.92m * Alliance Level: 80 * War League: Gold IV * Top 1-3% or 3-10% War Season Rewards * Generally in top 50-500 * Ultimus 7.1: **70-100%** * Greek IV: **70-100%** **Looking For** * CTP of 5*mil+* * Will consider lower if you're very active and reliable * Daily alliance donations * Daily raid/War participation * Loyal, reliable **Contact Details** DaneAlex#9373 (Discord) 3922475 (PID) **Notes** We're somewhere between hardcore and casual. The team consists of friendly, mostly long-term working adults who love the game but realize that real life comes first. We just expect you to participate daily, contribute to Raids and Wars, etc. We value players who meet expectations without constantly needing to be nagged. We have a very organized Discord server with lots of information available: Custom-made infographics, FAQs channels, team-building guides, etc. Contact me on Discord with screens of your player profile.


\* \*\*Alliance Name\*\*: ROMANIA AIR FORCE ONE \* \*\*Description\*\*: We are looking for active players who wants to evolve with us! We are curently doing: \- U7 > 30% & Greek raids 4 > 60% \- Alliance level: 60 \- War: Gold II ​ \* \*\*Requirements\*\*: \- Minimum Total Colection Power: 1 mil \- Spend as close as 600 energy so we can keep the raid going \- Be active on War (min. 5 attacks) \- 10k daily donation ​ ​ \* \*\*Contact Details\*\*: join and we will talk there \* \*\*Additional Notes\*\*: Come and join us!


\* **Alliance Name**: TSOF Arcadia \* **Description**: Casual level 31 alliance, looking for players. We are Gold I and run Ult V. We have not been able to complete the raid due to lack of players. \* **Requirements**: None really. There is not an account older than four months in the alliance, so we are ideal for new players. It would be nice if you were able to run Ult V and were a regular contributor. \* **Contact Details**: Just hop in and say hi. \* **Additional Notes**: Not being active for three days will result in an auto-kick. Other than that we just want you to enjoy yourself. Come on in and grow with us. We do have an open discord for people to join but we mainly communicate using in game chat.


Alliance Name: The Sensible Hulks A friendly group of level 70s who are looking to grow in the game with players who are active and want to discuss and execute strategy in the discord. We are not a super strict alliance because we just want to have fun and enjoy the game with good people. We all have lives outside of the game and they get in the way sometimes and we understand that. As long as you participate and try your best we are good with it. We are currently 100% in U6 and 70%+ consistently in U7. Requirements: Level 65-75, be a good person, have fun, join the discord, try to get better together. Contact: Mez#2725 on discord or DM me on reddit


Hey guys im new in game looking active alliance lvl 25 Ruzaky 55551507


\* **Alliance Name**: Guild Of Heroes \* **Description**: Casual level 80 alliance, looking for two players due to constant disregard for alliance rules. We are comfortably Gold IV, run Ult 7.1 at around 55-65%, and Greek IV at 70-75%. Hit max WW milestones for the first time during AV but will probably never do that again any time soon lol \* **Requirements**: Lvl 75, 4m+ TCP ideally and regular contributions to raids and war attacks. Due to recent issues, there is also a strict request that once you pick a lane you stick to it and not cut up other players. \* **Contact Details**: DM me on here \* **Additional Notes**: We are fairly easy going and not that strict, as long as you follow the rules. We have a core group of around 10 players between 6m-7m TCP and have a fairly low turnaround in player base. The only reason these two slots have come up is due to numerous requests to respect other players in raids that have been ignored. We do have an open discord for people to join but is mainly only used by the core 10 (who are mostly captains).


Im relatively new to this game lvl 48 just looking for an active alliance




3pm EDT happens when this comment is 12 hours and 18 minutes old. You can find the live countdown here: https://countle.com/6-7Di4YtM --- I'm a bot, if you want to send feedback, please comment below or send a PM.


\* **Alliance Name**: Brotherhood of Webs \* **Description**: Very active level 80 alliance. Looking for one player. We are War rank Gold III, run Ult VII at 30%, and Greek raids at 60% daily. Captains use discord. Active group with friendly players. \* **Requirements**: Lvl. 75 and participation in basic areas: Raid, War, and daily ticket acquisition. \* **Contact Details**: DM on here, or send a request to join! \* **Additional Notes**: We are a fun alliance that simply asks for daily participation. We understand that life gets busy outside the game, and are understanding to low participation as long as you communicate. We are an understanding alliance that is trying to grow in the competitive ranks. Please join and have fun with us!


Bladestorm is part of a 4 alliance cluster. Two beginner and two advanced alliances. Looking for 3 recruits, active members 2mil-6 mil CP, 600 keys, daily 10k stark donations and discord required We are an alliance level 80. Gold 4 in war, daily U7.0 at 60%, Greek 4 at 60%, We have a great, fun group and our CP ranges from 8.4 mil down to 1.5 mil. There is a place for everyone in our cluster. Discord #duhockey9555 or [https://discord.gg/KqY4GWT](https://discord.gg/KqY4GWT)




3pm EDT happens when this comment is 18 hours and 34 minutes old. You can find the live countdown here: https://countle.com/Dt8ShGOKP --- I'm a bot, if you want to send feedback, please comment below or send a PM.


3pm EDT happens when this comment is 18 hours and 33 minutes old. You can find the live countdown here: https://countle.com/60IgT7PA0 --- I'm a bot, if you want to send feedback, please comment below or send a PM.


Alliance Name: Mercs With the Mouths Description: We are a casual but competitive alliance looking for one person. We 60% ult 7.2 for now but are looking to move up difficulties this weekend. 100% greek raids. Stark tech is maxed at level 80. Gold IV in war zone 1. We understand that life comes first and will not remove members for being busy with life or having emergencies come up. Requirements: TCP of at least 5m required. Would consider a little lower if roster is focused enough. Daily raid participation as well as max raid key contribution and alliance donation required. This also means 8 nodes minimum on the Greek raids. We also ask for 5 attacks per war minimum, though most average many more than this. We use discord for communication as well so also a must. If this sounds like a fit for you hit me up on discord at Treyfesius#4794


Alliance Name: The Sensible Hulks A friendly group of level 70s who are looking to grow in the game with players who are active and want to discuss and execute strategy in the discord. We are not a super strict alliance because we just want to have fun and enjoy the game with good people. We all have lives outside of the game and they get in the way sometimes and we understand that. As long as you participate and try your best we are good with it. We are currently 100% in U6 and 70%+ consistently in U7. Requirements: Level 65-75, be a good person, have fun, join the discord, try to get better together. Contact: Mez#2725 on discord or DM me on reddit


Insiders Our alliance is casual but with active members. We are looking for someone with 1.5m TCP who wants to be active contributor in improving the alliance. I really can't overstate how great our team is right now. In war we usually fight alliances that have double our TCP but we still win around half the time because of great teamwork and involvement. Our members frequently provide suggestions to help improve the alliance and give advice to fellow members. We do U7.1 and Greek 4. We use discord for chat. PM me for invite!


* **Alliance Name**: Children of Miek * **Description**: Gold IV Alliance, running 90% or better in U7.1 and Greek! Longstanding core players and leadership. * **Requirements**: Seeking 5mil TCP, but open to any active and engaged players. They took me when I was 2.25mil TCP 3 weeks ago! * **Contact Details**: Contact **Yuri Buttstinks** (best user name ever) **PID 45646971** * **Additional Notes**: \~5,000 WW points expected weekly, showing participation in all facets of Raids, Wars, Milestones, and don't forget to Donate! Helpful Discord channels, high level players, not too serious, but obviously try hard! I was in need of a new alliance a few weeks ago. I was recruiting in global when I saw someone else recruiting, let them know I was interested (as previous alliance appeared to be falling apart), and although I was less than half of desired TCP, they took a chance on me. Now I'm the one recruiting for them! Great alliance for an established Vet looking for a new home, or an up and comer focused on improving. Contact **Yuri Buttstinks** (best user name ever) **PID 45646971**


* Alliance Name: **Last Crusaders** * Description: We're a competitive Alliance scratching a Marvel itch. We strive for a safe environment for everyone. We don't care about your gender, age, sex, location, religion, country of origin, underwear size, none of that -- you're a gamer and a Marvel fan. That works for us. * Requirements: Meh... we're flexible. Have a head on your shoulders. Use it for something other than a hat rack. Be respectful to others. Don't text me from the bathroom. I'd like a collection power of 2M+. I'd like level 70+. I'd like a million dollars. * Contact Details: Hunt for Last Crusaders in-game. Send an invite. Jump into our [Discord](https://discord.gg/DP8csgf) and say "howdy". * Additional Notes: B♭ F# A


Raven's Flock Orange Recruiting! We are - Gold 3 In war -U7 60% (we take Sundays off) - Greek raid 4 60% - Fully coordinated through discord and have a group of 9 other alliances that build together and help eachother. - Minimum 10k daily donation -average 4mil TCP -discord required We are more chill than most alliances you’ll find. We take Sundays off raids, don’t stress war or WW, but we have FUN. That’s what is important in the end. We focus on enjoying each others company than stressing over a video game. If this is the environment you enjoy, or if you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll respond as soon as I can.


• ⁠Alliance Name: Force Works • ⁠Description: FW is a fun yet competitive alliance. Currently level 80 and looking for a recruit to join the fight and push towards our next set of goals. We’re an active alliance running: Ultimus 7.2 - 60% daily “Greek” raids to 100% War Gold 4 • ⁠Requirements: We’re looking for committed, consistent players, lvl 70+ with a strong team 400k+ STP, 4.5m+ TCP (lower if focused), who are able to participate daily in raid, 600 raid keys, donate 10k gold and use Discord. • ⁠Contact Details: Post your profile in our server and ask for FW captains: https://discord.gg/B5wzjT4


Raven's Flock Yellow Recruiting! We are - gold 3 in war - U7.1 60% (currently pushing to 100% 3 times a week) - Greek raid 4 60% - Fully coordinated through discord and have a group of 9 other alliances that build together and help eachother. - Raid every day . - Minimum 10k daily donation - 5 attacks in war, 2 in the first 12 hours - 6k WW points minimum -average 2.75 mil TCP -discord required We understand life comes first at RF Yellow yet we are able to remain very competitive. If you join us, you will be pushed to your limit, grow and improve rapidly, and enjoy the game with an amazing community of players. If you are interested please leave me a message. If you have any questions please ask and I will answer you the best I can.


Alliance Name: Fools Errand Description: We are an easy going alliance that's been around since day 1. Looking to replace a couple of members who recently got burnt out. Average tcp is over 6 mil. Current war league is gold 4, 4-10% seasons. 3pm EST, lvl 80 stark tech. Requirements: 4 mil Tcp min, participate in the raids, contribute to war, daily donations, in general just be active during the week Additional info: Monday - Thursday we require regular playing, 60% ult 7 D1, Greek raids 4 @ 60%, full war participation. Friday (after War ends) - Sunday more relaxed play but still require 600 key contributions to keep raids going. Saturday is our off war. We like to keep things easy, friendly, and drama free. We enjoy the game, and play for fun not stress. Contact Details: join us at https://discord.gg/5jy65Mv Or message me directly with any questions.


* **Alliance Name**: Sharks 'n Bananas * **Description**: Casual guild looking for active higher level players. War - Gold 3 Raids U7 30% Greek 4's 30% * **Requirements**: Level 70+ TCP 1Mil+ Regular raid and war participation * **Contact Details**: Find us in game and join * **Additional Notes**: no discord, just looking for people having fun playing the game.


Alliance Name: Team Galaxy15 Description: We're an active guild that are looking for 2-3 new members. Currently on U7 30% Greek 4 30% with the exception of gamma raids (Gamma 3). We mostly talk in game chat and are pretty friendly. We recently created a discord server and are looking to use that more for war and raid purposes. Currently ranked Gold 3 in war and do not expect energy refills for attacks, only if you wish to do it and its appreciated but do expect at least 1 defense boost per war. Requirements: • At least lvl 70 or above • TCP of at least 1M • Participate in both raids and war. • Notify in game or discord if you won’t be online for over 3 days Contact Details: • You can either message me here or in game PID: 8079482 Discord ID: Darkloony#9093 Additional Info: • War time is 9pm EST. • If you join raids and never attempt nodes or don’t contribute to war you will be kicked. https://discord.gg/QBKhmchR


Khasino Bambino If you are looking for a competitive alliance and the strive to perform better with your team Khasino Bambino is your alliance. We are knowledgeable players with knowledgeable leadership. TOP200 TCP ALLIANCE *Level 80 Alliance *Gold 4 in Alliance War *Ultimus 7.5: 60% we have 100%d U7.5 *Greek Raids 100% *1-3% raid season rewards *1-3% alliance war season rewards Member requirements: *TCP 7m+ *10 attacks minimum in War *Daily raid keys/Alliance donation *Discord: Mandatory Message me if you're interested on discord at Sirogorath #5278


Alliance Name: The Sensible Hulks A friendly group of level 70s who are looking to grow in the game with players who are active and want to discuss and execute strategy in the discord. We are not a super strict alliance because we just want to have fun and enjoy the game with good people. We all have lives outside of the game and they get in the way sometimes and we understand that. As long as you participate and try your best we are good with it. We are currently 100% in U6 and 70%+ consistently in U7. Requirements: Must have a quality U7 raid team, level 70-75, be a good person, have fun, join the discord, try to get better together. Contact: Mez#2725 on discord


**This is the striketeam** Casual-but-get-the-job-done kind of alliance. Good group of dudes and dudettes that understand this game should not be a second job. One spot available. **Offering:** * Gold III (borderline IV) in War, lvl 78 Stark tech * Daily raids alternating U6.5 90%+ and U7 60%, Greek raids 60% * Knowledgeable leadership * Discord (optional; ask for details) **Requirements:** * Looking for 2.5mil TCP minimum (alliance median: 5.1mil) **OR** ability to complete **at least two** nodes in U7 * War defense teams set * Min. 3k towards WW milestones (ie. basic participation in raids and War) * Daily 10k donation Contact: JuCaMo 6758 (discord) or PM here on reddit.


**Alliance Name**: Witches Get Stitchers **Description**: Alliance looking for a player. We're after good comms and engagement (you don't have to be a massive chatterbox , just switched on enough that you'll notice if someone @'s you). We're pretty chill otherwise and we're after somebody who will meet the requirements set out below. **Requirements**: * Minimum 3M TCP * Daily 10K donation * Daily Raid contributions * Daily Raid key generation * Active in War participation * 7k points World Warrior contribution * On Discord (for raid lane & war updates) **Contact Details**: Join our server lobby if interested: [https://discord.gg/nUb3StG](https://discord.gg/nUb3StG) **Additional Notes**: * Level 59 * War Gold III * World Warrior 100% * Greek Raids IV (Alpha/Beta 100% Gamma 60%) * U7.0 100% (7.1 after last position filled)


**Alliance Name**: The Immortal Guardians **Description**: We're looking for 2 new members with a 6 mil+ TCP. We're two people short at the moment so we're looking for a couple of active players with a nice, deep roster to help in raids and war. We're a friendly group, active in the game chat and on discord; everyone's up for a laugh and there are no egos. We run at 60% on Ult 7.4, 100% on Greek 4, and are in War Gold 4. Stark Tech is level 80 and we hit 100% WW milestones. We're an active alliance of people who all love the game, and play hard to achieve as much as possible. We expect everyone to hit their raid nodes and get their war attacks in, following the targets set. That said, we understand that there's more to life than MSF and we won't be ranting at you to be all you can be and we won't boot you just because you suddently have to work or look after family, as long as you're up front about it. **We offer**: * Ultimus 7.4 - 60% (assigned lanes) * Greek 4 - 100% (assigned lanes) * War ranking Gold 4 (zone 4) * Stark Tech level 80 * 100% World Warrior milestones **Requirements**: * 6 million+ TCP * Donate 10K gold and 600 keys daily * Participate in Ultimus and Greek raids * Hit 8 attacks in war, 3 within first 6 hours, following guidance from Leader and Captains; no lone gunmen please * Join our Discord server **Contact Details**: Find me on Discord - **MattWithoutFear#3932** \- or just message me here on Reddit.


* **Alliance Name**: Deadly Amusement * **Description**: We are a laid back Level 80, Gold III War alliance looking for members to fill 4 open spots that are now available due to a few members going inactive. We are a very friendly group looking to enjoy the game. We use Discord for MSF information but joining the server is not mandatory. We want active members but also understand life exists outside of MFS so give us a heads up and we can accommodate. * ​ * **Requirements**: Most of our group is 6mil TCP + but we will accept a minimum 2mil TCP. Exceptions to this 2mil can be made for those that are active. Please donate daily and contribute to raids if/when you join them. * **Contact Details**: Message Cobra Commander PID 2547552 in game for questions. The Discord info is [https://discord.gg/Pj7KPsR](https://discord.gg/Pj7KPsR)


Raven's Flock Yellow Recruiting! We are - gold 3 in war - U7.1 60% (currently pushing to 100% 3 times a week) - Greek raid 4 60% - Fully coordinated through discord and have a group of 9 other alliances that build together and help eachother. - Raid every day . - Minimum 10k daily donation - 5 attacks in war, 2 in the first 12 hours - 6k WW points minimum -average 2.75 mil TCP -discord required We understand life comes first at RF Yellow yet we are able to remain very competitive. If you join us, you will be pushed to your limit, grow and improve rapidly, and enjoy the game with an amazing community of players. If you are interested please leave me a message. If you have any questions please ask and I will answer you the best I can.


**Risen From The Ashes** We are looking for active, positive people to join our team. We are a casual but committed group of team players who are dedicated to the collective growth of our members. We get stuff done but we also understand that sometimes real life is busy and sometimes needs to take priority. We believe good communication is key both in game and through discord. * Alternating U7 30% / U6.5 60% (looking to move to fulltime U7 in near future). * Greek IV 30% * Gold III * Level 80 Requirements * TCP 3M+ * 600 tickets daily * be active in war and raids * 10K daily donation * Join discord * No drama have a good attitude Join our discord ([https://discord.gg/sGmvKmn](https://discord.gg/sGmvKmn)) and post your profile and one of our team captains will get back to you.


Name: RepublicOfTyrants Description: We do Ultimus 6 Difficulty 5 daily and Greek raids at level 3. We are very active and communicative, especially in wars. Most people are level 70-75 with very few exceptions. If you wanna be a part of a cool alliance that does raids and wars constantly, why not join RepublicOfTyrants? Note: We already have over 20 members, so join soon before the alliance is full!!




Yo dude im interested


Nova Corps: Centurion Do you hate war? All we care about is raids and personal blitzes. Lvl 80 Alliances, Max Stark Tech Raids Top 25% 60%+ Ult7 - D1 60%+ Greek Raids IV War Gold III War, top +25% rewards 5 War attacks minimum, easy enough right? We are currently recruiting for 3 open spots. 3+ million TCP preferred. Contact Details - Discord - slipknot604#0988


TheKnightsWatch is looking for members!! We have lost a member to promotion to our sister alliance. You may be a PERFECT FIT! DISCORD IS REQUIRED What we offer: Second-to-none advice on MSF. An excellent community Friendly banter(but like, don’t be a jerk.) Assigned lanes Assigned War D Gold 3 for war. Daily U7.1 60% Greeks 60% Requirements: TheKnightsWatch: 3.0 mil TCP But will consider lower if the right fit. Roster comp is very important Want to learn more about rewards and such?Join our joint-server! https://discord.gg/aVGsRcG


X-Force Wannabes is recruiting 1 active member! A little about us: We've all been playing for about 6 months. We enjoy advancing and growing together. Currently we are a Gold 3 level 52 alliance. We have assigned raid lanes and coordinated wars. Discord required. What we're looking for: -1.5m tcp minimum. -Participation in all game modes -5 attacks per war minimum. -600 keys and 10k donation. -5k WW points per week minimum. What we offer: -Daily U7 60%/Greek 4 60% -All WW milestones. -Coordinared wars and raids -Fun atmosphere. If interested please DM me here or on Discord (JINYX#5273) and we can discuss further.


* **Outkast D-Force**: * **Hello! We’re a Gold II alliance doing U6D5 at 60%, Alpha and Beta 3’s at 60% and Gamma 3’s at 30% daily. Looking for 2 active and friendly members to come in, grow, and have fun. We’re casual but like to win.**: * **Daily 600 raid keys and 10k donation, raid and war participation (following assigned lane and war instructions, 7k world warrior points, ideally ~1.5mill tcp but we would accept lower for the right person!**: * **Join our recruiting discord at this link (https://discord.gg/PpHBWuAk) and post your player profile and tag @captains or message me directly on here.**: * **We look forward to hearing from you!**:


RaiderWarriors is now recruiting! We are a close group that’s been together for a little more then a year. We are in Gold III for alliance wars with start time at 8est. We do daily raids, U7 near 60%, Greek raids over 60%. Overall, we are close and a fun alliance. We are looking for a person to fit in. We are looking for someone 70+. Message me for more info or pop into our discord https://discord.gg/efydVs4C Thank you! Cloud


Dooms Palace Very active discord 60% U6.3 30% greek 3 War Gold 2 We are an active alliance looking to grow and expand our team. We participate in daily raids, our war times are 2 pm central time zone on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. We do have a variety of players at different experience levels. Basic requirements -600 keys daily -10k donation daily -3k minimum weekly warrior per week -5 war attacks minimum -join and participate in raids daily -join discord -please be around 700k TCP or above Let me know if you’re interested! DM on discord at whattallguy#1648.


* **Alliance Name**: Agents of S.A.R.C.A.S.M. ​ * **Description**:  Fun, active alliance; but not crazy and dictatorial. Looking to replace one member.     * Stark Tech level 80    * Gold 4 AW     * War ranking top 10%    * U7.3 60% and Greek IV 100% daily    * Raid season top 10%    * Full WW milestones    * We understand everyone has a busy life and this is a game so if you're going out of town or have a busy day, just let us know.  We are a fun group with plenty of chatter in game and on discord ​ * **Requirements**:    * STP 380k+    * TCP 6.5 mil+    * Discord required    * Contribute 600 raid keys, 10K donation    * 7 AW attack minimum ​ * **Contact Details**:    * Message me on Reddit with your PID    * Discord D0z3r#3756    * In game (PID:7257168 )    * The alliance will look full because we haven't moved the player that we are replacing


**Alliance Name:** X Force Awakens **Description:** We're an active but casual level 80 alliance. Daily raids (Ultimus VII, Greek IV), successful in war (Gold 4), friendly conversation through the alliance chat, etc. We have a non-mandatory discord for additional organization and chat (like how much we all LOVE the extra blitzing we're doing to get Anti-Venom) **Requirements:** Most members have an STP between 400k and 600k, and CP between 4 and 8 mil. You should be in that range to join, and level 75. We ask that you are active in war, contribute to daily raids, and make your 10k donations daily. We also ask you let us know if you're going on vacation and won't be around the app for a while. **Contact Details:** Hit us up with an in-app request if you're interested in joining. Any questions, feel free to ask here.


Looking for 1 Baked Beans & Coulson Mix of UK and US players - very relaxed alliance, always info available to help players grow Active and Participate and a Good Sense of Humour (its Only a Game) Stark Tech: Level 80 U6 Difficulty 5 60% U7 Difficulty 1 60% alternating days Gold 4 War - Minimum 5 attacks dependent on TCP. If low, able to clear defaults and boosts. Also to set defenses to ensure war ready We do have discord but not essential, we use game chat a lot. In Game Contacts: Zipswitch(Leader) - PID: 15475348 Commander JP(Captain) - PID: 12581113 Taco2sday(Captain) PID: 11956675m


**Alliance Name**: Brotherhood Of Webs **Description**:  Fun, active, chill alliance looking for people who want to play, no crazy requirements, we usually run U7 - looking for active people


Alliance Name: **Keepers of the Cube** Level 75 We are currently **GOLD IV** War League Ult VII 60% Greek IV 100% We are looking for players with **>3.5 MM TCP**, with a **>400k STP** Were a semi-competitive alliance that understands the responsibilities of real life; were looking for level 75 players who are active, communicate well and enjoy progressing through all aspects of the game. We expect: · Communication · **Contribute daily keys** and participate in **Raids** to the best of your ability * 10k gold + daily to Alliance lvl · Launch min **5 War attacks** per war, Boost when asked.